blob: b0a7005248f6023fcfe282f9d19c9f11b74cc709 [file] [log] [blame]
Local Modification:
- CMakeLists.txt
- src/CMakeLists.txt
Removed the generate-gconf-schemas target.
By default, CMakeList for ibus-chewing tries to run the generate-gconf-schemas binary at build-time to generate ibus-chewing.schemas file.
However, this makes cross-compilation harder. We removed the target since ibus-chewing can work fine without the GConf schema.
- src/MakerDialog.gob
Removed gtk_widget_show_all() so that our window manager (chromiumos-wm) does not remove focus from the Chrome window.
- data/
Set "/home/chronos/user" on $HOME to create the Chewing cache data (~/.chewing/uhash.dat) in /home/chronos/user.