blob: 9e2453eb5af654518b8ce21aac9ae5febd3a73c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "usb_device.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace atrusctl {
// Implements USB DFU Firmware Upgrade Specification, Revision 1.1
class UsbDfuDevice : public UsbDevice {
// From Section 6.1.2 in the specification
enum State {
kStateAppIdle = 0x0,
kStateAppDetach = 0x1,
kStateDfuIdle = 0x2,
kStateDfuDnloadSync = 0x3,
kStateDfuDnbusy = 0x4,
kStateDfuDnloadIdle = 0x5,
kStateDfuManifestSync = 0x6,
kStateDfuManifest = 0x7,
kStateDfuManifestWaitReset = 0x8,
kStateDfuUploadIdle = 0x9,
kStateDfuError = 0xA,
// From Table 4.2 in the specification
enum FunctionalDescriptorAttributes {
kCanDnload = (1 << 0),
kCanUpload = (1 << 1),
kManifestationTolerant = (1 << 2),
kWillDetach = (1 << 3),
// From Table 4.2 in the specification
struct FunctionalDescriptor {
uint8_t length;
uint8_t type;
uint8_t attributes;
uint16_t detach_timeout;
uint16_t transfer_size;
uint16_t dfu_version;
struct StatusRequest {
uint8_t status;
uint32_t poll_timeout;
uint8_t state;
uint8_t string;
using UsbDevice::UsbDevice;
bool Open() override;
void Close() override;
// Perform a DFU_DETACH request.
bool Detach(uint16_t timeout = 16) const;
// Perform a DFU_DNLOAD request.
bool Download(uint16_t block, uint8_t* data, uint16_t length) const;
// Perform a DFU_GETSTATUS request.
bool GetStatus(StatusRequest* status) const;
// Perform a DFU_CLRSTATUS request.
bool ClearStatus() const;
// Perform a DFU_ABORT request.
bool Abort() const;
// Set the device in DFU mode. Returns true if the device is already in DFU
// mode. The field |reenumerate| indicates if the device was re-enumerated, in
// which case the device must be re-opened.
bool SetInDfuMode(bool* reenumerate = nullptr);
// Downloads the specified file contents to the device. The device must
// already be in DFU mode to succeed.
bool DownloadFile(const std::vector<char>& file_data) const;
// Returns true if bitCanDnload is set in bmAttributes of the DFU functional
// descriptor.
bool CanDownload() const { return (func_desc_.attributes & kCanDnload); }
// Returns true if bitCanUpload is set in bmAttributes of the DFU functional
// descriptor.
bool CanUpload() const { return (func_desc_.attributes & kCanUpload); }
// Returns true if bitManifestationTolerant is set in bmAttributes of the DFU
// functional descriptor.
bool IsManifestationTolerant() const {
return (func_desc_.attributes & kManifestationTolerant);
// Returns true if bitWillDetach is set in bmAttributes of the DFU functional
// descriptor.
bool WillDetach() const { return (func_desc_.attributes & kWillDetach); }
bool in_dfu_mode() const { return in_dfu_mode_; }
bool Find() override;
bool DownloadFileBlock(int16_t block,
uint8_t* data,
uint16_t length,
State expected_state,
uint32_t* poll_timeout = nullptr) const;
void OnDfuError() const;
bool GetStatusUntilState(State state) const;
int configuration_ = -1;
int interface_ = -1;
bool in_dfu_mode_ = false;
FunctionalDescriptor func_desc_;
} // namespace atrusctl
#endif // USB_DFU_DEVICE_H_