blob: ce1ffb098603308b01e4c63ac9f70554217f6861 [file] [log] [blame]
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Project: CMSIS DSP Library
* Title: arm_levinson_durbin_q31.c
* Description: q31 version of Levinson Durbin algorithm
* $Date: 23 April 2021
* $Revision: V1.9.0
* Target Processor: Cortex-M and Cortex-A cores
* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* Copyright (C) 2010-2021 ARM Limited or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "dsp/filtering_functions.h"
#define ONE_Q31 0x7FFFFFFFL
#define TWO_Q30 0x7FFFFFFFL
#define HALF_Q31 0x00008000L
#define ONE_Q15 0x7FFF
#define HALF_Q15 0x3FFF
#define LOWPART_MASK 0x07FFF
__STATIC_FORCEINLINE q31_t mul32x16(q31_t a, q15_t b)
q31_t r = ((q63_t)a * (q63_t)b) >> 15;
__STATIC_FORCEINLINE q31_t mul32x32(q31_t a, q31_t b)
//q31_t r = __SSAT(((q63_t)a * b) >> 31,31);
q31_t r = ((q63_t)a * b) >> 31;
__STATIC_FORCEINLINE q31_t divide(q31_t n, q31_t d)
arm_status status;
int16_t shift;
q15_t inverse;
q31_t r;
// We are computing:
// n / d = n / (h + l) where h and l are the high end and low end part.
// 1 / (h + l) = 1 / h (1 - l / h)
// Our division algorithm has a shift. So it is returning a scaled value sh.
// So we need a << shift to convert 1/ sh to 1/h.
// In below code, we are organizing the computation differently. Instead of computing:
// 1 / h (1 - l / h)
// we are computing
// 1 / h (2 - (l + h) / h)
// 1 / h (2 - d / h)
// Also, we are not computing 1/h in Q15 but in Q14.
// 2 is expressed in Q30.
// So at the end of all computation we need a << 2
// Result is in Q14 because of use of HALF_Q15 instead of ONE_Q15.
// d is used instead of l
// So we will need to substract to 2 instead of 1.
r = mul32x16(d,inverse);
r = TWO_Q30 - (r << shift);
r = mul32x16(r, inverse);
r = mul32x32(r,n) ;
r = r << (shift + 2);
@ingroup groupFilters
@defgroup LD Levinson Durbin Algorithm
@addtogroup LD
@brief Levinson Durbin
@param[in] phi autocovariance vector starting with lag 0 (length is nbCoefs + 1)
@param[out] a autoregressive coefficients
@param[out] err prediction error (variance)
@param[in] nbCoefs number of autoregressive coefficients
@return none
#if defined(ARM_MATH_MVE_FLOAT16) && !defined(ARM_MATH_AUTOVECTORIZE) && defined(__CMSIS_GCC_H)
#pragma message "Scalar version of arm_levinson_durbin_q31 built. Helium version has build issues with gcc."
#if defined(ARM_MATH_MVEI) && !defined(ARM_MATH_AUTOVECTORIZE) && !defined(__CMSIS_GCC_H)
#define LANE23_MASK 0xFF00
#include "arm_helium_utils.h"
void arm_levinson_durbin_q31(const q31_t *phi,
q31_t *a,
q31_t *err,
int nbCoefs)
q31_t e;
static const uint32_t revOffsetArray[4] = {3,2,1,0};
//a[0] = phi[1] / phi[0];
a[0] = divide(phi[1], phi[0]);
//e = phi[0] - phi[1] * a[0];
e = phi[0] - mul32x32(phi[1],a[0]);
for(int p=1; p < nbCoefs; p++)
q63_t suma=0;
q63_t sumb=0;
q31x4_t vecA,vecRevPhi,vecPhi;
q31_t k;
uint32_t blkCnt;
const q31_t *pPhi,*pRevPhi,*pA;
uint32x4_t revOffset;
int nb,j,i;
revOffset = vld1q(revOffsetArray);
pRevPhi = &phi[p-3];
pPhi = &phi[1];
pA = a;
i = 0;
