blob: d115ba3afa8831a6a1b2031611acb4f20675c682 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Improves a given set of backward references by analyzing its bit cost.
// The algorithm is similar to the Zopfli compression algorithm but tailored to
// images.
// Author: Vincent Rabaud (
#include <cassert>
#include <limits>
#include "src/common/lossless/color_cache.h"
#include "src/dsp/lossless/encl_dsp.h"
#include "src/dsp/math.h"
#include "src/enc/lossless/backward_references_enc.h"
#include "src/enc/lossless/histogram_enc.h"
#include "src/enc/lossless/losslessi_enc.h"
namespace WP2L {
static void ConvertPopulationCountTableToBitEstimates(
int num_symbols, const uint32_t population_counts[], float output[]) {
uint32_t sum = 0;
int nonzeros = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < num_symbols; ++i) {
sum += population_counts[i];
if (population_counts[i] > 0) {
if (nonzeros <= 1) {
memset(output, 0, num_symbols * sizeof(*output));
} else {
const float logsum = WP2Log2(sum);
for (i = 0; i < num_symbols; ++i) {
output[i] = logsum - WP2Log2(population_counts[i]);
// Class storing the cost of each symbol in bits ,based on its count.
class CostModel : public CountsBuffer<float> {
// 'refs' must not have its offset modified by OffsetToPlaneCode.
WP2Status Build(uint32_t width, const LosslessSymbolsInfo& info,
const BackwardRefs& refs) {
width_ = width;
HistogramSet histo;
WP2_CHECK_ALLOC_OK(histo.Allocate(/*size=*/1, info));
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(BuildHistograms(width, /*height=*/0, /*histo_bits=*/0,
info, refs, &histo));
has_alpha_ = LosslessSymbolsInfo::HasAlpha(info);
is_label_image_ = LosslessSymbolsInfo::IsLabelImage(info);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kSymbolNum; ++i) {
histo.symbols_info_->GetMaxRange(i), histo.histograms_[0]->counts_[i],
// Figure out the minimal values of the symbol.
static_assert(1 + (int)kSymbolA == (int)kSymbolR, "Invalid kSymbolA");
static_assert(1 + (int)kSymbolR == (int)kSymbolG, "Invalid kSymbolR");
static_assert(1 + (int)kSymbolG == (int)kSymbolB, "Invalid kSymbolG");
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
const auto sym = (Symbol)((int)kSymbolA + i);
literal_minima_[i] = (int16_t)info.Min(sym, /*cluster=*/0);
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
WP2Status Allocate(const WP2::SymbolsInfo& symbols_info) {
SetBuffer(, symbols_info);
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
inline float GetLiteralCost(const int16_t* const v) const {
// Add the cost to have a literal and the cost of storing G.
float res = counts_[kSymbolType][kSymbolTypeLiteral] +
counts_[kSymbolG][v[2] - literal_minima_[2]];
if (!is_label_image_) {
if (has_alpha_) res += counts_[kSymbolA][v[0] - literal_minima_[0]];
res += counts_[kSymbolR][v[1] - literal_minima_[1]] +
counts_[kSymbolB][v[3] - literal_minima_[3]];
return res;
inline float GetCacheCost(uint32_t idx) const {
return counts_[kSymbolType][kSymbolTypeCacheIdx] +
inline float GetLengthCost(uint32_t length) const {
WP2::PrefixCode prefix_code(length - kLZ77LengthMin, kLZ77PrefixCodeSize);
return counts_[kSymbolType][kSymbolTypeCopy] +
counts_[kSymbolLen][prefix_code.prefix] + prefix_code.extra_bits_num;
inline float GetOffsetCost(uint32_t offset) const {
const int32_t code = OffsetToPlaneCode(width_, offset);
WP2::PrefixCode prefix_code(code, kLZ77PrefixCodeSize);
return counts_[kSymbolDist][prefix_code.prefix] +
uint32_t width_;
bool has_alpha_;
bool is_label_image_;
int16_t literal_minima_[4];
WP2::Vector_f base_buffer_;
// Describes how a segment of pixels of length 'len' is represented (copy ...)
