blob: 5f36ee20710df36081e565f3523d537d3faced3a [file] [log] [blame]
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
* Copyright (C) 2019, Google Inc.
* v4l2_videodevice.cpp - V4L2 Video Device
#include "libcamera/internal/v4l2_videodevice.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <vector>
#include <linux/version.h>
#include <libcamera/base/event_notifier.h>
#include <libcamera/base/log.h>
#include <libcamera/base/shared_fd.h>
#include <libcamera/base/unique_fd.h>
#include <libcamera/base/utils.h>
#include "libcamera/internal/formats.h"
#include "libcamera/internal/framebuffer.h"
#include "libcamera/internal/media_device.h"
#include "libcamera/internal/media_object.h"
* \file v4l2_videodevice.h
* \brief V4L2 Video Device
namespace libcamera {
* \struct V4L2Capability
* \brief struct v4l2_capability object wrapper and helpers
* The V4L2Capability structure manages the information returned by the
* \fn V4L2Capability::driver()
* \brief Retrieve the driver module name
* \return The string containing the name of the driver module
* \fn V4L2Capability::card()
* \brief Retrieve the video device card name
* \return The string containing the video device name
* \fn V4L2Capability::bus_info()
* \brief Retrieve the location of the video device in the system
* \return The string containing the video device location
* \fn V4L2Capability::device_caps()
* \brief Retrieve the capabilities of the video device
* \return The video device specific capabilities if V4L2_CAP_DEVICE_CAPS is
* set or driver capabilities otherwise
* \fn V4L2Capability::isMultiplanar()
* \brief Identify if the video device implements the V4L2 multiplanar APIs
* \return True if the video device supports multiplanar APIs
* \fn V4L2Capability::isCapture()
* \brief Identify if the video device captures data
* \return True if the video device can capture data
* \fn V4L2Capability::isOutput()
* \brief Identify if the video device outputs data
* \return True if the video device can output data
* \fn V4L2Capability::isVideo()
* \brief Identify if the video device captures or outputs images
* \return True if the video device can capture or output images
* \fn V4L2Capability::isM2M()
* \brief Identify if the device is a Memory-to-Memory device
* \return True if the device can capture and output images using the M2M API
* \fn V4L2Capability::isMeta()
* \brief Identify if the video device captures or outputs image meta-data
* \return True if the video device can capture or output image meta-data
* \fn V4L2Capability::isVideoCapture()
* \brief Identify if the video device captures images
* \return True if the video device can capture images
* \fn V4L2Capability::isVideoOutput()
* \brief Identify if the video device outputs images
* \return True if the video device can output images
* \fn V4L2Capability::isMetaCapture()
* \brief Identify if the video device captures image meta-data
* \return True if the video device can capture image meta-data
* \fn V4L2Capability::isMetaOutput()
* \brief Identify if the video device outputs image meta-data
* \return True if the video device can output image meta-data
* \fn V4L2Capability::hasStreaming()
* \brief Determine if the video device can perform Streaming I/O
* \return True if the video device provides Streaming I/O IOCTLs
* \fn V4L2Capability::hasMediaController()
* \brief Determine if the video device uses Media Controller to configure I/O
* \return True if the video device is controlled by a Media Controller device
* \class V4L2BufferCache
* \brief Hot cache of associations between V4L2 buffer indexes and FrameBuffer
* When importing buffers, V4L2 performs lazy mapping of dmabuf instances at
* VIDIOC_QBUF (or VIDIOC_PREPARE_BUF) time and keeps the mapping associated
* with the V4L2 buffer, as identified by its index. If the same V4L2 buffer is
* then reused and queued with different dmabufs, the old dmabufs will be
* unmapped and the new ones mapped. To keep this process efficient, it is
* crucial to consistently use the same V4L2 buffer for given dmabufs through
* the whole duration of a capture cycle.
* The V4L2BufferCache class keeps a map of previous dmabufs to V4L2 buffer
* index associations to help selecting V4L2 buffers. It tracks, for every
* entry, if the V4L2 buffer is in use, and offers lookup of the best free V4L2
* buffer for a set of dmabufs.
* \brief Create an empty cache with \a numEntries entries
* \param[in] numEntries Number of entries to reserve in the cache
* Create a cache with \a numEntries entries all marked as unused. The entries
* will be populated as the cache is used. This is typically used to implement
* buffer import, with buffers added to the cache as they are queued.
V4L2BufferCache::V4L2BufferCache(unsigned int numEntries)
: lastUsedCounter_(1), missCounter_(0)
* \brief Create a pre-populated cache
* \param[in] buffers Array of buffers to pre-populated with
* Create a cache pre-populated with \a buffers. This is typically used to
* implement buffer export, with all buffers added to the cache when they are
* allocated.
V4L2BufferCache::V4L2BufferCache(const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FrameBuffer>> &buffers)
: lastUsedCounter_(1), missCounter_(0)
for (const std::unique_ptr<FrameBuffer> &buffer : buffers)
lastUsedCounter_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel),
if (missCounter_ > cache_.size())
LOG(V4L2, Debug) << "Cache misses: " << missCounter_;
* \brief Find the best V4L2 buffer for a FrameBuffer
* \param[in] buffer The FrameBuffer
* Find the best V4L2 buffer index to be used for the FrameBuffer \a buffer
* based on previous mappings of frame buffers to V4L2 buffers. If a free V4L2
* buffer previously used with the same dmabufs as \a buffer is found in the
* cache, return its index. Otherwise return the index of the first free V4L2
* buffer and record its association with the dmabufs of \a buffer.
* \return The index of the best V4L2 buffer, or -ENOENT if no free V4L2 buffer
* is available
int V4L2BufferCache::get(const FrameBuffer &buffer)
bool hit = false;
int use = -1;
uint64_t oldest = UINT64_MAX;
for (unsigned int index = 0; index < cache_.size(); index++) {
const Entry &entry = cache_[index];
if (!entry.free_)
/* Try to find a cache hit by comparing the planes. */
if (entry == buffer) {
hit = true;
use = index;
if (entry.lastUsed_ < oldest) {
use = index;
oldest = entry.lastUsed_;
if (!hit)
if (use < 0)
return -ENOENT;
cache_[use] = Entry(false,
lastUsedCounter_.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel),
return use;
* \brief Mark buffer \a index as free in the cache
* \param[in] index The V4L2 buffer index
void V4L2BufferCache::put(unsigned int index)
ASSERT(index < cache_.size());
cache_[index].free_ = true;
: free_(true), lastUsed_(0)
V4L2BufferCache::Entry::Entry(bool free, uint64_t lastUsed, const FrameBuffer &buffer)
: free_(free), lastUsed_(lastUsed)
for (const FrameBuffer::Plane &plane : buffer.planes())
bool V4L2BufferCache::Entry::operator==(const FrameBuffer &buffer) const
const std::vector<FrameBuffer::Plane> &planes = buffer.planes();
if (planes_.size() != planes.size())
return false;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < planes.size(); i++)
if (planes_[i].fd != planes[i].fd.get() ||
planes_[i].length != planes[i].length)
return false;
return true;
* \class V4L2DeviceFormat
* \brief The V4L2 video device image format and sizes
* This class describes the image format and resolution to be programmed on a
* V4L2 video device. The image format is defined by a fourcc code (as specified
* by the V4L2 API with the V4L2_PIX_FMT_* macros), a resolution (width and
* height) and one to three planes with configurable line stride and a total
* per-plane size in bytes.
