blob: be2c6c841843cf5ed53c8ee759b771f88b2d6565 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Request handlers for Whining Test Results Dashboard.
Modeled after the Django file but with the benefits of bottlepy.
Debugging Note:
Viewing debugging information is not straightforward given print
statements are no longer appropriate for this web app. Instead,
debug web pages should be used to convey debugging information.
A common method for this follows:
import pprint
import whining_errors
raise whining_errors.WhiningInputError(pprint.pformat(some_dict))
import views
def add_routes(app, static_root):
"""Maps urls to view functions ala Django
Isolates url map for easy app interface inspection.
def route_favicon():
return views.static_file('favicon.ico', static_root)
def route_static(filepath):
return views.static_file(filepath, static_root)
def route_default():
return views.render_help()
def route_dashboard(filter_tag=None):
"""Render an aggregate of summary + failures."""
return views.render_dashboard(filter_tag)
def route_builds():
"""Render a view of the Chromium OS builds that ran tests."""
return views.render_builds()
def route_comments():
"""Render a view of recent triage comment."""
return views.render_comments()
@app.route('/comments', method='POST')
def route_post_comment():
return views.post_comment()
def route_debug():
return views.render_debug()
def route_summary(filter_tag=None):
"""Render a summary view of recent failures aggregated by test."""
return views.render_summary(filter_tag)
def route_filters():
return views.render_filters()
def route_jobs(filter_tag=None):
"""Render a short view of jobs for debugging odd test counts."""
return views.render_jobs(filter_tag)
def route_modems(filter_tag='lookups'):
"""Render the modems view."""
return views.render_modems()
def route_platform(filter_tag=None):
"""Render a detailed view of recent platform tests (build vs test)."""
return views.render_platform(filter_tag)
def route_platforms():
"""Render a list of the available platforms."""
return views.render_platforms()
def route_releases(filter_tag='lookups'):
"""Render a view of the Chromium OS releases that ran tests."""
return views.render_releases(filter_tag)
def route_suites():
"""Render a list of the suites that ran."""
return views.render_suites()
def route_suite_stats(filter_tag='lookups'):
"""Render a list of suite stastics."""
return views.render_suite_stats(filter_tag)
def route_matrix(filter_tag=None):
"""Render a matrix view of recent tests (build vs platform)."""
return views.render_matrix(filter_tag)
def route_temp_filter():
return views.render_temp_filter()
def route_tests():
"""Render a list of the tests that ran."""
return views.render_tests()
def route_testrun(filter_tag='unfiltered'):
"""Render a view with full details of a single test run.
This view does not use the filter_tag, but passes it on in links.
return views.render_testrun(filter_tag)
def route_failures(filter_tag=None):
"""Render a detailed list of test failures."""
return views.render_failures(filter_tag)
def route_testrun_log(filter_tag=None):
"""Rounte to the test log url."""
def route_suitehealth():
"""A suite health matrix - failure rates per suite per platform."""
return views.render_suitehealth()
def route_testhealth(filter_tag='unfiltered'):
"""Render matrix with test failure rates per platform."""
return views.render_testhealth(filter_tag)
def route_reasons():
"""Frequency sorted list of failure reasons for one test."""
return views.render_reasons()
def route_retrystats(filter_tag='unfiltered'):
"""Render matrix with retry pass rate per platform."""
return views.render_retry_teststats(filter_tag)
def route_retry_hostinfo(filter_tag='unfiltered'):
"""Render high frequent flaky reasons per host."""
return views.render_retry_hostinfo(filter_tag)
def route_retry_hoststats(filter_tag='unfiltered'):
"""Render matrix with host retry pass rate per platform."""
return views.render_retry_hoststats(filter_tag)