blob: c4ca0703900dba48644929638b2dd1e5279910a6 [file] [log] [blame]
The minimum Android API level for glmark2 is 9 (>= Android 2.3).
Building using the SDK and NDK
To build and install glmark2 you need the Android SDK and NDK. The 'android',
'adb' and 'ndk-build' tools used below are included there.
To build glmark2 for Android we start by building the native part:
$ cd android
$ ndk-build
To continue building the package from the command line:
$ android update project -p . -s
$ ant debug {or release}
To install to a device, you need to have set up an ADB connection
to the device. Then do:
$ adb install bin/Glmark2Activity-debug.apk
Alternatively you can load the project (in the android/ directory) in Eclipse
using the ADT plugin and manage the build and install process from there. Keep
in mind that when updating the native build (ndk-build etc) you need to refresh
the Eclipse project, otherwise it won't notice that something has changed.
Building using the Android build system
Copy the glmark2 source tree to somewhere the Android build system can access
it (eg external/glmark2) and build the GLMark2 module:
$ make GLMark2