blob: 7b4fba88488ca74730143fe71149027a8b047c89 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// The messages in this file comprise the DBus/Proto interface for
// the new set of Cryptohome interface after the refactor, and the
// associated messages that's used by those interfaces.
// All input parameter to a call is named with a "Request" suffix,
// and all output parameter to a call is named with a "Reply" suffix.
syntax = "proto3";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package user_data_auth;
import "auth_factor.proto";
import "fido.proto";
import "key.proto";
// Messages that's used by the actual request/reply goes below
// We still need the AccountIdentifier, KeyDelegate and AuthorizationRequest
// messages from the old interface.
import "rpc.proto";
// Error codes do not need to be sequential per-call.
// Prefixes by Request/Reply type should be used to help
// callers know if specialized errors apply.
// TODO(b/135984863): Rename this.
enum CryptohomeErrorCode {
// No error: the operation succeeded.
// Fingerprint match failed but at least one retry count left.
// Fingerprint match failed and maximum retry count reached.
// Note: After adding new fields to this enum, the new enum should be added
// to ash/components/login/auth/'s
// AuthSessionAuthenticator::ProcessCryptohomeError() so that Chromium
// can handle them properly.
// This is used by MountRequest to store details about the mount to create
message CreateRequest {
// In the future, this will contain account-wide data like
// the deletion priority or the IdP's origin.
// keys contain the key data to add to the key for the mount that we
// are creating. Currently, only one key is supported.
// TODO(b/133212955): Change the name of this to "key".
repeated cryptohome.Key keys = 1;
// Explicitly use the |key| from the AuthorizationRequest.
// Setting this value means that the |keys| above would be populated with
// the |key| specified in MountRequest, so that we can spare the trouble
// of specifying |keys| above.
bool copy_authorization_key = 2;
// If set to true, always use eCryptfs as the encryption method.
bool force_ecryptfs = 3;
// Error handling related
// PrimaryAction is used to indicate that cryptohomed believes that a certain
// condition is true and thus the corresponding action should be carried out or
// it can resolve the issues.
enum PrimaryAction {
// PRIMARY_NO_ERROR indicates that there's no error.
// PRIMARY_NONE indicates that cryptohomed is not sure. Caller should check
// PossibleAction.
// PRIMARY_CREATE_REQUIRED indicates that the user doesn't exist and the
// caller should add CreateRequest to the Mount() call.
// PRIMARY_NOTIFY_OLD_ENCRYPTION_POLICY indicates that the vault is using
// legacy crypto and the policy doesn't allow it. The caller should notify
// users regarding the policy.
// PRIMARY_RESUME_PREVIOUS_MIGRATION indicates that eCryptfs is being
// migrated to dircrypto but it's not completed yet. Caller should finish
// the migration before trying again.
// PRIMARY_TPM_UDPATE_REQUIRED indicates that the TPM firmware should be
// updated before proceeding.
// PRIMARY_TPM_NEEDS_REBOOT indicates that the TPM encountered a critical
// error that can only be resolved by rebooting.
// PRIMARY_TPM_LOCKOUT indicates that the TPM is in dictionary attack lockout
// state. The caller should advise the user to wait it out.
// PRIMARY_INCORRECT_AUTH indicates that the supplied auth material
// (password) is incorrect. The caller should notify the user as such.
// Note that it is a special case, see CryptohomeErrorInfo's
// probable_action field for more info.
// PossibleAction is used to indicate that cryptohomed believies some actions
// are more likely to resolve the error than other actions.
enum PossibleAction {
// POSSIBLY_NONE is not used, it's defined to take the 0 position.
// POSSIBLY_RETRY suggests the caller to retry immediately.
// POSSIBLY_REBOOT suggests the caller to reboot then retry.
// POSSIBLY_AUTH suggests the caller to try another authentication method.
// POSSIBLY_INCORRECT_AUTH suggests that incorrect auth material (password)
// have been supplied. The caller should notify the user as such.
// POSSIBLY_DELETE_VAULT suggests the caller to delete the user's vault
// because it's unrecoverable.
// POSSIBLY_POWERWASH suggests the caller to powerwash because certain TPM
// state is corrupted and can only be obtained at OOBE.
// POSSIBLY_DEV_CHECK_UNEXPECTED_STATE suggests that it's the developer's
// problem. Software developers should investigate if this error ever occurs.
// POSSIBLY_FATAL suggests that there's no way to resolve the issue.
// It should not have happened and the caller should not retry.
// CryptohomeErrorInfo contains the information regarding an error or a
// condition that occurred.
// Note on the migration: During the migration process, both the legacy
// CryptohomeErrorCode and the new CryptohomeErrorInfo field will be available.
// Before the Phase 1 of the migration is completed (b/229804686), callers of
// Cryptohome API should rely on the legacy CryptohomeErrorCode. After Phase 1
// is completed, which will be indicated in the issue tracker entry, callers
// can assume that both the legacy CryptohomeErrorCode field and
// CryptohomeErrorInfo field contains valid information and the callers can
// proceed to refactor to use the new fields, this is Phase 2 (b/229805195).
// The legacy CryptohomeErrorCode field that coexists with CryptohomeErrorInfo
// will be removed in Phase 3 (b/229807416).
// We are currently in the process of completing Phase 1, and thus caller
// should still rely on the legacy CryptohomeErrorCode field.
message CryptohomeErrorInfo {
// error_id is a unique identifier that identifies the location that the
// error occurred within cryptohome. More effectively, it's a "smart
// stacktrace" that remains the same from version to version for the same
// error.
// There's no guarantee on the exact formatting to users external to
// cryptohome, except that it should be short enough to be displayed on
// one line and contains fine-grained and detailed information on the error.
// For cryptohome developers, see cryptohome/docs/
// Example: "42-15-3"
string error_id = 1;
// readable_error_id is the human readable version of the error_id. It
// encompasses all information that is in error_id and is more human
// readable. However, it may or may not remain the same from version to
// version.
