blob: 71550a9645704e95c1c7eb9b14ae41e9544823c4 [file] [log] [blame]
/** @file mlan_11h.h
* @brief This header file contains data structures and
* function declarations of 802.11h
* Copyright (C) 2008-2009, Marvell International Ltd.
* All Rights Reserved
Change Log:
03/26/2009: initial creation
#ifndef _MLAN_11H_
#define _MLAN_11H_
* 11H APIs
/** Initialize the 11h software module */
extern void wlan_11h_init(mlan_adapter * pmadapter);
/** Return 1 if 11h is active in the firmware, 0 if it is inactive */
extern int wlan_11h_is_active(mlan_private * priv);
/** Activate 11h extensions in the firmware */
extern int wlan_11h_activate(mlan_private * priv, t_u32 flag);
/** Enable the tx interface and record the new transmit state */
extern void wlan_11h_tx_enable(mlan_private * priv);
/** Enable the tx interface and record the new transmit state */
extern void wlan_11h_tx_disable(mlan_private * priv);
/** Check if radar detection is required on the specified channel */
extern int wlan_11h_radar_detect_required(mlan_private * priv, t_u8 channel);
/** Perform a standard availibility check on the specified channel */
extern int wlan_11h_radar_detected(mlan_private * priv, t_u8 channel);
/** Get an initial random channel to start an adhoc network on */
extern int wlan_11h_get_adhoc_start_channel(mlan_private * priv);
/** Add any 11h TLVs necessary to complete a join command (adhoc or infra) */
extern int wlan_11h_process_join(mlan_private * priv,
t_u8 ** ppbuffer,
IEEEtypes_CapInfo_t * pcap_info,
t_u32 channel,
wlan_11h_bss_info_t * p11h_bss_info);
/** Add any 11h TLVs necessary to complete an adhoc start command */
extern int wlan_11h_process_start(mlan_private * priv,
t_u8 ** ppbuffer,
IEEEtypes_CapInfo_t * pcap_info,
t_u32 channel,
wlan_11h_bss_info_t * p11h_bss_info);
/** Receive IEs from scan processing and record any needed info for 11h */
int wlan_11h_process_bss_elem(wlan_11h_bss_info_t * p11h_bss_info,
const t_u8 * pelement);
/** Complete the firmware command preparation for an 11h command function */
extern int wlan_11h_cmd_process(mlan_private * priv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * pcmd_ptr,
const t_void * pinfo_buf);
/** Process the response of an 11h firmware command */
extern int wlan_11h_cmdresp_process(mlan_private * priv,
const HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * resp);
#endif /*_MLAN_11H_ */