* Image formats, as defined by the V4L2 APIs, are categorised as packed,
* semi-planar and planar, and describe the layout of the image pixel components
* stored in memory.
* Packed image formats store pixel components one after the other, in a
* contiguous memory area. Examples of packed image formats are YUYV
* permutations, RGB with different pixel sub-sampling ratios such as RGB565 or
* RGB666 or Raw-Bayer formats such as SRGGB8 or SGRBG12.
* Semi-planar and planar image formats store the pixel components in separate
* and possibly non-contiguous memory areas, named planes, whose sizes depend on
* the pixel components sub-sampling ratios, which are defined by the format.
* Semi-planar formats use two planes to store pixel components and notable
* examples of such formats are the NV12 and NV16 formats, while planar formats
* use three planes to store pixel components and notable examples are YUV422
* and YUV420.
* Image formats supported by the V4L2 API are defined and described in Section
* number 2 of the "Part I - Video for Linux API" chapter of the "Linux Media
* Infrastructure userspace API", part of the Linux kernel documentation.
* In the context of this document, packed image formats are referred to as
* "packed formats" and semi-planar and planar image formats are referred to as
* "planar formats".
* V4L2 also defines two different sets of APIs to work with devices that store
* planes in contiguous or separate memory areas. They are named "Single-plane
* APIs" and "Multi-plane APIs" respectively and are documented in Section 2.1
* and Section 2.2 of the above mentioned "Part I - Video for Linux API"
* documentation.
* The single-plane API allows, among other parameters, the configuration of the
* image resolution, the pixel format and the stride length. In that case the
* stride applies to all planes (possibly sub-sampled). The multi-plane API
* allows configuring the resolution, the pixel format and a per-plane stride
* length and total size.
* Packed image formats, which occupy a single memory area, are easily described
* through the single-plane API. When used on a video device that implements the
* multi-plane API, only the size and stride information contained in the first
* plane are taken into account.
* Planar image formats, which occupy distinct memory areas, are easily
* described through the multi-plane APIs. When used on a video device that
* implements the single-plane API, all planes are stored one after the other
* in a contiguous memory area, and it is not possible to configure per-plane
* stride length and size, but only a global stride length which is applied to
* all planes.
* The V4L2DeviceFormat class describes both packed and planar image formats,
* regardless of the API type (single or multi plane) implemented by the video
* device the format has to be applied to. The total size and bytes per line
* of images represented with packed formats are configured using the first
* entry of the V4L2DeviceFormat::planes array, while the per-plane size and
* per-plane stride length of images represented with planar image formats are
* configured using the opportune number of entries of the
* V4L2DeviceFormat::planes array, as prescribed by the image format
* definition (semi-planar formats use 2 entries, while planar formats use the
* whole 3 entries). The number of valid entries of the
* V4L2DeviceFormat::planes array is defined by the
* V4L2DeviceFormat::planesCount value.
* \struct V4L2DeviceFormat::Plane
* \brief Per-plane memory size information
* \var V4L2DeviceFormat::Plane::size
* \brief The plane total memory size (in bytes)
* \var V4L2DeviceFormat::Plane::bpl
* \brief The plane line stride (in bytes)
* \var V4L2DeviceFormat::size
* \brief The image size in pixels
* \var V4L2DeviceFormat::fourcc
* \brief The fourcc code describing the pixel encoding scheme
* The fourcc code, as defined by the V4L2 API with the V4L2_PIX_FMT_* macros,
* that identifies the image format pixel encoding scheme.
* \var V4L2DeviceFormat::colorSpace
* \brief The color space of the pixels
* The color space of the image. When setting the format this may be
* unset, in which case the driver gets to use its default color space.
* After being set, this value should contain the color space that
* was actually used. If this value is unset, then the color space chosen
* by the driver could not be represented by the ColorSpace class (and
* should probably be added).
* It is up to the pipeline handler or application to check if the
* resulting color space is acceptable.
* \var V4L2DeviceFormat::planes
* \brief The per-plane memory size information
* Images are stored in memory in one or more data planes. Each data plane has a
* specific line stride and memory size, which could differ from the image
* visible sizes to accommodate padding at the end of lines and end of planes.
* Only the first \ref planesCount entries are considered valid.
* \var V4L2DeviceFormat::planesCount
* \brief The number of valid data planes
* \brief Assemble and return a string describing the format
* \return A string describing the V4L2DeviceFormat
const std::string V4L2DeviceFormat::toString() const
std::stringstream ss;
ss << size.toString() << "-" << fourcc.toString();
return ss.str();
* \class V4L2VideoDevice
* \brief V4L2VideoDevice object and API
* The V4L2VideoDevice class models an instance of a V4L2 video device.
* It is constructed with the path to a V4L2 video device node. The device node
* is only opened upon a call to open() which must be checked for success.
* The video device capabilities are validated when the device is opened and the
* device is rejected if it is not a suitable V4L2 capture or output video
* device, or if the video device does not support streaming I/O.
* No API call other than open(), isOpen() and close() shall be called on an
* unopened device instance.
* The V4L2VideoDevice class supports the V4L2 MMAP and DMABUF memory types:
* - The allocateBuffers() function wraps buffer allocation with the V4L2 MMAP
* memory type. It requests buffers from the driver, allocating the
* corresponding memory, and exports them as a set of FrameBuffer objects.
* Upon successful return the driver's internal buffer management is
* initialized in MMAP mode, and the video device is ready to accept
* queueBuffer() calls.
* This is the most traditional V4L2 buffer management, and is mostly useful
* to support internal buffer pools in pipeline handlers, either for CPU
* consumption (such as statistics or parameters pools), or for internal
* image buffers shared between devices.
* - The exportBuffers() function operates similarly to allocateBuffers(), but
* leaves the driver's internal buffer management uninitialized. It uses the
* V4L2 buffer orphaning support to allocate buffers with the MMAP method,
* export them as a set of FrameBuffer objects, and reset the driver's
* internal buffer management. The video device shall be initialized with
* importBuffers() or allocateBuffers() before it can accept queueBuffer()
* calls. The exported buffers are directly usable with any V4L2 video device
* in DMABUF mode, or with other dmabuf importers.
* This method is mostly useful to implement buffer allocation helpers or to
* allocate ancillary buffers, when a V4L2 video device is used in DMABUF
* mode but no other source of buffers is available. An example use case
* would be allocation of scratch buffers to be used in case of buffer
* underruns on a video device that is otherwise supplied with external
* buffers.
* - The importBuffers() function initializes the driver's buffer management to
* import buffers in DMABUF mode. It requests buffers from the driver, but
* doesn't allocate memory. Upon successful return, the video device is ready
* to accept queueBuffer() calls. The buffers to be imported are provided to
* queueBuffer(), and may be supplied externally, or come from a previous
* exportBuffers() call.
* This is the usual buffers initialization method for video devices whose
* buffers are exposed outside of libcamera. It is also typically used on one
* of the two video device that participate in buffer sharing inside
* pipelines, the other video device typically using allocateBuffers().
* - The releaseBuffers() function resets the driver's internal buffer
* management that was initialized by a previous call to allocateBuffers() or
* importBuffers(). Any memory allocated by allocateBuffers() is freed.
* Buffer exported by exportBuffers() are not affected by this function.
* The V4L2VideoDevice class tracks queued buffers and handles buffer events. It
* automatically dequeues completed buffers and emits the \ref bufferReady
* signal.
* Upon destruction any device left open will be closed, and any resources
* released.
* \context This class is \threadbound.
* \typedef V4L2VideoDevice::Formats
* \brief A map of supported V4L2 pixel formats to frame sizes
* \brief Construct a V4L2VideoDevice
* \param[in] deviceNode The file-system path to the video device node
V4L2VideoDevice::V4L2VideoDevice(const std::string &deviceNode)
: V4L2Device(deviceNode), formatInfo_(nullptr), cache_(nullptr),
fdBufferNotifier_(nullptr), streaming_(false)
* We default to an MMAP based CAPTURE video device, however this will
* be updated based upon the device capabilities.
memoryType_ = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP;
* \brief Construct a V4L2VideoDevice from a MediaEntity
* \param[in] entity The MediaEntity to build the video device from
* Construct a V4L2VideoDevice from a MediaEntity's device node path.
V4L2VideoDevice::V4L2VideoDevice(const MediaEntity *entity)
: V4L2VideoDevice(entity->deviceNode())
* \brief Open the V4L2 video device node and query its capabilities
* \return 0 on success or a negative error code otherwise
int V4L2VideoDevice::open()
int ret;
ret = V4L2Device::open(O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
ret = ioctl(VIDIOC_QUERYCAP, &caps_);
if (ret < 0) {
LOG(V4L2, Error)
<< "Failed to query device capabilities: "
<< strerror(-ret);
return ret;
if (caps_.version < KERNEL_VERSION(5, 0, 0)) {
LOG(V4L2, Error)
<< "V4L2 API v" << (caps_.version >> 16)
<< "." << ((caps_.version >> 8) & 0xff)
<< "." << (caps_.version & 0xff)
<< " too old, v5.0.0 or later is required";
return -EINVAL;
if (!caps_.hasStreaming()) {
LOG(V4L2, Error) << "Device does not support streaming I/O";
return -EINVAL;
* Set buffer type and wait for read notifications on CAPTURE video
* devices (POLLIN), and write notifications for OUTPUT video devices
EventNotifier::Type notifierType;
if (caps_.isVideoCapture()) {
notifierType = EventNotifier::Read;
bufferType_ = caps_.isMultiplanar()
} else if (caps_.isVideoOutput()) {
notifierType = EventNotifier::Write;
bufferType_ = caps_.isMultiplanar()
} else if (caps_.isMetaCapture()) {
notifierType = EventNotifier::Read;
} else if (caps_.isMetaOutput()) {
notifierType = EventNotifier::Write;
bufferType_ = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_META_OUTPUT;
} else {
LOG(V4L2, Error) << "Device is not a supported type";
return -EINVAL;
fdBufferNotifier_ = new EventNotifier(fd(), notifierType);
fdBufferNotifier_->activated.connect(this, &V4L2VideoDevice::bufferAvailable);
LOG(V4L2, Debug)
<< "Opened device " << caps_.bus_info() << ": "
<< caps_.driver() << ": " << caps_.card();
ret = getFormat(&format_);
if (ret) {
LOG(V4L2, Error) << "Failed to get format";
return ret;
formatInfo_ = &PixelFormatInfo::info(format_.fourcc);
return 0;
* \brief Open a V4L2 video device from an opened file handle and query its
* capabilities
* \param[in] handle The file descriptor to set
* \param[in] type The device type to operate on
* This function opens a video device from the existing file descriptor \a
* handle. Like open(), this function queries the capabilities of the device,
* but handles it according to the given device \a type instead of determining
* its type from the capabilities. This can be used to force a given device type
* for memory-to-memory devices.
* The file descriptor \a handle is duplicated, no reference to the original
* handle is kept.
* \return 0 on success or a negative error code otherwise
int V4L2VideoDevice::open(SharedFD handle, enum v4l2_buf_type type)
UniqueFD newFd = handle.dup();
if (!newFd.isValid()) {
LOG(V4L2, Error) << "Failed to duplicate file handle: "
<< strerror(errno);
return -errno;
int ret = V4L2Device::setFd(std::move(newFd));
if (ret < 0) {
LOG(V4L2, Error) << "Failed to set file handle: "
<< strerror(-ret);
return ret;
ret = ioctl(VIDIOC_QUERYCAP, &caps_);
if (ret < 0) {
LOG(V4L2, Error)
<< "Failed to query device capabilities: "
<< strerror(-ret);
return ret;
if (!caps_.hasStreaming()) {
LOG(V4L2, Error) << "Device does not support streaming I/O";
return -EINVAL;
* Set buffer type and wait for read notifications on CAPTURE video
* devices (POLLIN), and write notifications for OUTPUT video devices
EventNotifier::Type notifierType;
switch (type) {
notifierType = EventNotifier::Write;
bufferType_ = caps_.isMultiplanar()
notifierType = EventNotifier::Read;
bufferType_ = caps_.isMultiplanar()
LOG(V4L2, Error) << "Unsupported buffer type";
return -EINVAL;
fdBufferNotifier_ = new EventNotifier(fd(), notifierType);
fdBufferNotifier_->activated.connect(this, &V4L2VideoDevice::bufferAvailable);
LOG(V4L2, Debug)
<< "Opened device " << caps_.bus_info() << ": "
<< caps_.driver() << ": " << caps_.card();
ret = getFormat(&format_);
if (ret) {
LOG(V4L2, Error) << "Failed to get format";
return ret;
formatInfo_ = &PixelFormatInfo::info(format_.fourcc);
return 0;
* \brief Close the video device, releasing any resources acquired by open()
void V4L2VideoDevice::close()
if (!isOpen())
delete fdBufferNotifier_;
formatInfo_ = nullptr;
* \fn V4L2VideoDevice::driverName()
* \brief Retrieve the name of the V4L2 device driver
* \return The string containing the driver name
* \fn V4L2VideoDevice::deviceName()
* \brief Retrieve the name of the V4L2 video device
* \return The string containing the device name
* \fn V4L2VideoDevice::busName()
* \brief Retrieve the location of the device in the system
* \return The string containing the device location
* \fn V4L2VideoDevice::caps()
* \brief Retrieve the device V4L2 capabilities
* \return The device V4L2 capabilities
std::string V4L2VideoDevice::logPrefix() const
return deviceNode() + "[" + std::to_string(fd()) +
(V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(bufferType_) ? ":out]" : ":cap]");
* \brief Retrieve the image format set on the V4L2 video device
* \param[out] format The image format applied on the video device
* \return 0 on success or a negative error code otherwise
int V4L2VideoDevice::getFormat(V4L2DeviceFormat *format)
if (caps_.isMeta())
return getFormatMeta(format);
else if (caps_.isMultiplanar())
return getFormatMultiplane(format);
return getFormatSingleplane(format);
* \brief Try an image format on the V4L2 video device
* \param[inout] format The image format to test applicability to the video device
* Try the supplied \a format on the video device without applying it, returning
* the format that would be applied. This is equivalent to setFormat(), except
* that the device configuration is not changed.
* \return 0 on success or a negative error code otherwise
int V4L2VideoDevice::tryFormat(V4L2DeviceFormat *format)
if (caps_.isMeta())
return trySetFormatMeta(format, false);
else if (caps_.isMultiplanar())
return trySetFormatMultiplane(format, false);
return trySetFormatSingleplane(format, false);
* \brief Configure an image format on the V4L2 video device
* \param[inout] format The image format to apply to the video device
* Apply the supplied \a format to the video device, and return the actually
* applied format parameters, as \ref V4L2VideoDevice::getFormat would do.
* \return 0 on success or a negative error code otherwise
int V4L2VideoDevice::setFormat(V4L2DeviceFormat *format)
int ret = 0;
if (caps_.isMeta())
ret = trySetFormatMeta(format, true);
else if (caps_.isMultiplanar())
ret = trySetFormatMultiplane(format, true);
ret = trySetFormatSingleplane(format, true);
/* Cache the set format on success. */
if (ret)
return ret;
format_ = *format;
formatInfo_ = &PixelFormatInfo::info(format_.fourcc);
return 0;
int V4L2VideoDevice::getFormatMeta(V4L2DeviceFormat *format)
struct v4l2_format v4l2Format = {};
struct v4l2_meta_format *pix = &v4l2Format.fmt.meta;
int ret;
v4l2Format.type = bufferType_;
ret = ioctl(VIDIOC_G_FMT, &v4l2Format);
if (ret) {
LOG(V4L2, Error) << "Unable to get format: " << strerror(-ret);
return ret;
format->size.width = 0;
format->size.height = 0;
format->fourcc = V4L2PixelFormat(pix->dataformat);
format->planesCount = 1;
format->planes[0].bpl = pix->buffersize;
format->planes[0].size = pix->buffersize;
return 0;
int V4L2VideoDevice::trySetFormatMeta(V4L2DeviceFormat *format, bool set)
struct v4l2_format v4l2Format = {};
struct v4l2_meta_format *pix = &v4l2Format.fmt.meta;
int ret;
v4l2Format.type = bufferType_;
pix->dataformat = format->fourcc;
pix->buffersize = format->planes[0].size;
ret = ioctl(set ? VIDIOC_S_FMT : VIDIOC_TRY_FMT, &v4l2Format);
if (ret) {
LOG(V4L2, Error)
<< "Unable to " << (set ? "set" : "try")
<< " format: " << strerror(-ret);
return ret;
* Return to caller the format actually applied on the video device,
* which might differ from the requested one.
format->size.width = 0;
format->size.height = 0;
format->fourcc = V4L2PixelFormat(pix->dataformat);
format->planesCount = 1;
format->planes[0].bpl = pix->buffersize;
format->planes[0].size = pix->buffersize;
return 0;
int V4L2VideoDevice::getFormatMultiplane(V4L2DeviceFormat *format)
struct v4l2_format v4l2Format = {};
struct v4l2_pix_format_mplane *pix = &v4l2Format.fmt.pix_mp;
int ret;
v4l2Format.type = bufferType_;
ret = ioctl(VIDIOC_G_FMT, &v4l2Format);
if (ret) {
LOG(V4L2, Error) << "Unable to get format: " << strerror(-ret);
return ret;
format->size.width = pix->width;
format->size.height = pix->height;
format->fourcc = V4L2PixelFormat(pix->pixelformat);
format->planesCount = pix->num_planes;
format->colorSpace = toColorSpace(*pix);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < format->planesCount; ++i) {
format->planes[i].bpl = pix->plane_fmt[i].bytesperline;
format->planes[i].size = pix->plane_fmt[i].sizeimage;
return 0;
int V4L2VideoDevice::trySetFormatMultiplane(V4L2DeviceFormat *format, bool set)
struct v4l2_format v4l2Format = {};
struct v4l2_pix_format_mplane *pix = &v4l2Format.fmt.pix_mp;
int ret;
v4l2Format.type = bufferType_;
pix->width = format->size.width;
pix->height = format->size.height;
pix->pixelformat = format->fourcc;
pix->num_planes = format->planesCount;
pix->field = V4L2_FIELD_NONE;
fromColorSpace(format->colorSpace, *pix);
ASSERT(pix->num_planes <= std::size(pix->plane_fmt));
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pix->num_planes; ++i) {
pix->plane_fmt[i].bytesperline = format->planes[i].bpl;
pix->plane_fmt[i].sizeimage = format->planes[i].size;
ret = ioctl(set ? VIDIOC_S_FMT : VIDIOC_TRY_FMT, &v4l2Format);
if (ret) {
LOG(V4L2, Error)
<< "Unable to " << (set ? "set" : "try")
<< " format: " << strerror(-ret);
return ret;
* Return to caller the format actually applied on the video device,
* which might differ from the requested one.
format->size.width = pix->width;
format->size.height = pix->height;
format->fourcc = V4L2PixelFormat(pix->pixelformat);
format->planesCount = pix->num_planes;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < format->planesCount; ++i) {
format->planes[i].bpl = pix->plane_fmt[i].bytesperline;
format->planes[i].size = pix->plane_fmt[i].sizeimage;
format->colorSpace = toColorSpace(*pix);
return 0;
int V4L2VideoDevice::getFormatSingleplane(V4L2DeviceFormat *format)
struct v4l2_format v4l2Format = {};
struct v4l2_pix_format *pix = &v4l2Format.fmt.pix;
int ret;
v4l2Format.type = bufferType_;
ret = ioctl(VIDIOC_G_FMT, &v4l2Format);
if (ret) {
LOG(V4L2, Error) << "Unable to get format: " << strerror(-ret);
return ret;
format->size.width = pix->width;
format->size.height = pix->height;
format->fourcc = V4L2PixelFormat(pix->pixelformat);
format->planesCount = 1;
format->planes[0].bpl = pix->bytesperline;
format->planes[0].size = pix->sizeimage;
format->colorSpace = toColorSpace(*pix);
return 0;
int V4L2VideoDevice::trySetFormatSingleplane(V4L2DeviceFormat *format, bool set)
struct v4l2_format v4l2Format = {};
struct v4l2_pix_format *pix = &v4l2Format.fmt.pix;
int ret;
v4l2Format.type = bufferType_;
pix->width = format->size.width;
pix->height = format->size.height;
pix->pixelformat = format->fourcc;
pix->bytesperline = format->planes[0].bpl;
pix->field = V4L2_FIELD_NONE;
fromColorSpace(format->colorSpace, *pix);
ret = ioctl(set ? VIDIOC_S_FMT : VIDIOC_TRY_FMT, &v4l2Format);
if (ret) {
LOG(V4L2, Error)
<< "Unable to " << (set ? "set" : "try")
<< " format: " << strerror(-ret);
return ret;
* Return to caller the format actually applied on the device,
* which might differ from the requested one.
format->size.width = pix->width;
format->size.height = pix->height;
format->fourcc = V4L2PixelFormat(pix->pixelformat);
format->planesCount = 1;
format->planes[0].bpl = pix->bytesperline;
format->planes[0].size = pix->sizeimage;
format->colorSpace = toColorSpace(*pix);
return 0;
* \brief Enumerate all pixel formats and frame sizes
* \param[in] code Restrict formats to this media bus code.
* Enumerate all pixel formats and frame sizes supported by the video device.
* If the \a code argument is not zero, only formats compatible with that media
* bus code will be enumerated.
* \return A list of the supported video device formats
V4L2VideoDevice::Formats V4L2VideoDevice::formats(uint32_t code)
Formats formats;
for (V4L2PixelFormat pixelFormat : enumPixelformats(code)) {
std::vector<SizeRange> sizes = enumSizes(pixelFormat);
if (sizes.empty())
return {};
if (formats.find(pixelFormat) != formats.end()) {
LOG(V4L2, Error)
<< "Could not add sizes for pixel format "
<< pixelFormat;
return {};
formats.emplace(pixelFormat, sizes);
return formats;
std::vector<V4L2PixelFormat> V4L2VideoDevice::enumPixelformats(uint32_t code)
std::vector<V4L2PixelFormat> formats;
int ret;
if (code && !caps_.hasMediaController()) {
LOG(V4L2, Error)
<< "Media bus code filtering not supported by the device";
return {};
for (unsigned int index = 0; ; index++) {
struct v4l2_fmtdesc pixelformatEnum = {};
pixelformatEnum.index = index;
pixelformatEnum.type = bufferType_;
pixelformatEnum.mbus_code = code;
ret = ioctl(VIDIOC_ENUM_FMT, &pixelformatEnum);
if (ret)
if (ret && ret != -EINVAL) {
LOG(V4L2, Error)
<< "Unable to enumerate pixel formats: "
<< strerror(-ret);
return {};
return formats;
std::vector<SizeRange> V4L2VideoDevice::enumSizes(V4L2PixelFormat pixelFormat)
std::vector<SizeRange> sizes;
int ret;
for (unsigned int index = 0;; index++) {
struct v4l2_frmsizeenum frameSize = {};
frameSize.index = index;
frameSize.pixel_format = pixelFormat;
ret = ioctl(VIDIOC_ENUM_FRAMESIZES, &frameSize);
if (ret)
if (index != 0 &&
frameSize.type != V4L2_FRMSIZE_TYPE_DISCRETE) {
LOG(V4L2, Error)
<< "Non-zero index for non discrete type";
return {};
switch (frameSize.type) {
sizes.emplace_back(Size{ frameSize.discrete.width,
frameSize.discrete.height });
sizes.emplace_back(Size{ frameSize.stepwise.min_width,
frameSize.stepwise.min_height },
Size{ frameSize.stepwise.max_width,
frameSize.stepwise.max_height });
sizes.emplace_back(Size{ frameSize.stepwise.min_width,
frameSize.stepwise.min_height },
Size{ frameSize.stepwise.max_width,
frameSize.stepwise.max_height },
LOG(V4L2, Error)
<< frameSize.type;
return {};
if (ret && ret != -EINVAL) {
LOG(V4L2, Error)
<< "Unable to enumerate frame sizes: "
<< strerror(-ret);
return {};
return sizes;
* \brief Set a selection rectangle \a rect for \a target
* \param[in] target The selection target defined by the V4L2_SEL_TGT_* flags
* \param[inout] rect The selection rectangle to be applied
* \todo Define a V4L2SelectionTarget enum for the selection target
* \return 0 on success or a negative error code otherwise
int V4L2VideoDevice::setSelection(unsigned int target, Rectangle *rect)
struct v4l2_selection sel = {};
sel.type = bufferType_; = target;
sel.flags = 0;
sel.r.left = rect->x; = rect->y;
sel.r.width = rect->width;
sel.r.height = rect->height;
int ret = ioctl(VIDIOC_S_SELECTION, &sel);
if (ret < 0) {
LOG(V4L2, Error) << "Unable to set rectangle " << target
<< ": " << strerror(-ret);
return ret;
rect->x = sel.r.left;
rect->y =;
rect->width = sel.r.width;
rect->height = sel.r.height;
return 0;
int V4L2VideoDevice::requestBuffers(unsigned int count,
enum v4l2_memory memoryType)
struct v4l2_requestbuffers rb = {};
int ret;
rb.count = count;
rb.type = bufferType_;
rb.memory = memoryType;
ret = ioctl(VIDIOC_REQBUFS, &rb);
if (ret < 0) {
LOG(V4L2, Error)
<< "Unable to request " << count << " buffers: "
<< strerror(-ret);
return ret;
if (rb.count < count) {
LOG(V4L2, Error)
<< "Not enough buffers provided by V4L2VideoDevice";
requestBuffers(0, memoryType);
return -ENOMEM;
LOG(V4L2, Debug) << rb.count << " buffers requested.";
return 0;
* \brief Allocate and export buffers from the video device
* \param[in] count Number of buffers to allocate
* \param[out] buffers Vector to store allocated buffers
* This function wraps buffer allocation with the V4L2 MMAP memory type. It
* requests \a count buffers from the driver, allocating the corresponding
* memory, and exports them as a set of FrameBuffer objects in \a buffers. Upon
* successful return the driver's internal buffer management is initialized in
* MMAP mode, and the video device is ready to accept queueBuffer() calls.
