blob: 419498a856a48a1e8609c52d0792fea5ce33b0a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Intratile directional filter.
// Author: Yannis Guyon (
#include "src/dec/filters/directional_filter.h"
#include "src/common/vdebug.h"
#include "src/dec/wp2_dec_i.h"
#include "src/dsp/dsp.h"
#include "src/dsp/math.h"
#include "src/utils/utils.h"
#include "src/wp2/format_constants.h"
namespace WP2 {
constexpr uint32_t DirectionalFilter::kMaxPriStr;
constexpr uint32_t DirectionalFilter::kMaxSecStr;
static uint32_t GetStrengthFromMagnitude(uint32_t filter_magnitude,
uint32_t max_strength) {
// Full filtering at low/medium qualities, no filtering at high qualities.
return std::min(DivRound(filter_magnitude * max_strength * 3u,
bool IsDirectionalFilterEnabled(const DecoderConfig& config,
const GlobalParams& gparams) {
const uint32_t strength = GetStrengthFromMagnitude(
std::max(DirectionalFilter::kMaxPriStr, DirectionalFilter::kMaxSecStr));
return ((config.enable_directional_filter && strength > 0) ||
VDMatch(config, "directional-filter"));
DirectionalFilter::DirectionalFilter(const DecoderConfig& config,
const GlobalParams& gparams,
const FilterBlockMap& blocks)
: config_(config),
enabled_(IsDirectionalFilterEnabled(config, gparams)) {
assert(blocks_.bit_depth_.num_bits >= 8u); // To match AV1 algorithms.
WP2Status DirectionalFilter::Allocate() {
if (!enabled_) return WP2_STATUS_OK;
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(top_taps_.Resize(blocks_.tile_rect_.width, kDrctFltTapDist));
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(bottom_backup_.Resize(top_taps_.Y.w_, top_taps_.Y.h_));
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(left_taps_.Resize(kDrctFltTapDist, kDrctFltSize));
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(right_backup_.Resize(left_taps_.Y.w_, left_taps_.Y.h_));
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
// Reduces the filter primary strength for low 'variance' values (when there is
// uncertainty about the detected direction), only for the luma channel.
static uint32_t AdjustPriStr(Channel channel, uint32_t pri_str,
uint32_t variance) {
if (channel == kYChannel) {
if (variance == 0u) return 0u;
const uint32_t variance_strength =
std::min((uint32_t)WP2Log2Floor(variance >> 6), 12u);
return (pri_str * (4u + variance_strength) + 8u) >> 4;
return pri_str;
// The difference between the original value of the pixel to filter and the taps
// will be right-shifted by this damping. Higher values mean weaker filtering.
static uint32_t GetDamping(Channel channel, uint32_t precision_shift) {
return 3u + precision_shift - ((channel == kYChannel) ? 0u : 1u);
// Converts available stats to an AV1 CDEF primary or secondary strength.
static uint32_t GetCdefStr(uint32_t filter_magnitude, uint32_t min_bpp,
uint32_t res_den, uint32_t max_cdef_str) {
assert(min_bpp <= 255 && res_den <= 255);
min_bpp = (min_bpp * min_bpp) / 255;
res_den = (res_den * res_den) / 255;
// More details (bpp, res) need less filtering.
const uint32_t strength =
GetStrengthFromMagnitude(filter_magnitude, max_cdef_str);
return ((255 - min_bpp) * (255 - res_den) * strength + 127 * 127) /
(255 * 255);
uint32_t DirectionalFilter::Smooth(uint32_t num_rows) {
if (!enabled_) return num_rows;
YUVPlane* const pixels = blocks_.pixels_;
assert(num_rows <= blocks_.tile_rect_.height);
assert(num_filtered_rows_ <= num_rows);
uint32_t num_filterable_rows;
if (num_rows == blocks_.tile_rect_.height) {
// All pixels are available: filter everything left.
num_filterable_rows = num_rows;
} else {
// Wait for bottom taps to be available.
num_filterable_rows = SafeSub(num_rows, kDrctFltTapDist);
#if !defined(WP2_REDUCE_BINARY_SIZE)
if (VDMatch(config_, "directional-filter")) SavePixelsForVDebug(num_rows);
if (num_filterable_rows <= num_filtered_rows_) return num_filtered_rows_;
const uint32_t block_step = blocks_.max_num_blocks_x_;
const uint32_t precision_shift = (blocks_.bit_depth_.num_bits - 8u);
// Temporary padded buffer for CDEF computation.