blkCnt = p >> 2;
while(blkCnt > 0)
vecA = vld1q(pA);
pA += 4;
vecPhi = vld1q(pPhi);
pPhi += 4;
vecRevPhi = vldrwq_gather_shifted_offset_s32(pRevPhi,revOffset);
pRevPhi -= 4;
suma = vmlaldavaq(suma,vecA,vecRevPhi);
sumb = vmlaldavaq(sumb,vecA,vecPhi);
i += 4;
blkCnt = p & 3;
while(blkCnt > 0)
suma += ((q63_t)a[i] * phi[p - i]);
sumb += ((q63_t)a[i] * phi[i + 1]);
suma = asrl(suma, 31);
sumb = asrl(sumb, 31);
//k = (phi[p+1]-suma)/(phi[0] - sumb);
k = divide(phi[p+1]-(q31_t)suma,phi[0] - (q31_t)sumb);
q31x4_t vecRevA,tmp;
static uint32_t orgOffsetArray[4]={0,1,-1,-2};
static const uint32_t offsetIncArray[4]={2,2,-2,-2};
uint32x4_t offset,offsetInc,vecTmp;
offset = vld1q(orgOffsetArray);
vecTmp = vdupq_n_u32(p);
offset = vaddq_m_u32(offset,offset,vecTmp,LANE23_MASK);
offsetInc = vld1q(offsetIncArray);
nb = p >> 2;
for(int i =0;i < nb ; i++)
q31_t x0,x1,x2,x3;
//x = a[j] - k * a[p-1-j];
x0 = a[j] - mul32x32(k,a[p-1-j]);
x1 = a[j+1] - mul32x32(k,a[p-2-j]);
//y = a[p-1-j] - k * a[j];
x2 = a[p-1-j] - mul32x32(k , a[j]);
x3 = a[p-2-j] - mul32x32(k , a[j+1]);
a[j] = x0;
a[j+1] = x1;
a[p-1-j] = x2;
a[p-2-j] = x3;
uint64_t tmpa,tmpb;
vecA = vldrwq_gather_shifted_offset_s32(a,offset);
tmpa = vgetq_lane_u64((uint64x2_t)vecA,0);
tmpb = vgetq_lane_u64((uint64x2_t)vecA,1);
vecRevA = (q31x4_t) vsetq_lane_u64(tmpb,(uint64x2_t)vecRevA,0);
vecRevA = (q31x4_t) vsetq_lane_u64(tmpa,(uint64x2_t)vecRevA,1);
tmp = vsubq(vecA,vqdmulhq_n_s32(vecRevA,k));
vstrwq_scatter_shifted_offset_s32(a, offset, tmp);
offset = vaddq(offset,offsetInc);
switch(p & 3)
case 3:
q31_t x,y;
//x = a[j] - k * a[p-1-j];
x = a[j] - mul32x32(k,a[p-1-j]);
//y = a[p-1-j] - k * a[j];
y = a[p-1-j] - mul32x32(k , a[j]);
a[j] = x;
a[p-1-j] = y;
//a[j] = a[j]- k * a[p-1-j];
a[j+1] = a[j+1] - mul32x32(k,a[p-2-j]);
case 2:
q31_t x,y;
//x = a[j] - k * a[p-1-j];
x = a[j] - mul32x32(k,a[p-1-j]);
//y = a[p-1-j] - k * a[j];
y = a[p-1-j] - mul32x32(k , a[j]);
a[j] = x;
a[p-1-j] = y;
case 1:
//a[j] = a[j]- k * a[p-1-j];
a[j] = a[j] - mul32x32(k,a[p-1-j]);
a[p] = k;
// e = e * (1 - k*k);
e = mul32x32(e,ONE_Q31 - mul32x32(k,k));
*err = e;
void arm_levinson_durbin_q31(const q31_t *phi,
q31_t *a,
q31_t *err,
int nbCoefs)
q31_t e;
//a[0] = phi[1] / phi[0];
a[0] = divide(phi[1], phi[0]);
//e = phi[0] - phi[1] * a[0];
e = phi[0] - mul32x32(phi[1],a[0]);
for(int p=1; p < nbCoefs; p++)
q63_t suma=0;
q63_t sumb=0;
q31_t k;
int nb,j;
for(int i=0; i < p; i++)
suma += ((q63_t)a[i] * phi[p - i]);
sumb += ((q63_t)a[i] * phi[i + 1]);
suma = suma >> 31;
sumb = sumb >> 31;
//k = (phi[p+1]-suma)/(phi[0] - sumb);
k = divide(phi[p+1]-(q31_t)suma,phi[0] - (q31_t)sumb);
nb = p >> 1;
for(int i =0;i < nb ; i++)
q31_t x,y;
//x = a[j] - k * a[p-1-j];
x = a[j] - mul32x32(k,a[p-1-j]);
//y = a[p-1-j] - k * a[j];
y = a[p-1-j] - mul32x32(k , a[j]);
a[j] = x;
a[p-1-j] = y;
nb = p & 1;
if (nb)
//a[j] = a[j]- k * a[p-1-j];
a[j] = a[j] - mul32x32(k,a[p-1-j]);
a[p] = k;
// e = e * (1 - k*k);
e = mul32x32(e,ONE_Q31 - mul32x32(k,k));
*err = e;
#endif /* defined(ARM_MATH_MVEI) */
@} end of LD group