blob: 353d31b2296e216dfd4563fc080d4b89bea575f2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ipp_util.h"
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <base/values.h>
#include <cups/cups.h>
#include <cups/ipp.h>
#include "smart_buffer.h"
#include "usbip_constants.h"
namespace {
std::vector<IppAttribute> GetAttributes(const base::ListValue* attributes) {
std::vector<IppAttribute> ipp_attributes;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < attributes->GetSize(); ++i) {
const base::DictionaryValue* attributes_dictionary;
if (!attributes->GetDictionary(i, &attributes_dictionary)) {
<< "Failed to extract dictionary value from attributes list at index "
<< i;
return ipp_attributes;
// Find first occurrence of |target| in |message| and return the index to where
// it begins. If |target| does not appear in |message| then returns -1.
ssize_t FindFirstOccurrence(const SmartBuffer& message,
const std::string& target, size_t start = 0) {
const std::vector<uint8_t>& contents = message.contents();
auto iter = std::search(contents.begin() + start, contents.end(),
target.begin(), target.end());
if (iter == contents.end()) {
return -1;
return std::distance(contents.begin(), iter);
// Determines if |message| starts with the string |target|.
bool StartsWith(const SmartBuffer& message, const std::string& target) {
return FindFirstOccurrence(message, target) == 0;
bool MessageContains(const SmartBuffer& message,
const std::string& s) {
ssize_t pos = FindFirstOccurrence(message, s);
return pos != -1;
// Adds the IPP |tag| to |buf|.
void AddTag(ipp_tag_t tag, SmartBuffer* buf) {
CHECK_LE(tag, UCHAR_MAX) << "Tag value " << tag << " is too large";
uint8_t tag_value = tag;
buf->Add(&tag_value, sizeof(tag_value));
// Adds the IPP |name| to |bytes|. If |include_name| is set to true then the
// length of |name| and |name| itself are added to |buf|. Otherwise just a
// length with value 0 is added to indicate that there is no value.
void AddName(const std::string& name, bool include_name,
SmartBuffer* buf) {
CHECK_LE(name.size(), USHRT_MAX) << "Name size is too large";
uint16_t name_length = (include_name) ? name.size() : 0;
name_length = htons(name_length);
buf->Add(&name_length, sizeof(name_length));
if (include_name) {
buf->Add(name.c_str(), name.size());
// Adds the IPP |value_length| to |buf|.
void AddValueLength(size_t value_length, SmartBuffer* buf) {
CHECK_LE(value_length, USHRT_MAX) << "Given value length is to large";
uint16_t length = value_length;
length = htons(length);
buf->Add(&length, sizeof(length));
// Adds the IPP attribute of type bool to |buf|.
void AddBooleanAttribute(bool value, ipp_tag_t tag, const std::string& name,
bool include_name, SmartBuffer* buf) {
AddTag(tag, buf);
AddName(name, include_name, buf);
AddValueLength(sizeof(value), buf);
buf->Add(&value, sizeof(value));
// Adds the IPP attribute of type int to |buf|.
void AddIntAttribute(int value, ipp_tag_t tag, const std::string& name,
bool include_name, SmartBuffer* buf) {
AddTag(tag, buf);
AddName(name, include_name, buf);
AddValueLength(sizeof(value), buf);
// Need to put the int value in network byte order.
value = htonl(value);
buf->Add(&value, sizeof(value));
// Adds the IPP attribute of type string to |buf|.
