blob: 03f58b4aecb2a80c5528f617b76d1f6bb3466fb1 [file] [log] [blame]
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
* Copyright (C) 2018, Google Inc.
* camera.cpp - Camera device
#include <libcamera/camera.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <iomanip>
#include <libcamera/framebuffer_allocator.h>
#include <libcamera/request.h>
#include <libcamera/stream.h>
#include "libcamera/internal/log.h"
#include "libcamera/internal/pipeline_handler.h"
#include "libcamera/internal/utils.h"
* \file camera.h
* \brief Camera device handling
* At the core of libcamera is the camera device, combining one image source
* with processing hardware able to provide one or multiple image streams. The
* Camera class represents a camera device.
* A camera device contains a single image source, and separate camera device
* instances relate to different image sources. For instance, a phone containing
* front and back image sensors will be modelled with two camera devices, one
* for each sensor. When multiple streams can be produced from the same image
* source, all those streams are guaranteed to be part of the same camera
* device.
* While not sharing image sources, separate camera devices can share other
* system resources, such as an ISP. For this reason camera device instances may
* not be fully independent, in which case usage restrictions may apply. For
* instance, a phone with a front and a back camera device may not allow usage
* of the two devices simultaneously.
namespace libcamera {
* \class CameraConfiguration
* \brief Hold configuration for streams of the camera
* The CameraConfiguration holds an ordered list of stream configurations. It
* supports iterators and operates as a vector of StreamConfiguration instances.
* The stream configurations are inserted by addConfiguration(), and the
* operator[](int) returns a reference to the StreamConfiguration based on its
* insertion index. Accessing a stream configuration with an invalid index
* results in undefined behaviour.
* CameraConfiguration instances are retrieved from the camera with
* Camera::generateConfiguration(). Applications may then inspect the
* configuration, modify it, and possibly add new stream configuration entries
* with addConfiguration(). Once the camera configuration satisfies the
* application, it shall be validated by a call to validate(). The validation
* implements "try" semantics: it adjusts invalid configurations to the closest
* achievable parameters instead of rejecting them completely. Applications
* then decide whether to accept the modified configuration, or try again with
* a different set of parameters. Once the configuration is valid, it is passed
* to Camera::configure().
* \enum CameraConfiguration::Status
* \brief Validity of a camera configuration
* \var CameraConfiguration::Valid
* The configuration is fully valid
* \var CameraConfiguration::Adjusted
* The configuration has been adjusted to a valid configuration
* \var CameraConfiguration::Invalid
* The configuration is invalid and can't be adjusted automatically
* \typedef CameraConfiguration::iterator
* \brief Iterator for the stream configurations in the camera configuration
* \typedef CameraConfiguration::const_iterator
* \brief Const iterator for the stream configuration in the camera
* configuration
* \brief Create an empty camera configuration
: config_({})
* \brief Add a stream configuration to the camera configuration
* \param[in] cfg The stream configuration
void CameraConfiguration::addConfiguration(const StreamConfiguration &cfg)
* \fn CameraConfiguration::validate()
* \brief Validate and possibly adjust the camera configuration
* This method adjusts the camera configuration to the closest valid
* configuration and returns the validation status.
* \todo: Define exactly when to return each status code. Should stream
* parameters set to 0 by the caller be adjusted without returning Adjusted ?
* This would potentially be useful for applications but would get in the way
* in Camera::configure(). Do we need an extra status code to signal this ?
* \todo: Handle validation of buffers count when refactoring the buffers API.
* \return A CameraConfiguration::Status value that describes the validation
* status.
* \retval CameraConfiguration::Invalid The configuration is invalid and can't
* be adjusted. This may only occur in extreme cases such as when the
* configuration is empty.
* \retval CameraConfigutation::Adjusted The configuration has been adjusted
* and is now valid. Parameters may have changed for any stream, and stream
* configurations may have been removed. The caller shall check the
* configuration carefully.
* \retval CameraConfiguration::Valid The configuration was already valid and
* hasn't been adjusted.