struct Segment {
uint32_t len;
SymbolType mode;
static inline void AddSingleLiteralWithCostModel(
const int16_t* const argb, ColorCache* const color_cache,
const CostModel& cost_model, int idx, int use_color_cache, float prev_cost,
float* const cost, Segment* const segments) {
float cost_val = prev_cost;
const int16_t* const color = &argb[4 * idx];
uint32_t tag;
if (use_color_cache && color_cache->Contains(color, &tag)) {
// use_color_cache is true and color_cache contains color
const float mul0 = 0.68f;
cost_val += cost_model.GetCacheCost(tag) * mul0;
if (cost[idx] > cost_val) {
cost[idx] = (float)cost_val;
// Only one is inserted.
segments[idx].len = 1;
segments[idx].mode = kSymbolTypeCacheIdx;
} else {
const float mul1 = 0.82f;
if (use_color_cache) color_cache->Insert(color, /*index_ptr=*/nullptr);
cost_val += cost_model.GetLiteralCost(color) * mul1;
if (cost[idx] > cost_val) {
cost[idx] = (float)cost_val;
// Only one is inserted.
segments[idx].len = 1;
segments[idx].mode = kSymbolTypeLiteral;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CostManager and interval handling
// Empirical value to avoid high memory consumption but good for performance.
// To perform backward reference every pixel at 'index' is considered and
// the cost for the kMaxLZ77Length following pixels computed. Those following
// pixels at index 'index' + k (k from 0 to kMaxLZ77Length) have a cost of:
// cost_ = offset cost at index + GetLengthCost(cost_model, k)
// and the minimum value is kept. GetLengthCost(cost_model, k) is cached in an
// array of size kMaxLZ77Length.
// Instead of performing kMaxLZ77Length comparisons per pixel, we keep track of
// the minimal values using intervals of constant cost.
// An interval is defined by the 'index' of the pixel that generated it and is
// only useful in a range of indices from 'start' to 'end' (exclusive), i.e. it
// contains the minimum value for pixels between 'start' and 'end'. Intervals
// are stored in a linked list and ordered by 'start'. When a new interval has a
// better value, old intervals are split or removed. There are therefore no
// overlapping intervals.
struct CostInterval : WP2Allocable {
float cost;
int start;
int end;
int index;
CostInterval* previous;
CostInterval* next;
// The GetLengthCost(cost_model, k) are cached in a CostCacheInterval.
typedef struct {
float cost;
int start;
int end; // Exclusive.
} CostCacheInterval;
// This structure is in charge of managing intervals and costs.
// It caches the different CostCacheInterval, caches the different
// GetLengthCost(cost_model, k) in cost_cache_ and the CostInterval's (whose
// count_ is limited by COST_CACHE_INTERVAL_SIZE_MAX).
class CostManager {
CostManager() = default;
~CostManager() { Reset(); }
bool Init(Segment* const segments, uint32_t num_pixels,
const CostModel& cost_model);
void Reset();
CostInterval* head_ = nullptr;
int count_ = 0; // The number of stored intervals.
WP2::VectorNoCtor<CostCacheInterval> cache_intervals_;
size_t cache_intervals_size_ = 0;
// Contains the GetLengthCost(cost_model, k). Size max: kMaxLZ77Length.
WP2::Vector_f cost_cache_;
WP2::Vector_f costs_;
Segment* segments_ = nullptr;
// Most of the time, we only need few intervals -> use a free-list, to avoid
// fragmentation with small allocs in most common cases.
CostInterval intervals_[COST_MANAGER_MAX_FREE_LIST];
CostInterval* free_intervals_ = nullptr;
// These are regularly malloc'd remains. This list can't grow larger than than
CostInterval* recycled_intervals_ = nullptr;
static void CostIntervalAddToFreeList(CostManager* const manager,
CostInterval* const interval) {
interval->next = manager->free_intervals_;
manager->free_intervals_ = interval;
static int CostIntervalIsInFreeList(const CostManager* const manager,
const CostInterval* const interval) {
return (interval >= &manager->intervals_[0] &&
interval <= &manager->intervals_[COST_MANAGER_MAX_FREE_LIST - 1]);
static void CostManagerInitFreeList(CostManager* const manager) {
int i;
manager->free_intervals_ = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < COST_MANAGER_MAX_FREE_LIST; ++i) {
CostIntervalAddToFreeList(manager, &manager->intervals_[i]);
static void DeleteIntervalList(CostManager* const manager,
const CostInterval* interval) {
while (interval != NULL) {
const CostInterval* const next = interval->next;
if (!CostIntervalIsInFreeList(manager, interval)) {
} // else: do nothing
interval = next;
void CostManager::Reset() {
// Clear the interval lists.
