blob: 1ca800647f67466b64c82dcb479f2ce645ced799 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Compare YUVPlane and ArgbBuffer distortion computation.
#include <array>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include "examples/example_utils.h"
#include "extras/ccsp_imageio.h"
#include "extras/extras.h"
#include "imageio/image_dec.h"
#include "include/helpers.h"
#include "include/helpers_filter.h"
#include "src/wp2/decode.h"
#include "src/wp2/encode.h"
namespace WP2 {
namespace {
// Returns true if 'ccsp' and 'rgb' contain the same samples.
testing::AssertionResult AreEqual(const YUVPlane& ccsp, const ArgbBuffer& rgb) {
if (ccsp.GetWidth() != rgb.width() || ccsp.GetHeight() != rgb.height() ||
ccsp.IsDownsampled()) {
return testing::AssertionFailure();
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < ccsp.GetHeight(); ++y) {
const uint8_t* const rgb_row = rgb.GetRow8(y);
for (uint32_t x = 0; x < ccsp.GetWidth(); ++x) {
const int32_t ccsp_a = ccsp.HasAlpha() ? ccsp.A.At(x, y) : kAlphaMax;
const int32_t rgb_a = rgb_row[x * 4 + 0];
const int32_t ccsp_r = ccsp.Y.At(x, y), rgb_r = rgb_row[x * 4 + 1];
const int32_t ccsp_g = ccsp.U.At(x, y), rgb_g = rgb_row[x * 4 + 2];
const int32_t ccsp_b = ccsp.V.At(x, y), rgb_b = rgb_row[x * 4 + 3];
if (ccsp_a != rgb_a || ccsp_r != rgb_r || ccsp_g != rgb_g ||
ccsp_b != rgb_b) {
return testing::AssertionFailure()
<< " diff at " << x << ", " << y << ": " << ccsp_a << ", "
<< ccsp_r << ", " << ccsp_g << ", " << ccsp_b << " vs " << rgb_a
<< ", " << rgb_r << ", " << rgb_g << ", " << rgb_b;
return testing::AssertionSuccess();
// Tests GetDistortion for all format/metric combinations.
TEST(GetDistortion, HandlesAllFormats) {
for (uint32_t f = 0; f < WP2_Argb_38; ++f) {
SCOPED_TRACE(SPrintf("format %d", f));
const WP2SampleFormat format = (WP2SampleFormat)f;
for (uint32_t metric = 0; metric < NUM_METRIC_TYPES; ++metric) {
SCOPED_TRACE(SPrintf("metric %d", metric));
ArgbBuffer orig(format);
const uint32_t kWidth = 10, kHeight = 10; // Big enough for PSNRHVS
const uint8_t kOrigValue = 100;
std::vector<uint8_t> data_orig(
kWidth * kHeight * WP2FormatBpp(format) + 1, kOrigValue);
const uint32_t stride = kWidth * WP2FormatBpp(format);
ASSERT_WP2_OK(orig.SetExternal(kWidth, kHeight, &data_orig[0], stride));
std::vector<uint8_t> data_copy = data_orig;
// Make some changes that should have no impact.
const uint8_t kChangedValue = kOrigValue / 2;
// Change outside of the image.
data_copy[data_copy.size() - 1] = kChangedValue;
// Change nonexistent alpha channel.
if (format == WP2_XRGB_32) data_copy[0] = kChangedValue;
if (format == WP2_RGBX_32 || format == WP2_BGRX_32) {
data_copy[3] = kChangedValue;
ArgbBuffer copy(orig.format());
ASSERT_WP2_OK(copy.SetExternal(kWidth, kHeight, &data_copy[0], stride));
float disto[5];
const WP2Status status =
copy.GetDistortion(orig, (MetricType)metric, disto);
// Some format/metric combinations are not supported.
uint32_t alpha_channel_index;
const bool has_alpha = WP2FormatHasAlpha(format, &alpha_channel_index);
for (uint32_t c = 0; c < 4; ++c) {
if (!has_alpha && c == alpha_channel_index) continue;
EXPECT_EQ(disto[c], 99);
EXPECT_EQ(disto[4], 99); // total disto == 99
// Make a change that SHOULD cause some distortion.
const uint32_t kChangedChannelIdx = 1;
data_copy[kChangedChannelIdx] = kChangedValue;
ASSERT_WP2_OK(copy.GetDistortion(orig, (MetricType)metric, disto));
if (metric == LSIM) {
// LSIM should still find 99 if only one pixel is changed (because it
// matches with surrounding pixels).