* \brief Retrieve a reference to a stream configuration
* \param[in] index Numerical index
* The \a index represents the zero based insertion order of stream
* configuration into the camera configuration with addConfiguration(). Calling
* this method with an invalid index results in undefined behaviour.
* \return The stream configuration
StreamConfiguration &CameraConfiguration::at(unsigned int index)
return config_[index];
* \brief Retrieve a const reference to a stream configuration
* \param[in] index Numerical index
* The \a index represents the zero based insertion order of stream
* configuration into the camera configuration with addConfiguration(). Calling
* this method with an invalid index results in undefined behaviour.
* \return The stream configuration
const StreamConfiguration &CameraConfiguration::at(unsigned int index) const
return config_[index];
* \fn StreamConfiguration &CameraConfiguration::operator[](unsigned int)
* \brief Retrieve a reference to a stream configuration
* \param[in] index Numerical index
* The \a index represents the zero based insertion order of stream
* configuration into the camera configuration with addConfiguration(). Calling
* this method with an invalid index results in undefined behaviour.
* \return The stream configuration
* \fn const StreamConfiguration &CameraConfiguration::operator[](unsigned int) const
* \brief Retrieve a const reference to a stream configuration
* \param[in] index Numerical index
* The \a index represents the zero based insertion order of stream
* configuration into the camera configuration with addConfiguration(). Calling
* this method with an invalid index results in undefined behaviour.
* \return The stream configuration
* \brief Retrieve an iterator to the first stream configuration in the
* sequence
* \return An iterator to the first stream configuration
CameraConfiguration::iterator CameraConfiguration::begin()
return config_.begin();
* \brief Retrieve a const iterator to the first element of the stream
* configurations
* \return A const iterator to the first stream configuration
CameraConfiguration::const_iterator CameraConfiguration::begin() const
return config_.begin();
* \brief Retrieve an iterator pointing to the past-the-end stream
* configuration in the sequence
* \return An iterator to the element following the last stream configuration
CameraConfiguration::iterator CameraConfiguration::end()
return config_.end();
* \brief Retrieve a const iterator pointing to the past-the-end stream
* configuration in the sequence
* \return A const iterator to the element following the last stream
* configuration
CameraConfiguration::const_iterator CameraConfiguration::end() const
return config_.end();
* \brief Check if the camera configuration is empty
* \return True if the configuration is empty
bool CameraConfiguration::empty() const
return config_.empty();
* \brief Retrieve the number of stream configurations
* \return Number of stream configurations
std::size_t CameraConfiguration::size() const
return config_.size();
* \var CameraConfiguration::config_
* \brief The vector of stream configurations
class Camera::Private
enum State {
Private(PipelineHandler *pipe, const std::string &name,
const std::set<Stream *> &streams);
int isAccessAllowed(State state, bool allowDisconnected = false) const;
int isAccessAllowed(State low, State high,
bool allowDisconnected = false) const;
void disconnect();
void setState(State state);
std::shared_ptr<PipelineHandler> pipe_;
std::string name_;
std::set<Stream *> streams_;
std::set<Stream *> activeStreams_;
bool disconnected_;
std::atomic<State> state_;
Camera::Private::Private(PipelineHandler *pipe, const std::string &name,
const std::set<Stream *> &streams)
: pipe_(pipe->shared_from_this()), name_(name), streams_(streams),
disconnected_(false), state_(CameraAvailable)
if (state_.load(std::memory_order_acquire) != Private::CameraAvailable)
LOG(Camera, Error) << "Removing camera while still in use";
static const char *const camera_state_names[] = {
int Camera::Private::isAccessAllowed(State state, bool allowDisconnected) const
if (!allowDisconnected && disconnected_)
return -ENODEV;
State currentState = state_.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
if (currentState == state)
return 0;
ASSERT(static_cast<unsigned int>(state) < ARRAY_SIZE(camera_state_names));
LOG(Camera, Debug) << "Camera in " << camera_state_names[currentState]
<< " state trying operation requiring state "
<< camera_state_names[state];
return -EACCES;
int Camera::Private::isAccessAllowed(State low, State high,
bool allowDisconnected) const
if (!allowDisconnected && disconnected_)
return -ENODEV;
State currentState = state_.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
if (currentState >= low && currentState <= high)
return 0;
ASSERT(static_cast<unsigned int>(low) < ARRAY_SIZE(camera_state_names) &&
static_cast<unsigned int>(high) < ARRAY_SIZE(camera_state_names));
LOG(Camera, Debug) << "Camera in " << camera_state_names[currentState]
<< " state trying operation requiring state between "
<< camera_state_names[low] << " and "
<< camera_state_names[high];
return -EACCES;
void Camera::Private::disconnect()
* If the camera was running when the hardware was removed force the
* state to Configured state to allow applications to free resources
* and call release() before deleting the camera.
