blob: df2e32ed443319650809ea9e7056cd1723a29d41 [file] [log] [blame]
RME Enabled TF-A userguide
To evaluate |RME|, first follow the instructions as described in the |TF-A|
:ref:`Getting Started` section to clone the repository and setup the build
environment. This should setup the required software libraries and toolchain
for the build. Specifically, ensure that the environment variable
``CROSS_COMPILE`` is setup correctly.
Next, similar to the |TF-A| approach, follow the instructions as described
in the `TF-A Tests Getting Started`_ for the pre-requisites.
At this point, we should be left with two directories, |TF-A| and |TF-A-Tests|.
.. code:: shell
tf-a-tests trusted-firmware-a
Getting the sources
The source code for |RME| is currently maintained as a branch in the |TF-A| git
repository hosted on ``_. To checkout this branch, execute the
following commands:
.. code:: shell
cd trusted-firmware-a
git checkout topics/rme_prototype
Similarly, checkout the appropriate branch for |TF-A-Tests|:
.. code:: shell
cd tf-a-tests
git checkout topics/rme_prototype
Building the sources
To build the |TF-A-Tests| source, follow the instructions to build for the
FVP as described in `Building TF-A Tests`_. An example command is shown below:
.. code:: shell
cd tf-a-tests
make PLAT=fvp DEBUG=1 USE_NVM=0 SHELL_COLOR=1 tftf
This should generate the tftf.bin binary which can be passed as BL33 while building |TF-A|.
Finally, to build |TF-A| execute the following commands:
.. code:: shell
cd trusted-firmware-a
make ARCH=aarch64 PLAT=fvp ARM_DISABLE_TRUSTED_WDOG=1 ENABLE_RME=1 DEBUG=1 BL33=../tf-a-tests/build/fvp/debug/tftf.bin all fip
This builds |TF-A| with |TF-A-Tests| as Normal world payload (BL33) and adds the
Test Realm payload (TRP) as BL32 image.
Executing on ARM |FVP|
In order to run on the FVP, please download an RME enabled FVP model through
`Arm FVP website`_ (expected availability by mid-July 2021). Refer
:ref:`Arm Fixed Virtual Platforms (FVP)` for details about running the model.
To launch the FVP, execute the following command:
.. code:: shell
./FVP_Base_AEMvA \
-C bp.dram_size=2 \
-C bp.pl011_uart0.uart_enable=1 \
-C bp.pl011_uart1.uart_enable=1 \
-C bp.pl011_uart2.uart_enable=1 \
-C bp.refcounter.non_arch_start_at_default=1 \
-C bp.refcounter.use_real_time=0 \
-C bp.secure_memory=1 \
-C cache_state_modelled=0 \
-C cluster0.ecv_support_level=1 \
-C cluster0.has_arm_v8-4=1 \
-C cluster0.has_rme=1 \
-C cluster0.has_rndr=1 \
-C cluster0.has_v8_7_pmu_extension=2 \
-C cluster0.max_32bit_el=-1 \
-C cluster0.NUM_CORES=4 \
-C cluster0.PA_SIZE=48 \
-C bp.flashloader0.fname=<path to fip.bin> \
-C bp.secureflashloader.fname=<path to bl1.bin>
Details of the |TF-A-Tests| for Realm world
The |TF-A-Tests| adds a new testsuite "Realm payload tests". This implements
a simple test payload which just initializes the memory and UART. The payload
also implements a handler which can respond to few RMI calls initiated
by the testsuite.
The log for the testsuite should appear as part of the results summary:
.. code-block:: shell
******************************* Summary *******************************
> Test suite 'Realm payload tests' Passed
Known limitations of the prototype
This is a prototype to bootstrap TF-A on an RME enabled FVP. It replaces the
secure world payload with Realm world binary. Currently, due to prototype nature
of the code changes, all the appropriate cache maintenance operations are not done
and hence the cache state modelling is disabled when running on the FVP. Further,
the Granule protection table (GPT) initialization sequence is a work in progress
(although functional).
*Copyright (c) 2021, Arm Limited and Contributors. All rights reserved.*
.. _Arm FVP website:
.. _TF-A Tests:
.. _TF-A Tests Getting Started:
.. _Building TF-A Tests: