blob: 7d5ce7093d180b000346ad30744c905988a641f7 [file] [log] [blame]
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-- This software is confidential and proprietary and may be used --
-- only as expressly authorized by a licensing agreement from --
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-- Hantro Products Oy. --
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-- The entire notice above must be reproduced --
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#ifndef _VP8ENCAPI_H_
#define _VP8ENCAPI_H_
#include "vpu_mem.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
/* The maximum amount of frames for bitrate moving average calculation */
typedef const void* VP8EncInst;
/* Function return values */
typedef enum
VP8ENC_OK = 0,
} VP8EncRet;
/* Picture YUV type for pre-processing */
typedef enum
VP8ENC_YUV420_PLANAR = 0, /* YYYY... UUUU... VVVV */
VP8ENC_RGB565 = 4, /* 16-bit RGB */
VP8ENC_BGR565 = 5, /* 16-bit RGB */
VP8ENC_RGB555 = 6, /* 15-bit RGB */
VP8ENC_BGR555 = 7, /* 15-bit RGB */
VP8ENC_RGB444 = 8, /* 12-bit RGB */
VP8ENC_BGR444 = 9, /* 12-bit RGB */
VP8ENC_RGB888 = 10, /* 24-bit RGB */
VP8ENC_BGR888 = 11, /* 24-bit RGB */
VP8ENC_RGB101010 = 12, /* 30-bit RGB */
VP8ENC_BGR101010 = 13 /* 30-bit RGB */
} VP8EncPictureType;
/* Picture rotation for pre-processing */
typedef enum
VP8ENC_ROTATE_90R = 1, /* Rotate 90 degrees clockwise */
VP8ENC_ROTATE_90L = 2 /* Rotate 90 degrees counter-clockwise */
} VP8EncPictureRotation;
/* Picture color space conversion (RGB input) for pre-processing */
typedef enum
VP8ENC_RGBTOYUV_BT601 = 0, /* Color conversion according to BT.601 */
VP8ENC_RGBTOYUV_BT709 = 1, /* Color conversion according to BT.709 */
VP8ENC_RGBTOYUV_USER_DEFINED = 2 /* User defined color conversion */
} VP8EncColorConversionType;
/* Picture type for encoding */
typedef enum
VP8ENC_NOTCODED_FRAME = 2 /* Used just as a return value */
} VP8EncPictureCodingType;
/* Reference picture mode for reading and writing */
typedef enum
} VP8EncRefPictureMode;
/* Definitions to enable encoder internal control of filter parameters */
3. Structures for API function parameters
/* Configuration info for initialization
* Width and height are picture dimensions after rotation
typedef struct
uint32_t refFrameAmount; /* Amount of reference frame buffers, [1..3]
* 1 = only last frame buffered,
* always predict from and refresh ipf,
* stream buffer overflow causes new key frame
* 2 = last and golden frames buffered
* 3 = last and golden and altref frame buffered */
uint32_t width; /* Encoded picture width in pixels, multiple of 4 */
uint32_t height; /* Encoded picture height in pixels, multiple of 2*/
uint32_t frameRateNum; /* The stream time scale, [1..1048575] */
uint32_t frameRateDenom; /* Maximum frame rate is frameRateNum/frameRateDenom
* in frames/second. [1..frameRateNum] */
} VP8EncConfig;
/* Defining rectangular macroblock area in encoded picture */
typedef struct
uint32_t enable; /* [0,1] Enables this area */
uint32_t top; /* Top mb row inside area [0..heightMbs-1] */
uint32_t left; /* Left mb row inside area [0..widthMbs-1] */
uint32_t bottom; /* Bottom mb row inside area [top..heightMbs-1] */
uint32_t right; /* Right mb row inside area [left..widthMbs-1] */
} VP8EncPictureArea;
/* Coding control parameters */
typedef struct
/* The following parameters can only be adjusted before stream is
* started. They affect the stream profile and decoding complexity. */
uint32_t interpolationFilter; /* Defines the type of interpolation filter
* for reconstruction. [0..2]
* 0 = Bicubic (6-tap interpolation filter),
* 1 = Bilinear (2-tap interpolation filter),
* 2 = None (Full pixel motion vectors) */
uint32_t filterType; /* Deblocking loop filter type,
* 0 = Normal deblocking filter,
* 1 = Simple deblocking filter */
/* The following parameters can be adjusted between frames. */
uint32_t filterLevel; /* Deblocking filter level [0..64]
* 0 = No filtering,
* higher level => more filtering,
* filter level based on quantization */
uint32_t filterSharpness; /* Deblocking filter sharpness [0..8],
* filter sharpness automatically */
uint32_t dctPartitions; /* Amount of DCT coefficient partitions to
* create for each frame, subject to HW
* limitations on maximum partition amount.
