blob: d9968142d5a5192e636c6091ee5d56f2285311f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ipp_util.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <base/json/json_reader.h>
#include <base/values.h>
#include "cups_constants.h"
#include "smart_buffer.h"
#include "value_util.h"
namespace {
using std::string_literals::operator""s;
const std::vector<uint8_t> CreateByteVector(const std::string& str) {
std::vector<uint8_t> v(str.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i) {
v[i] = static_cast<uint8_t>(str[i]);
return v;
TEST(IppAttributeEquality, SameAttributes) {
base::Optional<base::Value> val = GetJSONValue("123");
IppAttribute value1("integer", "test-attribute", &(val.value()));
IppAttribute value2("integer", "test-attribute", &(val.value()));
EXPECT_EQ(value1, value2);
TEST(IppAttributeEquality, DifferentTypes) {
base::Optional<base::Value> val = GetJSONValue("123");
IppAttribute value1("integer", "test-attribute", &(val.value()));
IppAttribute value2("enum", "test-attribute", &(val.value()));
EXPECT_NE(value1, value2);
TEST(IppAttributeEquality, DifferentNames) {
base::Optional<base::Value> val = GetJSONValue("123");
IppAttribute value1("integer", "test-attribute", &(val.value()));
IppAttribute value2("integer", "fake-attribute", &(val.value()));
EXPECT_NE(value1, value2);
// TODO(valleau): Add a test case for inequality when the actual value members
// differ once chromelib is updated and the equality operator for base::Value is
// defined.
TEST(IppHeader, DeserializeValid) {
std::vector<uint8_t> message = {0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00,
0x00, 0x07, 0x00, 0x01, 0x70, 0x29};
SmartBuffer buf(message);
base::Optional<IppHeader> opt_ipp_header = IppHeader::Deserialize(&buf);
IppHeader ipp_header = opt_ipp_header.value();
EXPECT_EQ(ipp_header.major, 2);
EXPECT_EQ(ipp_header.minor, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(ipp_header.operation_id, 0x0006);
EXPECT_EQ(ipp_header.request_id, 7);
TEST(IppHeader, DeserializeInvalid) {
std::vector<uint8_t> message = {0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00};
SmartBuffer buf(message);
TEST(IppHeader, Serialize) {
IppHeader header;
header.major = 2;
header.minor = 0;
header.operation_id = 0x0009;
header.request_id = 0x22330077;
SmartBuffer buf;
EXPECT_EQ(buf.size(), sizeof(IppHeader));
std::vector<uint8_t> expected = {0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x09,
0x22, 0x33, 0x00, 0x77};
EXPECT_EQ(buf.contents(), expected);
TEST(RemoveAttributes, HasEndTag) {
std::string message =
// IPP attributes.
// Body
"test image data"s;
SmartBuffer buf;
std::string body = "test image data";
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(body.begin(), body.end());
EXPECT_EQ(buf.contents(), expected);
TEST(RemoveAttributes, EndCharacterWithinAttributes) {
std::string message =
// IPP attributes.
SmartBuffer buf;
EXPECT_EQ(buf.size(), 0);
TEST(RemoveAttributes, EmptyBody) {
std::string message =
// IPP attributes.
SmartBuffer buf;
EXPECT_EQ(buf.size(), 0);
TEST(RemoveAttributes, MultipleEndTags) {
std::string message =
// IPP attributes.
"test mess\x03age"s;
SmartBuffer buf;
std::string body = "test mess\x03age";
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(body.begin(), body.end());
EXPECT_EQ(buf.contents(), expected);
TEST(RemoveAttributes, MultipleGroups) {
std::string message =
// IPP attributes.
"test message"s;
SmartBuffer buf;
std::string body = "test message";
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(body.begin(), body.end());
EXPECT_EQ(buf.contents(), expected);
TEST(RemoveAttributes, NoEndTag) {
std::string message =
// IPP attributes.
"test image data"s;
SmartBuffer buf;
TEST(RemoveAttributes, InvalidAttributeSize) {
std::string message =
// IPP attributes.
