blob: fe9d3ed9a41ee745cad28e85873e0044b363005b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "minicam_device.h"
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <endian.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <memory>
#include "stdint.h"
#include "tools.h"
#include "usb_device.h"
namespace huddly {
const uint16_t kVendorId = 0x2bd9;
const uint16_t kProductIdApp = 0x0011;
const uint16_t kProductIdBootloader = 0x0010;
const uint16_t kProductIdInvalid = 0x0000;
// USB 3.0 max packet size (512 bytes) minus vendor command header.
const uint32_t kChunkSizeBytes = 500;
const uint64_t kMv2ReadTimeout = 500;
const uint64_t kTypicalCommitTimeMs = 30000;
// Handling firmware response from huddly.
const uint8_t kAppVersionOffset = 1;
const uint8_t kBootloaderVersionOffset = 5;
uint16_t BootModeToProductId(BootMode mode) {
switch (mode) {
case BootMode::APP:
return kProductIdApp;
case BootMode::BOOTLOADER:
return kProductIdBootloader;
case BootMode::UNKNOWN:
return kProductIdInvalid;
std::string StreamModeToStr(StreamMode stream_mode) {
switch (stream_mode) {
case StreamMode::SINGLE:
return "Single";
case StreamMode::DUAL:
return "Dual";
case StreamMode::TRIPLE:
return "Triple";
case StreamMode::WRITE_ENABLE:
return "Write Enable";
uint16_t unknown_val = static_cast<uint16_t>(stream_mode);
char return_string[15];
snprintf(return_string, sizeof(return_string), "UNKNOWN:0x%04x",
return return_string;
MinicamDevice::MinicamDevice(uint16_t vendor_id, uint16_t product_id)
: UsbDevice(vendor_id, product_id) {}
MinicamDevice::~MinicamDevice() {}
bool MinicamDevice::CheckIfExists() {
bool result = false;
std::string err_msg;
if (!Exists(&result, &err_msg)) {
// Error while checking. This does not mean check failed and it turned out
// that the device does not exist.
err_msg += ".. failed to check if the device exists or not";
LOG(ERROR) << err_msg;
return result;
bool MinicamDevice::RebootInMode(BootMode boot_mode, std::string* err_msg) {
LOG(INFO) << ".. setting boot mode: " << BootModeStr(boot_mode);
if (!SetBootMode(boot_mode, err_msg)) {
*err_msg += ".. failed to rebooting in mode: ";
*err_msg += BootModeStr(boot_mode);
return false;
LOG(INFO) << ".. done setting boot mode. rebooting ";
if (!Reboot(err_msg)) {
*err_msg += ".. failed to reboot in mode: ";
*err_msg += BootModeStr(boot_mode);
return false;
return true;
bool MinicamDevice::Reboot(std::string* err_msg) {
// TODO(porce): Should we use 0x03(all) or 0x02 (MV2)?
uint8_t data = 0x03; // For all devices.
if (!VendorWrite(VendorRequest::REBOOT, sizeof(data), &data, err_msg)) {
*err_msg += ".. failed to reboot";
return false;
// No return value check. The device is just lost because of the reboot.
// It is normal to have a return value of false.
return true;
bool MinicamDevice::WriteImage(int data_len,
uint8_t* data,
std::string* err_msg,
bool dry_run) const {
LOG(INFO) << ".. begin allocating buffer";
if (!AllocateBuffer(data_len, err_msg)) {
*err_msg += ".. failed to allocate buffer";
LOG(ERROR) << *err_msg;
return false;
LOG(INFO) << ".. end allocating buffer. begin uploading image " << data_len
<< " bytes"
<< " ";
if (!UploadImage(data_len, data, err_msg)) {
*err_msg += ".. failed to upload image";
LOG(ERROR) << *err_msg;
return false;
if (dry_run) {
LOG(INFO) << ".. dry run mode. Skip committing";
return true;
LOG(INFO) << ".. end uploading. begin committing... ";
if (!Mv2Commit(0, data_len, err_msg)) {
*err_msg += ".. failed to commit";
LOG(INFO) << *err_msg;
return false;
LOG(INFO) << ".. end committing";
return true;
void MinicamDevice::ShowInfo() {
std::string err_msg;
std::string hw_rev;
std::string bootloader_ver;
std::string app_ver;
if (!GetHwRevision(&hw_rev, &err_msg)) {
std::cerr << err_msg << std::endl;
GetVersion(&app_ver, &bootloader_ver);
// Bypass the logging facility. libchrome logging does not honor stdout
// properly. Instead it goes to stderr.
