blob: 129cce8154e89d19638031dce4b3fa55a4eb4bdb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Author: Vincent Rabaud (
// Models the histograms of literal and distance codes.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include "src/common/progress_watcher.h"
#include "src/common/symbols.h"
#include "src/enc/lossless/backward_references_enc.h"
#include "src/utils/quantizer.h"
#include "src/wp2/format_constants.h"
namespace WP2L {
// Class that abstracts the storage of counts for all the existing symbols.
// This is a fragmented view on the (non-owned) buffer supplied to SetBuffer().
template <typename T>
class CountsBuffer {
void SetBuffer(T* buffer, const WP2::SymbolsInfo& symbols_info) {
symbols_info_ = &symbols_info;
buffer_ = buffer;
// Set the pointers for the counts of each histogram to the right spots
// in the overall buffer_.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kSymbolNum; ++i) {
counts_[i] = buffer;
buffer += symbols_info_->GetMaxRange((Symbol)i);
T* counts_[kSymbolNum];
const WP2::SymbolsInfo* symbols_info_ = nullptr;
void Init() noexcept { buffer_ = nullptr; }
// Reset the counts to 0.
void Clear() {
memset(buffer_, 0, sizeof(*buffer_) * symbols_info_->MaxRangeSum());
// The external buffer that contains all the symbol histograms one after
// another. counts_[] are pointing inside this buffer_.
T* buffer_ = nullptr;
// A simple container for histograms of data.
class Histogram : public CountsBuffer<uint32_t> {
Histogram() noexcept : CountsBuffer<uint32_t>() { Init(); }
void CopyTo(Histogram* const dst) const {
assert(dst->symbols_info_->MaxRangeSum() == symbols_info_->MaxRangeSum());
memcpy(dst->buffer_, buffer_,
sizeof(*buffer_) * symbols_info_->MaxRangeSum());
memcpy(dst->trivial_symbols_, trivial_symbols_, sizeof(trivial_symbols_));
memcpy(dst->nonzeros_, nonzeros_, sizeof(nonzeros_));
dst->bit_cost_ = bit_cost_;
dst->id_ = id_;
memcpy(dst->costs_, costs_, sizeof(costs_));
void Init() noexcept {
memset(trivial_symbols_, 0, sizeof(trivial_symbols_));
memset(nonzeros_, 0, sizeof(nonzeros_));
bit_cost_ = 0.;
memset(costs_, 0, sizeof(costs_));
void Clear() {
memset(trivial_symbols_, 0, sizeof(trivial_symbols_));
memset(nonzeros_, 0, sizeof(nonzeros_));
memset(costs_, 0, sizeof(costs_));
uint32_t trivial_symbols_[kSymbolNum];
uint32_t nonzeros_[kSymbolNum];
float bit_cost_; // cached value of bit cost.
float costs_[kSymbolNum]; // cached values of entropy costs.
int16_t id_; // Unique id in a HistogramSet
typedef CountsBuffer<uint32_t> super;
// Collection of histograms with fixed capacity, allocated as one
// big memory chunk.
class HistogramSet {
// Allocate an array of pointer to histograms, allocated and initialized
// using the number of bits of 'symbols_info'.
bool Allocate(uint32_t size, const WP2::SymbolsInfo& symbols_info);
Histogram* tmp_histo_;
// histograms sharing the same buffer
WP2::VectorNoCtor<Histogram*> histograms_;
const WP2::SymbolsInfo* symbols_info_ = nullptr;
WP2::Vector<Histogram> histo_buffer_; // internal buffer of histograms
WP2::Vector_u32 buffer_; // common buffer to all histograms
// Fills the histograms initialized in HistogramSet from the backward
// references. If there is only one histogram, the parameters 'width',
// 'height'and 'histo_bits' do not matter.
// Histogram indices correspond to value - value_min like in the SymbolRecorder.
WP2Status BuildHistograms(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t histo_bits,
const LosslessSymbolsInfo& symbols_info,
const BackwardRefs& refs,
HistogramSet* const histogram_set);
// Builds the histogram image.
// 'segments' is an ARGB image where the segment is stored in G and other
// components are pre-filled with 0.
WP2Status GetHistoImageSymbols(uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
const BackwardRefs& refs, int effort,
const WP2::ProgressRange& progress,
int histogram_bits,
const LosslessSymbolsInfo& symbols_info,
HistogramSet* const merged_histo,
int16_t* const segments);
// Class comparing histograms for the sake of merging them.