DeleteIntervalList(this, head_);
head_ = nullptr;
DeleteIntervalList(this, recycled_intervals_);
recycled_intervals_ = nullptr;
// Reset pointers, count_ and cache_intervals_size_.
count_ = 0;
cache_intervals_size_ = 0;
segments_ = nullptr;
memset(intervals_, 0, sizeof(intervals_));
free_intervals_ = nullptr;
bool CostManager::Init(Segment* const segments, uint32_t num_pixels,
const CostModel& cost_model) {
segments_ = segments;
const uint32_t cost_cache_size =
WP2::Clamp(num_pixels, kLZ77LengthMin + 1, kLZ77LengthEscape);
if (!cost_cache_.resize(cost_cache_size)) return false;
// Fill in the cost_cache_.
cache_intervals_size_ = 1;
cost_cache_[kLZ77LengthMin] = cost_model.GetLengthCost(kLZ77LengthMin);
for (uint32_t i = kLZ77LengthMin + 1; i < cost_cache_size; ++i) {
cost_cache_[i] = cost_model.GetLengthCost(i);
// Get the number of bound intervals.
if (cost_cache_[i] != cost_cache_[i - 1]) {
// With the current cost model, we usually have below 20 intervals.
// The worst case scenario with a cost model would be if every length has a
// different cost, hence kMaxLZ77Length but that is impossible with the
// current implementation that spirals around a pixel.
assert(cache_intervals_size_ <= kLZ77LengthEscape);
if (!cache_intervals_.resize(cache_intervals_size_)) {
return false;
// Fill in the cache_intervals_.
CostCacheInterval* cur =;
// Consecutive values in cost_cache_ are compared and if a big enough
// difference is found, a new interval is created and bounded.
cur->start = 0;
cur->end = 1;
cur->cost = cost_cache_[kLZ77LengthMin];
for (uint32_t i = kLZ77LengthMin + 1; i < cost_cache_size; ++i) {
const float cost_val = cost_cache_[i];
if (cost_val != cur->cost) {
// Initialize an interval.
cur->start = i;
cur->cost = cost_val;
cur->end = i + 1;
// Assume the last interval goes to infinity so that the cost is the same.
cur->end = std::numeric_limits<decltype(cur->end)>::max();
if (!costs_.resize(num_pixels)) {
return false;
// Set the initial costs_ high for every pixel as we will keep the minimum.
std::fill(costs_.begin(), costs_.end(), std::numeric_limits<float>::max());
return true;
// Given the cost and the position that define an interval, update the cost at
// pixel 'i' if it is smaller than the previously computed value.
static inline void UpdateCost(CostManager* const manager, int i, int position,
float cost) {
const uint32_t k = i - position;
assert(i >= position);
if (manager->costs_[i] > cost) {
manager->costs_[i] = cost;
// Force the mode to be a copy.
manager->segments_[i].len = k + 1;
manager->segments_[i].mode = kSymbolTypeCopy;
// Given the cost and the position that define an interval, update the cost for
// all the pixels between 'start' and 'end' excluded.
static inline void UpdateCostPerInterval(CostManager* const manager,
int start, int end, int position,
float cost) {
int i;
for (i = start; i < end; ++i) UpdateCost(manager, i, position, cost);
// Given two intervals, make 'prev' be the previous one of 'next' in 'manager'.
static inline void ConnectIntervals(CostManager* const manager,
CostInterval* const prev,
CostInterval* const next) {
if (prev != NULL) {
prev->next = next;
} else {
manager->head_ = next;
if (next != NULL) next->previous = prev;
// Pop an interval in the manager.
static inline void PopInterval(CostManager* const manager,
CostInterval* const interval) {
if (interval == NULL) return;
ConnectIntervals(manager, interval->previous, interval->next);
if (CostIntervalIsInFreeList(manager, interval)) {
CostIntervalAddToFreeList(manager, interval);
} else { // recycle regularly malloc'd intervals too
interval->next = manager->recycled_intervals_;
manager->recycled_intervals_ = interval;
assert(manager->count_ >= 0);
// Update the cost at index i by going over all the stored intervals that
// overlap with i.
