blob: f869b076e651ff3e978fc902c08ec1f803dbb00e [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of the flashrom project.
* Copyright (C) 2009 Urja Rannikko <>
* Copyright (C) 2009 Carl-Daniel Hailfinger
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include "flash.h"
#include "programmer.h"
#define MSGHEADER "serprog:"
#define S_ACK 0x06
#define S_NAK 0x15
#define S_CMD_NOP 0x00 /* No operation */
#define S_CMD_Q_IFACE 0x01 /* Query interface version */
#define S_CMD_Q_CMDMAP 0x02 /* Query supported commands bitmap */
#define S_CMD_Q_PGMNAME 0x03 /* Query programmer name */
#define S_CMD_Q_SERBUF 0x04 /* Query Serial Buffer Size */
#define S_CMD_Q_BUSTYPE 0x05 /* Query supported bustypes */
#define S_CMD_Q_CHIPSIZE 0x06 /* Query supported chipsize (2^n format) */
#define S_CMD_Q_OPBUF 0x07 /* Query operation buffer size */
#define S_CMD_Q_WRNMAXLEN 0x08 /* Query opbuf-write-N maximum lenght */
#define S_CMD_R_BYTE 0x09 /* Read a single byte */
#define S_CMD_R_NBYTES 0x0A /* Read n bytes */
#define S_CMD_O_INIT 0x0B /* Initialize operation buffer */
#define S_CMD_O_WRITEB 0x0C /* Write opbuf: Write byte with address */
#define S_CMD_O_WRITEN 0x0D /* Write to opbuf: Write-N */
#define S_CMD_O_DELAY 0x0E /* Write opbuf: udelay */
#define S_CMD_O_EXEC 0x0F /* Execute operation buffer */
#define S_CMD_SYNCNOP 0x10 /* Special no-operation that returns NAK+ACK */
#define S_CMD_Q_RDNMAXLEN 0x11 /* Query read-n maximum length */
#define S_CMD_S_BUSTYPE 0x12 /* Set used bustype(s). */
static uint16_t sp_device_serbuf_size = 16;
static uint16_t sp_device_opbuf_size = 300;
/* Bitmap of supported commands */
static uint8_t sp_cmdmap[32];
/* sp_prev_was_write used to detect writes with contiguous addresses
and combine them to write-n's */
static int sp_prev_was_write = 0;
/* sp_write_n_addr used as the starting addr of the currently
combined write-n operation */
static uint32_t sp_write_n_addr;
/* The maximum length of an write_n operation; 0 = write-n not supported */
static uint32_t sp_max_write_n = 0;
/* The maximum length of a read_n operation; 0 = 2^24 */
static uint32_t sp_max_read_n = 0;
/* A malloc'd buffer for combining the operation's data
and a counter that tells how much data is there. */
static uint8_t *sp_write_n_buf;
static uint32_t sp_write_n_bytes = 0;
/* sp_streamed_* used for flow control checking */
static int sp_streamed_transmit_ops = 0;
static int sp_streamed_transmit_bytes = 0;
/* sp_opbuf_usage used for counting the amount of
on-device operation buffer used */
static int sp_opbuf_usage = 0;
/* if true causes sp_docommand to automatically check
whether the command is supported before doing it */
static int sp_check_avail_automatic = 0;
static int sp_opensocket(char *ip, unsigned int port)
int flag = 1;
struct hostent *hostPtr = NULL;
union { struct sockaddr_in si; struct sockaddr s; } sp = {};
int sock;
msg_pdbg(MSGHEADER "IP %s port %d\n", ip, port);
if (sock < 0)
sp_die("Error: serprog cannot open socket");
hostPtr = gethostbyname(ip);
if (NULL == hostPtr) {
hostPtr = gethostbyaddr(ip, strlen(ip), AF_INET);
if (NULL == hostPtr)
sp_die("Error: cannot resolve");
} = AF_INET; = htons(port);
(void)memcpy(&, hostPtr->h_addr, hostPtr->h_length);
if (connect(sock, &sp.s, sizeof( < 0) {
sp_die("Error: serprog cannot connect");
/* We are latency limited, and sometimes do write-write-read *
* (write-n) - so enable TCP_NODELAY. */
setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, &flag, sizeof(int));
