blob: 9f8448661084f5ea9cdd99d7a6d2111475a4bd34 [file] [log] [blame]
%# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
%# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
%# found in the LICENSE file.
%from src import settings
%_root = settings.settings.relative_root
%def body_block():
%# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
%# Temporary (Custom) Filter View
app.controller('MyController', function($scope) {
%# """ Defines the data model shared between functions and ui.
%# This cannot be moved to a .js file because it uses
%# server-side template directives to statically populate the
%# data fields until we get client-side data retrieval working.
%# This file uses both server-side templates and client-side
%# (angular) templates. The server-side replacement uses {{}}
%# while the client-side uses {[{}]}.
%# Server-side comments use %# while client-side comments use //.
%# Data:
%# data: holds all candidate data to match against.
%# query: the input string to match candidates against.
%# selected: holds clauses to be included in the temp filter.
%# daysBackOptions: options, including None, for setting days_back.
%# daysBackSelected: option for days_back if chosen.
%# Functions:
%# filterQPs(): returns a list of matching candidates.
%# addSelected(): inserts selected clauses into selected.
%# """
%_fields = ['builds', 'platforms', 'releases', 'suites', 'tests']
$ = {
%for _field in _fields:
'{{ _field }}': {{! tpl_vars[_field] }},
$scope.query = null;
$scope.selected = {
%for _field in _fields:
'{{ _field }}': [],
$scope.daysBackOptions = [{k:'', v:null}, {k:1, v:1}, {k:3, v:3},
{k:7, v:7}, {k:14, v:14}, {k:21, v:21},
{k:30, v:30}, {k:60, v:60}, {k:90, v:90},
{k:120, v:120}, {k:150, v:150}, {k:180, v:180}];
$scope.daysBackSelected = $scope.daysBackOptions[0].v;
$scope.filterQPs = function() {
%# returns a list of matching candidates.
var data = $;
var filtered = {};
var query = $scope.query;
for (var k in data) {
filtered[k] = [];
if (!query || String(query).trim().length == 0) {
var queryRegExp = RegExp(query, 'i'); //'i' -> case insensitive
for (var k in data) {
angular.forEach(data[k], function(v) {
if (v.match(queryRegExp)) {
var filtered_list = [];
for (var k in filtered) {
for (var i=0; i<filtered[k].length; i++) {
filtered_list.push(k + '=' + filtered[k][i]);
return filtered_list;
$scope.addSelected = function(item) {
%# inserts selected clauses into selected.
var selected = $scope.selected;
var keyval = item.split('=');
if (selected[keyval[0]].indexOf(keyval[1]) == -1) {
$scope.removeSelected = function(selected_list, index) {
selected_list.splice(index, 1);
$scope.openSelected = function() {
var selected_qp_string = '';
for (var k in $scope.selected) {
if ($scope.selected[k].length > 0) {
if (selected_qp_string.length > 0) {
selected_qp_string += '&';
selected_qp_string += (k + '=');
angular.forEach($scope.selected[k], function(v) {
if (selected_qp_string[selected_qp_string.length-1] != ['=']) {
selected_qp_string += ',';
selected_qp_string += v
if ($scope.daysBackSelected) {
if (selected_qp_string.length > 0) {
selected_qp_string += '&';
selected_qp_string += 'days_back=' + $scope.daysBackSelected;
if (selected_qp_string.length > 0) {
open('{{ _root }}/unfiltered?' + selected_qp_string);
<h3>Define a Temporary Filter</h3>
You can see test result views based on <b>your own criteria</b>
by defining <a href="{{ _root }}/filters">filters</a>.<br>
Use this page to supply the build numbers, release numbers,
suite names and/or test names that need to be included.<br>
Full lookup lists are available as suggestions:
%for _field in _fields:
<a href="{{ _root }}/{{ _field }}" target="_blank">{{ _field }}</a>&nbsp;
Try typing an example (
%for _field in _fields:
{{ _field }}&nbsp;
) here:<br>
<div ng-controller="MyController">
<input ng-model="query" size=80>
<a class="maia-button" ng-click="openSelected()">
Jump to my custom view
Days in the past to consider:
<select ng-model='daysBackSelected' required
ng-options='option.v as option.k for option in daysBackOptions'>
%for _field in _fields:
<div ng-repeat="field in selected.{{ _field }}">
[ <a href="" ng-click="removeSelected(selected.{{ _field }}, $index)">X</a> ]
{{ _field }}={[{ field }]}
<li class="infotext" ng-repeat="item in filterQPs()">
[ <a href="" ng-click="addSelected(item)">add</a> ]
{[{ item }]}
%rebase master {'title': 'temp filters', 'query_string': query_string, 'body_block': body_block, 'angular': True}