blob: 81d2db1c9759e1beb2afe47f957e0f9c767d0788 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef __OP_COMMANDS_H__
#define __OP_COMMANDS_H__
* This file defines the supported OP command messages from the usbip userspace
* protocol, as well as some utility functions for processing them.
* In the context of the defined messages:
* "Req" is used in messages that submit a request.
* "Rep" is used in messages which reply to a request.
* For more information about the usbip protocol refer to the following
* documentation:
#include "device_descriptors.h"
#include "smart_buffer.h"
#include "usbip_constants.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
// Forward declaration of UsbPrinter.
class UsbPrinter;
// Contains the header values that are contained within all of the "OP" messages
// used by usbip.
struct OpHeader {
uint16_t version; // usbip version.
uint16_t command; // op command type.
int status; // op request status.
// Generic device descriptor used by OpRepDevlist and OpRepImport.
struct OpRepDevice {
char usbPath[256];
char busID[32];
int busnum;
int devnum;
int speed;
uint16_t idVendor;
uint16_t idProduct;
uint16_t bcdDevice;
uint8_t bDeviceClass;
uint8_t bDeviceSubClass;
uint8_t bDeviceProtocol;
uint8_t bConfigurationValue;
uint8_t bNumConfigurations;
uint8_t bNumInterfaces;
// The OpReqDevlistMessage message contains the same information as OpHeader.
typedef OpHeader OpReqDevlist;
// The header used in an OpRepDevlist message, the only difference from
// OpHeader is that it contains |numExportedDevices|.
struct OpRepDevlistHeader {
OpHeader header;
int numExportedDevices;
// Basic interface descriptor used by OpRepDevlist.
struct OpRepDevlistInterface {
uint8_t bInterfaceClass;
uint8_t bInterfaceSubClass;
uint8_t bInterfaceProtocol;
uint8_t padding;
// Defines the OpRepDevlist used to respond to a OpReqDevlist message.
struct OpRepDevlist {
OpRepDevlistHeader header;
// Since our program is used to provide a virtual USB device, we only include
// a single OpRepDevice in our response.
OpRepDevice device;
OpRepDevlistInterface* interfaces;
// Defines the OpReqImport request used to request a device for import.
struct OpReqImport {
OpHeader header;
char busID[32];
// Defins the OpRepImport response which indicates whether the requested device
// was successfully exported.
struct OpRepImport {
OpHeader header;
OpRepDevice device;
// Sets the corresponding members of |header| using the given values.
void SetOpHeader(uint16_t command, int status, OpHeader* header);
// Sets the corresponding members of |devlist_header| using the given values.
void SetOpRepDevlistHeader(uint16_t command, int status, int numExportedDevices,
OpRepDevlistHeader* header);
// Sets the members of |device| using the corresponding values in
// |dev_dsc| and |config|.
void SetOpRepDevice(const UsbDeviceDescriptor& dev_dsc,
const UsbConfigurationDescriptor& configuration,
OpRepDevice* device);
// Assigns the values from |interfaces| into |rep_interfaces|.
void SetOpRepDevlistInterfaces(
const std::vector<UsbInterfaceDescriptor>& interfaces,
OpRepDevlistInterface** rep_interfaces);
// Creates the OpRepDevlist message used to respond to requests to list the
// host's exported USB devices.
void CreateOpRepDevlist(const UsbDeviceDescriptor& device,
const UsbConfigurationDescriptor& config,
const std::vector<UsbInterfaceDescriptor>& interfaces,
OpRepDevlist* list);
// Creates the OpRepImport message used to respond to a request to attach a
// host USB device.
void CreateOpRepImport(const UsbDeviceDescriptor& device,
const UsbConfigurationDescriptor& config,
OpRepImport* rep);
// Convert the various elements of an "OpRep" message into network
// byte order and pack them into a SmartBuffer to be used for transferring along
// a socket.
SmartBuffer PackOpHeader(OpHeader header);
SmartBuffer PackOpRepDevice(OpRepDevice device);
SmartBuffer PackOpRepDevlistHeader(OpRepDevlistHeader devlist_header);
SmartBuffer PackOpRepDevlist(OpRepDevlist devlist);
SmartBuffer PackOpRepImport(OpRepImport import);
// Convert |header| into host uint8_t order.
void UnpackOpHeader(OpHeader* header);
#endif // __OP_COMMANDS_H__