* The number of planes and their offsets and sizes are determined by the
* currently active format on the device as set by setFormat(). They do not map
* to the V4L2 buffer planes, but to colour planes of the pixel format. For
* instance, if the active format is formats::NV12, the allocated FrameBuffer
* instances will have two planes, for the luma and chroma components,
* regardless of whether the device uses V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12 or
* Buffers allocated with this function shall later be free with
* releaseBuffers(). If buffers have already been allocated with
* allocateBuffers() or imported with importBuffers(), this function returns
* \return The number of allocated buffers on success or a negative error code
* otherwise
* \retval -EBUSY buffers have already been allocated or imported
int V4L2VideoDevice::allocateBuffers(unsigned int count,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FrameBuffer>> *buffers)
int ret = createBuffers(count, buffers);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
cache_ = new V4L2BufferCache(*buffers);
memoryType_ = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP;
return ret;
* \brief Export buffers from the video device
* \param[in] count Number of buffers to allocate
* \param[out] buffers Vector to store allocated buffers
* This function allocates \a count buffer from the video device and exports
* them as dmabuf objects, stored in \a buffers. Unlike allocateBuffers(), this
* function leaves the driver's internal buffer management uninitialized. The
* video device shall be initialized with importBuffers() or allocateBuffers()
* before it can accept queueBuffer() calls. The exported buffers are directly
* usable with any V4L2 video device in DMABUF mode, or with other dmabuf
* importers.
* The number of planes and their offsets and sizes are determined by the
* currently active format on the device as set by setFormat(). They do not map
* to the V4L2 buffer planes, but to colour planes of the pixel format. For
* instance, if the active format is formats::NV12, the allocated FrameBuffer
* instances will have two planes, for the luma and chroma components,
* regardless of whether the device uses V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12 or
* Multiple independent sets of buffers can be allocated with multiple calls to
* this function. Device-specific limitations may apply regarding the minimum
* and maximum number of buffers per set, or to total amount of allocated
* memory. The exported dmabuf lifetime is tied to the returned \a buffers. To
* free a buffer, the caller shall delete the corresponding FrameBuffer
* instance. No bookkeeping and automatic free is performed by the
* V4L2VideoDevice class.
* If buffers have already been allocated with allocateBuffers() or imported
* with importBuffers(), this function returns -EBUSY.
* \return The number of allocated buffers on success or a negative error code
* otherwise
* \retval -EBUSY buffers have already been allocated or imported
int V4L2VideoDevice::exportBuffers(unsigned int count,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FrameBuffer>> *buffers)
int ret = createBuffers(count, buffers);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
requestBuffers(0, V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP);
return ret;
int V4L2VideoDevice::createBuffers(unsigned int count,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FrameBuffer>> *buffers)
if (cache_) {
LOG(V4L2, Error) << "Buffers already allocated";
return -EINVAL;
int ret = requestBuffers(count, V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
std::unique_ptr<FrameBuffer> buffer = createBuffer(i);
if (!buffer) {
LOG(V4L2, Error) << "Unable to create buffer";
requestBuffers(0, V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP);
return -EINVAL;
return count;
std::unique_ptr<FrameBuffer> V4L2VideoDevice::createBuffer(unsigned int index)
struct v4l2_plane v4l2Planes[VIDEO_MAX_PLANES] = {};
struct v4l2_buffer buf = {};
buf.index = index;
buf.type = bufferType_;
buf.length = std::size(v4l2Planes);
buf.m.planes = v4l2Planes;
int ret = ioctl(VIDIOC_QUERYBUF, &buf);
if (ret < 0) {
LOG(V4L2, Error)
<< "Unable to query buffer " << index << ": "
<< strerror(-ret);
return nullptr;
const bool multiPlanar = V4L2_TYPE_IS_MULTIPLANAR(buf.type);
const unsigned int numPlanes = multiPlanar ? buf.length : 1;
if (numPlanes == 0 || numPlanes > VIDEO_MAX_PLANES) {
LOG(V4L2, Error) << "Invalid number of planes";
return nullptr;
std::vector<FrameBuffer::Plane> planes;
for (unsigned int nplane = 0; nplane < numPlanes; nplane++) {
UniqueFD fd = exportDmabufFd(buf.index, nplane);
if (!fd.isValid())
return nullptr;
FrameBuffer::Plane plane;
plane.fd = SharedFD(std::move(fd));
* V4L2 API doesn't provide dmabuf offset information of plane.
* Set 0 as a placeholder offset.
* \todo Set the right offset once V4L2 API provides a way.
plane.offset = 0;
plane.length = multiPlanar ? buf.m.planes[nplane].length : buf.length;
* If we have a multi-planar format with a V4L2 single-planar buffer,
* split the single V4L2 plane into multiple FrameBuffer planes by
* computing the offsets manually.
* The format info is not guaranteed to be valid, as there are no
* PixelFormatInfo for metadata formats, so check it first.
if (formatInfo_->isValid() && formatInfo_->numPlanes() != numPlanes) {
* There's no valid situation where the number of colour planes
* differs from the number of V4L2 planes and the V4L2 buffer
* has more than one plane.
ASSERT(numPlanes == 1u);
const SharedFD &fd = planes[0].fd;
size_t offset = 0;
for (auto [i, plane] : utils::enumerate(planes)) {
* The stride is reported by V4L2 for the first plane
* only. Compute the stride of the other planes by
* taking the horizontal subsampling factor into
* account, which is equal to the bytesPerGroup ratio of
* the planes.
unsigned int stride = format_.planes[0].bpl
* formatInfo_->planes[i].bytesPerGroup
/ formatInfo_->planes[0].bytesPerGroup;
plane.fd = fd;
plane.offset = offset;
plane.length = formatInfo_->planeSize(format_.size.height,
i, stride);
offset += plane.length;
return std::make_unique<FrameBuffer>(planes);
UniqueFD V4L2VideoDevice::exportDmabufFd(unsigned int index,
unsigned int plane)
struct v4l2_exportbuffer expbuf = {};
int ret;
expbuf.type = bufferType_;
expbuf.index = index;
expbuf.plane = plane;
expbuf.flags = O_RDWR;
ret = ioctl(VIDIOC_EXPBUF, &expbuf);
if (ret < 0) {
LOG(V4L2, Error)
<< "Failed to export buffer: " << strerror(-ret);
return {};
return UniqueFD(expbuf.fd);
* \brief Prepare the device to import \a count buffers
* \param[in] count Number of buffers to prepare to import
* This function initializes the driver's buffer management to import buffers
* in DMABUF mode. It requests buffers from the driver, but doesn't allocate
* memory.
* Upon successful return, the video device is ready to accept queueBuffer()
* calls. The buffers to be imported are provided to queueBuffer(), and may be
* supplied externally, or come from a previous exportBuffers() call.