// If 'do_clean_intervals' is set to something different than 0, intervals that
// end before 'i' will be popped.
static inline void UpdateCostAtIndex(CostManager* const manager, int i,
bool do_clean_intervals) {
CostInterval* current = manager->head_;
while (current != NULL && current->start <= i) {
CostInterval* const next = current->next;
if (current->end <= i) {
if (do_clean_intervals) {
// We have an outdated interval, remove it.
PopInterval(manager, current);
} else {
UpdateCost(manager, i, current->index, current->cost);
current = next;
// Given a current orphan interval and its previous interval, before
// it was orphaned (which can be NULL), set it at the right place in the list
// of intervals using the start_ ordering and the previous interval as a hint.
static inline void PositionOrphanInterval(CostManager* const manager,
CostInterval* const current,
CostInterval* previous) {
assert(current != NULL);
if (previous == NULL) previous = manager->head_;
while (previous != NULL && current->start < previous->start) {
previous = previous->previous;
while (previous != NULL && previous->next != NULL &&
previous->next->start < current->start) {
previous = previous->next;
if (previous != NULL) {
ConnectIntervals(manager, current, previous->next);
} else {
ConnectIntervals(manager, current, manager->head_);
ConnectIntervals(manager, previous, current);
// Insert an interval in the list contained in the manager by starting at
// interval_in as a hint. The intervals are sorted by start_ value.
static inline WP2Status InsertInterval(CostManager* const manager,
CostInterval* const interval_in,
float cost, int position, int start,
int end) {
CostInterval* interval_new;
if (start >= end) return WP2_STATUS_OK;
if (manager->count_ >= COST_CACHE_INTERVAL_SIZE_MAX) {
// Serialize the interval if we cannot store it.
UpdateCostPerInterval(manager, start, end, position, cost);
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
if (manager->free_intervals_ != NULL) {
interval_new = manager->free_intervals_;
manager->free_intervals_ = interval_new->next;
} else if (manager->recycled_intervals_ != NULL) {
interval_new = manager->recycled_intervals_;
manager->recycled_intervals_ = interval_new->next;
} else { // malloc for good
interval_new = new (WP2Allocable::nothrow) CostInterval();
WP2_CHECK_ALLOC_OK(interval_new != nullptr);
interval_new->cost = cost;
interval_new->index = position;
interval_new->start = start;
interval_new->end = end;
PositionOrphanInterval(manager, interval_new, interval_in);
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
// Given a new cost interval defined by its start at position, its length value
// and offset_cost, add its contributions to the previous intervals and costs.
// If handling the interval or one of its subintervals becomes to heavy, its
// contribution is added to the costs right away.
static inline WP2Status PushInterval(CostManager* const manager,
float offset_cost, int position, int len) {
size_t i;
CostInterval* interval = manager->head_;
CostInterval* interval_next;
const CostCacheInterval* const cost_cache_intervals =
// If the interval is small enough, no need to deal with the heavy
// interval logic, just serialize it right away. This constant is empirical.
const int kSkipDistance = 10;
if (len < kSkipDistance) {
int j;
for (j = position + kLZ77LengthMin; j < position + len; ++j) {
const uint32_t k = j - position;
assert(j >= position);
const float cost_tmp = offset_cost + manager->cost_cache_[k];
if (manager->costs_[j] > cost_tmp) {
manager->costs_[j] = cost_tmp;
// Force the mode to be a copy.
manager->segments_[j].len = k + 1;
manager->segments_[j].mode = kSymbolTypeCopy;
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
for (i = 0; i < manager->cache_intervals_size_ &&
cost_cache_intervals[i].start < len;
++i) {
// Define the intersection of the ith interval with the new one.
int start = position + cost_cache_intervals[i].start;
const int end =
position +
(cost_cache_intervals[i].end > len ? len : cost_cache_intervals[i].end);
const float cost = (float)(offset_cost + cost_cache_intervals[i].cost);
for (; interval != NULL && interval->start < end;
interval = interval_next) {
interval_next = interval->next;
// Make sure we have some overlap
if (start >= interval->end) continue;
if (cost >= interval->cost) {
// When intervals are represented, the lower, the better.