void AddStringAttribute(const std::string& value, ipp_tag_t tag,
const std::string& name, bool include_name,
SmartBuffer* buf) {
AddTag(tag, buf);
AddName(name, include_name, buf);
AddValueLength(value.size(), buf);
buf->Add(value.c_str(), value.size());
} // namespace
IppAttribute::IppAttribute(const std::string& type,
const std::string& name,
const base::Value* value)
: type_(type), name_(name), value_(value) {}
bool IppAttribute::IsList() const {
return value_->is_list();
size_t IppAttribute::GetListSize() const {
const base::ListValue* values;
<< "Failed to retrieve list value from " << name_;
return values->GetSize();
bool IppAttribute::GetBool() const {
bool out;
<< "Failed to retrieve boolean value from " << name_;
return out;
int IppAttribute::GetInt() const {
int out;
<< "Failed to retrieve integer value from " << name_;
return out;
std::string IppAttribute::GetString() const {
std::string out;
<< "Failed to retrieve string value from " << name_;
return out;
std::vector<bool> IppAttribute::GetBools() const {
const base::ListValue* values;
<< "Failed to retrieve list value from " << name_;
std::vector<bool> booleans(values->GetSize());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < values->GetSize(); ++i) {
bool out;
CHECK(values->GetBoolean(i, &out))
<< "Failed to retrieve boolean value from " << name_ << " at index "
<< i;
booleans[i] = out;
return booleans;
std::vector<int> IppAttribute::GetInts() const {
const base::ListValue* values;
<< "Failed to retrieve list value from " << name_;
std::vector<int> integers(values->GetSize());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < values->GetSize(); ++i) {
int out;
CHECK(values->GetInteger(i, &out))
<< "Failed to retrieve integer value from " << name_ << " at index "
<< i;
integers[i] = out;
return integers;
std::vector<std::string> IppAttribute::GetStrings() const {
const base::ListValue* values;
<< "Failed to retrieve list value from " << name_;
std::vector<std::string> strings(values->GetSize());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < values->GetSize(); ++i) {
std::string out;
CHECK(values->GetString(i, &out)) << "Failed to retrieve string value from "
<< name_ << " at index " << i;
strings[i] = out;
return strings;
std::vector<uint8_t> IppAttribute::GetBytes() const {
const base::ListValue* values;
<< "Failed to retrieve list value from " << name_;
std::vector<uint8_t> bytes(values->GetSize());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < values->GetSize(); ++i) {
int out;
CHECK(values->GetInteger(i, &out))
<< "Failed to retrieve byte value from " << name_ << " at index " << i;
CHECK_GE(out, 0) << "Retrieved byte value is negative";
CHECK_LE(out, UCHAR_MAX) << "Retrieved byte value is too large";
bytes[i] = static_cast<uint8_t>(out);
return bytes;
bool operator==(const IppAttribute& lhs, const IppAttribute& rhs) {
// TODO(valleau): Add comparison for |value_| members once chromelib is
// updated and the operator is defined.
return lhs.type_ == rhs.type_ && lhs.name_ == rhs.name_;
bool operator!=(const IppAttribute& lhs, const IppAttribute& rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
void UnpackIppHeader(IppHeader* header) {
header->operation_id = ntohs(header->operation_id);
header->request_id = ntohl(header->request_id);
void PackIppHeader(IppHeader* header) {
header->operation_id = htons(header->operation_id);
header->request_id = htonl(header->request_id);
bool IsHttpChunkedMessage(const SmartBuffer& message) {
ssize_t i = FindFirstOccurrence(message, "Transfer-Encoding: chunked");
return i != -1;
bool ContainsHttpHeader(const SmartBuffer& message) {
return MessageContains(message, "POST /ipp/print HTTP");
bool ContainsHttpBody(const SmartBuffer& message) {
// We are making the assumption that if |message| does not contain an HTTP
// header then |message| is the body of an HTTP message.
if (!ContainsHttpHeader(message)) {
return true;
// If |message| contains an HTTP header, check to see if there's anything
// immediately following it.
ssize_t pos = FindFirstOccurrence(message, "\r\n\r\n");
CHECK_GE(pos, 0) << "HTTP header does not contain end-of-header marker";
size_t start = pos + 4;
return start < message.size();
IppHeader GetIppHeader(const SmartBuffer& message) {
ssize_t i = FindFirstOccurrence(message, "\r\n\r\n");
size_t offset = 0;
if (i != -1) {
// If |message| starts with an HTTP header, jump to the beginning of the IPP
// message.
if (IsHttpChunkedMessage(message)) {
// If |message| is an HTTP chunked message header, jump to the beginning
// of the first chunk.
i = FindFirstOccurrence(message, "\r\n", i + 4);
offset = i + 2;
} else {
offset = i + 4;
IppHeader header;
// Ensure that |message| has enough bytes to copy into |header|.
