blob: b54f02b9863ee060fb4b45ba091bb8d330c7af48 [file] [log] [blame]
* tlsdated.c - invoke tlsdate when necessary.
* Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
* We invoke tlsdate once at system startup, then we start trying to invoke
* tlsdate when a new network route appears. We try a few times after each route
* comes up. As soon as we get a successful tlsdate run, we save that timestamp
* to disk, then linger to wait for system shutdown. At system shutdown
* (indicated by us getting SIGTERM), we save our timestamp to disk.
#include "config.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <grp.h> /* setgroups */
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <linux/rtc.h>
#include <openssl/rand.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <event2/event.h>
#include "src/conf.h"
#include "src/routeup.h"
#include "src/util.h"
#include "src/tlsdate.h"
#include "src/dbus.h"
#include "src/platform.h"
const char *kCacheDir = DEFAULT_DAEMON_CACHEDIR;
is_sane_time (time_t ts)
* Load a time value out of the file named by path. Returns 0 if successful,
* -1 if not. The file contains the time in seconds since epoch in host byte
* order.
load_disk_timestamp (const char *path, time_t * t)
struct iovec iov[1];
int fd = open (path, O_RDONLY | O_NOFOLLOW | O_CLOEXEC);
time_t tmpt;
iov[0].iov_base = &tmpt;
iov[0].iov_len = sizeof (tmpt);
if (fd < 0)
perror ("Can't open %s for reading", path);
return -1;
if (preadv (fd, iov, 1, 0) != sizeof (tmpt))
perror ("Can't read seconds from %s", path);
close (fd);
return -1;
close (fd);
if (!is_sane_time (tmpt))
error ("Disk timestamp is not sane: %ld", tmpt);
return -1;
*t = tmpt;
return 0;
usage (const char *progn)
printf ("Usage: %s [flags...] [--] [tlsdate command...]\n", progn);
printf (" -w don't set hwclock\n");
printf (" -p dry run (don't really set time)\n");
printf (" -r use stdin instead of netlink for routes\n");
printf (" -t <n> try n times when a new route appears\n");
printf (" -d <n> delay n seconds between tries\n");
printf (" -T <n> give subprocess n chances to exit\n");
printf (" -D <n> delay n seconds between wait attempts\n");
printf (" -c <path> set the cache directory\n");
printf (" -a <n> run at most every n seconds in steady state\n");
printf (" -m <n> run at most once every n seconds in steady state\n");
printf (" -j <n> add up to n seconds jitter to steady state checks\n");
printf (" -l don't load disk timestamps\n");
printf (" -s don't save disk timestamps\n");
printf (" -u <user> user to change to\n");
printf (" -g <grp> group to change to\n");
printf (" -v be verbose\n");
printf (" -x <h> set proxy for subprocs to h\n");
printf (" -h this\n");
set_conf_defaults (struct opts *opts)
static char *kDefaultArgv[] =
opts->user = UNPRIV_USER;
opts->group = UNPRIV_GROUP;
opts->max_tries = MAX_TRIES;
opts->min_steady_state_interval = STEADY_STATE_INTERVAL;
opts->wait_between_tries = WAIT_BETWEEN_TRIES;
opts->subprocess_tries = SUBPROCESS_TRIES;
opts->subprocess_wait_between_tries = SUBPROCESS_WAIT_BETWEEN_TRIES;
opts->steady_state_interval = STEADY_STATE_INTERVAL;
opts->continuity_interval = CONTINUITY_INTERVAL;
opts->base_path = kCacheDir;
opts->base_argv = kDefaultArgv;
opts->argv = NULL;