* Device initialization performed by this function shall later be cleaned up
* with releaseBuffers(). If buffers have already been allocated with
* allocateBuffers() or imported with importBuffers(), this function returns
* \return 0 on success or a negative error code otherwise
* \retval -EBUSY buffers have already been allocated or imported
int V4L2VideoDevice::importBuffers(unsigned int count)
if (cache_) {
LOG(V4L2, Error) << "Buffers already allocated";
return -EINVAL;
memoryType_ = V4L2_MEMORY_DMABUF;
int ret = requestBuffers(count, V4L2_MEMORY_DMABUF);
if (ret)
return ret;
cache_ = new V4L2BufferCache(count);
LOG(V4L2, Debug) << "Prepared to import " << count << " buffers";
return 0;
* \brief Release resources allocated by allocateBuffers() or importBuffers()
* This function resets the driver's internal buffer management that was
* initialized by a previous call to allocateBuffers() or importBuffers(). Any
* memory allocated by allocateBuffers() is freed. Buffer exported by
* exportBuffers(), if any, are not affected.
int V4L2VideoDevice::releaseBuffers()
LOG(V4L2, Debug) << "Releasing buffers";
delete cache_;
cache_ = nullptr;
return requestBuffers(0, memoryType_);
* \brief Queue a buffer to the video device
* \param[in] buffer The buffer to be queued
* For capture video devices the \a buffer will be filled with data by the
* device. For output video devices the \a buffer shall contain valid data and
* will be processed by the device. Once the device has finished processing the
* buffer, it will be available for dequeue.
* The best available V4L2 buffer is picked for \a buffer using the V4L2 buffer
* cache.
* \return 0 on success or a negative error code otherwise
int V4L2VideoDevice::queueBuffer(FrameBuffer *buffer)
struct v4l2_plane v4l2Planes[VIDEO_MAX_PLANES] = {};
struct v4l2_buffer buf = {};
int ret;
* Pipeline handlers should not requeue buffers after releasing the
* buffers on the device. Any occurence of this error should be fixed
* in the pipeline handler directly.
if (!cache_) {
LOG(V4L2, Fatal) << "No BufferCache available to queue.";
return -ENOENT;
ret = cache_->get(*buffer);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
buf.index = ret;
buf.type = bufferType_;
buf.memory = memoryType_;
buf.field = V4L2_FIELD_NONE;
bool multiPlanar = V4L2_TYPE_IS_MULTIPLANAR(buf.type);
const std::vector<FrameBuffer::Plane> &planes = buffer->planes();
const unsigned int numV4l2Planes = format_.planesCount;
* Ensure that the frame buffer has enough planes, and that they're
* contiguous if the V4L2 format requires them to be.
if (planes.size() < numV4l2Planes) {
LOG(V4L2, Error) << "Frame buffer has too few planes";
return -EINVAL;
if (planes.size() != numV4l2Planes && !buffer->_d()->isContiguous()) {
LOG(V4L2, Error) << "Device format requires contiguous buffer";
return -EINVAL;
if (buf.memory == V4L2_MEMORY_DMABUF) {
if (multiPlanar) {
for (unsigned int p = 0; p < numV4l2Planes; ++p)
v4l2Planes[p].m.fd = planes[p].fd.get();
} else {
buf.m.fd = planes[0].fd.get();
if (multiPlanar) {
buf.length = numV4l2Planes;
buf.m.planes = v4l2Planes;
if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(buf.type)) {
const FrameMetadata &metadata = buffer->metadata();
if (numV4l2Planes != planes.size()) {
* If we have a multi-planar buffer with a V4L2
* single-planar format, coalesce all planes. The length
* and number of bytes used may only differ in the last
* plane as any other situation can't be represented.
unsigned int bytesused = 0;
unsigned int length = 0;
for (auto [i, plane] : utils::enumerate(planes)) {
bytesused += metadata.planes()[i].bytesused;
length += plane.length;
if (i != planes.size() - 1 && bytesused != length) {
LOG(V4L2, Error)
<< "Holes in multi-planar buffer not supported";
return -EINVAL;
if (multiPlanar) {
v4l2Planes[0].bytesused = bytesused;
v4l2Planes[0].length = length;
} else {
buf.bytesused = bytesused;
buf.length = length;
} else if (multiPlanar) {
* If we use the multi-planar API, fill in the planes.
* The number of planes in the frame buffer and in the
* V4L2 buffer is guaranteed to be equal at this point.
for (auto [i, plane] : utils::enumerate(planes)) {
v4l2Planes[i].bytesused = metadata.planes()[i].bytesused;
v4l2Planes[i].length = plane.length;
} else {
* Single-planar API with a single plane in the buffer
* is trivial to handle.
buf.bytesused = metadata.planes()[0].bytesused;
buf.length = planes[0].length;
buf.sequence = metadata.sequence;
buf.timestamp.tv_sec = metadata.timestamp / 1000000000;
buf.timestamp.tv_usec = (metadata.timestamp / 1000) % 1000000;
LOG(V4L2, Debug) << "Queueing buffer " << buf.index;
ret = ioctl(VIDIOC_QBUF, &buf);
if (ret < 0) {
LOG(V4L2, Error)
<< "Failed to queue buffer " << buf.index << ": "
<< strerror(-ret);
return ret;
if (queuedBuffers_.empty())
queuedBuffers_[buf.index] = buffer;
return 0;
* \brief Slot to handle completed buffer events from the V4L2 video device
* When this slot is called, a Buffer has become available from the device, and
* will be emitted through the bufferReady Signal.
* For Capture video devices the FrameBuffer will contain valid data.
* For Output video devices the FrameBuffer can be considered empty.
void V4L2VideoDevice::bufferAvailable()
FrameBuffer *buffer = dequeueBuffer();
if (!buffer)
/* Notify anyone listening to the device. */
* \brief Dequeue the next available buffer from the video device
* This function dequeues the next available buffer from the device. If no
* buffer is available to be dequeued it will return nullptr immediately.
* \return A pointer to the dequeued buffer on success, or nullptr otherwise
FrameBuffer *V4L2VideoDevice::dequeueBuffer()
struct v4l2_buffer buf = {};
struct v4l2_plane planes[VIDEO_MAX_PLANES] = {};
int ret;
buf.type = bufferType_;
buf.memory = memoryType_;
bool multiPlanar = V4L2_TYPE_IS_MULTIPLANAR(buf.type);
if (multiPlanar) {
buf.length = VIDEO_MAX_PLANES;
buf.m.planes = planes;
ret = ioctl(VIDIOC_DQBUF, &buf);
if (ret < 0) {
LOG(V4L2, Error)
<< "Failed to dequeue buffer: " << strerror(-ret);
return nullptr;
LOG(V4L2, Debug) << "Dequeuing buffer " << buf.index;
* If the video node fails to stream-on successfully (which can occur
* when queuing a buffer), a vb2 kernel bug can lead to the buffer which
* returns a failure upon queuing being mistakenly kept in the kernel.