std::cout << "Camera Peripheral:" << std::endl;
std::cout << " bootloader: " << bootloader_ver.c_str() << std::endl;
std::cout << " app: " << app_ver.c_str() << std::endl;
std::cout << " hw_rev: " << hw_rev.c_str() << std::endl;
bool MinicamDevice::GetHwRevision(std::string* hw_rev_str,
std::string* err_msg) const {
uint8_t hw_rev;
if (!VendorRead(VendorRequest::HW_REV, static_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(hw_rev)),
&hw_rev, err_msg)) {
*err_msg += ".. failed in querying hardware revision";
*hw_rev_str = "unknown";
return false;
*hw_rev_str = std::to_string(hw_rev);
return true;
std::string MinicamDevice::QueryFirmwareVersion() const {
// For Bootloader mode only.
const int kVersionBytes = 3;
uint8_t data[kVersionBytes];
std::string err_msg;
if (!VendorRead(VendorRequest::VERSION, kVersionBytes, data, &err_msg)) {
LOG(ERROR) << ".. failed in vendor reading: " << err_msg;
return "unknown"; //
char buffer[kVersionBytes * 2 + 1];
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%02x%02x%02x", data[0], data[1], data[2]);
return buffer;
bool MinicamDevice::GetVersion(std::string* app_ver,
std::string* bootloader_ver) {
// This API is known to work only in App mode.
std::string err_msg;
// UVC command method queries bootloader and app versions together.
const uint8_t kRequestType = 0xa1; // UVC command.
const uint8_t kRequest = 0x81; // GET_CUR.
const uint16_t kValue = 0x1300; // XU number 19
const uint16_t kIndex = 0x0400; // Unit number 4, interace 0.
const uint32_t kDataLen = 8;
uint8_t data[kDataLen];
bool ret = ControlTransfer(kRequestType, kRequest, kValue, kIndex, kDataLen,
data, &err_msg);
if (!ret) {
// Possible errors are Pipe or IO related.
LOG(ERROR) << err_msg;
*app_ver = "unknown";
*bootloader_ver = "unknown";
return false;
// Decimal representation.
*app_ver = FormatVersion(data + kAppVersionOffset);
*bootloader_ver = FormatVersion(data + kBootloaderVersionOffset);
return true;
bool MinicamDevice::VendorRead(VendorRequest vendor_request,
uint32_t data_len,
uint8_t* data,
std::string* err_msg) const {
const uint8_t kRequestType = 0xc0;
const uint8_t request = static_cast<uint8_t>(vendor_request) & 0xff;
const uint16_t kAddress = 0x00;
uint16_t value = kAddress & 0xffff;
uint16_t index = (kAddress >> 16) & 0xffff;
const uint8_t kUsbRetryLimit = 20;
for (uint8_t retry = 0; retry < kUsbRetryLimit; retry++) {
*err_msg = ""; // Suppress previous errors within a single retry set.
if (ControlTransfer(kRequestType, request, value, index, data_len, data,
err_msg)) {
if (retry > 0) {
LOG(INFO) << ".. vendor read successful after " << retry << " retries";
return true;
// Possible errors are Pipe or IO related.