SmartBuffer buf;
TEST(GetIppTag, ValidTagName) {
EXPECT_EQ(GetIppTag(kInteger), IppTag::INTEGER);
EXPECT_EQ(GetIppTag(kDateTime), IppTag::DATE);
TEST(GetIppTag, InvalidTagName) {
EXPECT_DEATH(GetIppTag("InvalidName"), "Given unknown tag name");
TEST(GetAttribute, ValidAttributes) {
const std::string json_contents = R"(
"type": "integer",
"name": "printer-config-change-time",
"value": 1834787
base::Optional<base::Value> value = GetJSONValue(json_contents);
base::Optional<base::Value> actual_value = GetJSONValue("1834787");
IppAttribute expected("integer", "printer-config-change-time",
EXPECT_EQ(GetAttribute(*value), expected);
TEST(GetAttribute, InvalidAttributes) {
const std::string json_contents1 = "123";
base::Optional<base::Value> value1 = GetJSONValue(json_contents1);
EXPECT_DEATH(GetAttribute(*value1), "Failed to retrieve dictionary");
const std::string json_contents2 = R"(
"type": 123,
"name": "printer-config-change-time",
"value": ""
base::Optional<base::Value> value2 = GetJSONValue(json_contents2);
EXPECT_DEATH(GetAttribute(*value2), "Failed to retrieve type");
const std::string json_contents3 = R"(
"type": "keyword",
"name": [ "hello" ],
"value": ""
base::Optional<base::Value> value3 = GetJSONValue(json_contents3);
EXPECT_DEATH(GetAttribute(*value3), "Failed to retrieve name");
TEST(GetAttributes, ValidAttributes) {
const std::string operation_attributes_json = R"(
"operation_attributes": [{
"type": "charset",
"name": "attributes-charset",
"value": "utf-8"
}, {
"type": "naturalLanguage",
"name": "attributes-natural-language",
"value": "en-us"
base::Optional<base::Value> operation_attributes_value =
base::Optional<base::Value> actual_value1 = GetJSONValue("\"utf-8\"");
base::Optional<base::Value> actual_value2 = GetJSONValue("\"en-us\"");
std::vector<IppAttribute> expected = {
IppAttribute("charset", "attributes-charset", &(actual_value1.value())),
IppAttribute("naturalLanguage", "attributes-natural-language",
std::vector<IppAttribute> actual =
GetAttributes(*operation_attributes_value, "operation_attributes");
EXPECT_EQ(actual, expected);
TEST(GetAttributes, InvalidAttributes) {
// We expect this case to fail because the JSON value can't be interpreted as
// a dictionary.
const std::string json_contents1 = "123";
base::Optional<base::Value> value1 = GetJSONValue(json_contents1);
EXPECT_DEATH(GetAttributes(*value1, ""), "Failed to retrieve dictionary");
// We expect this case to fail because the there is no attributes list for the
// provided key.
const std::string json_contents2 = R"(
"printer_attributes": [
{ "type": "charset", "name": "charset-configured", "value": "utf-8" }
base::Optional<base::Value> value2 = GetJSONValue(json_contents2);
EXPECT_DEATH(GetAttributes(*value2, "operation_attributes"),
"Failed to extract attributes list for key");
const std::string json_contents3 = R"(
{ "printer_attributes": "not a list" }
base::Optional<base::Value> value3 = GetJSONValue(json_contents3);
EXPECT_DEATH(GetAttributes(*value3, "printer_attributes"),
"Failed to extract attributes list for key");
TEST(IppAttributeGetBool, ValidAttributes) {
const std::string json_contents1 = R"(
{ "type": "boolean", "name": "color-supported", "value": false }
base::Optional<base::Value> value1 = GetJSONValue(json_contents1);
IppAttribute attribute1 = GetAttribute(*value1);
EXPECT_EQ(attribute1.GetBool(), false);
const std::string json_contents2 = R"(
{ "type": "boolean", "name": "color-supported", "value": true }
base::Optional<base::Value> value2 = GetJSONValue(json_contents2);
IppAttribute attribute2 = GetAttribute(*value2);
EXPECT_EQ(attribute2.GetBool(), true);
// In this test we expect crashes because the "value" fields in the attributes
// are invalid.
TEST(IppAttributeGetBool, InvalidAttributes) {
const std::string json_contents1 = R"(
{ "type": "boolean", "name": "color-supported", "value": 0 }
base::Optional<base::Value> value1 = GetJSONValue(json_contents1);
IppAttribute attribute1 = GetAttribute(*value1);
EXPECT_DEATH(attribute1.GetBool(), "Failed to retrieve boolean");
const std::string json_contents2 = R"(
{ "type": "boolean", "name": "color-supported", "value": 0 }
base::Optional<base::Value> value2 = GetJSONValue(json_contents2);
IppAttribute attribute2 = GetAttribute(*value2);
EXPECT_DEATH(attribute2.GetBool(), "Failed to retrieve boolean");
TEST(IppAttributeGetBools, ValidAttributes) {
const std::string json_contents = R"(
"type": "boolean",
"name": "something",
"value": [ false, true, true, false ]
base::Optional<base::Value> value = GetJSONValue(json_contents);
IppAttribute attribute = GetAttribute(*value);
std::vector<bool> expected = {false, true, true, false};
EXPECT_EQ(attribute.GetBools(), expected);
// In this test we expect a crash because the "value" field in the attribute is
// invalid.
TEST(IppAttributeGetBools, InvalidAttributes) {
const std::string json_contents = R"(
"type": "boolean",
"name": "something",
"value": [ false, true, true, false, "invalid" ]
base::Optional<base::Value> value = GetJSONValue(json_contents);
IppAttribute attribute = GetAttribute(*value);
EXPECT_DEATH(attribute.GetBools(), "Failed to retrieve boolean");
TEST(IppAttributeGetInt, ValidAttributes) {
const std::string json_contents1 = R"(
{ "type": "integer", "name": "copies-default", "value": 1 }
base::Optional<base::Value> value1 = GetJSONValue(json_contents1);
IppAttribute attribute1 = GetAttribute(*value1);
EXPECT_EQ(attribute1.GetInt(), 1);
const std::string json_contents2 = R"(
{ "type": "integer", "name": "pages-per-minute", "value": 27 }
base::Optional<base::Value> value2 = GetJSONValue(json_contents2);
IppAttribute attribute2 = GetAttribute(*value2);
EXPECT_EQ(attribute2.GetInt(), 27);
// In this test we expect crashes because the "value" fields in the attributes
// are invalid.
TEST(IppAttributeGetInt, InvalidAttributes) {
const std::string json_contents1 = R"(
{ "type": "integer", "name": "copies-default", "value": 1.33 }
base::Optional<base::Value> value1 = GetJSONValue(json_contents1);
IppAttribute attribute1 = GetAttribute(*value1);
EXPECT_DEATH(attribute1.GetInt(), "Failed to retrieve integer");
const std::string json_contents2 = R"(
{ "type": "integer", "name": "pages-per-minute", "value": "invalid" }
base::Optional<base::Value> value2 = GetJSONValue(json_contents2);
IppAttribute attribute2 = GetAttribute(*value2);
EXPECT_DEATH(attribute2.GetInt(), "Failed to retrieve integer");
TEST(IppAttributeGetInts, ValidAttributes) {
const std::string json_contents = R"(
"type": "integer",
"name": "media-bottom-margin-supported",
"value": [ 511, 1023 ]
base::Optional<base::Value> value = GetJSONValue(json_contents);
IppAttribute attribute = GetAttribute(*value);
std::vector<int> expected = {511, 1023};
EXPECT_EQ(attribute.GetInts(), expected);
// In this test we expect a crash because the "value" field in the attribute is
// invalid.