opts->should_sync_hwclock = DEFAULT_SYNC_HWCLOCK;
opts->should_load_disk = DEFAULT_LOAD_FROM_DISK;
opts->should_save_disk = DEFAULT_SAVE_TO_DISK;
opts->should_netlink = DEFAULT_USE_NETLINK;
opts->dry_run = DEFAULT_DRY_RUN;
opts->jitter = 0;
opts->conf_file = NULL;
opts->sources = NULL;
opts->cur_source = NULL;
opts->proxy = NULL;
parse_argv (struct opts *opts, int argc, char *argv[])
int opt;
while ((opt = getopt (argc, argv, "hwrpt:d:T:D:c:a:lsvm:j:f:x:u:g:")) != -1)
switch (opt)
case 'w':
opts->should_sync_hwclock = 0;
case 'r':
opts->should_netlink = 0;
case 'p':
opts->dry_run = 1;
case 't':
opts->max_tries = atoi (optarg);
case 'd':
opts->wait_between_tries = atoi (optarg);
case 'T':
opts->subprocess_tries = atoi (optarg);
case 'D':
opts->subprocess_wait_between_tries = atoi (optarg);
case 'c':
opts->base_path = optarg;
case 'a':
opts->steady_state_interval = atoi (optarg);
case 'l':
opts->should_load_disk = 0;
case 's':
opts->should_save_disk = 0;
case 'v':
verbose = 1;
case 'm':
opts->min_steady_state_interval = atoi (optarg);
case 'j':
opts->jitter = atoi (optarg);
case 'f':
opts->conf_file = optarg;
case 'x':
opts->proxy = optarg;
case 'u':
opts->user = optarg;
case 'g':
opts->group = optarg;
case 'h':
usage (argv[0]);
exit (1);
if (optind < argc)
opts->base_argv = argv + optind;
/* Validate arguments */
void add_source_to_conf (struct opts *opts, char *host, char *port, char *proxy)
struct source *s;
struct source *source = calloc (1, sizeof *source);
if (!source)
fatal ("out of memory for source");
source->host = strdup (host);
if (!source->host)
fatal ("out of memory for host");
source->port = strdup (port);
if (!source->port)
fatal ("out of memory for port");
if (proxy)
source->proxy = strdup (proxy);
if (!source->proxy)
fatal ("out of memory for proxy");
if (!opts->sources)
opts->sources = source;
source->id = 0;
for (s = opts->sources; s->next; s = s->next)
source->id = s->id + 1;
s->next = source;
static struct conf_entry *
parse_source (struct opts *opts, struct conf_entry *conf)
char *host = NULL;
char *port = NULL;
char *proxy = NULL;
/* a source entry:
* source
* host <host>
* port <port>
* [proxy <proxy>]
* end
assert (!strcmp (conf->key, "source"));
conf = conf->next;
while (conf && strcmp (conf->key, "end"))
if (!strcmp (conf->key, "host"))
host = conf->value;
else if (!strcmp (conf->key, "port"))
port = conf->value;
else if (!strcmp (conf->key, "proxy"))
proxy = conf->value;
fatal ("malformed config: '%s' in source stanza", conf->key);
conf = conf->next;
if (!conf)
fatal ("unclosed source stanza");
if (!host || !port)
fatal ("incomplete source stanza (needs host, port)");
add_source_to_conf (opts, host, port, proxy);
return conf;
load_conf (struct opts *opts)
FILE *f;
struct conf_entry *conf, *e;
char *conf_file = opts->conf_file;
if (!opts->conf_file)
conf_file = DEFAULT_CONF_FILE;
f = fopen (conf_file, "r");
if (!f)
if (opts->conf_file)
pfatal ("can't open conf file '%s'", opts->conf_file);
pinfo ("can't open conf file '%s'", conf_file);
conf = conf_parse (f);
if (!conf)
pfatal ("can't parse config file");
for (e = conf; e; e = e->next)
if (!strcmp (e->key, "max-tries") && e->value)
opts->max_tries = atoi (e->value);
else if (!strcmp (e->key, "min-steady-state-interval") && e->value)