return sock;
static int sp_sync_read_timeout(int loops)
int i;
unsigned char c;
for (i = 0; i < loops; i++) {
ssize_t rv;
rv = read(sp_fd, &c, 1);
if (rv == 1)
return c;
if ((rv == -1) && (errno != EAGAIN))
usleep(10 * 1000); /* 10ms units */
return -1;
/* Synchronize: a bit tricky algorithm that tries to (and in my tests has *
* always succeeded in) bring the serial protocol to known waiting-for- *
* command state - uses nonblocking read - rest of the driver uses *
* blocking read - TODO: add an alarm() timer for the rest of the app on *
* serial operations, though not such a big issue as the first thing to *
* do is synchronize (eg. check that device is alive). */
static void sp_synchronize(void)
int i;
int flags = fcntl(sp_fd, F_GETFL);
unsigned char buf[8];
flags |= O_NONBLOCK;
fcntl(sp_fd, F_SETFL, flags);
/* First sends 8 NOPs, then flushes the return data - should cause *
* the device serial parser to get to a sane state, unless if it *
* is waiting for a real long write-n. */
memset(buf, S_CMD_NOP, 8);
if (write(sp_fd, buf, 8) != 8)
sp_die("flush write");
/* A second should be enough to get all the answers to the buffer */
usleep(1000 * 1000);
/* Then try upto 8 times to send syncnop and get the correct special *
* return of NAK+ACK. Timing note: upto 10 characters, 10*50ms = *
* upto 500ms per try, 8*0.5s = 4s; +1s (above) = upto 5s sync *
* attempt, ~1s if immediate success. */
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
int n;
unsigned char c = S_CMD_SYNCNOP;
if (write(sp_fd, &c, 1) != 1)
sp_die("sync write");
for (n = 0; n < 10; n++) {
c = sp_sync_read_timeout(5); /* wait upto 50ms */
if (c != S_NAK)
c = sp_sync_read_timeout(2);
if (c != S_ACK)
if (write(sp_fd, &c, 1) != 1)
sp_die("sync write");
c = sp_sync_read_timeout(50);
if (c != S_NAK)
break; /* fail */
c = sp_sync_read_timeout(10);
if (c != S_ACK)
break; /* fail */
/* Ok, synchronized; back to blocking reads and return. */
flags &= ~O_NONBLOCK;
fcntl(sp_fd, F_SETFL, flags);
msg_perr("Error: cannot synchronize protocol\n"
"- check communications and reset device?\n");
static int sp_check_commandavail(uint8_t command)
int byteoffs, bitoffs;
byteoffs = command / 8;
bitoffs = command % 8;
return (sp_cmdmap[byteoffs] & (1 << bitoffs)) ? 1 : 0;
static int sp_automatic_cmdcheck(uint8_t cmd)
if ((sp_check_avail_automatic) && (sp_check_commandavail(cmd) == 0)) {
msg_pdbg("Warning: Automatic command availability check"
" failed for cmd %d - wont execute cmd\n",cmd);
return 1;
return 0;
static int sp_docommand(uint8_t command, uint32_t parmlen,
uint8_t * params, uint32_t retlen, void *retparms)
unsigned char *sendpacket;
unsigned char c;
if (sp_automatic_cmdcheck(command))
return 1;
sendpacket = malloc(1 + parmlen);
if (!sendpacket)
sp_die("Error: cannot malloc command buffer");
sendpacket[0] = command;
memcpy(&(sendpacket[1]), params, parmlen);
if (write(sp_fd, sendpacket, 1 + parmlen) != (1 + parmlen)) {
sp_die("Error: cannot write command");
if (read(sp_fd, &c, 1) != 1)
sp_die("Error: cannot read from device");
if (c == S_NAK) return 1;
if (c != S_ACK) {
msg_perr("Error: invalid response 0x%02X from device\n",c);
if (retlen) {
int rd_bytes = 0;
do {
int r;
r = read(sp_fd, retparms + rd_bytes,
retlen - rd_bytes);
if (r <= 0) sp_die
("Error: cannot read return parameters");
rd_bytes += r;
} while (rd_bytes != retlen);
return 0;
static void sp_flush_stream(void)
if (sp_streamed_transmit_ops)
do {
unsigned char c;
if (read(sp_fd, &c, 1) != 1) {