EXPECT_EQ(disto[4], 99);
// Other metrics should find a difference.
EXPECT_LT(disto[4], 99); // total disto < 99
// For argb metrics, only the changed channel should have a disto < 99.
const bool is_yuv_metric =
metric == PSNRHVS || metric == PSNR_YUV || metric == SSIM_YUV;
if (is_yuv_metric) continue;
for (uint32_t c = 0; c < 4; ++c) {
if (!has_alpha && c == alpha_channel_index) continue;
if (c == kChangedChannelIdx) {
EXPECT_LT(disto[c], 99);
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(disto[c], 99);
// Verify that distortion results are not bitdepth-dependent.
TEST(DistoTest, BitDepth) {
YUVPlane original_8b, distorted_8b;
for (Channel c : {kYChannel, kUChannel, kVChannel, kAChannel}) {
Plane16& original_plane = original_8b.GetChannel(c);
Plane16& distorted_plane = distorted_8b.GetChannel(c);
ASSERT_WP2_OK(original_plane.Resize(512, 512));
original_plane.Fill((c == kAChannel) ? 128 : 0);
const int32_t min = (c == kAChannel) ? -128 : 0;
const int32_t max = (c == kAChannel) ? 127 : 0;
testutil::Noise(min, max, /*seed=*/c, /*strength=*/128, &original_plane);
distorted_plane.Copy(original_plane, /*resize_if_needed=*/true));
testutil::Noise(min, max, /*seed=*/c, /*strength=*/5, &distorted_plane);
for (uint32_t bit_depth : {9, 10, 11, 12}) { // Sign included.
YUVPlane original, distorted;
ASSERT_WP2_OK(original.Copy(original_8b, /*resize_if_needed=*/true));
ASSERT_WP2_OK(distorted.Copy(distorted_8b, /*resize_if_needed=*/true));
const int32_t m = 1 << (bit_depth - 8);
const int32_t k8bTo12bMatrix[] = {m, 0, 0, 0, m, 0, 0, 0, m};
ASSERT_WP2_OK(original.Apply(k8bTo12bMatrix, /*shift=*/0));
ASSERT_WP2_OK(distorted.Apply(k8bTo12bMatrix, /*shift=*/0));
for (MetricType metric : {PSNR, SSIM}) {
float disto_8b[5], disto[5];
original_8b, /*bit_depth=*/{8, /*is_signed=*/true}, metric,
original, {bit_depth, /*is_signed=*/true}, metric, disto));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
EXPECT_NEAR(disto_8b[i], disto[i], 1e-6) << "Channel " << i;
class DistoTest
: public testing::TestWithParam<std::tuple<std::string, MetricType>> {};
// Compare RGB distortion for YUVPlane and ArgbBuffer structs. It should be
// equal for opaque images and might slightly differ otherwise (because some
// random color noise might be clamped during YUVPlane::Extract() as the
// samples are alpha-premultiplied).
TEST_P(DistoTest, ComparedToRGB) {
const std::string file_path =
const MetricType metric = std::get<1>(GetParam());
// Load image into 'original_ccsp' and apply noise to get 'distorted_ccsp'.
YUVPlane original_ccsp, distorted_ccsp;
CSPMtx ccsp_to_rgb = {};
ASSERT_WP2_OK(ReadImage(file_path.c_str(), &original_ccsp, &ccsp_to_rgb));
ASSERT_WP2_OK(distorted_ccsp.Copy(original_ccsp, /*resize_if_needed=*/true));
// Distort alpha first then clamp distorted RGB samples.
testutil::Noise(0, 255, /*seed=*/kAChannel, /*strength=*/5,
for (Channel channel : {kYChannel, kUChannel, kVChannel}) {
Plane16* const plane = &distorted_ccsp.GetChannel(channel);
testutil::Noise(0, 255, /*seed=*/channel, /*strength=*/5, plane);
if (distorted_ccsp.HasAlpha()) {
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < plane->h_; ++y) {
for (uint32_t x = 0; x < plane->w_; ++x) {
plane->At(x, y) =
std::min(plane->At(x, y), distorted_ccsp.A.At(x, y));
// Copy both to ArgbBuffer (identity matrix, no shift).