// There's no guarantee on the exact formatting of this field to users
// external to cryptohome, except that it should be at most a few lines in
// length and should be reasonable to write to the logs.
// For cryptohome developers, see cryptohome/docs/
string readable_error_id = 2;
// primary_action is when cryptohome is quite certain that something can
// be done to resolve the error/condition. Usually primary_action is used
// to indicate to the Chromium side that an action should be done.
PrimaryAction primary_action = 3;
// probable_action is when cryptohome is not quite sure how the error
// occurred, but believes that some of the actions (as listed in this field)
// are more likely to resolve the error than other actions.
// The entries in this repeated field are not ordered.
// This field can be ignored if primary_action is not PRIMARY_NONE or
// Note that primary_action = PRIMARY_INCORRECT_AUTH is a special case,
// because the Chromium side will handle it different depending the number
// of times it happened. Therefore, for the case when primary_action =
// PRIMARY_INCORRECT_AUTH, the probable_action field will be populated with
// any PossibleAction entry that might be relevant (if any).
// In the future we intend to weed out any false positives in reporting
// PRIMARY_INCORRECT_AUTH, and thus probable_action will eventually be empty.
repeated PossibleAction possible_actions = 4;
// Actual request/reply goes below
// ------------------------- UserDataAuth Interface -------------------------
// Input parameters to IsMounted()
message IsMountedRequest {
// If username is available, then it'll check if a specific user's home
// directory is mounted. Otherwise, it'll check if any home directory is
// mounted.
string username = 1;
// Output parameters for IsMounted()
message IsMountedReply {
// If the requested home directory is mounted.
bool is_mounted = 1;
// If the mount is ephemeral, that is, if the contents get cleared once
// the user logs out.
// Note that if there's no username specified in the IsMountedRequest,
// then this field is set to true if any mount is ephemeral.
bool is_ephemeral_mount = 2;
// Input parameters to Unmount()
// Currently we only support unmounting all mounted cryptohomes but in the
// future we may implement per-user unmount, at which point we can extend this
// proto with the necessary information.
message UnmountRequest {
// Output parameters for Unmount()
message UnmountReply {
// Indicates an error if |error| is not empty.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// Indicate an error if this field exists.
// This field is replacing the |error| field above, for more information on
// which field to use and the process on the migration, see comment in
// CryptohomeErrorInfo.
CryptohomeErrorInfo error_info = 2;
// Input parameters to Mount()
message MountRequest {
// The account of the user whose home directory is requested for mounting.
cryptohome.AccountIdentifier account = 1;
// Authorization data from the user.
cryptohome.AuthorizationRequest authorization = 2;
// If set, then perform an ephemeral mount only.
bool require_ephemeral = 3;
// If defined, the account will be created if it does not exist.
// Additionally, a failed AuthorizationRequest will be expected as
// there will be no existing keys.
CreateRequest create = 4;
// If set to true, and cryptohomed supports the new "dircrypto" encryption,
// forces to use the new encryption. That is, makes it an error to mount
// an existing home directory encrypted in the old way (ecryptfs).
bool force_dircrypto_if_available = 5;
// If set to true, mounts the existing ecryptfs vault to a temporary location
// while setting up a new dircrypto directory.
bool to_migrate_from_ecryptfs = 6;
// If set, then performs a public mount, which is used for a Kiosk session.
// Credentials are not needed in the request; they are synthesized by
// cryptohomed from id.
bool public_mount = 7;
// If set to true, the mount will be for a guest session.
bool guest_mount = 8;
// Auth Session id will let mount derive credentials from AuthSessions.
bytes auth_session_id = 9;
// Output parameters for Mount()
message MountReply {
// Indicate an error when |error| is not empty.
// TODO(b/229807416): Remove once CryptohomeError refactor is complete.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// |recreated| is set when the cryptohome had to be wiped
// because the key or data was an unrecoverable. It does not imply
// failure to Mount nor is it 'true' when a CreateRequest creates
// a cryptohome for the first time.
bool recreated = 2;
// Returns the filesystem-sanitized username.
string sanitized_username = 3;
// Indicate an error if this field exists.
// This field is replacing the |error| field above, for more information on
// which field to use and the process on the migration, see comment in
// CryptohomeErrorInfo.
CryptohomeErrorInfo error_info = 4;
// Input parameters to Remove()
// If an AuthSession ID is provided, then that will be used and validated.
message RemoveRequest {
// Identifies the user, whose home directory to remove
cryptohome.AccountIdentifier identifier = 1;
// Token that would be get user id from AuthSession.
bytes auth_session_id = 2;
// Output parameters for Remove()
message RemoveReply {
// Indicate an error when |error| is not empty.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// Indicate an error if this field exists.
// This field is replacing the |error| field above, for more information on
// which field to use and the process on the migration, see comment in
// CryptohomeErrorInfo.
CryptohomeErrorInfo error_info = 2;
// Input parameters to ListKeys()
message ListKeysRequest {
// The default behavior is by label so any extension here should honor that.
// List the key(s) that is/are used to protect the home directory whose
// owner is identified by account_id.
cryptohome.AccountIdentifier account_id = 1;
// Provide user authentication if necessary (currently not required).
cryptohome.AuthorizationRequest authorization_request = 2;
// Output parameters for ListKeys()
message ListKeysReply {
// Indicates an error if error is not empty.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// The labels of the Vault Keyset. This will be empty on error.
repeated string labels = 2;
// Indicate an error if this field exists.
// This field is replacing the |error| field above, for more information on
// which field to use and the process on the migration, see comment in
// CryptohomeErrorInfo.