*err_msg += ".. failed in vendor read: " + std::to_string(request);
*err_msg += " (retried " + std::to_string(kUsbRetryLimit) + ")";
return false;
bool MinicamDevice::VendorWrite(VendorRequest vendor_request,
uint32_t data_len,
uint8_t* data,
std::string* err_msg) const {
const uint8_t kRequestType = 0x40;
const uint8_t request = static_cast<uint8_t>(vendor_request);
uint16_t address = 0x00;
if (vendor_request == VendorRequest::REBOOT) {
address = 0x01;
uint16_t value = address & 0xffff;
uint16_t index = (address >> 16) & 0xffff;
const uint8_t kUsbRetryLimit = 20;
for (uint8_t retry = 0; retry < kUsbRetryLimit; retry++) {
*err_msg = ""; // Suppress previous errors within a single retry set.
if (ControlTransfer(kRequestType, request, value, index, data_len, data,
err_msg)) {
if (retry > 0) {
LOG(INFO) << ".. vendor write successful after " << retry << " retries";
return true;
// Possible errors are Pipe or IO related.
*err_msg += ".. failed in vendor write: " + std::to_string(request);
*err_msg += " (retried " + std::to_string(kUsbRetryLimit) + ")";
return false;
bool MinicamDevice::GetStreamMode(StreamMode* stream_mode) const {
const uint8_t kRequestType = 0xa1; // UVC command.
const uint8_t kRequest = 0x81; // GET_CUR.
const uint16_t kValue = 0x0100; // XU_CONTROL value 0x0001
const uint16_t kIndex = 0x0400; // Unit number 4, interface 0
const uint32_t kDataLen = 2;
uint8_t data[kDataLen];
uint16_t mode_val;
std::string err_msg;
bool ret = ControlTransfer(kRequestType, kRequest, kValue, kIndex, kDataLen,
data, &err_msg);
if (!ret) {
LOG(ERROR) << err_msg;
return false;
// First treat as little endian, convert to host endian after.
mode_val = (data[1] << 8) | data[0];
*stream_mode = static_cast<StreamMode>(le16toh(mode_val));
return true;
bool MinicamDevice::SetStreamMode(StreamMode stream_mode,
std::string* err_msg) const {
const uint8_t kRequestType = 0x21;
const uint8_t kRequest = 0x01;
const uint16_t kValue = 0x0100;
const uint16_t kIndex = 0x0400;
const uint32_t kDataLen = 2;
uint8_t data[kDataLen];
uint16_t mode_val = htole16(static_cast<uint16_t>(StreamMode::WRITE_ENABLE));
data[0] = mode_val;
data[1] = mode_val >> 8;
bool ret = ControlTransfer(kRequestType, kRequest, kValue, kIndex, kDataLen,
data, err_msg);
if (!ret) {
*err_msg += " ... failed to write enable camera";
return false;
mode_val = htole16(static_cast<uint16_t>(stream_mode));
data[0] = mode_val;
data[1] = mode_val >> 8;
ret = ControlTransfer(kRequestType, kRequest, kValue, kIndex, kDataLen, data,
if (!ret) {
*err_msg += "... failed to set stream configuration";
return false;
return true;
bool MinicamDevice::GetBootMode(BootMode* boot_mode,
std::string* err_msg) const {
uint8_t data;
if (!VendorRead(VendorRequest::PRODUCT_INFO,
static_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(data)), &data, err_msg)) {
*err_msg += ".. failed in querying boot mode";
return false;
*boot_mode = static_cast<BootMode>(data);
return true;
bool MinicamDevice::SetBootMode(BootMode boot_mode,
std::string* err_msg) const {
uint8_t data;
data = static_cast<uint8_t>(boot_mode);
if (!VendorWrite(VendorRequest::BOOT_MODE, sizeof(data), &data, err_msg)) {
*err_msg += ".. failed to set boot mode";
return false;
return true;
bool MinicamDevice::IsBootloaderMode() const {
std::string err_msg;
BootMode boot_mode = BootMode::UNKNOWN;
if (!GetBootMode(&boot_mode, &err_msg)) {
err_msg += ".. failed to test if it is in Bootloader mode";
LOG(ERROR) << err_msg;
return false; // Fallback to assume App mode, which is most natural.