ASSERT_EQ(ccsp_to_rgb, CSPMtx({1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1}, 0));
ArgbBuffer original_rgb, distorted_rgb;
ASSERT_WP2_OK(original_ccsp.Export(ccsp_to_rgb, /*resize_if_needed=*/true,
&original_rgb, &SamplingTaps::kUpSmooth));
ASSERT_WP2_OK(distorted_ccsp.Export(ccsp_to_rgb, /*resize_if_needed=*/true,
// Make sure data did not change during the copy.
ASSERT_TRUE(AreEqual(original_ccsp, original_rgb));
ASSERT_TRUE(AreEqual(distorted_ccsp, distorted_rgb));
// Compute distortion with YUVPlane and ArgbBuffer.
float disto_ccsp[5], disto_rgb[5];
original_ccsp, /*bit_depth=*/{8, /*is_signed=*/false}, metric,
ASSERT_WP2_OK(distorted_rgb.GetDistortion(original_rgb, metric, disto_rgb));
// Same metric for each channel.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
// The number of channels impacts the number of samples, hence a different
// total distortion.
const float error_margin = (original_ccsp.HasAlpha() && i == 4) ? 1.f : 0.f;
EXPECT_NEAR(disto_ccsp[i], disto_rgb[i], error_margin) << i;
// Compare distortion for down/upsampled chroma.
TEST_P(DistoTest, ChromaSubsampling) {
const std::string file_path =
const MetricType metric = std::get<1>(GetParam());
// Load image into 'original_ccsp' and apply noise to get 'distorted_ccsp'.
YUVPlane original_420, distorted_420;
CSPMtx ccsp_to_rgb = {};
ASSERT_WP2_OK(ReadImage(file_path.c_str(), &original_420, &ccsp_to_rgb));
if (!original_420.IsDownsampled()) {
ASSERT_WP2_OK(distorted_420.Copy(original_420, /*resize_if_needed=*/true));
for (Channel channel : {kYChannel, kUChannel, kVChannel, kAChannel}) {
testutil::Noise(0, 255, /*seed=*/channel, /*strength=*/5,
// 420 -> 444 with no interpolation for closer distortion.
YUVPlane original_444, distorted_444;
const bool upsamplable =
(original_420.GetWidth() > 1 || original_420.GetHeight() > 1);
original_444.UpsampleFrom(original_420, SamplingTaps::kUpNearest));
distorted_444.UpsampleFrom(distorted_420, SamplingTaps::kUpNearest));
// Compare 420 and 444 distortions.
BitDepth bit_depth;
ASSERT_WP2_OK(ReadBitDepth(file_path.c_str(), &bit_depth));
float disto_420[5], disto_444[5];
distorted_420.GetDistortion(original_420, bit_depth, metric, disto_420));
distorted_444.GetDistortion(original_444, bit_depth, metric, disto_444));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
// SSIM uses some padding so the distortion differs when dimensions change.
// TODO(yguyon): Modify SSIM to take that into account?
const float error_margin =
(metric == SSIM && upsamplable && i >= 2) ? 4.5f : 0.f;
EXPECT_NEAR(disto_420[i], disto_444[i], error_margin) << i;
DistoTestInstantiation, DistoTest,
testing::Combine(testing::Values("source0.pgm", "source0.ppm",
"source3.jpg", "source1_1x48.png",
"source1_64x1.png", "source1_1x1.png"),
testing::Values(PSNR, SSIM)));
// Encode 'original_ccsp', either by converting it to RGB first or not.
WP2Status EncodeInRGB(const YUVPlane& original_ccsp, const CSPMtx& ccsp_to_rgb,
const EncoderConfig& config, Writer* const writer) {
ArgbBuffer original_rgb;
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(original_ccsp.Export(ccsp_to_rgb, /*resize_if_needed=*/true,
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(Encode(original_rgb, writer, config));
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
WP2Status EncodeInCCSP(const YUVPlane& original_ccsp, const CSPMtx& ccsp_to_rgb,
const EncoderConfig& config, Writer* const writer) {
YUVPlane upsampled;
if (original_ccsp.IsDownsampled()) {
} else {
{0, 0, original_ccsp.GetWidth(), original_ccsp.GetHeight()}));
upsampled.GetWidth(), upsampled.GetHeight(),
upsampled.Y.Row(0), upsampled.Y.Step(),
upsampled.U.Row(0), upsampled.U.Step(),
upsampled.V.Row(0), upsampled.V.Step(),
upsampled.HasAlpha() ? upsampled.A.Row(0) : nullptr, upsampled.A.Step(),
ccsp_to_rgb.mtx(), ccsp_to_rgb.shift, writer, config));
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
// Decode to RGB then convert or decode directly to 'decoded_ccsp'.