opts->min_steady_state_interval = atoi (e->value);
else if (!strcmp (e->key, "wait-between-tries") && e->value)
opts->wait_between_tries = atoi (e->value);
else if (!strcmp (e->key, "subprocess-tries") && e->value)
opts->subprocess_tries = atoi (e->value);
else if (!strcmp (e->key, "subprocess-wait-between-tries") && e->value)
opts->subprocess_wait_between_tries = atoi (e->value);
else if (!strcmp (e->key, "steady-state-interval") && e->value)
opts->steady_state_interval = atoi (e->value);
else if (!strcmp (e->key, "base-path") && e->value)
opts->base_path = strdup (e->value);
if (!opts->base_path)
fatal ("out of memory for base path");
else if (!strcmp (e->key, "should-sync-hwclock"))
opts->should_sync_hwclock = e->value ? !strcmp (e->value, "yes") : 1;
else if (!strcmp (e->key, "should-load-disk"))
opts->should_load_disk = e->value ? !strcmp (e->value, "yes") : 1;
else if (!strcmp (e->key, "should-save-disk"))
opts->should_save_disk = e->value ? !strcmp (e->value, "yes") : 1;
else if (!strcmp (e->key, "should-netlink"))
opts->should_netlink = e->value ? !strcmp (e->value, "yes") : 1;
else if (!strcmp (e->key, "dry-run"))
opts->dry_run = e->value ? !strcmp (e->value, "yes") : 1;
else if (!strcmp (e->key, "jitter") && e->value)
opts->jitter = atoi (e->value);
else if (!strcmp (e->key, "verbose"))
verbose = e->value ? !strcmp (e->value, "yes") : 1;
else if (!strcmp (e->key, "source"))
e = parse_source (opts, e);
check_conf (struct state *state)
struct opts *opts = &state->opts;
if (!opts->max_tries)
fatal ("-t argument must be nonzero");
if (!opts->wait_between_tries)
fatal ("-d argument must be nonzero");
if (!opts->subprocess_tries)
fatal ("-T argument must be nonzero");
if (!opts->subprocess_wait_between_tries)
fatal ("-D argument must be nonzero");
if (!opts->steady_state_interval)
fatal ("-a argument must be nonzero");
if (snprintf (state->timestamp_path, sizeof (state->timestamp_path),
"%s/timestamp", opts->base_path) >= sizeof (state->timestamp_path))
fatal ("supplied base path is too long: '%s'", opts->base_path);
if (opts->jitter >= opts->steady_state_interval)
fatal ("jitter must be less than steady state interval (%d >= %d)",
opts->jitter, opts->steady_state_interval);
cleanup_main (struct state *state)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < E_MAX; ++i)
struct event *e = state->events[i];
if (e)
int fd = event_get_fd (e);
if (fd >= 0 && ! (event_get_events (e) & EV_SIGNAL))
close (fd);
event_free (e);
/* The other half was closed above. */
close (state->tlsdate_monitor_fd);
if (state->tlsdate_pid)
kill (state->tlsdate_pid, SIGKILL);
waitpid (state->tlsdate_pid, NULL, WNOHANG);
/* Best effort to tear it down if it is still alive. */
if (state->setter_pid)
kill (state->setter_pid, SIGKILL);
waitpid (state->setter_pid, NULL, WNOHANG);
/* TODO(wad) Add dbus_cleanup() */
if (state->base)
event_base_free (state->base);
memset(state, 0, sizeof(*state));
return 0;
int API
main (int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[])
struct state state;
struct event_base *base = event_base_new();
if (!base)
fatal ("could not allocated new event base");
/* Add three priority levels:
* 0 - time saving. Must be done before any other events are handled.