sp_die("Error: cannot read from device (flushing stream)");
if (c == S_NAK) {
msg_perr("Error: NAK to a stream buffer operation\n");
if (c != S_ACK) {
msg_perr("Error: Invalid reply 0x%02X from device\n", c);
} while (--sp_streamed_transmit_ops);
sp_streamed_transmit_ops = 0;
sp_streamed_transmit_bytes = 0;
static int sp_stream_buffer_op(uint8_t cmd, uint32_t parmlen, uint8_t * parms)
uint8_t *sp;
if (sp_automatic_cmdcheck(cmd))
return 1;
sp = malloc(1 + parmlen);
if (!sp) sp_die("Error: cannot malloc command buffer");
sp[0] = cmd;
memcpy(&(sp[1]), parms, parmlen);
if (sp_streamed_transmit_bytes >= (1 + parmlen + sp_device_serbuf_size))
if (write(sp_fd, sp, 1 + parmlen) != (1 + parmlen))
sp_die("Error: cannot write command");
sp_streamed_transmit_ops += 1;
sp_streamed_transmit_bytes += 1 + parmlen;
return 0;
int serprog_init(void)
uint16_t iface;
unsigned char pgmname[17];
unsigned char rbuf[3];
unsigned char c;
char *device;
char *baudport;
int have_device = 0;
/* the parameter is either of format "dev=/dev/device:baud" or "ip=ip:port" */
device = extract_programmer_param("dev");
if (device && strlen(device)) {
baudport = strstr(device, ":");
if (baudport) {
/* Split device from baudrate. */
*baudport = '\0';
if (!baudport || !strlen(baudport)) {
msg_perr("Error: No baudrate specified.\n"
"Use flashrom -p serprog:dev=/dev/device:baud\n");
return 1;
if (strlen(device)) {
sp_fd = sp_openserport(device, atoi(baudport));
if (device && !strlen(device)) {
msg_perr("Error: No device specified.\n"
"Use flashrom -p serprog:dev=/dev/device:baud\n");
return 1;
device = extract_programmer_param("ip");
if (have_device && device) {
msg_perr("Error: Both host and device specified.\n"
"Please use either dev= or ip= but not both.\n");
return 1;
if (device && strlen(device)) {
baudport = strstr(device, ":");
if (baudport) {
/* Split host from port. */
*baudport = '\0';
if (!baudport || !strlen(baudport)) {
msg_perr("Error: No port specified.\n"
"Use flashrom -p serprog:ip=ipaddr:port\n");
return 1;
if (strlen(device)) {
sp_fd = sp_opensocket(device, atoi(baudport));
if (device && !strlen(device)) {
msg_perr("Error: No host specified.\n"
"Use flashrom -p serprog:ip=ipaddr:port\n");
return 1;
if (!have_device) {
msg_perr("Error: Neither host nor device specified.\n"
"Use flashrom -p serprog:dev=/dev/device:baud or "
"flashrom -p serprog:ip=ipaddr:port\n");
return 1;
msg_pdbg(MSGHEADER "connected - attempting to synchronize\n");
sp_check_avail_automatic = 0;
msg_pdbg(MSGHEADER "Synchronized\n");
if (sp_docommand(S_CMD_Q_IFACE, 0, NULL, 2, &iface)) {
msg_perr("Error: NAK to Query Interface version\n");
if (iface != 1) {
msg_perr("Error: Unknown interface version %d\n", iface);
msg_pdbg(MSGHEADER "Interface version ok.\n");
if (sp_docommand(S_CMD_Q_CMDMAP, 0, NULL, 32, sp_cmdmap)) {
msg_perr("Error: query command map not supported\n");
sp_check_avail_automatic = 1;
/* Check for the minimum operational set of commands */
if (sp_check_commandavail(S_CMD_R_BYTE) == 0) {
msg_perr("Error: Single byte read not supported\n");
/* This could be translated to single byte reads (if missing), *
* but now we dont support that. */
if (sp_check_commandavail(S_CMD_R_NBYTES) == 0) {
msg_perr("Error: Read n bytes not supported\n");
/* In the future one could switch to read-only mode if these *
* are not available. */
if (sp_check_commandavail(S_CMD_O_INIT) == 0) {
msg_perr("Error: Initialize operation buffer not supported\n");
if (sp_check_commandavail(S_CMD_O_WRITEB) == 0) {