WP2Status DecodeInRGB(const uint8_t* const data, size_t data_size,
FileFormat format, BitDepth bit_depth, bool has_alpha,
bool is_downsampled, YUVPlane* const decoded_ccsp) {
ArgbBuffer decoded_rgb;
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(Decode(data, data_size, &decoded_rgb));
if (IsCustomColorSpace(format)) {
decoded_rgb, bit_depth,
is_downsampled ? &SamplingTaps::kDownSharp : nullptr, decoded_ccsp));
} else {
const CSPMtx identity({1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1}, bit_depth.num_bits - 8);
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(decoded_ccsp->Import(decoded_rgb, has_alpha, identity,
if (is_downsampled) WP2_CHECK_ALLOC_OK(decoded_ccsp->Downsample());
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
WP2Status DecodeInCCSP(const uint8_t* const data, size_t data_size,
FileFormat format, BitDepth bit_depth, bool has_alpha,
bool is_downsampled, YUVPlane* const decoded_ccsp) {
// Select output color space and bit depth.
int16_t rgb_to_ccsp_matrix[9] = {};
uint32_t rgb_to_ccsp_shift;
if (IsCustomColorSpace(format)) {
std::copy(kRGBToYCbCrMatrix, kRGBToYCbCrMatrix + 9, rgb_to_ccsp_matrix);
rgb_to_ccsp_shift = kRGBToYCbCrShift - (bit_depth.num_bits - 8);
} else {
const int16_t v = 1 << (bit_depth.num_bits - 8);
SetArray<int16_t>(rgb_to_ccsp_matrix, {v, 0, 0, 0, v, 0, 0, 0, v});
rgb_to_ccsp_shift = 0;
BitstreamFeatures bitstream;
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(bitstream.Read(data, data_size));
// Allocate output and decode.
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(decoded_ccsp->Resize(bitstream.width, bitstream.height,
/*pad=*/1, has_alpha));
data, data_size, rgb_to_ccsp_matrix, rgb_to_ccsp_shift,
decoded_ccsp->Y.Row(0), decoded_ccsp->Y.Step(), decoded_ccsp->Y.Size(),
decoded_ccsp->U.Row(0), decoded_ccsp->U.Step(), decoded_ccsp->U.Size(),
decoded_ccsp->V.Row(0), decoded_ccsp->V.Step(), decoded_ccsp->V.Size(),
decoded_ccsp->HasAlpha() ? decoded_ccsp->A.Row(0) : nullptr,
decoded_ccsp->A.Step(), decoded_ccsp->A.Size()));
if (is_downsampled) WP2_CHECK_ALLOC_OK(decoded_ccsp->Downsample());
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
enum class WhatToDo {
class MorePreciseCCSPTest
: public testing::TestWithParam<
std::tuple<const char*, float, WhatToDo, MetricType>> {};
// Make sure encoding then decoding from and to custom color space samples does
// not bring more distortion than doing it in RGB.