CHECK_GE(message.size(), offset);
CHECK_GE(message.size() - offset, sizeof(header));
memset(&header, 0, sizeof(header));
memcpy(&header, + offset, sizeof(header));
return header;
size_t ExtractChunkSize(const SmartBuffer& message) {
ssize_t end = FindFirstOccurrence(message, "\r\n");
if (end == -1) {
return 0;
std::string hex_string;
const std::vector<uint8_t>& contents = message.contents();
for (size_t i = 0; i < end; ++i) {
hex_string += static_cast<char>(contents[i]);
return std::stoll(hex_string, 0, 16);
SmartBuffer ParseHttpChunkedMessage(SmartBuffer* message) {
CHECK_NE(message, nullptr) << "Given null message";
// If |message| starts with the trailing CRLF end-of-chunk indicator from the
// previous chunk then erase it.
if (StartsWith(*message, "\r\n")) {
message->Erase(0, 2);
size_t chunk_size = ExtractChunkSize(*message);
LOG(INFO) << "Chunk size: " << chunk_size;
ssize_t start = FindFirstOccurrence(*message, "\r\n");
SmartBuffer ret(0);
if (start == -1) {
return ret;
ret.Add(*message, start + 2, chunk_size);
// In case |message| contains multiple chunks, we remove the chunk which was
// just parsed.
// The length of the prefix to be deleted is calculated as follows:
// start - represents the hex-encoded length value.
// chunk_size - the number of bytes read out for the message body.
// 2 - the CRLF characters which trail the length.
size_t to_erase_length = start + chunk_size + 2;
CHECK_GE(message->size(), to_erase_length);
message->Erase(0, to_erase_length);
// If |message| also contains the trailing CRLF end-of-chunk indicator, then
// erase it.
if (StartsWith(*message, "\r\n")) {
message->Erase(0, 2);
return ret;
bool ContainsFinalChunk(const SmartBuffer& message) {
ssize_t i = FindFirstOccurrence(message, "0\r\n\r\n");
return i > 0 && message.size() == i + 5;
bool ProcessMessageChunks(SmartBuffer* message) {
CHECK(message != nullptr) << "Process - Given null message";
if (IsHttpChunkedMessage(*message)) {
// If |message| contains an HTTP header then we discard it.
int start = FindFirstOccurrence(*message, "\r\n\r\n");
CHECK_GT(start, 0) << "Failed to process HTTP chunked message";
message->Erase(0, start + 4);
SmartBuffer chunk;
while (message->size() > 0) {
chunk = ParseHttpChunkedMessage(message);
return chunk.size() != 0;
void RemoveHttpHeader(SmartBuffer* message) {
CHECK(ContainsHttpHeader(*message)) << "Message does not contain HTTP header";
int i = FindFirstOccurrence(*message, "\r\n\r\n");
CHECK_GT(i, 0) << "Failed to find end of HTTP header";
message->Erase(0, i + 4);
SmartBuffer ExtractIppMessage(SmartBuffer* message) {
CHECK_NE(message, nullptr) << "Received null message";
return ParseHttpChunkedMessage(message);
SmartBuffer MergeDocument(SmartBuffer* message) {
CHECK_NE(message, nullptr) << "Received null message";
SmartBuffer document;
while (message->size() > 0) {
SmartBuffer chunk = ParseHttpChunkedMessage(message);
return document;
std::string GetHttpResponseHeader(size_t size) {
return "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