if (state_.load(std::memory_order_acquire) == Private::CameraRunning), std::memory_order_release);
disconnected_ = true;
void Camera::Private::setState(State state)
{, std::memory_order_release);
* \class Camera
* \brief Camera device
* \todo Add documentation for camera start timings. What exactly does the
* camera expect the pipeline handler to do when start() is called?
* The Camera class models a camera capable of producing one or more image
* streams from a single image source. It provides the main interface to
* configuring and controlling the device, and capturing image streams. It is
* the central object exposed by libcamera.
* To support the central nature of Camera objects, libcamera manages the
* lifetime of camera instances with std::shared_ptr<>. Instances shall be
* created with the create() function which returns a shared pointer. The
* Camera constructors and destructor are private, to prevent instances from
* being constructed and destroyed manually.
* \section camera_operation Operating the Camera
* An application needs to perform a sequence of operations on a camera before
* it is ready to process requests. The camera needs to be acquired and
* configured to prepare the camera for capture. Once started the camera can
* process requests until it is stopped. When an application is done with a
* camera, the camera needs to be released.
* An application may start and stop a camera multiple times as long as it is
* not released. The camera may also be reconfigured.
* Functions that affect the camera state as defined below are generally not
* synchronized with each other by the Camera class. The caller is responsible
* for ensuring their synchronization if necessary.
* \subsection Camera States
* To help manage the sequence of operations needed to control the camera a set
* of states are defined. Each state describes which operations may be performed
* on the camera. Performing an operation not allowed in the camera state
* results in undefined behaviour. Operations not listed at all in the state
* diagram are allowed in all states.
* \dot
* digraph camera_state_machine {
* node [shape = doublecircle ]; Available;
* node [shape = circle ]; Acquired;
* node [shape = circle ]; Configured;
* node [shape = circle ]; Running;
* Available -> Available [label = "release()"];
* Available -> Acquired [label = "acquire()"];
* Acquired -> Available [label = "release()"];
* Acquired -> Configured [label = "configure()"];
* Configured -> Available [label = "release()"];
* Configured -> Configured [label = "configure(), createRequest()"];
* Configured -> Running [label = "start()"];
* Running -> Configured [label = "stop()"];
* Running -> Running [label = "createRequest(), queueRequest()"];
* }
* \enddot
* \subsubsection Available
* The base state of a camera, an application can inspect the properties of the
* camera to determine if it wishes to use it. If an application wishes to use
* a camera it should acquire() it to proceed to the Acquired state.
* \subsubsection Acquired
* In the acquired state an application has exclusive access to the camera and
* may modify the camera's parameters to configure it and proceed to the
* Configured state.
* \subsubsection Configured
* The camera is configured and ready to be started. The application may
* release() the camera and to get back to the Available state or start()
* it to progress to the Running state.
* \subsubsection Running
* The camera is running and ready to process requests queued by the
* application. The camera remains in this state until it is stopped and moved
* to the Configured state.
* \brief Create a camera instance
* \param[in] name The name of the camera device
* \param[in] pipe The pipeline handler responsible for the camera device
* \param[in] streams Array of streams the camera provides
* The caller is responsible for guaranteeing unicity of the camera name.
* \return A shared pointer to the newly created camera object
std::shared_ptr<Camera> Camera::create(PipelineHandler *pipe,
const std::string &name,
const std::set<Stream *> &streams)
struct Deleter : std::default_delete<Camera> {
void operator()(Camera *camera)
delete camera;
Camera *camera = new Camera(pipe, name, streams);
return std::shared_ptr<Camera>(camera, Deleter());
* \brief Retrieve the name of the camera
* \context This function is \threadsafe.