CryptohomeErrorInfo error_info = 3;
// Input parameters to GetKeyData()
message GetKeyDataRequest {
// The keys whose data to retrieve, is the key whose owner is identified
// by account_id.
cryptohome.AccountIdentifier account_id = 1;
// Provide user authentication if necessary (currently not required).
cryptohome.AuthorizationRequest authorization_request = 2;
// |key| must supply at least one attribute and all others will be treated as
// wildcards. Currently only || may be supplied. Like
// AuthorizationRequest, support can be added for queries by
// || to return all keys of a certain class, testing
// |key.secret()|, or || entries.
cryptohome.Key key = 3;
// Output parameters for GetKeyData()
message GetKeyDataReply {
// Indicates an error if error is not empty.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// The data associated with those keys.
repeated cryptohome.KeyData key_data = 2;
// Input parameters to CheckKey()
message CheckKeyRequest {
// We only check against keys that belongs to the user identified by
// account_id.
cryptohome.AccountIdentifier account_id = 1;
// The authentication credentials to check against the keys
cryptohome.AuthorizationRequest authorization_request = 2;
// Whether the webauthn secret should be unlocked.
bool unlock_webauthn_secret = 3;
// Output parameters for CheckKey()
message CheckKeyReply {
// Indicates an error if error is not empty.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// Input parameters to AddKey()
message AddKeyRequest {
// The owner of the new key.
cryptohome.AccountIdentifier account_id = 1;
// The authentication data of the new key.
cryptohome.AuthorizationRequest authorization_request = 2;
// The key to add.
cryptohome.Key key = 3;
// Do we delete the existing key if it already exists?
bool clobber_if_exists = 4;
// Output parameters for AddKey()
message AddKeyReply {
// Indicates an error if error is not empty.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// Input parameters to RemoveKey()
message RemoveKeyRequest {
// The owner of the key to remove
cryptohome.AccountIdentifier account_id = 1;
// Authorization from the user
cryptohome.AuthorizationRequest authorization_request = 2;
// Only is used at present.
cryptohome.Key key = 3;
// Output parameters for RemoveKey()
message RemoveKeyReply {
// Indicates an error if error is not empty.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// Input parameters to MassRemoveKeys()
message MassRemoveKeysRequest {
// The owner of the key to remove
cryptohome.AccountIdentifier account_id = 1;
// Authorization from the user
cryptohome.AuthorizationRequest authorization_request = 2;
// Remove all keys whose labels are NOT included in exempt_key_data.
repeated cryptohome.KeyData exempt_key_data = 3;
// Output parameters for MassRemoveKeys()
message MassRemoveKeysReply {
// Indicates an error if error is not empty.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// Input parameters to MigrateKey()
message MigrateKeyRequest {
// The owner whose key are going to migrate
cryptohome.AccountIdentifier account_id = 1;
// Authorization from the user
cryptohome.AuthorizationRequest authorization_request = 2;
// The new secret for the key.
bytes secret = 3;
// Output parameters for MigrateKey()
message MigrateKeyReply {
// Indicates an error if error is not empty.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// StartFingerprintAuthSession sets BiometricsDaemon and the Fingerprint MCU to
// match mode. EndFingerprintAuthSession sets them back to non-match mode.
// A typical call sequence involves one or more other calls that actually wait
// for fingerprint scan result, between StartFingerprintAuthSession and
// EndFingerprintAuthSession.
// Example 1: successful fingerprint match at first attempt.
// --> StartFingerprintAuthSession
// --> CheckKey(KEY_TYPE_FINGERPRINT), fingerprint scan success
// --> EndFingerprintAuthSession
// Example 2: successful fingerprint match at third attempt.
// --> StartFingerprintAuthSession
// --> CheckKey(KEY_TYPE_FINGERPRINT), fingerprint scan no match
// --> CheckKey(KEY_TYPE_FINGERPRINT), fingerprint scan no match
// --> CheckKey(KEY_TYPE_FINGERPRINT), fingerprint scan success
// --> EndFingerprintAuthSession
// Example 3: client chooses to cancel before success.
// --> StartFingerprintAuthSession
// --> CheckKey(KEY_TYPE_FINGERPRINT), fingerprint scan no match
// --> CheckKey(KEY_TYPE_FINGERPRINT), fingerprint scan no match
// --> EndFingerprintAuthSession
// Input parameters to StartFingerprintAuthSession()
message StartFingerprintAuthSessionRequest {
// This represents the "single user" that we are will be fingerprint for.
cryptohome.AccountIdentifier account_id = 1;
// Output parameters for StartFingerprintAuthSession()
message StartFingerprintAuthSessionReply {
// Indicates an error if |error| is not empty.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// Input parameters to EndFingerprintAuthSession()
message EndFingerprintAuthSessionRequest {}
// Output parameters for EndFingerprintAuthSession()
message EndFingerprintAuthSessionReply {
// Indicates an error if |error| is not empty.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// Input parameters to GetWebAuthnSecret()
message GetWebAuthnSecretRequest {
// This represents the "single user" that the secret belongs to.
cryptohome.AccountIdentifier account_id = 1;
// Output parameters for GetWebAuthnSecret()
message GetWebAuthnSecretReply {
// Indicates an error if |error| is not empty.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// The WebAuthn secret.
bytes webauthn_secret = 2;
// Input parameters to GetWebAuthnSecretHash()
message GetWebAuthnSecretHashRequest {
// This represents the "single user" that the secret belongs to.
cryptohome.AccountIdentifier account_id = 1;
// Output parameters for GetWebAuthnSecretHash()
message GetWebAuthnSecretHashReply {
// Indicates an error if |error| is not empty.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// The WebAuthn secret hash.
bytes webauthn_secret_hash = 2;
// Input parameters to GetHibernateSecret()
message GetHibernateSecretRequest {
// This represents the "single user" that the secret belongs to.
// This mechanism is deprecated in favor of the auth_session_id below.
cryptohome.AccountIdentifier account_id = 1;
// Serialized form of token that is used to identify Auth Session in
// progress.
bytes auth_session_id = 2;
// Output parameters for GetHibernateSecret()
message GetHibernateSecretReply {
// Indicates an error if |error| is not empty.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// The hibernate secret.
bytes hibernate_secret = 2;
// TODO(b/126307305): For the messages, below, we'll need to add the documentations
// for them.