"Server: localhost:0\r\n"
"Content-Type: application/ipp\r\n"
"Content-Length: " + std::to_string(size) + "\r\n"
"Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
IppAttribute GetAttribute(const base::Value* attribute) {
const base::DictionaryValue* dictionary;
<< "Failed to retrieve dictionary value from attributes";
std::string type;
std::string name;
const base::Value* value;
CHECK(dictionary->GetString(kTypeKey, &type))
<< "Failed to retrieve type from attribute";
CHECK(dictionary->GetString(kNameKey, &name))
<< "Failed to retrieve name from attribute";
CHECK(dictionary->Get(kValueKey, &value))
<< "Failed to extract value from attribute";
return IppAttribute(type, name, value);
std::vector<IppAttribute> GetAttributes(const base::Value* attributes,
const std::string& key) {
const base::DictionaryValue* dictionary;
<< "Failed to retrieve dictionary value from attributes";
const base::ListValue* attributes_list;
CHECK(dictionary->GetList(key, &attributes_list))
<< "Failed to extract attributes list for key " << key;
return GetAttributes(attributes_list);
ipp_tag_t GetIppTag(const std::string& name) {
std::map<std::string, ipp_tag_t> tags = {
{kOperationAttributes, IPP_TAG_OPERATION},
{kUnsupportedAttributes, IPP_TAG_UNSUPPORTED_GROUP},
{kPrinterAttributes, IPP_TAG_PRINTER},
{kJobAttributes, IPP_TAG_JOB},
{kInteger, IPP_TAG_INTEGER},
{kBoolean, IPP_TAG_BOOLEAN},
{kEnum, IPP_TAG_ENUM},
{kOctetString, IPP_TAG_STRING},
{kDateTime, IPP_TAG_DATE},
{kResolution, IPP_TAG_RESOLUTION},
{kRangeOfInteger, IPP_TAG_RANGE},
{kTextWithoutLanguage, IPP_TAG_TEXT},
{kNameWithoutLanguage, IPP_TAG_NAME},
{kKeyword, IPP_TAG_KEYWORD},
{kUri, IPP_TAG_URI},
{kCharset, IPP_TAG_CHARSET},
{kNaturalLanguage, IPP_TAG_LANGUAGE},
{kMimeMediaType, IPP_TAG_MIMETYPE},
{kMemberAttrName, IPP_TAG_MEMBERNAME}};
auto iter = tags.find(name);
if (iter == tags.end()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Given unknown tag name " << name;
return iter->second;
void AddIppHeader(const IppHeader& header, SmartBuffer* buf) {
IppHeader header_copy = header;
buf->Add(&header_copy, sizeof(header_copy));
void AddEndOfAttributes(SmartBuffer* buf) {
ipp_tag_t end_tag = IPP_TAG_END;
uint8_t tag_value = end_tag;
buf->Add(&tag_value, sizeof(tag_value));
void AddPrinterAttributes(const std::vector<IppAttribute>& ipp_attributes,
const std::string& group, SmartBuffer* buf) {
std::function<void(const IppAttribute&, SmartBuffer*)>>
function_map = {{kUnsupported, AddString},
{kNoValue, AddString},
{kInteger, AddInteger},
{kBoolean, AddBoolean},
{kEnum, AddInteger},
{kOctetString, AddOctetString},
{kDateTime, AddDate},
{kResolution, AddResolution},
{kRangeOfInteger, AddRange},
{kBegCollection, AddString},
{kEndCollection, AddString},
{kTextWithoutLanguage, AddString},
{kNameWithoutLanguage, AddString},
{kKeyword, AddString},
{kUri, AddString},
{kCharset, AddString},
{kNaturalLanguage, AddString},
{kMimeMediaType, AddString},
{kMemberAttrName, AddString}};
// Add attribute group tag.
