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Use DPKT to read in a pcap file and print out the contents of the packets.
This example is focused on the fields in the Ethernet Frame and IP packet.
import dpkt
import datetime
from dpkt.utils import mac_to_str, inet_to_str
def print_packets(pcap):
"""Print out information about each packet in a pcap
pcap: dpkt pcap reader object (dpkt.pcap.Reader)
# For each packet in the pcap process the contents
for timestamp, buf in pcap:
# Print out the timestamp in UTC
print('Timestamp: ', str(datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp)))
# Unpack the Ethernet frame (mac src/dst, ethertype)
eth = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(buf)
print('Ethernet Frame: ', mac_to_str(eth.src), mac_to_str(eth.dst), eth.type)
# Make sure the Ethernet data contains an IP packet
if not isinstance(, dpkt.ip.IP):
print('Non IP Packet type not supported %s\n' %
# Now access the data within the Ethernet frame (the IP packet)
# Pulling out src, dst, length, fragment info, TTL, and Protocol
ip =
# Print out the info, including the fragment flags and offset
print('IP: %s -> %s (len=%d ttl=%d DF=%d MF=%d offset=%d)\n' %
(inet_to_str(ip.src), inet_to_str(ip.dst), ip.len, ip.ttl, ip.df,, ip.offset))
# Pretty print the last packet
print('** Pretty print demo **\n')
def test():
"""Open up a test pcap file and print out the packets"""
with open('data/http.pcap', 'rb') as f:
pcap = dpkt.pcap.Reader(f)
if __name__ == '__main__':