msg_perr("Error: Write to opbuf: write byte not supported\n");
if (sp_check_commandavail(S_CMD_O_DELAY) == 0) {
msg_perr("Error: Write to opbuf: delay not supported\n");
if (sp_check_commandavail(S_CMD_O_EXEC) == 0) {
"Error: Execute operation buffer not supported\n");
if (sp_docommand(S_CMD_Q_PGMNAME, 0, NULL, 16, pgmname)) {
msg_perr("Warning: NAK to query programmer name\n");
strcpy((char *)pgmname, "(unknown)");
pgmname[16] = 0;
msg_pinfo(MSGHEADER "Programmer name \"%s\"\n", pgmname);
if (sp_docommand(S_CMD_Q_SERBUF, 0, NULL, 2, &sp_device_serbuf_size)) {
msg_perr("Warning: NAK to query serial buffer size\n");
msg_pdbg(MSGHEADER "serial buffer size %d\n",
if (sp_docommand(S_CMD_Q_OPBUF, 0, NULL, 2, &sp_device_opbuf_size)) {
msg_perr("Warning: NAK to query operation buffer size\n");
msg_pdbg(MSGHEADER "operation buffer size %d\n",
if (sp_docommand(S_CMD_Q_BUSTYPE, 0, NULL, 1, &c)) {
msg_perr("Warning: NAK to query supported buses\n");
c = CHIP_BUSTYPE_NONSPI; /* A reasonable default for now. */
buses_supported = c;
if (sp_docommand(S_CMD_O_INIT, 0, NULL, 0, NULL)) {
msg_perr("Error: NAK to initialize operation buffer\n");
if (sp_docommand(S_CMD_Q_WRNMAXLEN, 0, NULL, 3, rbuf)) {
msg_pdbg(MSGHEADER "Write-n not supported");
sp_max_write_n = 0;
} else {
sp_max_write_n = ((unsigned int)(rbuf[0]) << 0);
sp_max_write_n |= ((unsigned int)(rbuf[1]) << 8);
sp_max_write_n |= ((unsigned int)(rbuf[2]) << 16);
msg_pdbg(MSGHEADER "Maximum write-n length %d\n",
sp_write_n_buf = malloc(sp_max_write_n);
if (!sp_write_n_buf) {
msg_perr("Error: cannot allocate memory for Write-n buffer\n");
sp_write_n_bytes = 0;
if ((sp_check_commandavail(S_CMD_Q_RDNMAXLEN))
&&((sp_docommand(S_CMD_Q_RDNMAXLEN,0,NULL, 3, rbuf) == 0))) {
sp_max_read_n = ((unsigned int)(rbuf[0]) << 0);
sp_max_read_n |= ((unsigned int)(rbuf[1]) << 8);
sp_max_read_n |= ((unsigned int)(rbuf[2]) << 16);
msg_pdbg(MSGHEADER "Maximum read-n length %d\n",
sp_max_read_n ? sp_max_read_n : (1<<24));
} else {
msg_pdbg(MSGHEADER "Maximum read-n length not reported\n");
sp_max_read_n = 0;
sp_prev_was_write = 0;
sp_streamed_transmit_ops = 0;
sp_streamed_transmit_bytes = 0;
sp_opbuf_usage = 0;
return 0;
/* Move an in flashrom buffer existing write-n operation to *
* the on-device operation buffer. */
static void sp_pass_writen(void)
unsigned char header[7];
msg_pspew(MSGHEADER "Passing write-n bytes=%d addr=0x%x\n",
sp_write_n_bytes, sp_write_n_addr);
if (sp_streamed_transmit_bytes >=
(7 + sp_write_n_bytes + sp_device_serbuf_size))
/* In case it's just a single byte send it as a single write. */
if (sp_write_n_bytes == 1) {
sp_write_n_bytes = 0;
header[0] = (sp_write_n_addr >> 0) & 0xFF;
header[1] = (sp_write_n_addr >> 8) & 0xFF;
header[2] = (sp_write_n_addr >> 16) & 0xFF;
header[3] = sp_write_n_buf[0];
sp_stream_buffer_op(S_CMD_O_WRITEB, 4, header);
sp_opbuf_usage += 5;
header[0] = S_CMD_O_WRITEN;
header[1] = (sp_write_n_bytes >> 0) & 0xFF;
header[2] = (sp_write_n_bytes >> 8) & 0xFF;
header[3] = (sp_write_n_bytes >> 16) & 0xFF;
header[4] = (sp_write_n_addr >> 0) & 0xFF;
header[5] = (sp_write_n_addr >> 8) & 0xFF;
header[6] = (sp_write_n_addr >> 16) & 0xFF;
if (write(sp_fd, header, 7) != 7)
sp_die("Error: cannot write write-n command\n");
if (write(sp_fd, sp_write_n_buf, sp_write_n_bytes) !=
sp_die("Error: cannot write write-n data");
sp_streamed_transmit_bytes += 7 + sp_write_n_bytes;
sp_streamed_transmit_ops += 1;
sp_opbuf_usage += 7 + sp_write_n_bytes;
