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ModemManager 1.0 Interface Specification
Copyright (C) 2008 Novell, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Red Hat, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Google, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Lanedo GmbH
<node name="/" xmlns:doc="">
@short_description: The ModemManager Location interface.
The Location interface allows devices to provide location information to
client applications. Not all devices can provide this information, or even
if they do, they may not be able to provide it while a data session is
<interface name="org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Modem.Location">
@sources: Bitmask of <link linkend="MMModemLocationSource">MMModemLocationSource</link> flags, specifying which sources should get enabled or disabled. <link linkend="MM-MODEM-LOCATION-SOURCE-NONE:CAPS">MM_MODEM_LOCATION_SOURCE_NONE</link> will disable all location gathering.
@signal_location: Flag to control whether the device emits signals with the new location information. This argument is ignored when disabling location information gathering.
Configure the location sources to use when gathering location
information. Also enable or disable location information gathering.
This method may require the client to authenticate itself.
When signals are emitted, any client application (including malicious
ones!) can listen for location updates unless D-Bus permissions restrict
these signals from certain users. If further security is desired, the
@signal_location argument can be set to %FALSE to disable location
updates via D-Bus signals and require applications to call
authenticated APIs (like
<link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-ModemManager1-Modem-Location.GetLocation">GetLocation()</link>
) to get
location information.
The optional
allows to request A-GPS operation, and it must be given along with either
<method name="Setup">
<arg name="sources" type="u" direction="in" />
<arg name="signal_location" type="b" direction="in" />
@location: Dictionary of available location information when location information gathering is enabled.
Return current location information, if any. If the modem supports
multiple location types it may return more than one. See the
#org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Modem.Location:Location property
for more information on the dictionary returned at @location.
This method may require the client to authenticate itself.
<method name="GetLocation">
<arg name="Location" type="a{uv}" direction="out" />
@supl: SUPL server configuration, given either as IP:PORT or with a full URL.
Configure the SUPL server for A-GPS.
<method name="SetSuplServer">
<arg name="supl" type="s" direction="in" />
@rate: Rate, in seconds.
Set the refresh rate of the GPS information in the API. If not explicitly
set, a default of 30s will be used.
The refresh rate can be set to 0 to disable it, so that every update reported by
the modem is published in the interface.
<method name="SetGpsRefreshRate">
<arg name="rate" type="u" direction="in" />
Bitmask of <link linkend="MMModemLocationSource">MMModemLocationSource</link>
values, specifying the supported location sources.
<property name="Capabilities" type="u" access="read" />
Bitmask specifying which of the supported
<link linkend="MMModemLocationSource">MMModemLocationSource</link>
location sources is currently enabled in the device.
<property name="Enabled" type="u" access="read" />
%TRUE if location updates will be emitted via D-Bus signals, %FALSE if
location updates will not be emitted.
See the
<link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-ModemManager1-Modem-Location.Setup">Setup()</link>
method for more information.
<property name="SignalsLocation" type="b" access="read" />
Dictionary of available location information when location information
gathering is enabled. If the modem supports multiple location types it
may return more than one here.
Note that if the device was told not to emit updated location
information when location information gathering was initially enabled,
this property may not return any location information for security reasons.
This dictionary is composed of a
<link linkend="MMModemLocationSource">MMModemLocationSource</link>
key, with an associated data which contains type-specific location
<varlistentry><term><link linkend="MM-MODEM-LOCATION-SOURCE-3GPP-LAC-CI:CAPS">MM_MODEM_LOCATION_SOURCE_3GPP_LAC_CI</link></term>
Devices supporting this
capability return a string in the format <literal>"MCC,MNC,LAC,CI"</literal> (without the
quotes of course) where the following applies:
This is the three-digit ITU E.212 Mobile Country Code of the
network provider to which the mobile is currently registered.
e.g. <literal>"310"</literal>.
This is the two- or three-digit GSM Mobile Network Code of the
network provider to which the mobile is currently registered.
e.g. <literal>"26"</literal> or <literal>"260"</literal>.
This is the two-byte Location Area Code of the base station with
which the mobile is registered, in upper-case hexadecimal format
without leading zeros, as specified in 3GPP TS 27.007 section
10.1.19. e.g. <literal>"84CD"</literal>.
This is the two- or four-byte Cell Identifier with which the mobile
is registered, in upper-case hexadecimal format without leading
zeros, as specified in 3GPP TS 27.007.
e.g. <literal>"2BAF"</literal> or <literal>"D30156"</literal>.