TEST(IppAttributeGetInts, InvalidAttributes) {
const std::string json_contents = R"(
"type": "integer",
"name": "media-bottom-margin-supported",
"value": [ 511, 1023, 1.33 ]
base::Optional<base::Value> value = GetJSONValue(json_contents);
IppAttribute attribute = GetAttribute(*value);
EXPECT_DEATH(attribute.GetInts(), "Failed to retrieve integer");
TEST(IppAttributeGetString, ValidAttributes) {
const std::string json_contents1 = R"(
{ "type": "charset", "name": "attributes-charset", "value": "utf-8" }
base::Optional<base::Value> value1 = GetJSONValue(json_contents1);
IppAttribute attribute1 = GetAttribute(*value1);
EXPECT_EQ(attribute1.GetString(), "utf-8");
const std::string json_contents2 = R"(
{ "type": "keyword", "name": "compression-supported", "value": "none" }
base::Optional<base::Value> value2 = GetJSONValue(json_contents2);
IppAttribute attribute2 = GetAttribute(*value2);
EXPECT_EQ(attribute2.GetString(), "none");
// In this test we expect crashes because the "value" fields in the attributes
// are invalid.
TEST(IppAttributeGetString, InvalidAttributes) {
const std::string json_contents1 = R"(
{ "type": "charset", "name": "attributes-charset", "value": false }
base::Optional<base::Value> value1 = GetJSONValue(json_contents1);
IppAttribute attribute1 = GetAttribute(*value1);
EXPECT_DEATH(attribute1.GetString(), "Failed to retrieve string");
const std::string json_contents2 = R"(
{ "type": "keyword", "name": "compression-supported", "value": 123 }
base::Optional<base::Value> value2 = GetJSONValue(json_contents2);
IppAttribute attribute2 = GetAttribute(*value2);
EXPECT_DEATH(attribute2.GetString(), "Failed to retrieve string");
TEST(IppAttributeGetStrings, ValidAttributes) {
const std::string json_contents = R"(
"type": "keyword",
"name": "which-jobs-supported",
"value": [ "completed", "not-completed" ]
base::Optional<base::Value> value = GetJSONValue(json_contents);
IppAttribute attribute = GetAttribute(*value);
std::vector<std::string> expected = {"completed", "not-completed"};
EXPECT_EQ(attribute.GetStrings(), expected);
// In this test we expect a crash because the "value" field in the attribute is
// invalid.
TEST(IppAttributeGetStrings, InvalidAttributes) {
const std::string json_contents = R"(
"type": "keyword",
"name": "which-jobs-supported",
"value": [ "completed", false ]
base::Optional<base::Value> value = GetJSONValue(json_contents);
IppAttribute attribute = GetAttribute(*value);
EXPECT_DEATH(attribute.GetStrings(), "Failed to retrieve string");
TEST(IppAttributeGetBytes, ValidAttributes) {
const std::string json_contents = R"(
"type": "dateTime",
"name": "printer-config-change-date-time",
"value": [ 7, 255, 8, 20, 15, 49, 49, 0, 45, 8, 0 ]
base::Optional<base::Value> value = GetJSONValue(json_contents);
IppAttribute attribute = GetAttribute(*value);
std::vector<uint8_t> expected = {7, 255, 8, 20, 15, 49, 49, 0, 45, 8, 0};
EXPECT_EQ(attribute.GetBytes(), expected);
TEST(IppAttributeGetBytes, InvalidAttributes) {
const std::string json_contents1 = R"(
"type": "dateTime",
"name": "printer-config-change-date-time",
"value": [ 49, false, 18 ]
base::Optional<base::Value> value1 = GetJSONValue(json_contents1);
IppAttribute attribute1 = GetAttribute(*value1);
EXPECT_DEATH(attribute1.GetBytes(), "Failed to retrieve byte value");
const std::string json_contents2 = R"(
"type": "dateTime",
"name": "printer-config-change-date-time",
"value": [ 23, 1, -1 ]
base::Optional<base::Value> value2 = GetJSONValue(json_contents2);
IppAttribute attribute2 = GetAttribute(*value2);
EXPECT_DEATH(attribute2.GetBytes(), "Retrieved byte value is negative");
const std::string json_contents3 = R"(
"type": "dateTime",
"name": "printer-config-change-date-time",
"value": [ 7, 255, 20, 15, 256 ]
base::Optional<base::Value> value3 = GetJSONValue(json_contents3);
IppAttribute attribute3 = GetAttribute(*value3);
EXPECT_DEATH(attribute3.GetBytes(), "Retrieved byte value is too large");
TEST(AddPrinterAttributes, ValidAttributes) {
const std::string json_contents = R"(
"operationAttributes": [{
"type": "charset",
"name": "attributes-charset",
"value": "utf-8"
}, {
"type": "naturalLanguage",
"name": "attributes-natural-language",
"value": "en-us"
base::Optional<base::Value> value = GetJSONValue(json_contents);
std::vector<IppAttribute> attributes =
GetAttributes(*value, kOperationAttributes);
const std::string expected_string =
"\x01" // Tag for operation-attributes.
