blob: 3ca932b1336b1a0faccc2ccb46a4bc76af2bd591 [file] [log] [blame]
subdirs-y += bootblock
subdirs-y += microcode
subdirs-y += romstage
subdirs-y += ../../../cpu/x86/lapic
subdirs-y += ../../../cpu/x86/mtrr
subdirs-y += ../../../cpu/x86/smm
subdirs-y += ../../../cpu/x86/tsc
subdirs-y += ../../../cpu/intel/microcode
subdirs-y += ../../../cpu/intel/turbo
ramstage-y += memmap.c
romstage-y += memmap.c
ramstage-y += tsc_freq.c
romstage-y += tsc_freq.c
smm-y += tsc_freq.c
ramstage-$(CONFIG_CACHE_MRC_SETTINGS) += nvm.c
ramstage-$(CONFIG_CACHE_MRC_SETTINGS) += mrc_cache.c
romstage-$(CONFIG_CACHE_MRC_SETTINGS) += mrc_cache.c
ramstage-y += spi.c
smm-y += spi.c
ramstage-y += chip.c
ramstage-y += gfx.c
ramstage-y += iosf.c
romstage-y += iosf.c
ramstage-y += northcluster.c
ramstage-y += ramstage.c
ramstage-y += gpio.c
romstage-y += reset.c
ramstage-y += reset.c
ramstage-y += cpu.c
ramstage-y += pmutil.c
smm-y += pmutil.c
smm-y += smihandler.c
ramstage-y += smm.c
ramstage-y += ehci.c
ramstage-y += xhci.c
ramstage-y += southcluster.c
ramstage-$(CONFIG_HAVE_REFCODE_BLOB) += refcode.c
ramstage-y += sata.c
ramstage-y += acpi.c
ramstage-y += lpe.c
ramstage-y += scc.c
ramstage-y += emmc.c
ramstage-y += lpss.c
ramstage-y += pcie.c
ramstage-y += sd.c
ramstage-y += dptf.c
ramstage-y += perf_power.c
ramstage-y += stage_cache.c
romstage-y += stage_cache.c
ramstage-$(CONFIG_ELOG) += elog.c
ramstage-y += hda.c
ramstage-y += hda_verb.c
ramstage-$(CONFIG_ALT_CBFS_LOAD_PAYLOAD) += spi_loading.c
# Remove as ramstage gets fleshed out
ramstage-y += placeholders.c
INCLUDES += -Isrc/soc/intel/baytrail/
# Run an intermediate step when producing coreboot.rom
# that adds additional components to the final firmware
# image outside of CBFS
baytrail_add_me: $(obj)/coreboot.pre $(IFDTOOL)
printf " DD Adding Intel Firmware Descriptor\n"
dd if=3rdparty/mainboard/$(MAINBOARDDIR)/descriptor.bin \
of=$(obj)/coreboot.pre conv=notrunc >/dev/null 2>&1
printf " IFDTOOL me.bin -> coreboot.pre\n"
$(objutil)/ifdtool/ifdtool \
-i ME:3rdparty/mainboard/$(MAINBOARDDIR)/me.bin \
mv $(obj)/ $(obj)/coreboot.pre
printf " IFDTOOL Locking Management Engine\n"
$(objutil)/ifdtool/ifdtool -l $(obj)/coreboot.pre
mv $(obj)/ $(obj)/coreboot.pre
printf " IFDTOOL Unlocking Management Engine\n"
$(objutil)/ifdtool/ifdtool -u $(obj)/coreboot.pre
mv $(obj)/ $(obj)/coreboot.pre
# If an MRC file is an ELF file determine the entry address and first loadable
# section offset in the file. Subtract the offset from the entry address to
# determine the final location.
mrcelfoffset = $(shell readelf -S -W $(CONFIG_MRC_FILE) | sed -e 's/\[ /[0/' | awk '$$3 ~ /PROGBITS/ { print "0x"$$5; exit }' )
mrcelfentry = $(shell readelf -h -W $(CONFIG_MRC_FILE) | grep 'Entry point address' | awk '{print $$NF }')
# Add memory reference code blob.
cbfs-files-$(CONFIG_HAVE_MRC) += mrc.bin
mrc.bin-file := $(call strip_quotes,$(CONFIG_MRC_FILE))
mrc.bin-position := $(if $(findstring elf,$(CONFIG_MRC_FILE)),$(shell printf "0x%x" $$(( $(mrcelfentry) - $(mrcelfoffset) )) ),$(CONFIG_MRC_BIN_ADDRESS))
mrc.bin-type := 0xab