blob: 1053d409bbe596fe07d630bf324c517011e4c3cd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// WP2 decoder: internal header.
// Author: Skal (
#ifndef WP2_DEC_WP2_DEC_I_H_
#define WP2_DEC_WP2_DEC_I_H_
#include "src/common/global_params.h"
#include "src/common/lossy/block.h"
#include "src/common/lossy/block_size_io.h"
#include "src/common/lossy/context.h"
#include "src/common/lossy/residuals.h"
#include "src/common/lossy/rnd_mtx.h"
#include "src/common/progress_watcher.h"
#include "src/dec/lossless/losslessi_dec.h"
#include "src/dec/symbols_dec.h"
#include "src/dec/residuals_dec_aom.h"
#include "src/dec/tile_dec.h"
#include "src/dsp/dsp.h"
#include "src/utils/ans.h"
#include "src/utils/csp.h"
#include "src/utils/data_source.h"
#include "src/utils/front_mgr.h"
#include "src/wp2/decode.h"
#include "src/wp2/format_constants.h"
namespace WP2 {
// Decoding functions.
// "dec" is the input (ANS decoder), with "features" and "config".
// "picture" is the output (buffer view of the tile to decode).
// "num_decoded_rows" is for incremental decoding; kept up-to-date.
// A row must be left intact once it is included in num_decoded_rows.
WP2Status LossyDecode(const BitstreamFeatures& features,
const DecoderConfig& config,
TilesLayout* const tiles_layout, ANSDec* const dec,
Tile* const tile);
WP2Status LosslessDecode(const BitstreamFeatures& features,
const DecoderConfig& config,
const GlobalParams& gparams, ANSDec* const dec,
Tile* const tile);
WP2Status NeuralDecode(ArgbBuffer* const picture, ANSDec* const dec,
const BitstreamFeatures& features);
// These internal methods are to avoid polluting public decode.h
void ResetDecoderInfo(DecoderInfo* const info);
WP2Status MergeDecoderInfo(DecoderInfo* const from, DecoderInfo* const to);
// Internal decode.
// Output of an ANMF chunk header decoding.
struct AnimationFrame {
bool dispose = true; // Fill the whole canvas with the background color
// before decoding this frame.
// Leave the canvas as is if false.
bool blend = false; // Blend frame into current canvas, based on alpha.
// Overwrite pixels (including alpha) if false.
uint32_t duration_ms = 0; // Milliseconds during which this frame is visible.
// 0 means a preframe.
Rectangle window; // Unoriented pixel boundaries of this frame.
bool is_last = false; // If true, there's no frame after this one.
// Initialize and register debug data.
WP2Status SetupDecoderInfo(const BitstreamFeatures& features,
const DecoderConfig& config);
void RegisterBitTrace(const DecoderConfig& config, uint32_t num_bytes,
// Decode steps are split into functions for incremental decoding. These
// functions only call DataSource::MarkNumBytesAsRead(). This way the calling
// function can decide whether to retry later (UnmarkAllReadBytes()) or not
// (Discard(GetNumNextBytes())).
// Fills DecoderInfo in 'config' based on provided GlobalParams.
void FillDecoderInfo(const GlobalParams& gparams, const DecoderConfig& config);
WP2Status DecodeHeader(DataSource* const data_source,
BitstreamFeatures* const features);
WP2Status DecodePreview(DataSource* const data_source,
const BitstreamFeatures& features,
ArgbBuffer* const output_buffer);
WP2Status SkipPreview(DataSource* const data_source,
const BitstreamFeatures& features);
WP2Status DecodeICC(DataSource* const data_source,
const BitstreamFeatures& features, Data* const iccp);
WP2Status DecodeANMF(const DecoderConfig& config, DataSource* const data_source,
const BitstreamFeatures& features, uint32_t frame_index,
AnimationFrame* const frame);
// if gparams = nullptr, just skip over the data without parsing
WP2Status DecodeGLBL(DataSource* const data_source,
const DecoderConfig& config,
const BitstreamFeatures& features,
GlobalParams* const gparams = nullptr);
// Fills the area outside 'frame.window' with the 'features.background_color'.
WP2Status FillBorders(const BitstreamFeatures& features,
const AnimationFrame& frame, ArgbBuffer* const output);
WP2Status FillBorders(const BitstreamFeatures& features,
const AnimationFrame& frame,
const CSPTransform& csp_transform,
YUVPlane* const output);
WP2Status DecodeTileChunkSize(const GlobalParams& params,
const Rectangle& tile_rect,
DataSource* const data_source,
uint32_t* const tile_chunk_size);
WP2Status DecodeMetadata(DataSource* const data_source,
const BitstreamFeatures& features, Data* const exif,
Data* const xmp);
// These two Skip() functions do not attempt to read anything past the chunk
// size; if data length check through reading is necessary but data copy should
// be avoided, call the Decode() functions instead with null Data pointers.
WP2Status SkipICC(DataSource* const data_source,
const BitstreamFeatures& features);
WP2Status SkipMetadata(DataSource* const data_source,
const BitstreamFeatures& features);
// Class specialized in reading transform residuals.
class ResidualReader : public ResidualIO {
ResidualReader() = default;
// Updates the symbol reader with what will be needed to read residuals.
WP2Status ReadHeader(SymbolReader* const sr, uint32_t num_coeffs_max_y,
uint32_t num_coeffs_max_uv, uint32_t num_transforms,
bool has_alpha, bool has_lossy_alpha);
// Reads residual coefficients.