* 1 - network synchronization events
* 2 - any other events (wake, platform, etc)
event_base_priority_init (base, MAX_EVENT_PRIORITIES);
memset (&state, 0, sizeof (state));
set_conf_defaults (&state.opts);
parse_argv (&state.opts, argc, argv);
check_conf (&state);
load_conf (&state.opts);
check_conf (&state);
if (!state.opts.sources)
add_source_to_conf (&state.opts, DEFAULT_HOST, DEFAULT_PORT, DEFAULT_PROXY);
state.base = base;
state.envp = envp;
state.hwclock_fd = -1;
state.backoff = state.opts.wait_between_tries;
/* TODO(wad) move this into setup_time_setter */
/* grab a handle to /dev/rtc for sync_hwclock() */
if (state.opts.should_sync_hwclock &&
(state.hwclock_fd = open (DEFAULT_RTC_DEVICE, O_RDONLY)) < 0)
pinfo ("can't open hwclock fd");
state.opts.should_sync_hwclock = 0;
/* install the SIGCHLD handler for the setter and tlsdate */
if (setup_sigchld_event (&state, 1))
error ("Failed to setup SIGCHLD event");
goto out;
/* fork off the privileged helper */
info ("spawning time setting helper . . .");
if (setup_time_setter (&state))
error ("could not fork privileged coprocess");
goto out;
/* release the hwclock now that the time-setter is running. */
close (state.hwclock_fd);
state.hwclock_fd = -1;
/* drop privileges before touching any untrusted data */
drop_privs_to (state.opts.user,;
/* register a signal handler to save time at shutdown */
if (state.opts.should_save_disk)
struct event *event = event_new (base, SIGTERM, EV_SIGNAL|EV_PERSIST,
action_sigterm, &state);
if (!event)
fatal ("Failed to create SIGTERM event");
event_priority_set (event, PRI_SAVE);
event_add (event, NULL);
if (init_dbus (&state))
error ("Failed to initialize DBus");
goto out;
/* Register the tlsdate event before any listeners could show up. */[E_TLSDATE] = event_new (base, -1, EV_TIMEOUT,
action_run_tlsdate, &state);
if (![E_TLSDATE])
error ("Failed to create tlsdate event");
goto out;
event_priority_set ([E_TLSDATE], PRI_NET);
/* The timeout and fd will be filled in per-call. */
if (setup_tlsdate_status (&state))
error ("Failed to create tlsdate status event");
goto out;
/* TODO(wad) Could use a timeout on this to catch setter death? */
/* EV_READ is for truncation/EPIPE notification */[E_SAVE] = event_new (base, state.setter_save_fd,
EV_READ|EV_WRITE, action_sync_and_save,
if (![E_SAVE])
error ("Failed to create sync & save event");
goto out;
event_priority_set ([E_SAVE], PRI_SAVE);
/* Start by grabbing the system time. */
state.last_sync_type = SYNC_TYPE_RTC;
state.last_time = time (NULL);
/* If possible, grab disk time and check the two. */
if (state.opts.should_load_disk)
time_t disk_time = state.last_time;
if (!load_disk_timestamp (state.timestamp_path, &disk_time))
info ("disk timestamp available: yes");
if (!is_sane_time (state.last_time) ||
state.last_time < disk_time)
state.last_sync_type = SYNC_TYPE_DISK;
state.last_time = disk_time;
info ("disk timestamp available: no");
if (!is_sane_time (state.last_time))
state.last_sync_type = SYNC_TYPE_BUILD;
state.last_time = RECENT_COMPILE_DATE + 1;
/* Save and announce the initial time source. */
trigger_event (&state, E_SAVE, -1);
info ("initial time sync type: %s", sync_type_str (state.last_sync_type));
/* Initialize platform specific loop behavior */
if (platform_init_cros (&state))
error ("Failed to initialize platform code");
goto out;
if (setup_event_route_up (&state))
error ("Failed to setup route up monitoring");
goto out;
if (setup_event_timer_sync (&state))
error ("Failed to setup a timer event");
goto out;
if (setup_event_timer_continuity (&state))
error ("Failed to setup continuity timer");
goto out;
/* Add a forced sync event to the event list. */
action_kickoff_time_sync (-1, EV_TIMEOUT, &state);
info ("Entering dispatch . . .");
event_base_dispatch (base);
info ("tlsdated terminating gracefully");
return cleanup_main (&state);
#endif /* !TLSDATED_MAIN */