// [**********************************************************[
// start end
// [----------------------------------[
// interval->start_ interval->end_
// If we are worse than what we already have, add whatever we have so
// far up to interval.
const int start_new = interval->end;
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(InsertInterval(manager, interval, cost, position,
start, interval->start));
start = start_new;
if (start >= end) break;
if (start <= interval->start) {
if (interval->end <= end) {
// [----------------------------------[
// interval->start_ interval->end_
// [**************************************************************[
// start end
// We can safely remove the old interval as it is fully included.
PopInterval(manager, interval);
} else {
// [------------------------------------[
// interval->start_ interval->end_
// [*****************************[
// start end
interval->start = end;
} else {
if (end < interval->end) {
// [--------------------------------------------------------------[
// interval->start_ interval->end_
// [*****************************[
// start end
// We have to split the old interval as it fully contains the new one.
const int end_original = interval->end;
interval->end = start;
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(InsertInterval(manager, interval, interval->cost,
interval->index, end, end_original));
interval = interval->next;
} else {
// [------------------------------------[
// interval->start_ interval->end_
// [*****************************[
// start end
interval->end = start;
// Insert the remaining interval from start to end.
InsertInterval(manager, interval, cost, position, start, end));
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
// Optimizes the BackwardReferences based on the offset code.
static WP2Status BackwardReferencesHashChainOffsetOnly(
uint32_t width, uint32_t height, const int16_t* const argb,
const LosslessSymbolsInfo& symbols_info, const HashChain& hash_chain,
const CacheConfig& cache_config, const BackwardRefs& refs,
Segment* const segments) {
const uint32_t num_pixels = width * height;
CostModel cost_model;
uint32_t offset_prev = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
uint32_t len_prev = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
float offset_cost = -1.f;
int first_offset_is_constant = -1; // initialized with 'impossible' value
uint32_t reach = 0;
const bool use_color_cache = (cache_config.type != CacheType::kNone);
ColorCachePtr color_cache;
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(cost_model.Build(width, symbols_info, refs));
CostManager cost_manager;
WP2_CHECK_ALLOC_OK(cost_manager.Init(segments, num_pixels, cost_model));
// We loop one pixel at a time, but store all currently best points to
// non-processed locations from this point.
segments[0].len = 1;
segments[0].mode = kSymbolTypeLiteral;
// Add first pixel as literal.
AddSingleLiteralWithCostModel(argb, color_cache.get(), cost_model, 0,
use_color_cache, 0.f,, segments);
for (uint32_t i = 1; i < num_pixels; ++i) {
const float prev_cost = cost_manager.costs_[i - 1];
const uint32_t offset = hash_chain.offset_length_[i].offset;
const uint32_t len = hash_chain.offset_length_[i].length;
// Try adding the pixel as a literal.
AddSingleLiteralWithCostModel(argb, color_cache.get(), cost_model, i,
use_color_cache, prev_cost,, segments);
// If we are dealing with a non-literal.
if (len >= 2) {
if (offset != offset_prev) {
offset_cost = cost_model.GetOffsetCost(offset);
first_offset_is_constant = 1;
PushInterval(&cost_manager, prev_cost + offset_cost, i, len));
} else {
assert(offset_cost >= 0);
assert(len_prev >= 0);
assert(first_offset_is_constant == 0 || first_offset_is_constant == 1);
// Instead of considering all contributions from a pixel i by calling:
// PushInterval(cost_manager, prev_cost + offset_cost, i, len);
// we optimize these contributions in case offset_cost stays the same
// for consecutive pixels. This describes a set of pixels similar to a
// previous set (e.g. constant color regions).
if (first_offset_is_constant) {
reach = i - 1 + len_prev - 1;
first_offset_is_constant = 0;
if (i + len - 1 > reach) {
// We can only go further with the same offset if the previous length
// was maxed.
// TODO(vrabaud): bump i to the end right away (insert cache and
// update cost).
// TODO(vrabaud): check if one of the points in between does not have
// a lower cost.