* 0 = 1 DCT residual partition,
* 1 = 2 DCT residual partitions,
* 2 = 4 DCT residual partitions,
* 3 = 8 DCT residual partitions */
uint32_t errorResilient; /* Enable error resilient stream mode. [0,1]
* This prevents cumulative probability
* updates. */
uint32_t splitMv; /* Split MV mode ie. using more than 1 MV/MB
* 0=disabled, 1=adaptive, 2=enabled */
uint32_t quarterPixelMv; /* 1/4 pixel motion estimation
* 0=disabled, 1=adaptive, 2=enabled */
uint32_t cirStart; /* [0..mbTotal] First macroblock for
* Cyclic Intra Refresh */
uint32_t cirInterval; /* [0..mbTotal] Macroblock interval for
* Cyclic Intra Refresh, 0=disabled */
VP8EncPictureArea intraArea; /* Area for forcing intra macroblocks */
VP8EncPictureArea roi1Area; /* Area for 1st Region-Of-Interest */
VP8EncPictureArea roi2Area; /* Area for 2nd Region-Of-Interest */
int32_t roi1DeltaQp; /* [-50..0] QP delta value for 1st ROI */
int32_t roi2DeltaQp; /* [-50..0] QP delta value for 2nd ROI */
} VP8EncCodingCtrl;
/* Rate control parameters */
typedef struct
uint32_t pictureRc; /* Adjust QP between pictures, [0,1] */
uint32_t pictureSkip; /* Allow rate control to skip pictures, [0,1] */
int32_t qpHdr; /* QP for next encoded picture, [-1..127]
* -1 = Let rate control calculate initial QP.
* qpHdr is used for all pictures if
* pictureRc is disabled. */
uint32_t qpMin; /* Minimum QP for any picture, [0..127] */
uint32_t qpMax; /* Maximum QP for any picture, [0..127] */
uint32_t bitPerSecond; /* Target bitrate in bits/second
* [10000..60000000] */
uint32_t bitrateWindow; /* Number of pictures over which the target
* bitrate should be achieved. Smaller window
* maintains constant bitrate but forces rapid
* quality changes whereas larger window
* allows smoother quality changes. [1..150] */
int32_t intraQpDelta; /* Intra QP delta. intraQP = QP + intraQpDelta
* This can be used to change the relative
* quality of the Intra pictures or to decrease
* the size of Intra pictures. [-12..12] */
uint32_t fixedIntraQp; /* Fixed QP value for all Intra pictures, [0..127]
* 0 = Rate control calculates intra QP. */
uint32_t intraPictureRate; /* The distance of two intra pictures, [0..300]
* This will force periodical intra pictures.
* 0=disabled. */
uint32_t goldenPictureRate; /* The distance of two golden pictures, [0..300]
* This will force periodical golden pictures.
* 0=disabled. */
uint32_t altrefPictureRate; /* The distance of two altref pictures, [0..300]
* This will force periodical altref pictures.