return boot_mode == BootMode::BOOTLOADER;
std::string BootModeStr(BootMode boot_mode) {
switch (boot_mode) {
case BootMode::APP:
return "APP";
case BootMode::BOOTLOADER:
return "BOOTLOADER";
case BootMode::UNKNOWN:
return "UNKNOWN";
return "INVALID";
bool MinicamDevice::AllocateBuffer(uint32_t size, std::string* err_msg) const {
// TODO(porce): CRC check.
uint32_t retries = 5;
const uint32_t kCmdLen = 5;
uint8_t cmd[kCmdLen];
uint32_t size_le = htole32(size);
cmd[0] = 'a';
memcpy(cmd + 1, &size_le, sizeof(size_le));
if (!Mv2Command(kCmdLen, cmd, retries, err_msg)) {
*err_msg += "failed to allocate buffer";
return false;
return true;
bool MinicamDevice::UploadImage(uint32_t data_len,
uint8_t* data,
std::string* err_msg) const {
uint32_t sum = 0;
for (uint32_t offset = 0; offset < data_len; offset += kChunkSizeBytes) {
uint32_t chunk_size = kChunkSizeBytes;
if (offset + chunk_size > data_len) {
// May happen at the tail of the data
chunk_size = (data_len - offset);
ShowProgress(offset, data_len);
// Mv2WriteChunk has a retry logic inside.
// No need to make this function pesistent.
if (!Mv2WriteChunk(offset, chunk_size, data + offset, err_msg)) {
// TODO(porce): How to recover in the middle?
char msg[100];
snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg),
"\n!! failed to write in offset %u data_len %u chunksize %u",
offset, data_len, chunk_size);
*err_msg += msg;
LOG(INFO) << "Mv2WriteChunk failed. Probably the device is lost. "
"Was it unplugged?";
LOG(INFO) << "Stop uploading image. Start bailout sequence..";
return false;
sum += chunk_size;
ShowProgress(data_len, data_len); // To show 100%
return true;
void MinicamDevice::ShowProgress(uint32_t offset, uint32_t data_len) const {
// Humble version of showing ShowProgress.
// Show percentage progress only upon a change in 10% unit.
// TODO(porce): Beautify this.
if (data_len == 0)
static uint32_t percent_prev = 0;
uint32_t percent = 100 * offset / data_len;
if (percent % 10 == 0 && percent != percent_prev) {
LOG(INFO) << percent << "%..";
percent_prev = percent;
if (percent_prev == 100) {
percent_prev = 0; // reset for next
// Mv2Commit(): Call flow in this function is in question.
// The right flow depends on the behavior of the device.
// TODO(porce): Discuss with vendor.
bool MinicamDevice::Mv2Commit(uint32_t offset,
uint32_t size,
std::string* err_msg) const {
const uint32_t kCmdLen = 9;
uint8_t cmd[kCmdLen];
uint32_t offset_le = htole32(offset);
uint32_t size_le = htole32(size);
cmd[0] = 'W';
memcpy(cmd + 1, &offset_le, sizeof(offset_le));
memcpy(cmd + 1 + sizeof(offset_le), &size_le, sizeof(size_le));
if (!Mv2Command(kCmdLen, cmd, 1, err_msg)) {
<< ".. failed to get ack in mv2_command. But proceed with the upgrade";
// keep going.
SleepMilliSec(2000); // 2 sec.
uint64_t kTimeout = 2 * kTypicalCommitTimeMs;
uint64_t expiry = GetNowMilliSec() + kTimeout;
while (GetNowMilliSec() < expiry) {
const uint32_t kDataLen = 5;
uint8_t data[kDataLen];
if (!Mv2Read(kDataLen, data, err_msg)) {
// failed to read the status. Mv2Read itself has an embedded retry logic.
// Do not need to repeat extra retry. Retrun failure.