// Input parameters to StartMigrateToDircrypto().
message StartMigrateToDircryptoRequest {
// The owner of the cryptohome that we are going to migrate.
cryptohome.AccountIdentifier account_id = 1;
// If true, only a few paths (specified in cryptohomed) that are necessary for
// a working profile will be migrated. Most user data will be wiped.
bool minimal_migration = 2;
// Auth Session id will let migrate derive credentials from AuthSessions.
// AuthSession needs to be authenticated for this to be successful. If both
// account_id and auth_session_id is mentioned, auth_session_id would be
// superseed and identity would be derived from that.
bytes auth_session_id = 3;
// Output parameters for StartMigrateToDircrypto().
message StartMigrateToDircryptoReply {
// Indicates an error if not empty.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// Status code for the message DircryptoMigrationProgress below.
enum DircryptoMigrationStatus {
// 0 means a successful completion.
// TODO(kinaba,dspaid): Add error codes as needed here.
// TODO(kinaba,dspaid): Add state codes as needed.
// The data that comes with DircryptoMigrationProgress signal.
message DircryptoMigrationProgress {
// See cryptohome::dircrypto_data_migrator::MigrationHelper::ProgressCallback
// for more information.
// The status of the migration
DircryptoMigrationStatus status = 1;
// The amount of bytes that we've migrated over.
uint64 current_bytes = 2;
// The total amount of bytes in this migration operation.
uint64 total_bytes = 3;
// Input parameters to NeedsDircryptoMigration().
message NeedsDircryptoMigrationRequest {
// The account for which we want to check if Dircrypto migration is needed.
cryptohome.AccountIdentifier account_id = 1;
// Output parameters for NeedsDircryptoMigration().
message NeedsDircryptoMigrationReply {
// Indicates an error if not empty.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// Whether Dircrypto migration is needed.
// Note that this is invalid and should be disregarded if |error| is not
// empty.
bool needs_dircrypto_migration = 2;
// Input parameters to GetSupportedKeyPolicies().
message GetSupportedKeyPoliciesRequest {
// Output parameters for GetSupportedKeyPolicies().
// This informs the caller which KeyPolicy features are supported.
message GetSupportedKeyPoliciesReply {
// Whether low entropy credentials is supported by the policies
bool low_entropy_credentials_supported = 1;
// Input parameters to GetAccountDiskUsage().
message GetAccountDiskUsageRequest {
// The owner of the home directory that we are going to compute the
// size for.
cryptohome.AccountIdentifier identifier = 1;
// Output parameters for GetAccountDiskUsage().
message GetAccountDiskUsageReply {
// Indicates an error if not empty.
// Note that for this API call, it is not an error to supply a non-existent
// user in the |GetAccountDiskUsageRequest.identifier| parameter.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// The size of cryptohome in bytes. If a non-existent user is given in the
// request, size will be 0.
// Negative values are reserved, see HomeDir::ComputeSize() for more
// information.
int64 size = 2;
// The data that comes with LowDiskSpace signal.
message LowDiskSpace {
// The amount of remaining free disk space.
uint64 disk_free_bytes = 1;
// These flags will define any requests from the caller for how to run an
// AuthSession.
enum AuthSessionFlags {
// Default Value.
// This flag is set when auth session is used for an ephemeral user.
reserved 1;
message StartAuthSessionRequest {
// The account of the user whose home directory is requested for mounting.
cryptohome.AccountIdentifier account_id = 1;
// AuthSessionFlags to define AuthSession behaviour.
uint32 flags = 2;
// Currently nothing is required to be passed in for KeyData map request,
// but in the future we can expect this to be expanded to filter queries with
// || to return all keys of a certain class, testing
// |key.secret()|, or || entries.
message StartAuthSessionReply {
// Error if any to start the Auth Session
// TODO(b/229807416): Remove once CryptohomeError refactor is complete.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// Token that would be used to conduct any auth-related operation.
bytes auth_session_id = 2;
// True if the user that the Auth Session is created for exists or not.
bool user_exists = 3;
// Map to return label and public key data for the authentication credential
// to be sent in. This will be empty if user_exists is set to false.
map<string, cryptohome.KeyData> key_label_data = 4;
// List of AuthFactors to return all the AuthFactors available for user
// authentication. This will be empty if user_exists is set to false.
repeated AuthFactor auth_factors = 5;
// Indicate an error if this field exists.
// This field is replacing the |error| field above, for more information on
// which field to use and the process on the migration, see comment in
// CryptohomeErrorInfo.
CryptohomeErrorInfo error_info = 6;
// Gives AuthFactors that can be configured as authentication means for
// this user (regardless of whether they are already added for this user or
// not).
repeated AuthFactorType supported_auth_factors = 7;
message AddCredentialsRequest {
reserved 4;
// Serialized form of token that is used to identify Auth Session that needs
// to be authenticated.
bytes auth_session_id = 1;
// Authorization data from the user.
cryptohome.AuthorizationRequest authorization = 2;
// Adding a new credentials for an existing user?
bool add_more_credentials = 3;
message AddCredentialsReply {
// Error if any to add new credentials with the Auth Session.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// Indicate an error if this field exists.
// This field is replacing the |error| field above, for more information on
// which field to use and the process on the migration, see comment in
// CryptohomeErrorInfo.
CryptohomeErrorInfo error_info = 2;
message AuthenticateAuthSessionRequest {
// Serialized form of token that is used to identify Auth Session that needs
// to be authenticated.
bytes auth_session_id = 1;
// Authorization data from the user.
cryptohome.AuthorizationRequest authorization = 2;
message AuthenticateAuthSessionReply {
// Error if any to authenticate the Auth Session.
// TODO(b/229807416): Remove once CryptohomeError refactor is complete.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// Returns if the Auth Session is authenticated.
bool authenticated = 2;
// Indicate an error if this field exists.
// This field is replacing the |error| field above, for more information on
// which field to use and the process on the migration, see comment in
// CryptohomeErrorInfo.