* \return Name of the camera device
const std::string &Camera::name() const
return p_->name_;
* \var Camera::bufferCompleted
* \brief Signal emitted when a buffer for a request queued to the camera has
* completed
* \var Camera::requestCompleted
* \brief Signal emitted when a request queued to the camera has completed
* \var Camera::disconnected
* \brief Signal emitted when the camera is disconnected from the system
* This signal is emitted when libcamera detects that the camera has been
* removed from the system. For hot-pluggable devices this is usually caused by
* physical device disconnection. The media device is passed as a parameter.
* As soon as this signal is emitted the camera instance will refuse all new
* application API calls by returning errors immediately.
Camera::Camera(PipelineHandler *pipe, const std::string &name,
const std::set<Stream *> &streams)
: p_(new Private(pipe, name, streams))
* \brief Notify camera disconnection
* This method is used to notify the camera instance that the underlying
* hardware has been unplugged. In response to the disconnection the camera
* instance notifies the application by emitting the #disconnected signal, and
* ensures that all new calls to the application-facing Camera API return an
* error immediately.
* \todo Deal with pending requests if the camera is disconnected in a
* running state.
void Camera::disconnect()
LOG(Camera, Debug) << "Disconnecting camera " << name();
int Camera::exportFrameBuffers(Stream *stream,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FrameBuffer>> *buffers)
int ret = p_->isAccessAllowed(Private::CameraConfigured);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
if (streams().find(stream) == streams().end())
return -EINVAL;
if (p_->activeStreams_.find(stream) == p_->activeStreams_.end())
return -EINVAL;
return p_->pipe_->invokeMethod(&PipelineHandler::exportFrameBuffers,
ConnectionTypeBlocking, this, stream,
* \brief Acquire the camera device for exclusive access
* After opening the device with open(), exclusive access must be obtained
* before performing operations that change the device state. This function is
* not blocking, if the device has already been acquired (by the same or another
* process) the -EBUSY error code is returned.
* Acquiring a camera will limit usage of any other camera(s) provided by the
* same pipeline handler to the same instance of libcamera. The limit is in
* effect until all cameras from the pipeline handler are released. Other
* instances of libcamera can still list and examine the cameras but will fail
* if they attempt to acquire() any of them.
* Once exclusive access isn't needed anymore, the device should be released
* with a call to the release() function.
* \context This function is \threadsafe. It may only be called when the camera
* is in the Available state as defined in \ref camera_operation.
* \return 0 on success or a negative error code otherwise
* \retval -ENODEV The camera has been disconnected from the system
* \retval -EBUSY The camera is not free and can't be acquired by the caller
int Camera::acquire()
* No manual locking is required as PipelineHandler::lock() is
* thread-safe.
int ret = p_->isAccessAllowed(Private::CameraAvailable);
if (ret < 0)
return ret == -EACCES ? -EBUSY : ret;
if (!p_->pipe_->lock()) {
LOG(Camera, Info)
<< "Pipeline handler in use by another process";
return -EBUSY;
return 0;
* \brief Release exclusive access to the camera device
* Releasing the camera device allows other users to acquire exclusive access
* with the acquire() function.
* \context This function may only be called when the camera is in the
* Available or Configured state as defined in \ref camera_operation, and shall
* be synchronized by the caller with other functions that affect the camera
* state.
* \return 0 on success or a negative error code otherwise
* \retval -EBUSY The camera is running and can't be released
int Camera::release()
int ret = p_->isAccessAllowed(Private::CameraAvailable,
Private::CameraConfigured, true);
if (ret < 0)
return ret == -EACCES ? -EBUSY : ret;
return 0;
* \brief Retrieve the list of controls supported by the camera
* The list of controls supported by the camera and their associated
* constraints remain constant through the lifetime of the Camera object.
* \context This function is \threadsafe.