* This leads to the kernel notifying us that a buffer is available to
* dequeue, which we have no awareness of being queued, and thus we will
* not find it in the queuedBuffers_ list.
* Whilst this kernel bug has been fixed in mainline, ensure that we
* safely ingore buffers which are unexpected to prevetn crashes on
* older kernels.
auto it = queuedBuffers_.find(buf.index);
if (it == queuedBuffers_.end()) {
LOG(V4L2, Error)
<< "Dequeued unexpected buffer index " << buf.index;
return nullptr;
FrameBuffer *buffer = it->second;
if (queuedBuffers_.empty())
buffer->metadata_.status = buf.flags & V4L2_BUF_FLAG_ERROR
? FrameMetadata::FrameError
: FrameMetadata::FrameSuccess;
buffer->metadata_.sequence = buf.sequence;
buffer->metadata_.timestamp = buf.timestamp.tv_sec * 1000000000ULL
+ buf.timestamp.tv_usec * 1000ULL;
if (V4L2_TYPE_IS_OUTPUT(buf.type))
return buffer;
unsigned int numV4l2Planes = multiPlanar ? buf.length : 1;
FrameMetadata &metadata = buffer->metadata_;
if (numV4l2Planes != buffer->planes().size()) {
* If we have a multi-planar buffer with a V4L2
* single-planar format, split the V4L2 buffer across
* the buffer planes. Only the last plane may have less
* bytes used than its length.
if (numV4l2Planes != 1) {
LOG(V4L2, Error)
<< "Invalid number of planes (" << numV4l2Planes
<< " != " << buffer->planes().size() << ")";
metadata.status = FrameMetadata::FrameError;
return buffer;
* With a V4L2 single-planar format, all the data is stored in
* a single memory plane. The number of bytes used is conveyed
* through that plane when using the V4L2 multi-planar API, or
* set directly in the buffer when using the V4L2 single-planar
* API.
unsigned int bytesused = multiPlanar ? planes[0].bytesused
: buf.bytesused;
unsigned int remaining = bytesused;
for (auto [i, plane] : utils::enumerate(buffer->planes())) {
if (!remaining) {
LOG(V4L2, Error)
<< "Dequeued buffer (" << bytesused
<< " bytes) too small for plane lengths "
<< utils::join(buffer->planes(), "/",
[](const FrameBuffer::Plane &p) {
return p.length;
metadata.status = FrameMetadata::FrameError;
return buffer;
metadata.planes()[i].bytesused =
std::min(plane.length, remaining);
remaining -= metadata.planes()[i].bytesused;
} else if (multiPlanar) {
* If we use the multi-planar API, fill in the planes.
* The number of planes in the frame buffer and in the
* V4L2 buffer is guaranteed to be equal at this point.
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numV4l2Planes; ++i)
metadata.planes()[i].bytesused = planes[i].bytesused;
} else {
metadata.planes()[0].bytesused = buf.bytesused;
return buffer;
* \var V4L2VideoDevice::bufferReady
* \brief A Signal emitted when a framebuffer completes
* \brief Start the video stream
* \return 0 on success or a negative error code otherwise
int V4L2VideoDevice::streamOn()
int ret;
ret = ioctl(VIDIOC_STREAMON, &bufferType_);
if (ret < 0) {
LOG(V4L2, Error)
<< "Failed to start streaming: " << strerror(-ret);
return ret;
streaming_ = true;
return 0;
* \brief Stop the video stream
* Buffers that are still queued when the video stream is stopped are
* immediately dequeued with their status set to FrameMetadata::FrameCancelled,
* and the bufferReady signal is emitted for them. The order in which those
* buffers are dequeued is not specified.
* This will be a no-op if the stream is not started in the first place and
* has no queued buffers.
* \return 0 on success or a negative error code otherwise
int V4L2VideoDevice::streamOff()
int ret;
if (!streaming_ && queuedBuffers_.empty())
return 0;
ret = ioctl(VIDIOC_STREAMOFF, &bufferType_);
if (ret < 0) {
LOG(V4L2, Error)
<< "Failed to stop streaming: " << strerror(-ret);
return ret;
/* Send back all queued buffers. */
for (auto it : queuedBuffers_) {
FrameBuffer *buffer = it.second;
buffer->metadata_.status = FrameMetadata::FrameCancelled;
streaming_ = false;
return 0;
* \brief Create a new video device instance from \a entity in media device
* \a media
* \param[in] media The media device where the entity is registered
* \param[in] entity The media entity name
* \return A newly created V4L2VideoDevice on success, nullptr otherwise
V4L2VideoDevice::fromEntityName(const MediaDevice *media,
const std::string &entity)
MediaEntity *mediaEntity = media->getEntityByName(entity);
if (!mediaEntity)
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<V4L2VideoDevice>(mediaEntity);
* \class V4L2M2MDevice
* \brief Memory-to-Memory video device
* The V4L2M2MDevice manages two V4L2VideoDevice instances on the same
* deviceNode which operate together using two queues to implement the V4L2
* Memory to Memory API.
* The two devices should be opened by calling open() on the V4L2M2MDevice, and
* can be closed by calling close on the V4L2M2MDevice.
* Calling V4L2VideoDevice::open() and V4L2VideoDevice::close() on the capture
* or output V4L2VideoDevice is not permitted.
* \fn V4L2M2MDevice::output
* \brief Retrieve the output V4L2VideoDevice instance
* \return The output V4L2VideoDevice instance
* \fn V4L2M2MDevice::capture
* \brief Retrieve the capture V4L2VideoDevice instance
* \return The capture V4L2VideoDevice instance
* \brief Create a new V4L2M2MDevice from the \a deviceNode
* \param[in] deviceNode The file-system path to the video device node
V4L2M2MDevice::V4L2M2MDevice(const std::string &deviceNode)
: deviceNode_(deviceNode)
output_ = new V4L2VideoDevice(deviceNode);
capture_ = new V4L2VideoDevice(deviceNode);
delete capture_;
delete output_;
* \brief Open a V4L2 Memory to Memory device
* Open the device node and prepare the two V4L2VideoDevice instances to handle
* their respective buffer queues.
* \return 0 on success or a negative error code otherwise
int V4L2M2MDevice::open()
int ret;
* The output and capture V4L2VideoDevice instances use the same file
* handle for the same device node.
SharedFD fd(syscall(SYS_openat, AT_FDCWD, deviceNode_.c_str(),
if (!fd.isValid()) {
ret = -errno;
LOG(V4L2, Error) << "Failed to open V4L2 M2M device: "
<< strerror(-ret);
return ret;
ret = output_->open(fd, V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT);
if (ret)
goto err;
ret = capture_->open(fd, V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE);
if (ret)
goto err;
return 0;
return ret;
* \brief Close the memory-to-memory device, releasing any resources acquired by
* open()
void V4L2M2MDevice::close()
} /* namespace libcamera */