blob: a1de8a9ea4dcbe4fdb33fbddce4457785d139816 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* D-Bus++ - C++ bindings for D-Bus
* Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Paolo Durante <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include "api.h"
#include "util.h"
namespace DBus {
class Message;
class ErrorMessage;
class SignalMessage;
class ReturnMessage;
class Error;
class Connection;
class Tag;
class DXXAPI MessageIter
MessageIter(const MessageIter &iter);
MessageIter &operator =(const MessageIter &iter);
int type();
bool at_end();
bool has_next();
MessageIter &operator ++();
MessageIter operator ++(int);
bool append_byte(unsigned char byte);
unsigned char get_byte();
bool append_bool(bool b);
bool get_bool();
bool append_int16(signed short i);
signed short get_int16();
bool append_uint16(unsigned short u);
unsigned short get_uint16();
bool append_int32(signed int i);
signed int get_int32();
bool append_uint32(unsigned int u);
unsigned int get_uint32();
bool append_int64(signed long long i);
signed long long get_int64();
bool append_uint64(unsigned long long i);
unsigned long long get_uint64();
bool append_double(double d);
double get_double();
bool append_string(const char *chars);
const char *get_string();
bool append_path(const char *chars);
const char *get_path();
bool append_signature(const char *chars);
const char *get_signature();
char *signature() const; //returned string must be manually free()'d
int get_fd();
bool append_fd(int fd);
MessageIter recurse();
bool append_array(char type, const void *ptr, size_t length);
int array_type();
int get_array(void *ptr);
bool is_array();
bool is_dict();
MessageIter new_array(const char *sig);
MessageIter new_variant(const char *sig);
MessageIter new_struct();
MessageIter new_dict_entry();
void close_container(MessageIter &container);
void copy_data(MessageIter &to);
Message &msg() const
return *_msg;
DXXAPILOCAL MessageIter(Message &msg);
DXXAPILOCAL bool append_basic(int type_id, void *value);
DXXAPILOCAL void get_basic(int type_id, void *ptr);
struct Private;
Private *_pvt;
Message *_msg;
friend class Message;
class DXXAPI Message
struct Private;
Message(Private *, bool incref = true);
Message(const Message &m);
Message &operator = (const Message &m);
Message copy();
int type() const;
int serial() const;
int reply_serial() const;
bool reply_serial(int);
const char *sender() const;
bool sender(const char *s);
const char *destination() const;
bool destination(const char *s);
bool is_error() const;
bool is_signal(const char *interface, const char *member) const;
Tag *tag() const;
MessageIter reader() const;
MessageIter writer();
bool append(int first_type, ...);
void terminate();
RefPtrI<Private> _pvt;
/* classes who need to read `_pvt` directly
friend class ErrorMessage;
friend class ReturnMessage;
friend class MessageIter;
friend class Error;
friend class Connection;
friend class TagMessage;
class DXXAPI ErrorMessage : public Message
ErrorMessage(const Message &, const char *name, const char *message);
const char *name() const;
bool name(const char *n);
bool operator == (const ErrorMessage &) const;
class DXXAPI SignalMessage : public Message
SignalMessage(const char *name);
SignalMessage(const char *path, const char *interface, const char *name);
const char *interface() const;
bool interface(const char *i);
const char *member() const;
bool member(const char *m);
const char *path() const;
char ** path_split() const;
bool path(const char *p);
bool operator == (const SignalMessage &) const;
class DXXAPI CallMessage : public Message
CallMessage(const char *dest, const char *path, const char *iface, const char *method);
const char *interface() const;
bool interface(const char *i);
const char *member() const;
bool member(const char *m);
const char *path() const;
char ** path_split() const;
bool path(const char *p);
const char *signature() const;
bool operator == (const CallMessage &) const;
class DXXAPI TagMessage : public Message
TagMessage(Tag *tag);
class DXXAPI ReturnMessage : public Message
ReturnMessage(const CallMessage &callee);
const char *signature() const;
} /* namespace DBus */