* \return A ControlInfoMap listing the controls supported by the camera
const ControlInfoMap &Camera::controls()
return p_->pipe_->controls(this);
* \brief Retrieve the list of properties of the camera
* Camera properties are static information that describe the capabilities of
* the camera. They remain constant through the lifetime of the Camera object.
* \return A ControlList of properties supported by the camera
const ControlList &Camera::properties()
return p_->pipe_->properties(this);
* \brief Retrieve all the camera's stream information
* Retrieve all of the camera's static stream information. The static
* information describes among other things how many streams the camera
* supports and the capabilities of each stream.
* \context This function is \threadsafe.
* \return An array of all the camera's streams
const std::set<Stream *> &Camera::streams() const
return p_->streams_;
* \brief Generate a default camera configuration according to stream roles
* \param[in] roles A list of stream roles
* Generate a camera configuration for a set of desired stream roles. The caller
* specifies a list of stream roles and the camera returns a configuration
* containing suitable streams and their suggested default configurations. An
* empty list of roles is valid, and will generate an empty configuration that
* can be filled by the caller.
* \context This function is \threadsafe.
* \return A CameraConfiguration if the requested roles can be satisfied, or a
* null pointer otherwise. The ownership of the returned configuration is
* passed to the caller.
std::unique_ptr<CameraConfiguration> Camera::generateConfiguration(const StreamRoles &roles)
int ret = p_->isAccessAllowed(Private::CameraAvailable,
if (ret < 0)
return nullptr;
if (roles.size() > streams().size())
return nullptr;
CameraConfiguration *config = p_->pipe_->generateConfiguration(this, roles);
if (!config) {
LOG(Camera, Debug)
<< "Pipeline handler failed to generate configuration";
return nullptr;
std::ostringstream msg("streams configuration:", std::ios_base::ate);
if (config->empty())
msg << " empty";
for (unsigned int index = 0; index < config->size(); ++index)
msg << " (" << index << ") " << config->at(index).toString();
LOG(Camera, Debug) << msg.str();
return std::unique_ptr<CameraConfiguration>(config);
* \brief Configure the camera prior to capture
* \param[in] config The camera configurations to setup
* Prior to starting capture, the camera must be configured to select a
* group of streams to be involved in the capture and their configuration.
* The caller specifies which streams are to be involved and their configuration
* by populating \a config.
* The configuration is created by generateConfiguration(), and adjusted by the
* caller with CameraConfiguration::validate(). This method only accepts fully
* valid configurations and returns an error if \a config is not valid.
* Exclusive access to the camera shall be ensured by a call to acquire() prior
* to calling this function, otherwise an -EACCES error will be returned.
* \context This function may only be called when the camera is in the Acquired
* or Configured state as defined in \ref camera_operation, and shall be
* synchronized by the caller with other functions that affect the camera
* state.
* Upon return the StreamConfiguration entries in \a config are associated with
* Stream instances which can be retrieved with StreamConfiguration::stream().
* \return 0 on success or a negative error code otherwise
* \retval -ENODEV The camera has been disconnected from the system
* \retval -EACCES The camera is not in a state where it can be configured
* \retval -EINVAL The configuration is not valid
int Camera::configure(CameraConfiguration *config)
int ret = p_->isAccessAllowed(Private::CameraAcquired,
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
if (config->validate() != CameraConfiguration::Valid) {
LOG(Camera, Error)
<< "Can't configure camera with invalid configuration";
return -EINVAL;
std::ostringstream msg("configuring streams:", std::ios_base::ate);
for (unsigned int index = 0; index < config->size(); ++index) {
StreamConfiguration &cfg = config->at(index);
msg << " (" << index << ") " << cfg.toString();
LOG(Camera, Info) << msg.str();
ret = p_->pipe_->invokeMethod(&PipelineHandler::configure,
ConnectionTypeBlocking, this, config);
if (ret)
return ret;
for (const StreamConfiguration &cfg : *config) {
Stream *stream =;
if (!stream) {
LOG(Camera, Fatal)
<< "Pipeline handler failed to update stream configuration";
return -EINVAL;
stream->configuration_ = cfg;
return 0;
* \brief Create a request object for the camera
* \param[in] cookie Opaque cookie for application use
* This method creates an empty request for the application to fill with
* buffers and parameters, and queue for capture.
