blob: 3d506b448a310763f7604cb72e7a48af37b9a428 [file] [log] [blame]
%# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
%# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
%# found in the LICENSE file.
%import datetime
%from src import settings
%_root = settings.settings.relative_root
%# Tooltip used when mouse is over the run numbers.
%def tooltip(fail_set, caption, color, build, platform, crash_count=0, crashes=[]):
<span style="width:300px">
%if fail_set:
<div style="color:{{ color }};">
<b>{{ caption }}</b><br>
{{', '.join(list(fail_set)[:30])}}
%if len(fail_set) > 30:
View problem details for {{ build }} on {{ platform }}.
View all test results on {{ platform }}.
%if crash_count:
<div style="color:orange;font-weight:bold;">
{{ crash_count }} Crashes:</div>
%for test_name, crash_info in crashes:
{{ test_name }}:<br>
%for one_crash in crash_info:
&nbsp;&nbsp;{{ one_crash }}<br>
%def body_block():
%# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
%# Releases switcher
%include switcher_bar tpl_vars=tpl_vars, query_string=query_string, url_base='matrix'
%# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
%# Summaries
<div id="divMatrix" class="centered">
%_pt = tpl_vars['data']['pt']
%_builds = tpl_vars['data']['builds']
%_platforms = tpl_vars['data']['platforms']
%if not _builds:
<h3><u>No test results found.</u></h3>
%# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
%include matrix_legend tpl_vars=tpl_vars, query_string=query_string
%# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
%# Show the main matrix
<table class="alternate_background" style="width:100%">
<th class="headeritem centered">Build/Platform</th>
%if hasattr(['build'].values()[0], 'fw_rw_version'):
<th class="headeritem centered">FW RW Ver</th>
<th class="headeritem centered">FW RO Ver</th>
<th class="headeritem centered">Test Ver</th>
<th class="headeritem centered">Chrome Ver</th>
<th class="headeritem centered">Start Time</th>
%for _platform in _platforms:
%# Would be cleaner to move tooltip content into celldata class.
%# Would allow for dynamic table transpose.
<th class="centered" onmouseover="fixTooltip(event, this)" onmouseout="clearTooltip(this)">
<a class="tooltip"
href="{{ _root }}/platform/{{ tpl_vars['filter_tag'] }}{{! query_string(add={'platforms': _platform}) }}">
{{ _platform }}
<span style="width:300px">Show summary for platform={{ _platform }} only.</span>
%for _build in _builds:
%_build_cell =['build'][_build]
<th class="headeritem centered">{{ _build }}</td>
%if hasattr(['build'].values()[0], 'fw_rw_version'):
<th class="centered">{{_build_cell.fw_rw_version}}</th>
<th class="centered">{{_build_cell.fw_ro_version}}</th>
<th class="centered">{{_build_cell.test_version}}</th>
<th class="centered">{{_build_cell.chromever}}</th>
<th class="centered">{{_build_cell.strtime}}</th>
%for _platform in _platforms:
%_cell =['bp'].get( (_build, _platform) )
%if not _cell:
<table style="width:100%;">
<td class="bordereditem build_status">
%_text = '?'
%_tooltip = 'Build status unclear'
%if _cell.build_status == 0:
%_tooltip = 'Build failed'
%_text = '&#x2717;' # Unicode Character 'BALLOT X'
%if _cell.ngood == 0 and _cell.nother == 0 and _cell.nfail == 0:
%_text = _text + ' Build Failed'
%elif _cell.build_status == 1:
%_tooltip = 'Build OK'
%_text = '&#x2713;' # Unicode Character 'CHECK MARK'
<a href="{{ _root }}{{_cell.bld_href}}" title="{{_tooltip}}">{{!_text}}</a>
%crashes, crash_count = ([], 0) # TODO: get crash data
%if _cell.nmissing_suites > 0 and _cell.build_status != 0:
<td class="bordereditem missing_suites"
onmouseover="fixTooltip(event, this)" onmouseout="clearTooltip(this)">
<a class="tooltip"
href="{{ _root }}/failures/{{ tpl_vars['filter_tag'] }}{{! query_string(add={'platforms': _platform, 'builds': _build}) }}">
{{ _cell.nmissing_suites }}
%tooltip(_cell.missing_suites, 'Missing Suites', 'black', _build, _platform, crash_count, crashes)
%if _cell.ngood > 0:
<td class="bordereditem success"
onmouseover="fixTooltip(event, this)" onmouseout="clearTooltip(this)"
style="width:{{ 90.0 * _cell.ngood / _cell.ntotal }}%;">
<a class="tooltip"
href="{{ _root }}/platform/{{ tpl_vars['filter_tag'] }}{{! query_string(add={'platforms': _platform}) }}">
{{ _cell.ngood }}
%tooltip(None, '', 'black', _build, _platform, crash_count, crashes)
%if _cell.nfail > 0:
<td class="bordereditem failure"
onmouseover="fixTooltip(event, this)" onmouseout="clearTooltip(this)"
style="width:{{ 90.0 * _cell.nfail / _cell.ntotal }}%;">
<a class="tooltip"
href="{{ _root }}/failures/{{ tpl_vars['filter_tag'] }}{{! query_string(add={'platforms': _platform, 'builds': _build}) }}">
{{ _cell.nfail }}
%tooltip(_cell.failed_tests, 'Failed Tests', 'red', _build, _platform, crash_count, crashes)
%if _cell.nother > 0:
<td class="bordereditem warning_summary"
onmouseover="fixTooltip(event, this)" onmouseout="clearTooltip(this)"
style="width:{{ 90.0 * _cell.nother / _cell.ntotal }}%;">
<a class="tooltip"
href="{{ _root }}/failures/{{ tpl_vars['filter_tag'] }}{{! query_string(add={'platforms': _platform, 'builds': _build}) }}">
{{ _cell.nother }}
%tooltip(_cell.problem_tests, 'Problem Tests', 'purple', _build, _platform, crash_count, crashes)
%if _cell.nmissing_tests > 0:
<td class="bordereditem missing_tests"
onmouseover="fixTooltip(event, this)" onmouseout="clearTooltip(this)"
style="width:{{ 90.0 * _cell.nmissing_tests / _cell.ntotal }}%;">
<a class="tooltip"
href="{{ _root }}/failures/{{ tpl_vars['filter_tag'] }}{{! query_string(add={'platforms': _platform, 'builds': _build}) }}">
{{ _cell.nmissing_tests }}
%tooltip(_cell.missing_tests, 'Missing Tests', 'black', _build, _platform, crash_count, crashes)
%if crash_count:
<td class="bordereditem warning_summary"
onmouseover="fixTooltip(event, this)"
{{ crash_count }}
%rebase master {'title': 'Test Matrix', 'query_string': query_string, 'body_block': body_block}