// Already consider the pixel at "reach" to add intervals that are
// better than whatever we add.
uint32_t len_j = 0;
uint32_t j;
assert(len == num_pixels - i);
// Figure out the last consecutive pixel within [i, reach + 1] with
// the same offset.
for (j = i; j <= reach; ++j) {
if (hash_chain.offset_length_[j + 1].offset != offset) {
len_j = hash_chain.offset_length_[j].length;
if (j > reach) len_j = hash_chain.offset_length_[reach + 1].length;
// Update the cost at j - 1 and j.
UpdateCostAtIndex(&cost_manager, j - 1, /*do_clean_intervals=*/false);
UpdateCostAtIndex(&cost_manager, j, /*do_clean_intervals=*/false);
cost_manager.costs_[j - 1] + offset_cost, j, len_j));
reach = j + len_j - 1;
UpdateCostAtIndex(&cost_manager, i, /*do_clean_intervals=*/true);
offset_prev = offset;
len_prev = len;
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
// We pack the path at the end of *segments and return
// a pointer to this part of the array. Example:
// segments = [1x2xx3x2] => packed [1x2x1232], chosen_path = [1232]
static void TraceBackwards(Segment* const segments, size_t segments_size,
Segment** const chosen_path,
size_t* const chosen_path_size) {
Segment* path = segments + segments_size;
Segment* cur = segments + segments_size - 1;
while (cur >= segments) {
*path = *cur;
cur -= cur->len;
*chosen_path = path;
*chosen_path_size = (size_t)(segments + segments_size - path);
static WP2Status BackwardReferencesHashChainFollowChosenPath(
const int16_t* const argb, const CacheConfig& cache_config,
const Segment* const chosen_path, uint32_t chosen_path_size,
const HashChain& hash_chain, BackwardRefs* const refs,
bool* const check_histogram) {
const bool use_color_cache = (cache_config.type != CacheType::kNone);
ColorCachePtr color_cache;
for (uint32_t ix = 0, i = 0; ix < chosen_path_size; ++ix) {
const Segment& seg = chosen_path[ix];
if (seg.mode == kSymbolTypeCopy) {
// TODO(vrabaud) do not go through here when seg.len_ == 1
const uint32_t len = seg.len;
const uint32_t offset = hash_chain.offset_length_[i].offset;
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(refs->CursorAdd(PixelMode::CreateCopy(offset, len)));
if (use_color_cache) {
for (uint32_t k = 0; k < len; ++k) {
color_cache->Insert(&argb[4 * (i + k)], /*index_ptr=*/nullptr);
i += len;
} else if (seg.mode == kSymbolTypeCacheIdx) {
uint32_t tag;
if (!color_cache->Contains(&argb[4 * i], &tag)) {
*check_histogram = false;
PixelMode::CreateCacheIdx(tag, color_cache->IndexRange())));
color_cache->Insert(&argb[4 * i], /*index_ptr=*/nullptr);
} else {
assert(seg.mode == kSymbolTypeLiteral);
if (use_color_cache) {
color_cache->Insert(&argb[4 * i], /*index_ptr=*/nullptr);
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(refs->CursorAdd(PixelMode::CreateLiteral(&argb[4 * i])));
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
// Returns 1 on success.
extern WP2Status BackwardReferencesTraceBackwards(
uint32_t width, uint32_t height, const int16_t* const argb,
const LosslessSymbolsInfo& symbols_info, const HashChain& hash_chain,
const CacheConfig& cache_config, const BackwardRefs& refs_src,
BackwardRefs* const refs_dst, bool* const check_histogram);
WP2Status BackwardReferencesTraceBackwards(
uint32_t width, uint32_t height, const int16_t* const argb,
const LosslessSymbolsInfo& symbols_info, const HashChain& hash_chain,
const CacheConfig& cache_config, const BackwardRefs& refs_src,
BackwardRefs* const refs_dst, bool* const check_histogram) {
const uint32_t num_pixels = width * height;
WP2::VectorNoCtor<Segment> segments;
*check_histogram = true;
width, height, argb, symbols_info, hash_chain, cache_config, refs_src,;
Segment* chosen_path = nullptr;
size_t chosen_path_size = 0;
TraceBackwards(, num_pixels, &chosen_path, &chosen_path_size);
argb, cache_config, chosen_path, chosen_path_size, hash_chain, refs_dst,
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
} // namespace WP2L