CryptohomeErrorInfo error_info = 3;
message InvalidateAuthSessionRequest {
// Serialized form of token that is used to identify Auth Session that needs
// to be invalidated.
bytes auth_session_id = 1;
message InvalidateAuthSessionReply {
// Error if any to invalidate the Auth Session.
// TODO(b/229807416): Remove once CryptohomeError refactor is complete.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// Indicate an error if this field exists.
// This field is replacing the |error| field above, for more information on
// which field to use and the process on the migration, see comment in
// CryptohomeErrorInfo.
CryptohomeErrorInfo error_info = 2;
message ExtendAuthSessionRequest {
// Serialized form of token that is used to identify Auth Session that needs
// to be extended.
bytes auth_session_id = 1;
// Duration of the extension requested in seconds, with a default of
// 60 seconds if not specified.
uint32 extension_duration = 2;
message ExtendAuthSessionReply {
// Error if any to extend the Auth Session.
// TODO(b/229807416): Remove once CryptohomeError refactor is complete.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// Indicate an error if this field exists.
// This field is replacing the |error| field above, for more information on
// which field to use and the process on the migration, see comment in
// CryptohomeErrorInfo.
CryptohomeErrorInfo error_info = 2;
message UpdateCredentialRequest {
// Serialized form of token that is used to identify Auth Session that will
// be used to update credentials.
bytes auth_session_id = 1;
// Label of the credential that will be updated by this request.
// If this is empty, it would be considered a password keyset as those keysets
// do not have any label stored for them.
string old_credential_label = 2;
// Authorization data from the user for the new credential. The label in this
// request should match |old_credential_label|.
cryptohome.AuthorizationRequest authorization = 3;
message UpdateCredentialReply {
// Error if any to update credential.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// Indicate an error if this field exists.
// This field is replacing the |error| field above, for more information on
// which field to use and the process on the migration, see comment in
// CryptohomeErrorInfo.
CryptohomeErrorInfo error_info = 2;
message CreatePersistentUserRequest {
// Id of the auth session associated with the user we aim to create.
bytes auth_session_id = 1;
message CreatePersistentUserReply {
// The status of the operation.
// TODO(b/229807416): Remove once CryptohomeError refactor is complete.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// The sanitized username, this is basically a hashed representation
// of the username used in the paths of user's home directory.
string sanitized_username = 2;
// Indicate an error if this field exists.
// This field is replacing the |error| field above, for more information on
// which field to use and the process on the migration, see comment in
// CryptohomeErrorInfo.
CryptohomeErrorInfo error_info = 3;
message PrepareGuestVaultRequest {}
message PrepareGuestVaultReply {
// The status of the operation.
// TODO(b/229807416): Remove once CryptohomeError refactor is complete.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// The sanitized username, this is basically a hashed representation
// of the username used in the paths of user's home directory.
string sanitized_username = 2;
// Indicate an error if this field exists.
// This field is replacing the |error| field above, for more information on
// which field to use and the process on the migration, see comment in
// CryptohomeErrorInfo.
CryptohomeErrorInfo error_info = 3;
message PrepareEphemeralVaultRequest {
// Id of the auth session associated with the user we aim to prepare vault
// for.
bytes auth_session_id = 1;
message PrepareEphemeralVaultReply {
// The status of the operation.
// TODO(b/229807416): Remove once CryptohomeError refactor is complete.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// The sanitized username, this is basically a hashed representation
// of the username used in the paths of user's home directory.
string sanitized_username = 2;
// Indicate an error if this field exists.
// This field is replacing the |error| field above, for more information on
// which field to use and the process on the migration, see comment in
// CryptohomeErrorInfo.
CryptohomeErrorInfo error_info = 3;
message GetAuthSessionStatusRequest {
// Id of the auth session associated with the user we aim to prepare vault
// for.
bytes auth_session_id = 1;
enum AuthSessionStatus {
message GetAuthSessionStatusReply {
// Error if any to start the Auth Session
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// Status for the valid AuthSession.
AuthSessionStatus status = 2;
// The time left (in sec) in the current AuthSession. This is only set if
// AuthSession is authenticated.
uint32 time_left = 3;
enum VaultEncryptionType {
message PreparePersistentVaultRequest {
// Id of the auth session associated with the user we aim to prepare vault
// for.
bytes auth_session_id = 1;
// Whether ecryptfs mount should be prohibited
// TODO(dlunev): deprecate the field once we migrate to the new interface.
// |force_encryption_type| will fully supercede it for all cases later on, but
// in the interim we need to preserve it for backward compatibility.
bool block_ecryptfs = 2;
// Expected encryption type.
// TODO(dlunev): for now it is enforced only for the vault creation. After
// removing the old interface it will superceded |block_ecryptfs| flag to
// enforce mandatory migrations.
VaultEncryptionType encryption_type = 3;
message PreparePersistentVaultReply {
// The status of the operation.
// TODO(b/229807416): Remove once CryptohomeError refactor is complete.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// The sanitized username, this is basically a hashed representation
// of the username used in the paths of user's home directory.
string sanitized_username = 2;
// Indicate an error if this field exists.
// This field is replacing the |error| field above, for more information on
// which field to use and the process on the migration, see comment in
// CryptohomeErrorInfo.
CryptohomeErrorInfo error_info = 3;
message PrepareVaultForMigrationRequest {
// Id of the auth session associated with the user we aim to prepare vault
// for.
bytes auth_session_id = 1;
message PrepareVaultForMigrationReply {
// The status of the operation.
// TODO(b/229807416): Remove once CryptohomeError refactor is complete.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// The sanitized username, this is basically a hashed representation
// of the username used in the paths of user's home directory.
string sanitized_username = 2;
// Indicate an error if this field exists.
// This field is replacing the |error| field above, for more information on
// which field to use and the process on the migration, see comment in
// CryptohomeErrorInfo.