* 0=disabled. */
} VP8EncRateCtrl;
/* Encoder input structure */
typedef struct
uint32_t busLuma; /* Bus address for input picture
* planar format: luminance component
* semiplanar format: luminance component
* interleaved format: whole picture
uint32_t busChromaU; /* Bus address for input chrominance
* planar format: cb component
* semiplanar format: both chrominance
* interleaved format: not used
uint32_t busChromaV; /* Bus address for input chrominance
* planar format: cr component
* semiplanar format: not used
* interleaved format: not used
VP8EncPictureCodingType codingType; /* Proposed picture coding type,
uint32_t timeIncrement; /* The previous picture duration in units
* of 1/frameRateNum. 0 for the very first
* picture and typically equal to frameRateDenom
* for the rest. */
/* The following three parameters apply when
* codingType == PREDICTED. They define for each
* of the reference pictures if it should be used
* for prediction and if it should be refreshed
* with the encoded frame. There must always be
* atleast one (ipf/grf/arf) that is referenced
* and atleast one that is refreshed.
* Note that refFrameAmount may limit the
* availability of golden and altref frames. */
VP8EncRefPictureMode ipf; /* Immediately previous == last frame */
VP8EncRefPictureMode grf; /* Golden reference frame */
VP8EncRefPictureMode arf; /* Alternative reference frame */
} VP8EncIn;
/* Encoder output structure */
typedef struct
VP8EncPictureCodingType codingType; /* Realized picture coding type,
uint32_t* pOutBuf[9]; /* Pointers to start of each partition in
* output stream buffer,
* pOutBuf[0] = Frame header + mb mode partition,
* pOutBuf[1] = First DCT partition,
* pOutBuf[2] = Second DCT partition (if exists)
* etc. */
uint32_t streamSize[9]; /* Size of each partition of output stream
* in bytes. */
uint32_t frameSize; /* Size of output frame in bytes
* (==sum of partition sizes) */
int8_t* motionVectors; /* Pointer to buffer storing encoded frame MVs.
* One pixel motion vector x and y and
* corresponding SAD value for every macroblock.
* Format: mb0x mb0y mb0sadMsb mb0sadLsb mb1x .. */
/* The following three parameters apply when
* codingType == PREDICTED. They define for each
* of the reference pictures if it was used for
* prediction and it it was refreshed. */
VP8EncRefPictureMode ipf; /* Immediately previous == last frame */
VP8EncRefPictureMode grf; /* Golden reference frame */
VP8EncRefPictureMode arf; /* Alternative reference frame */
} VP8EncOut;
/* Input pre-processing */
typedef struct
VP8EncColorConversionType type;
uint16_t coeffA; /* User defined color conversion coefficient */
uint16_t coeffB; /* User defined color conversion coefficient */
uint16_t coeffC; /* User defined color conversion coefficient */
uint16_t coeffE; /* User defined color conversion coefficient */
uint16_t coeffF; /* User defined color conversion coefficient */
} VP8EncColorConversion;
/* Version information */
typedef struct
uint32_t major; /* Encoder API major version */
uint32_t minor; /* Encoder API minor version */
} VP8EncApiVersion;
typedef struct
uint32_t swBuild; /* Software build ID */
uint32_t hwBuild; /* Hardware build ID */
} VP8EncBuild;
typedef struct {
int32_t length;
int32_t count;
int32_t pos;
int32_t frameRateNumer;
