blob: 49e182797cc78a568f22c4d3ecbe41fed7be14c7 [file] [log] [blame]
__author__ = "James Sams <>"
import unittest
import getpass
import atom
import gdata.books
import gdata.books.service
from gdata import test_data
username = ""
password = ""
class BookCRUDTests(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.service = gdata.books.service.BookService(email=username,
password=password, source="Google-PythonGdataTest-1")
if username and password:
self.authenticated = True
self.authenticated = False
def testPublicSearch(self):
entry = self.service.get_by_google_id("b7GZr5Btp30C")
self.assertEquals((entry.creator[0].text, entry.dc_title[0].text),
('John Rawls', 'A theory of justice'))
feed = self.service.search_by_keyword(isbn="9780198250548")
feed1 ="9780198250548")
self.assertEquals(len(feed.entry), 1)
self.assertEquals(len(feed1.entry), 1)
def testLibraryCrd(self):
the success of the create operations assumes the book was not already
in the library. if it was, there will not be a failure, but a successful
add will not actually be tested.
if not self.authenticated:
entry = self.service.get_by_google_id("b7GZr5Btp30C")
entry = self.service.add_item_to_library(entry)
lib = list(self.service.get_library())
self.assert_(entry.to_dict()['title'] in
[x.to_dict()['title'] for x in lib])
lib = list(self.service.get_library())
self.assert_(entry.to_dict()['title'] not in
[x.to_dict()['title'] for x in lib])
def testAnnotations(self):
"annotations do not behave as expected"
if __name__ == "__main__":
print "Please use a test account. May cause data loss."
username = raw_input("Google Username: ").strip()
password = getpass.getpass()