CryptohomeErrorInfo error_info = 3;
// ------------------------- ArcQuota Interface -------------------------
// Input parameters to GetArcDiskFeatures().
message GetArcDiskFeaturesRequest {}
// Output parameters for GetArcDiskFeatures().
message GetArcDiskFeaturesReply {
// Set to true if Quota feature is supported for ARC Disk/Storage.
bool quota_supported = 1;
// Input parameters to GetCurrentSpaceForArcUid().
message GetCurrentSpaceForArcUidRequest {
// The Android UID for whom we are going to query the disk usage.
// Note that Android UID is a shifted UID.
uint32 uid = 1;
// Output parameters for GetCurrentSpaceForArcUid().
message GetCurrentSpaceForArcUidReply {
// The current disk space usage for the given Android UID.
// Will be a negative number if the request fails. See
// cryptohome/arc_disk_quota.h for more details.
int64 cur_space = 1;
// Input parameters to GetCurrentSpaceForArcGid().
message GetCurrentSpaceForArcGidRequest {
// The Android GID for whom we are going to query the disk usage.
// Note that Android GID is a shifted GID.
uint32 gid = 1;
// Output parameters for GetCurrentSpaceForArcGid().
message GetCurrentSpaceForArcGidReply {
// The current disk space usage for the given Android GID.
// Will be a negative number if the request fails. See
// cryptohome/arc_disk_quota.h for more details.
int64 cur_space = 1;
// Input parameters to GetCurrentSpaceForArcProjectId().
message GetCurrentSpaceForArcProjectIdRequest {
// The project ID for whom we are going to query the disk usage.
uint32 project_id = 1;
// Output parameters for GetCurrentSpaceForArcProjectId().
message GetCurrentSpaceForArcProjectIdReply {
// The current disk space usage for the given project ID.
// Will be a negative number if the request fails. See
// cryptohome/arc_disk_quota.h for more details.
int64 cur_space = 1;
// Type of paths that are allowed for SetProjectId.
enum SetProjectIdAllowedPathType {
// /home/user/<obfuscated_username>/MyFiles/Downloads/
// /home/root/<obfuscated_username>/android-data/
// Input parameters to SetProjectId().
message SetProjectIdRequest {
// The project ID.
uint32 project_id = 1;
// |parent_path|, |child_path| and |account_id| are used for constructing the
// target path. (e.g.
// /home/user/<obfuscated_username>/MyFiles/Downloads/<child_path> for
// parent_path=PATH_DOWNLOADS)
SetProjectIdAllowedPathType parent_path = 2;
string child_path = 3;
cryptohome.AccountIdentifier account_id = 4;
// Output parameters for SetProjectId().
message SetProjectIdReply {
// Set to true if ioctl syscall for setting the project ID succeeds.
bool success = 1;
// Input parameters to SetMediaRWDataFileProjectId().
message SetMediaRWDataFileProjectIdRequest {
// The project ID.
uint32 project_id = 1;
// Output parameters for SetMediaRWDataFileProjectId().
message SetMediaRWDataFileProjectIdReply {
// Set to true if ioctl syscall for setting the project ID succeeds.
bool success = 1;
// Errno if success == false.
int32 error = 2;
// Input parameters to SetMediaRWDataFileProjectInheritanceFlag().
message SetMediaRWDataFileProjectInheritanceFlagRequest {
// Set to true if we are setting the project inheritance flag.
bool enable = 1;
// Output parameters for SetMediaRWDataFileProjectInheritanceFlag().
message SetMediaRWDataFileProjectInheritanceFlagReply {
// Set to true if ioctl syscall for setting the project inheritance flag
// succeeds.
bool success = 1;
// Errno if success == false.
int32 error = 2;
// ------------------------- PKCS#11 Interface -------------------------
// Represents the information about a token in PKCS#11, used by
// Pkcs11GetTpmTokenInfo()
message TpmTokenInfo {
// The label of the token.
string label = 1;
// The pin that is used to access the token.
// Note that in most cases this is a default well known value.
string user_pin = 2;
// The slot number of the token.
int32 slot = 3;
// Input parameters to Pkcs11IsTpmTokenReady()
message Pkcs11IsTpmTokenReadyRequest {
// Nothing at the moment.
// Output parameters for Pkcs11IsTpmTokenReady()
message Pkcs11IsTpmTokenReadyReply {
// True if the TPM-backed token store for all mount is ready for access.
// That is, every TPM-backed token store associated with a mount is in an
// initialized state.
bool ready = 1;
// Input parameters to Pkcs11GetTpmTokenInfo()
message Pkcs11GetTpmTokenInfoRequest {
// If username is empty or not set, then the information regarding system TPM
// token is returned. Otherwise, the user TPM token is returned.
string username = 1;
// Output parameters for Pkcs11GetTpmTokenInfo()
message Pkcs11GetTpmTokenInfoReply {
// The TPM Token information, generally it's the stuffs required to access
// the TPM token.
TpmTokenInfo token_info = 1;
// Input parameters to Pkcs11Terminate()
message Pkcs11TerminateRequest {
// This call will remove all PKCS#11 token store that is associated with a
// mount.
// Username is currently unused.
string username = 1;
// Output parameters for Pkcs11Terminate()
message Pkcs11TerminateReply {
// Nothing at the moment.
// Input parameters to Pkcs11RestoreTpmTokens()
message Pkcs11RestoreTpmTokensRequest {
// This call will retrieve all the tokens to chaps.
// Nothing at the moment.
// Output parameters for Pkcs11RestoreTpmTokens()
message Pkcs11RestoreTpmTokensReply {
// Nothing at the moment.
// ----------------------- Install Attributes Interface -----------------------
// The possible states of Install Attributes module, this is used by
// InstallAttributesGetStatus().
enum InstallAttributesState {
// See InstallAttributes::Status in install_attributes.h for definition
// of these states.
VALID = 3;
// Input parameters to InstallAttributesGet()
message InstallAttributesGetRequest {
// Name of the install attributes to retrieve.