"\x47" // Type specifier for charset.
"\x00\x12" // Length of name.
"attributes-charset" // Name.
"\x00\x05" // Length of value.
"utf-8" // Value.
"\x48" // Type specifier for naturalLanguage.
"\x00\x1b" // Length of name.
"attributes-natural-language" // Name.
"\x00\x05" // Length of value.
"en-us"s; // Value.
const std::vector<uint8_t> expected = CreateByteVector(expected_string);
SmartBuffer result(expected.size());
AddPrinterAttributes(attributes, kOperationAttributes, &result);
EXPECT_EQ(expected, result.contents());
TEST(AddBoolean, SingleValue) {
const std::string json_contents = R"(
{ "type": "boolean", "name": "color-supported", "value": false }
base::Optional<base::Value> value = GetJSONValue(json_contents);
IppAttribute attribute = GetAttribute(*value);
const std::string expected_string =
"\x22" // Type specifier for boolean.
"\x00\x0f" // Length of name.
"color-supported" // Name.
"\x00\x01" // Length of value.
"\x00"s; // Value.
const std::vector<uint8_t> expected = CreateByteVector(expected_string);
SmartBuffer result(expected.size());
AddBoolean(attribute, &result);
EXPECT_EQ(expected, result.contents());
TEST(AddBoolean, MultipleValues) {
const std::string json_contents = R"(
"type": "boolean",
"name": "color-supported",
"value": [ false, true, false, false ]
base::Optional<base::Value> value = GetJSONValue(json_contents);
IppAttribute attribute = GetAttribute(*value);
const std::string expected_string =
"\x22" // Type specifier for boolean.
"\x00\x0f" // Length of name.
"color-supported" // Name.
"\x00\x01" // Length of value.
"\x00" // Value.
"\x22\x00\x00\x00\x01" // Repeated value.
"\x01" // Value.
"\x22\x00\x00\x00\x01" // Repeated value.
"\x00" // Value.
"\x22\x00\x00\x00\x01" // Repeated value.
"\x00"s; // Value.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected = CreateByteVector(expected_string);
SmartBuffer result(expected.size());
AddBoolean(attribute, &result);
EXPECT_EQ(expected, result.contents());
TEST(AddInteger, SingleValue) {
const std::string json_contents = R"(
{ "type": "integer", "name": "copies-default", "value": 1 }
base::Optional<base::Value> value = GetJSONValue(json_contents);
IppAttribute attribute = GetAttribute(*value);
const std::string expected_string =
"\x21" // Type specifier for integer.
"\x00\x0e" // Length of name.
"copies-default" // Name.
"\x00\x04" // Length of value.
"\x00\x00\x00\x01"s; // Value.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected = CreateByteVector(expected_string);
SmartBuffer result(expected.size());
AddInteger(attribute, &result);
EXPECT_EQ(expected, result.contents());
TEST(AddInteger, MultipleValues) {
const std::string json_contents = R"(
"type": "integer",
"name": "media-top-margin-supported",
"value": [ 511, 1023 ]
base::Optional<base::Value> value = GetJSONValue(json_contents);
IppAttribute attribute = GetAttribute(*value);
const std::string expected_string =
"\x21" // Type specifier for integer.