ipp_tag_t group_tag = GetIppTag(group);
CHECK_LE(group_tag, UCHAR_MAX) << "Tag for " << group << " is too large";
uint8_t tag = group_tag;
buf->Add(&tag, sizeof(tag));
for (const IppAttribute& attribute : ipp_attributes) {
auto iter = function_map.find(attribute.type());
if (iter == function_map.end()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Found attribute with invalid type " << attribute.type();
const auto& add_function = iter->second;
add_function(attribute, buf);
size_t GetBaseAttributeSize(const IppAttribute& attribute) {
size_t multiplier = 1;
// These types are special cases where although the values may be stored in a
// list form, the tag and name fields only appear once.
std::set<std::string> exempt = {kDateTime, kOctetString, kResolution,
if (attribute.IsList() && exempt.find(attribute.type()) == exempt.end()) {
multiplier = attribute.GetListSize();
// There are 3 elements which are repeated multiple times for each value in
// |attribute|:
// tag - (1 byte)
// name-length (2 bytes)
// value-length (2 bytes)
// Which makes 5 bytes per value.
return (5 * multiplier) +;
size_t GetBooleanAttributeSize(const IppAttribute& attribute) {
size_t total_size = GetBaseAttributeSize(attribute);
if (attribute.IsList()) {
total_size += attribute.GetListSize();
} else {
total_size += 1;
return total_size;
size_t GetIntAttributeSize(const IppAttribute& attribute) {
size_t total_size = GetBaseAttributeSize(attribute);
if (attribute.IsList()) {
total_size += attribute.GetListSize() * 4;
} else {
total_size += 4;
return total_size;
size_t GetStringAttributeSize(const IppAttribute& attribute) {
size_t total_size = GetBaseAttributeSize(attribute);
if (attribute.IsList()) {
const std::vector<std::string> values = attribute.GetStrings();
for (const std::string& value : values) {
total_size += value.size();
} else {
const std::string value = attribute.GetString();
total_size += value.size();
return total_size;
size_t GetOctetStringAttributeSize(const IppAttribute& attribute) {
size_t total_size = GetBaseAttributeSize(attribute);
if (attribute.IsList()) {
total_size += attribute.GetListSize();
} else {
const std::string value = attribute.GetString();
total_size += value.size();
return total_size;
size_t GetDateTimeAttributeSize(const IppAttribute& attribute) {
return GetBaseAttributeSize(attribute) + kDateTimeSize;
size_t GetResolutionAttributeSize(const IppAttribute& attribute) {
return GetBaseAttributeSize(attribute) + kResolutionSize;
size_t GetRangeOfIntegerAttributeSize(const IppAttribute& attribute) {
return GetBaseAttributeSize(attribute) + kResolutionSize;
size_t GetAttributesSize(const std::vector<IppAttribute>& attributes) {
std::map<std::string, std::function<size_t(const IppAttribute&)>>
function_map = {{kUnsupported, GetStringAttributeSize},
{kNoValue, GetStringAttributeSize},
{kInteger, GetIntAttributeSize},
{kBoolean, GetBooleanAttributeSize},
{kEnum, GetIntAttributeSize},
{kOctetString, GetOctetStringAttributeSize},
{kDateTime, GetDateTimeAttributeSize},
{kResolution, GetResolutionAttributeSize},
{kRangeOfInteger, GetRangeOfIntegerAttributeSize},
{kBegCollection, GetStringAttributeSize},
{kEndCollection, GetStringAttributeSize},
{kTextWithoutLanguage, GetStringAttributeSize},
{kNameWithoutLanguage, GetStringAttributeSize},
{kKeyword, GetStringAttributeSize},
{kUri, GetStringAttributeSize},
{kCharset, GetStringAttributeSize},
{kNaturalLanguage, GetStringAttributeSize},
{kMimeMediaType, GetStringAttributeSize},
{kMemberAttrName, GetStringAttributeSize}};
size_t total_size = 0;
for (const IppAttribute& attribute : attributes) {
auto iter = function_map.find(attribute.type());
if (iter == function_map.end()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Found attribute with invalid type " << attribute.type();
const auto& size_function = iter->second;
total_size += size_function(attribute);
return total_size;
void AddBoolean(const IppAttribute& attribute, SmartBuffer* buf) {
ipp_tag_t tag = GetIppTag(attribute.type());
const std::string name =;
if (attribute.IsList()) {
std::vector<bool> values = attribute.GetBools();
for (size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) {
// We only include the name of the attribute for the first value.