// There's no explicit requirement about the name, so generally it can be
// any valid string.
string name = 1;
// Output parameters for InstallAttributesGet()
message InstallAttributesGetReply {
// Will be set if an error occurred.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// The value associated with the install attributes.
bytes value = 2;
// Input parameters to InstallAttributesSet()
message InstallAttributesSetRequest {
// Name of the install attributes to set.
// There's no explicit requirement about the name, so generally it can be
// any valid string.
string name = 1;
// Value to set for the install attributes.
bytes value = 2;
// Output parameters for InstallAttributesSet()
message InstallAttributesSetReply {
// Will be set if an error occurred.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// Input parameters to InstallAttributesFinalize()
message InstallAttributesFinalizeRequest {
// There's no parameters to InstallAttributesFinalize() right now.
// Output parameters for InstallAttributesFinalize()
message InstallAttributesFinalizeReply {
// If the install attributes are not finalized successfully, then this
// error code would be set. Otherwise, the install attribute is correctly
// finalized.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// Input parameters to InstallAttributesGetStatus()
message InstallAttributesGetStatusRequest {
// Output parameters for InstallAttributesGetStatus()
message InstallAttributesGetStatusReply {
// If there's a problem retrieving the status, this will be set.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// How many install attributes are there?
int32 count = 2;
// Returns true if the attribute storage is securely stored. It does not
// indicate if the store has been finalized, just if the system TPM/Lockbox
// is being used.
bool is_secure = 3;
// The state the install attributes are in.
InstallAttributesState state = 4;
// ----------------- Firmware Management Parameters Interface -----------------
// This represents the content of Firmware Management Parameters
message FirmwareManagementParameters {
// The Developer Flags, this is part of the FWMP.
uint32 flags = 1;
// Developer Key Hash, this is part of the FWMP.
// For current version of the FWMP (V1.0), this is the size of SHA256.
bytes developer_key_hash = 2;
// Input parameters to GetFirmwareManagementParameters()
message GetFirmwareManagementParametersRequest {
// Output parameters for GetFirmwareManagementParameters()
message GetFirmwareManagementParametersReply {
// If there's a problem retrieving the FWMP, then this will be set.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// The firmware management parameters that is retrieved.
FirmwareManagementParameters fwmp = 2;
// Input parameters to RemoveFirmwareManagementParameters()
message RemoveFirmwareManagementParametersRequest {
// Note that calling this function will destroy the NVRAM space that
// stores the FWMP (if defined).
// Output parameters for RemoveFirmwareManagementParameters()
message RemoveFirmwareManagementParametersReply {
// If there's a problem removing the FWMP, then this will be set.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// Input parameters to SetFirmwareManagementParameters()
message SetFirmwareManagementParametersRequest {
// The firmware management parameters to set.
FirmwareManagementParameters fwmp = 1;
// Output parameters for SetFirmwareManagementParameters()
message SetFirmwareManagementParametersReply {
// If there's a problem setting the FWMP, then this will be set.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// Input parameters to GetSystemSalt()
message GetSystemSaltRequest {
// No parameter is needed to retrieve the system salt.
// Output parameters for GetSystemSalt()
message GetSystemSaltReply {
// The system salt.
// Note that the caller should not expect the system salt to be a particular
// size. The length is defined by the CRYPTOHOME_DEFAULT_SALT_LENGTH
// constant.
bytes salt = 1;
// Input parameters to UpdateCurrentUserActivityTimestamp()
message UpdateCurrentUserActivityTimestampRequest {
// This is the time, expressed in number of seconds since the last
// user activity.
// For instance, if the unix timestamp now is x, if this value is 5,
// then the last user activity happened at x-5 unix timestamp.
// Note that negative values for this parameter is reserved, and should not
// be used.
int32 time_shift_sec = 1;
// Output parameters for UpdateCurrentUserActivityTimestamp()
message UpdateCurrentUserActivityTimestampReply {
// This will be set if there's a problem updating the user activity timestamp
// for any user.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// Input parameters to GetSanitizedUsername()
message GetSanitizedUsernameRequest {
// The username to sanitize.
string username = 1;
// Output parameters for GetSanitizedUsername()
message GetSanitizedUsernameReply {
// The sanitized username, this is basically a hashed representation
// of the username used in the paths of user's home directory.
string sanitized_username = 1;
// Input parameters to GetLoginStatus()
message GetLoginStatusRequest {}
// Output parameters for GetLoginStatus()
message GetLoginStatusReply {
// This will be set if there's a problem getting login status.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// This is set to true if an owner user is specified in the device policy.
bool owner_user_exists = 2;
// Note that |boot_lockbox_finalized| is not supplied because current version
// of bootlockbox doesn't support querying whether it's finalized. The
// previous version that does support that has been deprecated.
bool is_locked_to_single_user = 3;
// Input parameters to GetStatusString()
message GetStatusStringRequest {}
// Output parameters for GetStatusString()
message GetStatusStringReply {
// Contains a JSON string that includes some tpm status, mount status and
// install attributes status information.
string status = 1;
// Input parameters to LockToSingleUserMountUntilReboot()
// Lock the device to single user use.
message LockToSingleUserMountUntilRebootRequest {
// This represents the "single user", whose mount we are going to lock to.
cryptohome.AccountIdentifier account_id = 1;
// Output parameters for LockToSingleUserMountUntilReboot()
// Informs the caller whether the disabling succeeded, that is, whether we are
// now locked to a single user mount.
message LockToSingleUserMountUntilRebootReply {
// Indicates an error if |error| is not empty.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// Input parameters to GetRsuDeviceId()
message GetRsuDeviceIdReply {
// This will be set if there's a problem getting device ID.
