blob: 662b8c5ce3ff3cd850b28348a7878713e7b1706a [file] [log] [blame]
// syllable nuclei: vowels (any length) and diphthongs
.L01 i e a o u y í é á ó ú ý î ê â ô û ŷ ae ai ei oe ui au
// turn x into cs, both because that’s how it’s pronounced
// (strictly speaking only in some Quenya, but let’s do it here too)
// and to free up x as a single letter for ch (see immediately below)
x cs
// turn ch, dh, th into single consonants for stress purposes
ch x
dh ð
th þ
// turn k into c: both letters are equivalent in Tolkien’s languages,
// with c usually reserved for Eldarin languages and k for others
k c
.group a
a a
ae (+ aE
ai (+ aI
au (+ aU
// light penultimate syllable: put stress on antepenultimate
a (L01X =a
a (CL01X =a
.group á
á a:
.group â
â a::
.group b
b b
bb b:
.group c
c k
cc c:
// recall that ch was replaced with x earlier
.group x
x X
.group d
d d
dd d:
// recall that dh was replaced with ð earlier
.group ð
ð D
.group e
e E
ei (+ EI
// light penultimate syllable: put stress on antepenultimate
e (L01X =E
e (CL01X =E
.group é
é E:
.group ê
ê E::
.group f
f f
f (_ v
.group g
g g
gg g:
.group h
h h
hw w#
.group i
i I
_) i (A+ j
// light penultimate syllable: put stress on antepenultimate
i (L01X =I
i (CL01X =I
.group í
í i:
.group î
î i::
// j does not occur in Sindarin
// recall that k was replaced with c earlier
.group l
l l
lh l#
.group m
m m
.group n
n n
.group ng
ng Ng
ng (_ N
.group o
o O
oe (+ OI
// light penultimate syllable: put stress on antepenultimate
o (L01X =O
o (CL01X =O
.group ó
ó O:
.group ô
ô O::
.group p
p p
pp p:
.group ph
ph f
A) ph (A f:
.group q
q _^_qya // q does not occur in Sindarin
.group r
r R
rh hR
.group s
s s
.group t
t t
tt t:
// recall that th was replaced with þ earlier
.group þ
þ T
.group ty
ty tj
.group u
u u
ui (+ uI
// light penultimate syllable: put stress on antepenultimate
u (L01X =u
u (CL01X =u
.group û
û u::
.group ú
ú u:
.group v
v v
.group w
w w
// recall that x was replaced with cs earlier
.group y
y y
// light penultimate syllable: put stress on antepenultimate
y (L01X =y
y (CL01X =y
.group ý
ý y:
.group ŷ
ŷ y::
// z does not occur in Sindarin