"\x00\x1a" // Length of name.
"media-top-margin-supported" // Name.
"\x00\x04" // Length of value.
"\x00\x00\x01\xff" // Value.
"\x21\x00\x00\x00\x04" // Repeated value.
"\x00\x00\x03\xff"s; // Value.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected = CreateByteVector(expected_string);
SmartBuffer result(expected.size());
AddInteger(attribute, &result);
EXPECT_EQ(expected, result.contents());
TEST(AddString, SingleValue) {
const std::string json_contents = R"(
{ "type": "keyword", "name": "compression-supported", "value": "none" }
base::Optional<base::Value> value = GetJSONValue(json_contents);
IppAttribute attribute = GetAttribute(*value);
const std::string expected_string =
"\x44" // Type specifier for keyword.
"\x00\x15" // Length of name.
"compression-supported" // Name.
"\x00\x04" // Length of value.
"none"s; // Value.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected = CreateByteVector(expected_string);
SmartBuffer result(expected.size());
AddString(attribute, &result);
EXPECT_EQ(expected, result.contents());
TEST(AddString, MultipleValues) {
const std::string json_contents = R"(
"type": "keyword",
"name": "print-color-mode-supported",
"value": [ "auto", "auto-monochrome", "monochrome" ]
base::Optional<base::Value> value = GetJSONValue(json_contents);
IppAttribute attribute = GetAttribute(*value);
const std::string expected_string =
"\x44" // Type specifier for keyword.
"\x00\x1a" // Length of name.
"print-color-mode-supported" // Name.
"\x00\x04" // Length of value.
"auto" // Value.
"\x44\x00\x00\x00\x0f" // Repeated value.
"auto-monochrome" // Value.
"\x44\x00\x00\x00\x0a" // Repeated value.
"monochrome"s; // Value.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected = CreateByteVector(expected_string);
SmartBuffer result(expected.size());
AddString(attribute, &result);
EXPECT_EQ(expected, result.contents());
TEST(AddDate, ValidDate) {
const std::string json_contents = R"(
"type": "dateTime",
"name": "printer-config-change-date-time",
"value": [ 7, 255, 8, 20, 15, 49, 49, 0, 45, 8, 0 ]
base::Optional<base::Value> value = GetJSONValue(json_contents);
IppAttribute attribute = GetAttribute(*value);
const std::string expected_string =
"\x31" // Type specifier for dateTime.
"\x00\x1f" // Length of name.
"printer-config-change-date-time" // Name.
"\x00\x0b" // Length of value.
"\x07\xff\x08\x14\x0f\x31\x31\x00\x2d\x08\x00"s; // Value.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected = CreateByteVector(expected_string);
SmartBuffer result(expected.size());
AddDate(attribute, &result);
EXPECT_EQ(expected, result.contents());
// We expect this test to fail because the "value" field for the "dateTime"
// attribute is not a list.
TEST(AddDate, InvalidDate) {
const std::string json_contents = R"(
"type": "dateTime",
"name": "printer-config-change-date-time",
"value": "not a list"
base::Optional<base::Value> value = GetJSONValue(json_contents);
IppAttribute attribute = GetAttribute(*value);
SmartBuffer result(0);
EXPECT_DEATH(AddDate(attribute, &result),
"Date value is in an incorrect format");
TEST(AddOctetString, StringValue) {
const std::string json_contents = R"(
"type": "octetString",
"name": "printer-input-tray",
"value": "type=other;mediafeed=0;mediaxfeed=0;maxcapacity=250;level=-2"
base::Optional<base::Value> value = GetJSONValue(json_contents);
IppAttribute attribute = GetAttribute(*value);
const std::string expected_string =
"\x30" // Type specifier for octetString.
"\x00\x12" // Length of name.
"printer-input-tray" // Name.
"\x00\x3c" // Length of value.