sp_write_n_bytes = 0;
sp_prev_was_write = 0;
static void sp_execute_opbuf_noflush(void)
if ((sp_max_write_n) && (sp_write_n_bytes))
sp_stream_buffer_op(S_CMD_O_EXEC, 0, NULL);
msg_pspew(MSGHEADER "Executed operation buffer of %d bytes\n",
sp_opbuf_usage = 0;
sp_prev_was_write = 0;
static void sp_execute_opbuf(void)
int serprog_shutdown(void)
msg_pspew("%s\n", __func__);
if ((sp_opbuf_usage) || (sp_max_write_n && sp_write_n_bytes))
if (sp_max_write_n)
return 0;
static void sp_check_opbuf_usage(int bytes_to_be_added)
if (sp_device_opbuf_size <= (sp_opbuf_usage + bytes_to_be_added)) {
/* If this happens in the mid of an page load the page load *
* will probably fail. */
msg_pdbg(MSGHEADER "Warning: executed operation buffer due to size reasons\n");
void serprog_chip_writeb(uint8_t val, chipaddr addr)
msg_pspew("%s\n", __func__);
if (sp_max_write_n) {
if ((sp_prev_was_write)
&& (addr == (sp_write_n_addr + sp_write_n_bytes))) {
sp_write_n_buf[sp_write_n_bytes++] = val;
} else {
if ((sp_prev_was_write) && (sp_write_n_bytes))
sp_prev_was_write = 1;
sp_write_n_addr = addr;
sp_write_n_bytes = 1;
sp_write_n_buf[0] = val;
sp_check_opbuf_usage(7 + sp_write_n_bytes);
if (sp_write_n_bytes >= sp_max_write_n)
} else {
/* We will have to do single writeb ops. */
unsigned char writeb_parm[4];
writeb_parm[0] = (addr >> 0) & 0xFF;
writeb_parm[1] = (addr >> 8) & 0xFF;
writeb_parm[2] = (addr >> 16) & 0xFF;
writeb_parm[3] = val;
sp_stream_buffer_op(S_CMD_O_WRITEB, 4, writeb_parm);
sp_opbuf_usage += 5;
uint8_t serprog_chip_readb(const chipaddr addr)
unsigned char c;
unsigned char buf[3];
/* Will stream the read operation - eg. add it to the stream buffer, *
* then flush the buffer, then read the read answer. */
if ((sp_opbuf_usage) || (sp_max_write_n && sp_write_n_bytes))
buf[0] = ((addr >> 0) & 0xFF);
buf[1] = ((addr >> 8) & 0xFF);
buf[2] = ((addr >> 16) & 0xFF);
sp_stream_buffer_op(S_CMD_R_BYTE, 3, buf);
if (read(sp_fd, &c, 1) != 1)
sp_die("readb byteread");
msg_pspew("%s addr=0x%lx returning 0x%02X\n", __func__, addr, c);
return c;
/* Local version that really does the job, doesn't care of max_read_n. */
static void sp_do_read_n(uint8_t * buf, const chipaddr addr, size_t len)
int rd_bytes = 0;
unsigned char sbuf[6];
msg_pspew("%s: addr=0x%lx len=%lu\n", __func__, addr, (unsigned long)len);
/* Stream the read-n -- as above. */
if ((sp_opbuf_usage) || (sp_max_write_n && sp_write_n_bytes))
sbuf[0] = ((addr >> 0) & 0xFF);
sbuf[1] = ((addr >> 8) & 0xFF);
sbuf[2] = ((addr >> 16) & 0xFF);
sbuf[3] = ((len >> 0) & 0xFF);
sbuf[4] = ((len >> 8) & 0xFF);
sbuf[5] = ((len >> 16) & 0xFF);
sp_stream_buffer_op(S_CMD_R_NBYTES, 6, sbuf);
do {
int r = read(sp_fd, buf + rd_bytes, len - rd_bytes);
if (r <= 0)
sp_die("Error: cannot read read-n data");
rd_bytes += r;
} while (rd_bytes != len);
/* The externally called version that makes sure that max_read_n is obeyed. */
void serprog_chip_readn(uint8_t * buf, const chipaddr addr, size_t len)
size_t lenm = len;
chipaddr addrm = addr;
while ((sp_max_read_n)&&(lenm > sp_max_read_n)) {
addrm += sp_max_read_n;
lenm -= sp_max_read_n;
if (lenm) sp_do_read_n(&(buf[addrm-addr]),addrm,lenm);
void serprog_delay(int delay)
unsigned char buf[4];
msg_pspew("%s\n", __func__);
if ((sp_max_write_n) && (sp_write_n_bytes))
buf[0] = ((delay >> 0) & 0xFF);
buf[1] = ((delay >> 8) & 0xFF);
buf[2] = ((delay >> 16) & 0xFF);
buf[3] = ((delay >> 24) & 0xFF);
sp_stream_buffer_op(S_CMD_O_DELAY, 4, buf);
sp_opbuf_usage += 5;
sp_prev_was_write = 0;