// It contains several buffers that speed-up the computation of the different
// entropies.
class PopulationAnalyzer {
explicit PopulationAnalyzer(uint32_t image_size);
WP2Status Allocate(const WP2::SymbolsInfo& symbols_info) {
const uint32_t histogram_size_max_ = symbols_info.GetMaxRange();
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
void PopulationCost(const uint32_t* const population, uint32_t range,
uint32_t* const nonzeros, uint32_t* const trivial_sym,
float* cost);
void GetCombinedEntropy(const uint32_t* const X, const uint32_t* const Y,
uint32_t X_nonzeros, uint32_t Y_nonzeros,
uint32_t X_trivial, uint32_t Y_trivial,
uint32_t length, float* cost);
// Various histogram combine/cost-eval functions
int GetCombinedHistogramEntropy(const Histogram& a, const Histogram& b,
float cost_threshold, float* cost);
// Performs out = a + b, computing the cost C(a+b) - C(a) - C(b) while
// comparing to the threshold value 'cost_threshold'. The score returned is
// Score = C(a+b) - C(a) - C(b), where C(a) + C(b) is known and fixed.
// Since the previous score passed is 'cost_threshold', we only need to
// compare the partial cost against 'cost_threshold + C(a) + C(b)' to possibly
// bail-out early.
float HistogramAddEval(const Histogram& a, const Histogram& b,
Histogram* const out, float cost_threshold);
// Same as HistogramAddEval(), except that the resulting histogram
// is not stored. Only the cost C(a+b) - C(a) is evaluated. We omit
// the term C(b) which is constant over all the evaluations.
float HistogramAddThresh(const Histogram& a, const Histogram& b,
float cost_threshold);
// Update the individual/overall bit costs of an histogram.
void UpdateHistogramCost(Histogram* const h);
WP2::Vector_u32 sum_tmp_;
// Variables used in most computations.
WP2::Vector_u32 histogram_;
WP2::Vector_u16 mapping_;
WP2::Quantizer quantizer_;
uint32_t image_size_;
// Pair of histograms used for histogram merges.
typedef struct {
uint16_t idx1;
uint16_t idx2;
// Cost difference between the merged histogram cost and the individual costs
// for idx1 and idx2.
float cost_diff;
// Cost of the histogram merging the histograms at idx1 and idx2.
float cost_combo;
} HistogramPair;
// Wrapper around a segment image to easily access elements in the green
// channel.
class SegmentImgWrapper {
explicit SegmentImgWrapper(int16_t* const data) : data_(data) {}
int16_t& operator[](int i) { return data_[4 * i + 2]; }
const int16_t& operator[](int i) const { return data_[4 * i + 2]; }
bool IsLabelImage(uint32_t size) const;
int16_t* data_;
// Queue storing pairs of symbol histograms and maintaining the best one (with
// minimal cost) at the front. It is not a traditional queue because when the
// front is popped, the two histograms are merged and all pairs using one of the
// two has to recompute its cost.
// TODO(vrabaud) Keep track of the analyzed pairs to avoid duplicates and
// re-analyzing pairs that give worse results.
class HistoQueue {
bool empty() const { return queue_.empty(); }
const HistogramPair& front() const { return queue_.front(); }
bool full() const { return queue_.size() == queue_.capacity(); }
// Returns the list of valid remaining valid histograms (the ones that have
// not been merged).
const WP2::VectorNoCtor<uint16_t>& ValidIndices() const { return indices_; }
// Initializes the queue to be used with a given set of histograms using a
// given 'analyzer'
WP2Status Init(WP2::VectorNoCtor<Histogram*>* const histograms,
PopulationAnalyzer* const analyzer);
// Resizes the queue: the bigger the size the more flexibility, but the
// slower it gets.
WP2Status Resize(uint32_t size);
// Merges the histograms from the front (idx1 and idx2), invalidate idx2 and
// also checks if any pair that dealt with idx1 or idx2 is still worth it (by
// updating the cost or removing the pair).
void MergeFront(SegmentImgWrapper* const segments);
// Creates a pair from indices "idx1" and "idx2" provided its cost
// is inferior to "threshold", a negative entropy.
// It returns the cost of the pair, or 0. if it superior to threshold.
WP2Status Push(uint16_t idx1, uint16_t idx2, float threshold,
float* const cost_diff = nullptr);
// Removes histograms that are not part of the valid indices. Also empties the
// queue as elements become invalid. The queue needs to be resized to be used
// again.
WP2Status RemoveInvalidHistograms();
// Checks whether a pair should be updated as head or not.
void MaybeUpdateHead(HistogramPair* const pair);
WP2::VectorNoCtor<HistogramPair> queue_;
// List of valid indices (idx2 of pairs that have been merged are removed).
WP2::VectorNoCtor<uint16_t> indices_;
PopulationAnalyzer* analyzer_;
WP2::VectorNoCtor<Histogram*>* histograms_;
} // namespace WP2L