// Value
const std::vector<uint8_t> expected = CreateByteVector(expected_string);
SmartBuffer result(expected.size());
AddOctetString(attribute, &result);
EXPECT_EQ(expected, result.contents());
TEST(AddOctetString, BytesValue) {
const std::string json_contents = R"(
"type": "octetString",
"name": "printer-firmware-version",
"value": [0, 4, 15, 6]
base::Optional<base::Value> value = GetJSONValue(json_contents);
IppAttribute attribute = GetAttribute(*value);
const std::string expected_string =
"\x30" // Type specifier for octetString.
"\x00\x18" // Length of name.
"printer-firmware-version" // Name.
"\x00\x04" // Length of array.
"\x00\x04\x0f\x06"s; // Array elements.
const std::vector<uint8_t> expected = CreateByteVector(expected_string);
SmartBuffer result(expected.size());
AddOctetString(attribute, &result);
EXPECT_EQ(expected, result.contents());
TEST(AddRange, ValidRange) {
const std::string json_contents = R"(
"type": "rangeOfInteger",
"name": "copies-supported",
"value": [ 1, 1023 ]
base::Optional<base::Value> value = GetJSONValue(json_contents);
IppAttribute attribute = GetAttribute(*value);
const std::string expected_string =
"\x33" // Type specifier for range.
"\x00\x10" // Length of name.
"copies-supported" // Name.
"\x00\x08" // Length of range.
"\x00\x00\x00\x01" // Range lower bound.
"\x00\x00\x03\xff"s; // Range upper bound.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected = CreateByteVector(expected_string);
SmartBuffer result(expected.size());
AddRange(attribute, &result);
EXPECT_EQ(expected, result.contents());
// We expect this case to fail because the "value" field for the
// "rangeOfInteger" field is not a list.
TEST(AddRange, InvalidRange) {
const std::string json_contents = R"(
"type": "rangeOfInteger",
"name": "copies-supported",
"value": "1-1023"
SmartBuffer result(0);
base::Optional<base::Value> value = GetJSONValue(json_contents);
IppAttribute attribute = GetAttribute(*value);
EXPECT_DEATH(AddRange(attribute, &result),
"Range value is in an incorrect format");
TEST(AddResolution, ValidResolution) {
const std::string json_contents = R"(
"type": "resolution",
"name": "printer-resolution-default",
"value": [ 300, 300, 3 ]
base::Optional<base::Value> value = GetJSONValue(json_contents);
IppAttribute attribute = GetAttribute(*value);
const std::string expected_string =
"\x32" // Type specifier for resolution.
"\x00\x1a" // Length of name.
"printer-resolution-default" // Name.
"\x00\x09" // Length of resolution value.
"\x00\x00\x01\x2c" // Cross-feed (X) resolution size.
"\x00\x00\x01\x2c" // Feed (Y) resolution size.
"\x03"s; // Unit type.
const std::vector<uint8_t> expected = CreateByteVector(expected_string);
SmartBuffer result(expected.size());
AddResolution(attribute, &result);
EXPECT_EQ(expected, result.contents());
TEST(AddResolution, InvalidResolution) {
// We expect this case to fail because the "value" field for the "resolution"
// attribute is not a list.
const std::string json_contents1 = R"(
"type": "resolution",
"name": "copies-supported",
"value": "300, 300, 3"
base::Optional<base::Value> value1 = GetJSONValue(json_contents1);
IppAttribute attribute1 = GetAttribute(*value1);
SmartBuffer result(0);
EXPECT_DEATH(AddResolution(attribute1, &result),
"Resolution value is in an incorrect format");
// We expect this case to fail because the "value" field for the "resolution"
// attribute is not a list.
const std::string json_contents2 = R"(
"type": "resolution",
"name": "copies-supported",
"value": [ 300, 300, 3, 4 ]
base::Optional<base::Value> value2 = GetJSONValue(json_contents2);
IppAttribute attribute2 = GetAttribute(*value2);
EXPECT_DEATH(AddResolution(attribute2, &result),
"Resolution list is an invalid size");
} // namespace