blob: 6ca5f08ff59335d16ef1ca70df44a29a93fea176 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wc++17-extensions"
// This is a lexer that runs off the tokenizer and outputs the tokens to a
// grammar matcher. The tokens it forwards are the same as the ones produced
// by the tokenizer, but possibly further split and normalized (downcased).
// Examples:
// - single character tokens for punctuation (e.g., AddTerminal("?"))
// - a string of letters (e.g., "Foo" -- it calls AddTerminal() on "foo")
// - a string of digits (e.g., AddTerminal("37"))
// In addition to the terminal tokens above, it also outputs certain
// special nonterminals:
// - a <token> nonterminal, which it outputs in addition to the
// regular AddTerminal() call for every token
// - a <digits> nonterminal, which it outputs in addition to
// the regular AddTerminal() call for each string of digits
// - <N_digits> nonterminals, where N is the length of the string of
// digits. By default the maximum N that will be output is 20. This
// may be changed at compile time by kMaxNDigitsLength. For instance,
// "123" will produce a <3_digits> nonterminal, "1234567" will produce
// a <7_digits> nonterminal.
// It does not output any whitespace. Instead, whitespace gets absorbed into
// the token that follows them in the text.
// For example, if the text contains:
// ...hello there world...
// | | |
// offset=16 39 52
// then the output will be:
// "hello" [?, 16)
// "there" [16, 44) <-- note "16" NOT "39"
// "world" [44, ?) <-- note "44" NOT "52"
// This makes it appear to the Matcher as if the tokens are adjacent -- so
// whitespace is simply ignored.
// A minor optimization: We don't bother to output nonterminals if the grammar
// rules don't reference them.
#include "annotator/types.h"
#include "utils/grammar/matcher.h"
#include "utils/grammar/rules_generated.h"
#include "utils/grammar/types.h"
#include "utils/strings/stringpiece.h"
#include "utils/utf8/unicodetext.h"
#include "utils/utf8/unilib.h"
namespace libtextclassifier3::grammar {
class Lexer {
explicit Lexer(const UniLib* unilib, const RulesSet* rules);
// Processes a tokenized text. Classifies the tokens and feeds them to the
// matcher.
// The provided annotations will be fed to the matcher alongside the tokens.
// NOTE: The `annotations` need to outlive any dependent processing.
void Process(const UnicodeText& text, const std::vector<Token>& tokens,
const std::vector<AnnotatedSpan>* annotations,
Matcher* matcher) const;
void Process(const UnicodeText& text,
const std::vector<Token>::const_iterator& begin,
const std::vector<Token>::const_iterator& end,
const std::vector<AnnotatedSpan>* annotations,
Matcher* matcher) const;
// A lexical symbol with an identified meaning that represents raw tokens,
// token categories or predefined text matches.
// It is the unit fed to the grammar matcher.
struct Symbol {
// The type of the lexical symbol.
enum class Type {
// A raw token.
// A symbol representing a string of digits.
// Punctuation characters.
// A predefined match.
explicit Symbol() = default;
// Constructs a symbol of a given type with an anchor in the text.
Symbol(const Type type, const CodepointSpan codepoint_span,
const int match_offset, StringPiece lexeme)
: type(type),
lexeme(lexeme) {}
// Constructs a symbol from a pre-defined match.
explicit Symbol(Match* match)
: type(Type::TYPE_MATCH),
match(match) {}
// The type of the symbole.
Type type;
// The span in the text as codepoint offsets.
CodepointSpan codepoint_span;
// The match start offset (including preceding whitespace) as codepoint
// offset.
int match_offset;
// The symbol text value.
StringPiece lexeme;
// The predefined match.
Match* match;
// Processes a single token: the token is split and classified into symbols.
void ProcessToken(const StringPiece value, const int prev_token_end,
const CodepointSpan codepoint_span,
std::vector<Symbol>* symbols) const;
// Emits a token to the matcher.
void Emit(const Symbol& symbol, const RulesSet_::Nonterminals* nonterms,
Matcher* matcher) const;
// Gets the type of a character.
Symbol::Type GetSymbolType(const UnicodeText::const_iterator& it) const;
struct RegexAnnotator {
std::unique_ptr<UniLib::RegexPattern> pattern;
Nonterm nonterm;
// Uncompress and build the defined regex annotators.
std::vector<RegexAnnotator> BuildRegexAnnotator(const UniLib& unilib,
const RulesSet* rules) const;
const UniLib& unilib_;
const RulesSet* rules_;
std::vector<RegexAnnotator> regex_annotators_;
} // namespace libtextclassifier3::grammar