The entire string may only be composed of the ASCII digits <literal>[0-9]</literal>,
the alphabetical characters <literal>[A-F]</literal>, and the comma (<literal>,</literal>) character.
No other characters are allowed. For example: <literal>"310,260,8BE3,2BAF"</literal> or
If any of these four items (<literal>MCC</literal>, <literal>MNC</literal>,
<literal>LAC</literal>, <literal>CI</literal>) is unknown or the
mobile is not registered with a network, then the
information item should not be provided as a returned value from the
<link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-ModemManager1-Modem-Location.GetLocation">GetLocation()</link>
method or in the #org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Modem.Location:Location property.
<varlistentry><term><link linkend="MM-MODEM-LOCATION-SOURCE-GPS-RAW:CAPS">MM_MODEM_LOCATION_SOURCE_GPS_RAW</link></term>
Devices supporting this
capability return a D-Bus dictionary (signature <literal>"a{sv}"</literal>) mapping well-known
keys to values with defined formats.
The allowed key/value pairs and their formats are:
(Required) UTC time in ISO 8601 format, given as a string value (signature <literal>"s"</literal>). e.g. <literal>203015</literal>.
(Required) Latitude in Decimal Degrees (positive numbers mean N quadrasphere, negative mean S quadrasphere), given as a double value (signature <literal>"d"</literal>). e.g. <literal>38.889722</literal>, meaning 38d 53' 22" N.
(Required) Longitude in Decimal Degrees (positive numbers mean E quadrasphere, negative mean W quadrasphere), given as a double value (signature <literal>"d"</literal>). e.g. <literal>-77.008889</literal>, meaning 77d 0' 32" W.
(Optional) Altitude above sea level in meters, given as a double value (signature <literal>"d"</literal>). e.g. <literal>33.5</literal>.
<varlistentry><term><link linkend="MM-MODEM-LOCATION-SOURCE-GPS-NMEA:CAPS">MM_MODEM_LOCATION_SOURCE_GPS_NMEA</link></term>
Devices supporting this capability return
a string containing one or more NMEA sentences (D-Bus signature <literal>'s'</literal>).
The manager will cache the most recent NMEA sentence of each type for
a period of time not less than 30 seconds. When reporting multiple
NMEA sentences, sentences shall be separated by an ASCII Carriage
Return and Line Feed (<literal>&lt;CR&gt;&lt;LF&gt;</literal>) sequence.
For example, if the device sends a <literal>$GPRMC</literal> sentence immediately
followed by a <literal>$GPGGA</literal> sentence, the reported location string would be
(where of course the <literal>&lt;CR&gt;&lt;LF&gt;</literal> is replaced with the actual
ASCII <literal>CR</literal> (0x0D) and <literal>LF</literal> (0x0A) control characters):
If the device sends a new <literal>$GPRMC</literal> three seconds later, the new <literal>$GPRMC</literal>
replaces the previously received <literal>$GPRMC</literal> sentence, and the updated
string would be:
If the device then sends a <literal>$GPGSA</literal> sentence about 5 seconds later, the
<literal>$GPGSA</literal> sentence is added to the string (since no <literal>$GPGSA</literal> sentence was
obviously received in this session), the updated string would be:
The manager may discard any cached sentences older than 30 seconds.
This allows clients to read the latest positioning data as soon as
possible after they start, even if the device is not providing
frequent location data updates.
<varlistentry><term><link linkend="MM-MODEM-LOCATION-SOURCE-CDMA-BS:CAPS">MM_MODEM_LOCATION_SOURCE_CDMA_BS</link></term>
Devices supporting this
capability return a D-Bus dictionary (signature <literal>"a{sv}"</literal>) mapping well-known
keys to values with defined formats.
The allowed key/value pairs and their formats are:
(Required) Latitude in Decimal Degrees (positive numbers mean N quadrasphere, negative mean S quadrasphere), given as a double value (signature <literal>"d"</literal>). e.g. <literal>38.889722</literal>, meaning 38d 53' 22" N.
(Required) Longitude in Decimal Degrees (positive numbers mean E quadrasphere, negative mean W quadrasphere), given as a double value (signature <literal>"d"</literal>). e.g. <literal>-77.008889</literal>, meaning 77d 0' 32" W.
<property name="Location" type="a{uv}" access="read" />
SUPL server configuration for A-GPS, given either as IP:PORT or with a full URL.
<property name="SuplServer" type="s" access="read" />
Rate of refresh of the GPS information in the interface.
<property name="GpsRefreshRate" type="u" access="read" />