WP2Status ReadCoeffs(Channel channel, ANSDec* const dec,
SymbolReader* const sr, CodedBlock* const cb,
libgav1::AOMContext* const aom_context,
BlockInfo* const info);
WP2Status ReadHeaderForResidualSymbols(uint32_t num_coeffs_max,
Channel channel,
SymbolReader* const sr);
WP2Status ReadCoeffsMethod01(Channel channel, uint32_t tf_i,
ANSDec* const dec, SymbolReader* const sr,
CodedBlock* const cb, BlockInfo* const info);
uint32_t num_channels_;
libgav1::AOMResidualReader aom_reader_;
// AlphaReader: Class for reading the alpha plane.
class AlphaReader : public WP2Allocable {
// Image width and height are in pixels.
explicit AlphaReader(ANSDec* const dec, const Tile& tile);
WP2Status Allocate();
WP2Status ReadHeader(const GlobalParams& gparams);
// Reads alpha information for the given block from the stream.
void GetBlockHeader(SymbolReader* const sr, CodedBlock* const cb);
// Reads alpha information for the given block from the stream.
WP2Status GetBlock(CodedBlock* const cb);
// Reconstructs the alpha plane for the given block.
void Reconstruct(CodedBlock* const cb) const;
// Copies the lossless alpha data for this block to the given plane (at 0, 0).
void ReconstructLossless(CodedBlock* const cb, Plane16* const plane) const;
AlphaMode GetAlphaMode() const { return alpha_mode_; }
WP2Status ReadLossless(CodedBlock* const cb);
const GlobalParams* gparams_ = nullptr;
// ANS reader
ANSDec* const dec_;
// Alpha buffer. Alpha values are stored as a grayscale image.
// TODO(maryla): this is pretty memory inefficient: in reality we don't need
// four channels, and we don't need to keep the whole alpha image in memory
// at once (we never need more than the max height of a block).
Tile alpha_tile_;
// Whether alpha is encoded with pure lossy, pure lossless, or a mix.
AlphaMode alpha_mode_;
// Next line to read in pixels.
uint32_t next_line_ = 0;
// Whether the next processed block is the first block of the image.
bool first_block_ = true;
// Block alpha mode predictor when using lossy.
AlphaModePredictor mode_predictor_;
// *** Members variables for lossless decoding. ***
WP2L::Decoder lossless_decoder_;
// SyntaxReader: Class for parsing syntactic elements.
class SyntaxReader {
SyntaxReader(ANSDec* const dec, const Rectangle& rect);
WP2Status ReadHeader(const BitstreamFeatures& features,
const GlobalParams& gparams, const Tile& tile);
// Reads 'cb' size, segment id, coeffs etc. and sets 'out' as the
// reconstructed pixels buffer destination.
WP2Status GetBlock(CodedBlock* const cb, YUVPlane* const out,
BlockInfo* const info);
BlockSize GetBlockSize(const FrontMgrNxNBase& mgr);
PartitionSet GetPartitionSet() const { return gparams_->partition_set_; }
bool GetPartitionSnap() const { return gparams_->partition_snapping_; }
const AlphaReader& alpha_reader() const { return *alpha_reader_; }
void ApplyDecoderConfig(const DecoderConfig& config);
void ReadSplitTransform(Channel channel, CodedBlock* const cb);
void ReadHasCoeffs(Channel channel, CodedBlock* const cb);
void ReadTransform(Channel channel, CodedBlock* const cb);
// Fill the is420_ data in the CodedBlock.
void ReadIs420(CodedBlock* const cb);
WP2Status LoadDictionaries();
WP2Status ReadPredModes(CodedBlock* const cb);
const GlobalParams* gparams_ = nullptr;
ANSDec* const dec_;
uint32_t num_blocks_, num_transforms_;
ChromaSubsampling chroma_subsampling_;
SegmentIdPredictor segment_ids_;
ResidualReader residual_reader_;
std::unique_ptr<AlphaReader> alpha_reader_;
SymbolsInfo symbols_info_;
SymbolReader sr_;
BlockContext context_;
uint32_t width_;
uint32_t height_;
bool use_aom_coeffs_;
// Visual debug: stores bit cost for a block
void StoreBitCost(const WP2::DecoderConfig& config, uint32_t tile_x,
uint32_t tile_y, const Block& block,
Plane16* const dst_plane) const;
// Decodes the 'block' boundaries and the 'pixels'. Check that they match.
void ReadAndCompareRawPixels(const Block& block, const YUVPlane& pixels,
ANSDec* const dec);
// Returns true if 'DecoderInfo::visual_debug' in the 'config' exists and
// contains the 'token'. Tokens are separated by '/'.
bool VDMatch(const DecoderConfig& config, const char token[]);
// Returns the channel corresponding to the current debug view. Asserts that
// the debug view contains the name of a channel ("y", "u", "v" or "a") in its
// path.
Channel VDChannel(const DecoderConfig& config);
// Returns true if the given rectangle is selected in visual debug.
bool VDSelected(uint32_t tile_x, uint32_t tile_y, const Rectangle& rect,
const DecoderConfig& config);
// Handles VisualDebug for "compressed" and "original".
void ApplyVDebugBeforeAfter(const DecoderConfig& config,
const CSPTransform& csp_tranform,
const Tile& tile,
ArgbBuffer* const debug_output);
} // namespace WP2
#endif // WP2_DEC_WP2_DEC_I_H_