// Note that to be compliant with behaviours before the refactor, failure
// in this method call will be reported through DBus error.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// Returns lookup key for Remote Server Unlock
bytes rsu_device_id = 2;
// Output parameters for GetRsuDeviceId()
message GetRsuDeviceIdRequest {}
// Input parameters to CheckHealth()
message CheckHealthRequest {}
// Output parameters for CheckHealth()
message CheckHealthReply {
bool requires_powerwash = 2;
// Fido make credential public key options.
message FidoMakeCredentialRequest {
cryptohome.AccountIdentifier account_id = 1; make_credential_options =
// Fido make credential response.
message FidoMakeCredentialReply {
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// Contains MakeCredentialAuthenticatorResponse. make_credential_response =
// Fido challenge
message FidoGetAssertionRequest { get_assertion_options = 1;
message FidoGetAssertionReply {
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// Contains GetAssertionAuthenticatorResponse. get_assertion_response = 2;
// AddAuthFactorRequest is built when a user is trying to add an AuthFactor
// for a user. When the call is made, AuthSession should be authenticated. After
// the operation the AuthSession would still be in the authenticated state.
message AddAuthFactorRequest {
// AuthFactor cannot be added without an active AuthSession running. This id
// would be used to associate the AuthFactor to an AuthSession.
bytes auth_session_id = 1;
// The AuthFactor that will be added for a given user. This should be
// populated with any factor specific data and metadata.
// If AuthFactor in the request be constructed with an existing label, the
// call would return an error.
AuthFactor auth_factor = 2;
// In some cases, such as password, the secret would be user supplied. In
// those cases the secret can be passed here.
AuthInput auth_input = 3;
message AddAuthFactorReply {
// Return the status of the request.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// Indicate an error if this field exists.
// This field is replacing the |error| field above, for more information on
// which field to use and the process on the migration, see comment in
// CryptohomeErrorInfo.
CryptohomeErrorInfo error_info = 2;
// AuthenticateAuthFactorRequest is built when a user is trying to
// authenticate with an AuthFactor for a user. When the call is made,
// AuthSession is in an unauthenticated state. After the operation the
// AuthSession would still be in an authenticated state.
message AuthenticateAuthFactorRequest {
// AuthFactor cannot be authenticated without an active AuthSession running.
// This id would be used to associate the AuthFactor to an AuthSession.
bytes auth_session_id = 1;
// The AuthFactor label would be used to determine the AuthFactor that
// needs to be authenticated. If the label does not exist, the call would
// return an error.
bytes auth_factor_label = 2;
// In some cases, such as password, the secret would be user supplied. In
// those cases the secret can be passed here.
AuthInput auth_input = 3;
message AuthenticateAuthFactorReply {
// Return the status of the request.
// TODO(b/229807416): Remove once CryptohomeError refactor is complete.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// Indicate an error if this field exists.
// This field is replacing the |error| field above, for more information on
// which field to use and the process on the migration, see comment in
// CryptohomeErrorInfo.
CryptohomeErrorInfo error_info = 2;
// Returns if the Auth Session is authenticated.
bool authenticated = 3;
// UpdateAuthFactorRequest is built when a user is trying to
// update an AuthFactor for a user. old_auth_factor_label would identify
// the AuthFactor that the request is trying to update. When the call is made,
// AuthSession is in an authenticated state. After the operation the
// AuthSession would still be in an authenticated state.
message UpdateAuthFactorRequest {
// AuthFactor cannot be updated without an active and authenticated
// AuthSession running. This id would be used to associate the AuthFactor to
// an AuthSession.
bytes auth_session_id = 1;
// Label to identify the existing AuthFactor.
string old_auth_factor_label = 2;
// The AuthFactor that we will replace the existing AuthFactor with. The full
// structure should be populated with factor specific data and metadata. The
// new label should either be same as old_auth_factor_label or be different
// than anything else that exist for a user already.
AuthFactor auth_factor = 3;
// In some cases, such as password, the secret would be user supplied. In
// those cases the secret can be passed here
AuthInput auth_input = 4;
message UpdateAuthFactorReply {
// Return the status of the request.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// RemoveAuthFactorRequest is built when a user is trying to
// remove an AuthFactor for a user. auth_factor_label would identify
// the AuthFactor that the request is trying to remove. When the call is made,
// AuthSession is in an authenticated state. After the operation the
// AuthSession would still be in an authenticated state.
message RemoveAuthFactorRequest {
// AuthFactor cannot be removed without an authenticated AuthSession running.
// This id would be used to get the user whose AuthFactor the call is trying
// to delete.
bytes auth_session_id = 1;
// The AuthFactor label would be used to determine the AuthFactor that
// needs to be removed.
// If this AuthFactor is the last AuthFactor for a given user, then the call
// would return an error stating that.
string auth_factor_label = 2;
message RemoveAuthFactorReply {
// Return the status of the request.
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// GetRecoveryRequestRequest is built when a user is trying to get the
// recovery payload for CryptohomeRecoveryAuthFactor for a user. When the call
// is made, AuthSession is in an unauthenticated state. After the operation the
// AuthSession would still be in an unauthenticated state.
message GetRecoveryRequestRequest {
enum UserType {
GAIA_ID = 1;
// This id would be used to associate the AuthFactor to an AuthSession.
bytes auth_session_id = 1;
// Label to identify the existing cryptohome recovery AuthFactor.
string auth_factor_label = 2;
UserType requestor_user_id_type = 3;
// Format of `requestor_user_id` is determined by `requestor_user_id_type`
// enum. For GAIA_ID it's number string obfuscated Gaia id.
string requestor_user_id = 4;
// Access token with reauth scope.
string gaia_access_token = 5;
// A short-lived token, it's validity will be verified by the Recovery
// Service.
string gaia_reauth_proof_token = 6;
// Serialized cryptohome.cryptorecovery.CryptoRecoveryEpochResponse.
// An epoch response received from Recovery Mediator service containing epoch
// beacon value for Cryptohome recovery flow.
bytes epoch_response = 7;
message GetRecoveryRequestReply {
CryptohomeErrorCode error = 1;
// Indicate an error if this field exists.
// This field is replacing the |error| field above, for more information on
// which field to use and the process on the migration, see comment in
// CryptohomeErrorInfo.
CryptohomeErrorInfo error_info = 2;
// Serialized cryptohome.cryptorecovery.CryptoRecoveryRpcRequest, to be sent
// to the recovery server.
bytes recovery_request = 3;