blob: 97c7ffe380c9289166e0fbe59e284159905c0b0b [file] [log] [blame]
* @file mlan_meas.h
* @brief Interface for the measurement module implemented in mlan_meas.c
* Driver interface functions and type declarations for the measurement module
* implemented in mlan_meas.c
* @sa mlan_meas.c
* Copyright (C) 2008-2009, Marvell International Ltd.
* All Rights Reserved
Change Log:
03/25/2009: initial version
#ifndef _MLAN_MEAS_H_
#define _MLAN_MEAS_H_
#include "mlan_fw.h"
/* Initialize the measurement code on startup */
extern void wlan_meas_init(mlan_adapter * pmadapter);
/* Send a given measurement request to the firmware, report back the result */
extern int
wlan_meas_util_send_req(mlan_private * pmpriv,
t_u32 wait_for_resp_timeout,
HostCmd_DS_MEASUREMENT_REPORT * pmeas_rpt);
/* Setup a measurement command before it is sent to the firmware */
extern int wlan_meas_cmd_process(mlan_private * pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * pcmd_ptr,
const t_void * pinfo_buf);
/* Handle a given measurement command response from the firmware */
extern int wlan_meas_cmdresp_process(mlan_private * pmpriv,
const HostCmd_DS_COMMAND * resp);
#endif /* _MLAN_MEAS_H_ */