bool include_name = (i == 0);
AddBooleanAttribute(values[i], tag, name, include_name, buf);
} else {
bool value = attribute.GetBool();
AddBooleanAttribute(value, tag, name, true, buf);
void AddInteger(const IppAttribute& attribute, SmartBuffer* buf) {
ipp_tag_t tag = GetIppTag(attribute.type());
const std::string name =;
if (attribute.IsList()) {
std::vector<int> values = attribute.GetInts();
for (size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) {
// We only include the name of the attribute for the first value.
bool include_name = (i == 0);
AddIntAttribute(values[i], tag, name, include_name, buf);
} else {
int value = attribute.GetInt();
AddIntAttribute(value, tag, name, true, buf);
void AddString(const IppAttribute& attribute, SmartBuffer* buf) {
ipp_tag_t tag = GetIppTag(attribute.type());
const std::string name =;
if (attribute.IsList()) {
std::vector<std::string> values = attribute.GetStrings();
for (size_t i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) {
// We only include the name of the attribute for the first value.
bool include_name = (i == 0);
AddStringAttribute(values[i], tag, name, include_name, buf);
} else {
std::string value = attribute.GetString();
AddStringAttribute(value, tag, name, true, buf);
void AddOctetString(const IppAttribute& attribute, SmartBuffer* buf) {
ipp_tag_t tag = GetIppTag(attribute.type());
const std::string name =;
if (attribute.IsList()) {
std::vector<uint8_t> values = attribute.GetBytes();
AddTag(tag, buf);
AddName(name, true, buf);
AddValueLength(values.size(), buf);
buf->Add(, values.size());
} else {
std::string value = attribute.GetString();
AddStringAttribute(value, tag, name, true, buf);
void AddDate(const IppAttribute& attribute, SmartBuffer* buf) {
ipp_tag_t tag = GetIppTag(attribute.type());
const std::string name =;
CHECK(attribute.IsList()) << "Date value is in an incorrect format";
AddTag(tag, buf);
AddName(name, true, buf);
AddValueLength(kDateTimeSize, buf);
std::vector<uint8_t> date = attribute.GetBytes();
buf->Add(, date.size());
void AddRange(const IppAttribute& attribute, SmartBuffer* buf) {
ipp_tag_t tag = GetIppTag(attribute.type());
const std::string name =;
CHECK(attribute.IsList()) << "Range value is in an incorrect format";
std::vector<int> range = attribute.GetInts();
CHECK_EQ(range.size(), 2) << "Range list is an invalid size";
AddTag(tag, buf);
AddName(name, true, buf);
AddValueLength(kRangeOfIntegerSize, buf);
for (int value : range) {
// Need to put the int value in network byte order.
value = htonl(value);
buf->Add(&value, sizeof(value));
void AddResolution(const IppAttribute& attribute, SmartBuffer* buf) {
ipp_tag_t tag = GetIppTag(attribute.type());
const std::string name =;
CHECK(attribute.IsList()) << "Resolution value is in an incorrect format";
std::vector<int> resolution = attribute.GetInts();
CHECK_EQ(resolution.size(), 3) << "Resolution list is an invalid size";
CHECK_LE(resolution[2], UCHAR_MAX) << "Resolution units value is too large";
AddTag(tag, buf);
AddName(name, true, buf);
AddValueLength(kResolutionSize, buf);
for (size_t i = 0; i < resolution.size() - 1; ++i) {
int value = resolution[i];
// Need to put the int value in network byte order.
value = htonl(value);
buf->Add(&value, sizeof(value));
uint8_t units = resolution[2];
buf->Add(&units, sizeof(units));