blob: 0ec51bd9b19dc84e7ab3d9d18293f87e933d0da7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <variant>
#include <chromeos/libipp/ipp.h>
#include "mock_printer/proto/ipp.pb.h"
#include "mock_printer/proto/control_flow.pb.h"
// This header defines the arguments that the mock printer understands.
// That includes holders for
// * real messages and
// * their mock (Protobuf) counterparts.
// Currently, mock printer mode only supports IPP messages, but this
// header is written in hopes of making future features a bit easier to
// add.
// Most structs defined here do not own their members and must not
// outlive them.
namespace mock_printer {
// Unowned pointers to
// * a real IPP message to be matched and
// * a mock IPP message to be matched against.
struct MatchableIppData {
MatchableIppData(const ipp::Request* message,
const mocking::IppMessage& mock_message);
const ipp::Request* ipp_request;
const mocking::IppMessage& mock_ipp_request;
// Pseudo-type-erasing holder for data that we'll pass to
// `WrappedMatcher::Match()`.
using MatchableData = std::variant<MatchableIppData>;
// Counterpart to `MatchableData` exposed by `WrappedTestCaseStep`,
// omitting the mock Protobuf.
using InputMessage = std::variant<const ipp::Request*>;
// CHECK()s that `message` contains the IPP variant.
MatchableData GetAsIpp(const InputMessage message,
const mocking::ExpectationWithResponse& mock_message);
} // namespace mock_printer