* The \a cookie is stored in the request and is accessible through the
* Request::cookie() method at any time. It is typically used by applications
* to map the request to an external resource in the request completion
* handler, and is completely opaque to libcamera.
* The ownership of the returned request is passed to the caller, which is
* responsible for either queueing the request or deleting it.
* \context This function is \threadsafe. It may only be called when the camera
* is in the Configured or Running state as defined in \ref camera_operation.
* \return A pointer to the newly created request, or nullptr on error
Request *Camera::createRequest(uint64_t cookie)
int ret = p_->isAccessAllowed(Private::CameraConfigured,
if (ret < 0)
return nullptr;
return new Request(this, cookie);
* \brief Queue a request to the camera
* \param[in] request The request to queue to the camera
* This method queues a \a request to the camera for capture.
* After allocating the request with createRequest(), the application shall
* fill it with at least one capture buffer before queuing it. Requests that
* contain no buffers are invalid and are rejected without being queued.
* Once the request has been queued, the camera will notify its completion
* through the \ref requestCompleted signal.
* Ownership of the request is transferred to the camera. It will be deleted
* automatically after it completes.
* \context This function is \threadsafe. It may only be called when the camera
* is in the Running state as defined in \ref camera_operation.
* \return 0 on success or a negative error code otherwise
* \retval -ENODEV The camera has been disconnected from the system
* \retval -EACCES The camera is not running so requests can't be queued
* \retval -EINVAL The request is invalid
* \retval -ENOMEM No buffer memory was available to handle the request
int Camera::queueRequest(Request *request)
int ret = p_->isAccessAllowed(Private::CameraRunning);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
* The camera state may chance until the end of the function. No locking
* is however needed as PipelineHandler::queueRequest() will handle
* this.
if (request->buffers().empty()) {
LOG(Camera, Error) << "Request contains no buffers";
return -EINVAL;
for (auto const &it : request->buffers()) {
Stream *stream = it.first;
if (p_->activeStreams_.find(stream) == p_->activeStreams_.end()) {
LOG(Camera, Error) << "Invalid request";
return -EINVAL;
return p_->pipe_->invokeMethod(&PipelineHandler::queueRequest,
ConnectionTypeQueued, this, request);
* \brief Start capture from camera
* Start the camera capture session. Once the camera is started the application
* can queue requests to the camera to process and return to the application
* until the capture session is terminated with \a stop().
* \context This function may only be called when the camera is in the
* Configured state as defined in \ref camera_operation, and shall be
* synchronized by the caller with other functions that affect the camera
* state.
* \return 0 on success or a negative error code otherwise
* \retval -ENODEV The camera has been disconnected from the system
* \retval -EACCES The camera is not in a state where it can be started
int Camera::start()
int ret = p_->isAccessAllowed(Private::CameraConfigured);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
LOG(Camera, Debug) << "Starting capture";
ret = p_->pipe_->invokeMethod(&PipelineHandler::start,
ConnectionTypeBlocking, this);
if (ret)
return ret;
return 0;
* \brief Stop capture from camera
* This method stops capturing and processing requests immediately. All pending
* requests are cancelled and complete synchronously in an error state.
* \context This function may only be called when the camera is in the Running
* state as defined in \ref camera_operation, and shall be synchronized by the
* caller with other functions that affect the camera state.
* \return 0 on success or a negative error code otherwise
* \retval -ENODEV The camera has been disconnected from the system
* \retval -EACCES The camera is not running so can't be stopped
int Camera::stop()
int ret = p_->isAccessAllowed(Private::CameraRunning);
if (ret < 0)
return ret;
LOG(Camera, Debug) << "Stopping capture";
p_->pipe_->invokeMethod(&PipelineHandler::stop, ConnectionTypeBlocking,
return 0;
* \brief Handle request completion and notify application
* \param[in] request The request that has completed
* This function is called by the pipeline handler to notify the camera that
* the request has completed. It emits the requestCompleted signal and deletes
* the request.
void Camera::requestComplete(Request *request)
delete request;
} /* namespace libcamera */