blob: 997aeb8a9290407c04f0374bc0f9a81f49d5239e [file] [log] [blame]
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
* Copyright (C) 2019, Google Inc.
* pixel_format.cpp - libcamera Pixel Format
#include <libcamera/formats.h>
#include <libcamera/pixel_format.h>
#include "libcamera/internal/formats.h"
* \file pixel_format.h
* \brief libcamera pixel format
namespace libcamera {
* \class PixelFormat
* \brief libcamera image pixel format
* The PixelFormat type describes the format of images in the public libcamera
* API. It stores a FourCC value as a 32-bit unsigned integer and a modifier.
* The FourCC and modifier values are defined in the Linux kernel DRM/KMS API
* (see linux/drm_fourcc.h). Constant expressions for all pixel formats
* supported by libcamera are available in libcamera/formats.h.
* \fn PixelFormat::PixelFormat()
* \brief Construct a PixelFormat with an invalid format
* PixelFormat instances constructed with the default constructor are
* invalid, calling the isValid() function returns false.
* \fn PixelFormat::PixelFormat(uint32_t fourcc, uint64_t modifier)
* \brief Construct a PixelFormat from a DRM FourCC and a modifier
* \param[in] fourcc A DRM FourCC
* \param[in] modifier A DRM FourCC modifier
* \brief Compare pixel formats for equality
* \return True if the two pixel formats are equal, false otherwise
bool PixelFormat::operator==(const PixelFormat &other) const
return fourcc_ == other.fourcc() && modifier_ == other.modifier_;
* \fn bool PixelFormat::operator!=(const PixelFormat &other) const
* \brief Compare pixel formats for inequality
* \return True if the two pixel formats are not equal, false otherwise
* \brief Compare pixel formats for smaller than order
* \return True if \a this is smaller than \a other, false otherwise
bool PixelFormat::operator<(const PixelFormat &other) const
if (fourcc_ < other.fourcc_)
return true;
if (fourcc_ > other.fourcc_)
return false;
return modifier_ < other.modifier_;
* \fn bool PixelFormat::isValid() const
* \brief Check if the pixel format is valid
* PixelFormat instances constructed with the default constructor are
* invalid. Instances constructed with a FourCC defined in the DRM API
* are valid. The behaviour is undefined otherwise.
* \return True if the pixel format is valid, false otherwise
* \fn PixelFormat::operator uint32_t() const
* \brief Convert the the pixel format numerical value
* \return The pixel format numerical value
* \fn PixelFormat::fourcc() const
* \brief Retrieve the pixel format FourCC
* \return DRM FourCC
* \fn PixelFormat::modifier() const
* \brief Retrieve the pixel format modifier
* \return DRM modifier
* \brief Assemble and return a string describing the pixel format
* \return A string describing the pixel format
std::string PixelFormat::toString() const
const PixelFormatInfo &info = PixelFormatInfo::info(*this);
if (!info.isValid()) {
if (*this == PixelFormat())
return "<INVALID>";
char fourcc[7] = { '<',
static_cast<char>(fourcc_ >> 8),
static_cast<char>(fourcc_ >> 16),
static_cast<char>(fourcc_ >> 24),
'>' };
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
if (!isprint(fourcc[i]))
fourcc[i] = '.';
return fourcc;
* \brief Create a PixelFormat from a string
* \return The PixelFormat represented by the \a name if known, or an
* invalid pixel format otherwise.
PixelFormat PixelFormat::fromString(const std::string &name)
return PixelFormatInfo::info(name).format;
} /* namespace libcamera */