TEST_P(MorePreciseCCSPTest, EncodeDecode) {
const char* const file_name = std::get<0>(GetParam());
const float quality = std::get<1>(GetParam());
const WhatToDo what_to_do = std::get<2>(GetParam());
const MetricType metric = std::get<3>(GetParam());
Data data;
IoUtilReadFile(testutil::GetTestDataPath(file_name).c_str(), &data));
const FileFormat format = GuessImageFormat(data.bytes, data.size);
BitDepth bit_depth;
ASSERT_WP2_OK(ReadBitDepth(data.bytes, data.size, &bit_depth));
YUVPlane original_ccsp;
CSPMtx ccsp_to_rgb = {};
ASSERT_WP2_OK(ReadImage(data.bytes, data.size, &original_ccsp, &ccsp_to_rgb));
EncoderConfig config = EncoderConfig::kDefault;
config.quality = quality;
float disto_rgb[5], disto_ccsp[5];
// RGB
MemoryWriter writer;
if (what_to_do == WhatToDo::kEncodeBothAsCCSP) {
ASSERT_WP2_OK(EncodeInCCSP(original_ccsp, ccsp_to_rgb, config, &writer));
} else {
ASSERT_WP2_OK(EncodeInRGB(original_ccsp, ccsp_to_rgb, config, &writer));
YUVPlane decoded_ccsp;
if (what_to_do == WhatToDo::kDecodeBothAsCCSP) {
ASSERT_WP2_OK(DecodeInCCSP(writer.mem_, writer.size_, format, bit_depth,
original_ccsp.IsDownsampled(), &decoded_ccsp));
} else {
ASSERT_WP2_OK(DecodeInRGB(writer.mem_, writer.size_, format, bit_depth,
original_ccsp.IsDownsampled(), &decoded_ccsp));
ASSERT_WP2_OK(decoded_ccsp.GetDistortion(original_ccsp, bit_depth, metric,
// Custom Color Space
MemoryWriter writer;
if (what_to_do == WhatToDo::kEncodeBothAsRGB) {
ASSERT_WP2_OK(EncodeInRGB(original_ccsp, ccsp_to_rgb, config, &writer));
} else {
ASSERT_WP2_OK(EncodeInCCSP(original_ccsp, ccsp_to_rgb, config, &writer));
YUVPlane decoded_ccsp;
if (what_to_do == WhatToDo::kDecodeBothAsRGB) {
ASSERT_WP2_OK(DecodeInRGB(writer.mem_, writer.size_, format, bit_depth,
original_ccsp.IsDownsampled(), &decoded_ccsp));
} else {
ASSERT_WP2_OK(DecodeInCCSP(writer.mem_, writer.size_, format, bit_depth,
original_ccsp.IsDownsampled(), &decoded_ccsp));
ASSERT_WP2_OK(decoded_ccsp.GetDistortion(original_ccsp, bit_depth, metric,
// Custom color space should not be (way) more distorted than RGB.
// Some loss is expected because of the lack of clamping by alpha for the CCSP
// pipeline (even if actually handling RGB samples).
const float error_margin =
(IsCustomColorSpace(format) || original_ccsp.HasAlpha()) ? 1.5f : 0.01f;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
EXPECT_NEAR(disto_rgb[i], disto_ccsp[i], error_margin)
<< i << " in " << std::endl
<< disto_rgb[0] << ", " << disto_rgb[1] << ", " << disto_rgb[2] << ", "
<< disto_rgb[3] << ", " << disto_rgb[4] << " vs " << std::endl
<< disto_ccsp[0] << ", " << disto_ccsp[1] << ", " << disto_ccsp[2]
<< ", " << disto_ccsp[3] << ", " << disto_ccsp[4];
if (quality > (float)kMaxLossyQuality) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
if (IsCustomColorSpace(format)) {
// Lossless custom color space should never be more distorted than RGB.
EXPECT_LE(disto_rgb[i], disto_ccsp[i]) << i;
} else {
// Lossless RGB or alpha input should give the exact same distortion.
EXPECT_EQ(disto_rgb[i], disto_ccsp[i]) << i;
MorePreciseCCSPTestInstantiationSmall, MorePreciseCCSPTest,
testing::Combine(testing::Values("source1_1x1.png", "source1_64x48.png"),
testing::Values(0.f, 95.f, 100.f),
testing::Values(PSNR, SSIM)));
// This one might take ages so it is disabled.
// Can still be run with flag --test_arg=--gunit_also_run_disabled_tests
DISABLED_MorePreciseCCSPTestInstantiation, MorePreciseCCSPTest,
testing::Values("source1_1x1.png", "source1_64x48.png", "source1.png",
"source3.jpg", "ccsp/source3_C444p8.y4m",
"ccsp/source3_C444p12.y4m", "ccsp/source3_C420p8.y4m",
testing::Values(0.f, 75.f, 95.f, 100.f),
WhatToDo::kEncodeBothAsCCSP, WhatToDo::kEncodeBothAsRGB,
testing::Values(PSNR, SSIM)));
} // namespace
} // namespace WP2