blob: 1f5c25d004d199a6835e66df6b1b333a01f546ed [file] [log] [blame]
* Multitouch X driver
* Copyright (C) 2008 Henrik Rydberg <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "memory.h"
#define use_tapping 1
/* click area definition */
#define CLICK_AREA(c) ((c->has_ibt ? 0.20 : 0.00) * get_cap_ysize(c))
/* fraction of max movement threshold */
#define DELTA_CUT(x) (0.5 * (x))
/* fraction of tap movement threshold */
#define TAP_XMOVE(c) (0.05 * get_cap_xsize(c))
#define TAP_YMOVE(c) (0.05 * get_cap_ysize(c))
/* timer for cursor stability on finger touch/release */
static const int FINGER_ATTACK_MS = 40;
static const int FINGER_DECAY_MS = 120;
static const int FINGER_CORNER_MS = 300;
/* tapping timings */
static const int TAP_SETTLE_MS = 400;
static const int TAP_TOUCH_MS = 120;
static const int TAP_GAP_MS = 200;
static inline int dxval(const struct FingerState *a,
const struct FingerState *b)
return a->position_x - b->position_x;
static inline int dyval(const struct FingerState *a,
const struct FingerState *b)
return a->position_y - b->position_y;
static inline void relax_tapping(struct Memory *m, const struct MTState *state)
m->tprelax = state->evtime + TAP_SETTLE_MS;
m->wait = 0;
m->ntap = 0;
static inline int unrelated_taps(const struct Memory *m,
const struct Capabilities *caps)
return abs(m->xdown - m->xup) > TAP_XMOVE(caps) ||
abs(m->ydown - m->yup) > TAP_YMOVE(caps);
* init_memory
void init_memory(struct Memory *mem)
memset(mem, 0, sizeof(struct Memory));
* update_configuration
* Update the same, fingers, added, and thumb memory variables.
* Precondition: none
* Postcondition: same, fingers, added, thumb are set
static void update_configuration(struct Memory *m,
const struct MTState *prev_state,
const struct MTState *state)
const struct FingerState *f = state->finger;
bitmask_t fingers = BITONES(state->nfinger);
int i;
m->added = 0;
foreach_bit(i, fingers)
if (!find_finger(prev_state, f[i].tracking_id))
SETBIT(m->added, i);
m->same = m->fingers == fingers && m->added == 0;
m->fingers = fingers;
if (!m->same)
m->thumb = 0;
m->thumb |= state->thumb;
* update_pointers
* Update the pointing and ybar memory variables.
* Precondition: fingers, added, thumb are set
* Postcondition: pointing, ybar are set
static void update_pointers(struct Memory *m,
const struct MTState *state,
const struct Capabilities *caps)
const struct FingerState *f = state->finger;
int yclick = caps->abs[MTDEV_POSITION_Y].maximum - CLICK_AREA(caps);
int i;
if (state->nfinger < 2) {
m->pointing = m->fingers;
m->ybar = caps->abs[MTDEV_POSITION_Y].maximum;
if (m->same) {
foreach_bit(i, m->fingers & ~m->pointing) {
if (f[i].position_y <= m->ybar) {
m->pointing = m->fingers;
m->pointing = 0;
m->ybar = yclick;
foreach_bit(i, m->fingers) {
if (f[i].position_y > yclick)
if (!m->pointing || f[i].position_y > m->ybar)
m->ybar = f[i].position_y;
SETBIT(m->pointing, i);
* update_movement
* Update the pending, moving, mvhold, mvforget, dx and dy memory variables.
* When moving is nonzero, gestures can be extracted from the dx and dy
* variables. These variables should be cleared after use.
