internal.c: Helper patch to track ifdef maze

Help manage the pre-processor maze when comparing with upstream.

While these are not in upstream this helps follow up patches be
comprehensible. The residue of this patch at the end could be
then upstreamed.

TEST=builds, no functional changes

Signed-off-by: Edward O'Callaghan <>
Change-Id: I08114b9e7258ce4daa278fbd3a0281cc5dcf7498
Tested-by: Edward O'Callaghan <>
Auto-Submit: Edward O'Callaghan <>
Reviewed-by: Sam McNally <>
Commit-Queue: Edward O'Callaghan <>
1 file changed
tree: 2dd4910469955ed18193f166395b6944f5df88ce
  1. Documentation/
  2. tests/
  3. util/
  4. .gitattributes
  5. .gitignore
  6. 82802ab.c
  7. action_descriptor.c
  8. action_descriptor.h
  9. amd_imc.c
  10. archtest.c
  11. at45db.c
  12. atahpt.c
  13. atapromise.c
  14. atavia.c
  15. big_lock.c
  16. big_lock.h
  17. bitbang_spi.c
  18. board_enable.c
  19. buspirate_spi.c
  20. cbtable.c
  21. ch341a_spi.c
  22. chipdrivers.h
  23. chipset_enable.c
  24. cli_classic.c
  25. cli_common.c
  26. cli_output.c
  28. coreboot_tables.h
  29. cros_ec.c
  30. cros_ec.h
  31. cros_ec_commands.h
  32. cros_ec_dev.c
  33. custom_baud.c
  34. custom_baud.h
  35. dediprog.c
  36. developerbox_spi.c
  37. digilent_spi.c
  38. dmi.c
  39. drkaiser.c
  40. dummyflasher.c
  41. edi.c
  42. edi.h
  43. en29lv640b.c
  44. endiantest.c
  45. ene.h
  46. ene_lpc.c
  47. file.c
  48. file.h
  49. file_lock.c
  50. flash.h
  51. flashchips.c
  52. flashchips.h
  53. flashchips_hwseq.c
  54. flashrom.8.tmpl
  55. flashrom.c
  56. fmap.c
  57. fmap.h
  58. ft2232_spi.c
  59. gfxnvidia.c
  60. helpers.c
  61. hwaccess.c
  62. hwaccess.h
  63. i2c_helper.h
  64. i2c_helper_linux.c
  65. ich_descriptors.c
  66. ich_descriptors.h
  67. ichspi.c
  68. internal.c
  69. ipc_lock.h
  70. it8212.c
  71. it85spi.c
  72. it87spi.c
  73. jedec.c
  74. jlink_spi.c
  75. layout.c
  76. layout.h
  77. libflashrom.h
  78. linux_mtd.c
  79. linux_spi.c
  80. lspcon_i2c_spi.c
  81. m29f400bt.c
  82. Makefile
  83. mcp6x_spi.c
  84. mec1308.c
  86. meson_options.txt
  87. mstarddc_spi.c
  88. ni845x_spi.c
  89. nic3com.c
  90. nicintel.c
  91. nicintel_eeprom.c
  92. nicintel_spi.c
  93. nicnatsemi.c
  94. nicrealtek.c
  95. ogp_spi.c
  96. opaque.c
  97. os.h
  98. OWNERS
  99. pcidev.c
  100. physmap.c
  101. pickit2_spi.c
  102. platform.h
  103. pony_spi.c
  104. power.c
  105. power.h
  106. PRESUBMIT.cfg
  107. print.c
  108. print_wiki.c
  109. processor_enable.c
  110. programmer.c
  111. programmer.h
  112. raiden_debug_spi.c
  113. rayer_spi.c
  114. README.chromiumos
  115. realtek_mst_i2c_spi.c
  116. s25f.c
  117. satamv.c
  118. satasii.c
  119. sb600spi.c
  120. search.c
  121. search.h
  122. serial.c
  123. serprog.c
  124. serprog.h
  125. sfdp.c
  126. sharplhf00l04.c
  127. spi.c
  128. spi.h
  129. spi25.c
  130. spi25_statusreg.c
  131. spi4ba.c
  132. spi4ba.h
  133. spi95.c
  134. sst28sf040.c
  135. sst49lfxxxc.c
  136. sst_fwhub.c
  137. stlinkv3_spi.c
  138. stm50.c
  139. stm50flw0x0x.c
  140. udelay.c
  141. usb_device.c
  142. usb_device.h
  143. usbblaster_spi.c
  144. usbdev.c
  145. w29ee011.c
  146. w39.c
  147. wbsio_spi.c
  148. wpce775x.c
  149. writeprotect.c
  150. writeprotect.h