int32_t frameRateDenom;
} ma_s;
/* Structure for command line options and testbench variables */
typedef struct
int32_t width;
int32_t height;
int32_t lumWidthSrc;
int32_t lumHeightSrc;
int32_t horOffsetSrc;
int32_t verOffsetSrc;
int32_t outputRateNumer;
int32_t outputRateDenom;
int32_t refFrameAmount;
int32_t inputFormat;
int32_t rotation;
int32_t colorConversion;
int32_t videoStab;
int32_t bitPerSecond;
int32_t picRc;
int32_t picSkip;
int32_t gopLength;
int32_t qpHdr;
int32_t qpMin;
int32_t qpMax;
int32_t intraQpDelta;
int32_t fixedIntraQp;
int32_t intraPicRate;
int32_t dctPartitions; /* Dct data partitions 0=1, 1=2, 2=4, 3=8 */
int32_t errorResilient;
int32_t ipolFilter;
int32_t quarterPixelMv;
int32_t splitMv;
int32_t filterType;
int32_t filterLevel;
int32_t filterSharpness;
int32_t cirStart;
int32_t cirInterval;
int32_t intraAreaEnable;
int32_t intraAreaLeft;
int32_t intraAreaTop;
int32_t intraAreaRight;
int32_t intraAreaBottom;
int32_t roi1AreaEnable;
int32_t roi2AreaEnable;
int32_t roi1AreaTop;
int32_t roi1AreaLeft;
int32_t roi1AreaBottom;
int32_t roi1AreaRight;
int32_t roi2AreaTop;
int32_t roi2AreaLeft;
int32_t roi2AreaBottom;
int32_t roi2AreaRight;
int32_t roi1DeltaQp;
int32_t roi2DeltaQp;
int32_t printPsnr;
int32_t mvOutput;
int32_t intra16Favor;
int32_t intraPenalty;
/* SW/HW shared memories for input/output buffers */
VPUMemLinear_t pictureMem;
VPUMemLinear_t pictureStabMem;
VP8EncRateCtrl rc;
VP8EncOut encOut;
uint32_t streamSize; /* Size of output stream in bytes */
uint32_t bitrate; /* Calculate average bitrate of encoded frames */
ma_s ma; /* Calculate moving average of bitrate */
uint32_t psnrSum; /* Calculate average PSNR over encoded frames */
uint32_t psnrCnt;
uint32_t keyframeRequest;
int32_t frameCnt; /* Frame counter of input file */
uint64_t frameCntTotal; /* Frame counter of all frames */
} EncoderParameters;
/* Initialization & release */
VP8EncRet VP8EncInit(const VP8EncConfig* pEncConfig,
VP8EncInst* instAddr);
VP8EncRet VP8EncRelease(VP8EncInst inst);
/* Encoder configuration before stream generation */
VP8EncRet VP8EncSetCodingCtrl(VP8EncInst inst, const VP8EncCodingCtrl*
VP8EncRet VP8EncGetCodingCtrl(VP8EncInst inst, VP8EncCodingCtrl*
/* Encoder configuration before and during stream generation */
VP8EncRet VP8EncSetRateCtrl(VP8EncInst inst,
const VP8EncRateCtrl* pRateCtrl);
VP8EncRet VP8EncGetRateCtrl(VP8EncInst inst,
VP8EncRateCtrl* pRateCtrl);
/* Stream generation */
void VP8EncGetFrameHeader(VP8EncInst inst, uint8_t** frmhdr, uint32_t* size);
void VP8EncGetCabacCtx(VP8EncInst inst, uint8_t** cabac, uint32_t* size);
void VP8EncGetSegmentMap(VP8EncInst inst, uint8_t** segmap, uint32_t* size);
void VP8EncGetRegs(VP8EncInst inst, uint32_t** regs, uint32_t* size);
VP8EncRet VP8EncSetProbCnt(VP8EncInst inst, uint8_t* probcnt, uint32_t size);
/* VP8EncStrmEncode encodes one video frame. */
VP8EncRet VP8EncStrmEncodeResult(VP8EncInst inst, VP8EncOut* pEncOut, uint32_t outputStreamSize);
VP8EncRet VP8EncStrmEncode(VP8EncInst inst, const VP8EncIn* pEncIn,
VP8EncOut* pEncOut, EncoderParameters* cml);
void PrintTitle(EncoderParameters* cml);
void PrintFrame(EncoderParameters* cml, VP8EncInst encoder, uint32_t frameNumber,
VP8EncRet ret);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /*__VP8ENCAPI_H__*/