LOG(INFO) << "Mv2Read failed. Start bailout sequence..";
return false;
uint8_t status = data[0];
uint32_t pos = LittleEndianUint8ArrayToUint32(data + 1);
switch (status) {
case 'e':
// TODO(porce): ShowProgress.
LOG(INFO) << "[e]";
case 'E':
// TODO(porce): ShowProgress.
LOG(INFO) << "[E]";
case 'w':
// TODO(porce): ShowProgress.
LOG(INFO) << "[w]";
case 'W':
LOG(INFO) << "[W]";
return true;
case 'f':
LOG(INFO) << ".. Erase failure";
return false;
case 'F':
LOG(INFO) << ".. Flash failure" << std::endl;
return false;
case 'V':
LOG(INFO) << ".. Verification failed" << std::endl;
return false;
char msg[100];
snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg),
".. received unexpected commit status: %c, %d", status, pos);
*err_msg += msg;
return false;
SleepMilliSec(1000); // A way to suppress. The status is not queued.
*err_msg += ".. failed to commit. timed out: ";
*err_msg += std::to_string(kTimeout / 1000) + " sec";
return false;
// MV2 methods
bool MinicamDevice::Mv2WriteChunk(uint32_t offset,
uint32_t data_len,
uint8_t* data,
std::string* err_msg) const {
uint32_t offset_le = htole32(offset);
uint32_t buffer_len = 1 + sizeof(offset_le) + data_len;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> buffer(new uint8_t[buffer_len]);
*buffer.get() = 'w';
memcpy(buffer.get() + 1, &offset_le, sizeof(offset_le));
memcpy(buffer.get() + 1 + sizeof(offset_le), data, data_len);
bool result = Mv2Write(buffer_len, buffer.get(), err_msg);
if (result) {
return true;
*err_msg += "\n!! failed to mv2 write at offset: " + std::to_string(offset);
return false;
bool MinicamDevice::Mv2Write(uint32_t data_len,
uint8_t* data,
std::string* err_msg) const {
VendorRequest req = VendorRequest::MV2_WRITE;
if (!VendorWrite(req, data_len, data, err_msg)) {
*err_msg += ".. failed in Mv2Write";
return false;
return true;
bool MinicamDevice::Mv2Read(uint32_t data_len,
uint8_t* data,
std::string* err_msg) const {
uint64_t expiry = GetNowMilliSec() + kMv2ReadTimeout;
while (GetNowMilliSec() < expiry) {
if (VendorRead(VendorRequest::MV2_READ, data_len, data, err_msg)) {
return true;
*err_msg += ".. Mv2Read() timed out";
return false;
bool MinicamDevice::Mv2Command(uint32_t cmd_len,
uint8_t* cmd,
uint32_t retries,
std::string* err_msg) const {
// Note Mv2Command implements an outer loop of retries,
// on top of the Mv2Write() and Mv2GetAck()'s internal
// retry mechanism (which is implemented within ControlTransfer().
// It is of a question if this level of retries is necessary or not, knowing
// the outer loop will increase the timeout drastically. Since this solely
// depends on the vendor's device characteristics, a change of this logic
// should be consulted with the vendor.
for (uint32_t retry = 0; retry < retries; retry++) {
if (!Mv2Write(cmd_len, cmd, err_msg)) {
continue; // continue to retry.
if (Mv2GetAck()) {
if (retry > 0) {
// Treat this as success, but pass this for deep debugging purpose.
*err_msg +=
".. Mv2Command() succeeds with retries: " + std::to_string(retry);
return true;
*err_msg += ".. Mv2Command() with retries: " + std::to_string(retries);
return false;
bool MinicamDevice::Mv2GetAck() const {
uint8_t data;
std::string err_msg;
// Only return value (boolean) matters for this purpose.
return Mv2Read(sizeof(data), &data, &err_msg);
std::string MinicamDevice::FormatVersion(uint8_t* data) const {
return std::to_string(data[2]) + "." + std::to_string(data[1]) + "." +
} // namespace huddly