* Precondition: fingers, added, thumb, pointing are set
* Postcondition: pending, moving, mvhold, mvforget, dx, dy are set
static void update_movement(struct Memory *m,
const struct MTState *prev_state,
const struct MTState *state,
const struct Capabilities *caps)
const struct FingerState *prev, *f = state->finger;
int i, xcut, ycut, xmax = 0, ymax = 0;
m->moving = 0;
m->pending = 0;
if (!m->same) {
mstime_t d2, d2max = center_maxdist2(caps);
mem_hold_movement(m, state->evtime + FINGER_ATTACK_MS);
if (!m->added)
mem_hold_movement(m, state->evtime + FINGER_DECAY_MS);
foreach_bit(i, m->added) {
d2 = center_dist2(&f[i], caps);
d2 /= d2max;
m->mvhold += d2;
memset(m->dx, 0, sizeof(m->dx));
memset(m->dy, 0, sizeof(m->dy));
if (state->evtime < m->mvforget)
foreach_bit(i, m->pointing) {
int dx, dy;
prev = find_finger(prev_state, f[i].tracking_id);
dx = dxval(&f[i], prev);
dy = dyval(&f[i], prev);
m->dx[i] += dx;
m->dy[i] += dy;
xmax = maxval(xmax, abs(m->dx[i]));
ymax = maxval(ymax, abs(m->dy[i]));
xcut = DELTA_CUT(xmax);
ycut = DELTA_CUT(ymax);
foreach_bit(i, m->pointing)
if (abs(m->dx[i]) > xcut || abs(m->dy[i]) > ycut)
SETBIT(m->pending, i);
if (state->evtime < m->mvhold)
m->moving = m->pending;
* update_tapping
* Update tpdown, tpup, tprelax, wait, maxtap, ntap.
* Precondition: pointing and thumb are set
* Postcondition: tpdown, tpup, tprelax, wait, maxtap, ntap set
static void update_tapping(struct Memory *m,
const struct MTState *prev_state,
const struct MTState *state,
const struct Capabilities *caps)
int x, y, i, npoint = bitcount(m->pointing);
/* use a position independent on the number of fingers */
if (state->nfinger) {
x = state->finger[0].position_x;
y = state->finger[0].position_y;
for (i = 1; i < state->nfinger; i++) {
x = minval(x, state->finger[i].position_x);
y = minval(y, state->finger[i].position_y);
if (m->thumb || state->evtime < m->mvforget) {
relax_tapping(m, state);
} else if (state->nfinger && !prev_state->nfinger) {
m->tpdown = state->evtime;
m->xdown = x;
m->ydown = y;
m->wait = 0;
m->maxtap = npoint;
if (m->tpdown > m->tpup + TAP_GAP_MS)
m->ntap = 0;
else if (unrelated_taps(m, caps))
relax_tapping(m, state);
m->xup = x;
m->yup = y;
} else if (!state->nfinger && prev_state->nfinger) {
m->tpup = state->evtime;
if (m->tpup > m->tprelax &&
m->tpup <= m->tpdown + TAP_TOUCH_MS) {
m->wait = TAP_GAP_MS;
if (unrelated_taps(m, caps))
relax_tapping(m, state);
} else if (state->nfinger) {
m->xup = minval(m->xup, x);
m->yup = minval(m->yup, y);
m->maxtap = maxval(m->maxtap, npoint);
void refresh_memory(struct Memory *m,
const struct MTState *prev_state,
const struct MTState *state,
const struct Capabilities *caps)
update_configuration(m, prev_state, state);
update_pointers(m, state, caps);
update_movement(m, prev_state, state, caps);
if (use_tapping || !caps->has_left)
update_tapping(m, prev_state, state, caps);
void output_memory(const struct Memory *m)
int i;
xf86Msg(X_INFO, "btdata: %04x\n", m->btdata);
xf86Msg(X_INFO, "fingers: %04x\n", m->fingers);
xf86Msg(X_INFO, "added: %04x\n", m->added);
xf86Msg(X_INFO, "pointing: %04x\n", m->pointing);
xf86Msg(X_INFO, "pending: %04x\n", m->pending);
xf86Msg(X_INFO, "moving: %04x\n", m->moving);
xf86Msg(X_INFO, "ybar: %d\n", m->ybar);