// 'kDrctFltSize x kDrctFltSize' pixels + margins of 'kDrctFltTapDist' pixels.
static constexpr int32_t kTmpStep =
kDrctFltTapDist + kDrctFltSize + kDrctFltTapDist;
int16_t tmp_buf[kTmpStep * kTmpStep];
int16_t* const tmp = tmp_buf + kDrctFltTapDist * kTmpStep + kDrctFltTapDist;
uint32_t y = num_filtered_rows_;
while (y < blocks_.tile_rect_.height) {
const uint32_t height =
std::min(kDrctFltSize, blocks_.tile_rect_.height - y);
if (y + height > num_filterable_rows) break;
// Backup bottom pixels for the top taps of the next row of blocks, if any.
const bool backup_bottom = (y + height < blocks_.tile_rect_.height);
if (backup_bottom) {
assert(height >= bottom_backup_.Y.h_);
YUVPlane bottom;
bottom.SetView(*pixels, {0, y + height - bottom_backup_.Y.h_,
bottom_backup_.Y.w_, bottom_backup_.Y.h_}));
bottom.A.Clear(); // Alpha is not filtered here.
bottom_backup_.Copy(bottom, /*resize_if_needed=*/false));
for (uint32_t x = 0; x < blocks_.tile_rect_.width; x += kDrctFltSize) {
const uint32_t width =
std::min(kDrctFltSize, blocks_.tile_rect_.width - x);
// TODO(yguyon): Filter partial blocks (bottom- or right-most in a tile)
if (height != kDrctFltSize || width != kDrctFltSize) break;
const uint32_t block_x = x / kMinBlockSizePix;
const uint32_t block_y = y / kMinBlockSizePix;
const uint32_t num_blocks_x = SizeBlocks(width);
const uint32_t num_blocks_y = SizeBlocks(height);
// Backup right pixels for the left taps of the next block.
const bool backup_right = (x + width < blocks_.tile_rect_.width);
if (backup_right) {
assert(width >= right_backup_.Y.w_);
YUVPlane right;
right.SetView(*pixels, {x + width - right_backup_.Y.w_, y,
right_backup_.Y.w_, right_backup_.Y.h_}));
right.A.Clear(); // Alpha is not filtered here.
right_backup_.Copy(right, /*resize_if_needed=*/false));
// Get average num-bits-per-pixel and residual density.
uint32_t min_bpp = 0, res_den[3]{0};
const FilterBlockMap::BlockFeatures* block_row =
&blocks_.features_[block_y * block_step + block_x];
for (uint32_t offset_y = 0; offset_y < num_blocks_y; ++offset_y) {
for (uint32_t offset_x = 0; offset_x < num_blocks_x; ++offset_x) {
min_bpp += block_row[offset_x].min_bpp;
for (Channel c : {kYChannel, kUChannel, kVChannel}) {
res_den[c] += block_row[offset_x].res_den[c];
block_row += block_step;
const uint32_t num_blocks = num_blocks_x * num_blocks_y;
min_bpp = (min_bpp + num_blocks / 2) / num_blocks;
for (Channel c : {kYChannel, kUChannel, kVChannel}) {
res_den[c] = (res_den[c] + num_blocks / 2) / num_blocks;
// Get overall direction and its variance.
uint32_t direction, variance;
CdefDirection8x8(&pixels->Y.At(x, y), (int32_t)pixels->Y.Step(),
blocks_.bit_depth_.num_bits, &direction, &variance);
// Margins for taps. Top-left is the origin.
const uint32_t n_left = x;
const uint32_t n_right = blocks_.tile_rect_.width - (x + width);
const uint32_t n_top = y;
const uint32_t n_bottom = blocks_.tile_rect_.height - (y + height);
const bool margin_left = (n_left >= left_taps_.Y.w_);
const bool margin_top = (n_top >= top_taps_.Y.h_);
const uint32_t backup_x = margin_left ? (x - left_taps_.Y.w_) : x;
for (Channel c : {kYChannel, kUChannel, kVChannel}) {
Plane16* const pixels_plane = &pixels->GetChannel(c);
const Plane16& left_plane = left_taps_.GetChannel(c);
const Plane16& top_plane = top_taps_.GetChannel(c);
const int16_t* const left =
margin_left ? &left_plane.At(0, 0) : nullptr;
const int16_t* const top =
margin_top ? &top_plane.At(backup_x, 0) : nullptr;
const uint32_t pri_str = GetCdefStr(gparams_.yuv_filter_magnitude_,
min_bpp, res_den[c], kMaxPriStr);
const uint32_t sec_str = GetCdefStr(gparams_.yuv_filter_magnitude_,
min_bpp, res_den[c], kMaxSecStr);
const uint32_t shifted_pri_str = pri_str << precision_shift;
const uint32_t shifted_sec_str = sec_str << precision_shift;
// Copy pixels from source plane and backups to 'tmp'.
CdefPad(&pixels_plane->At(x, y), (int32_t)pixels_plane->Step(),
left, (int32_t)left_plane.Step(),
top, (int32_t)top_plane.Step(),
(int32_t)width, (int32_t)height, (int32_t)n_left,
(int32_t)n_right, (int32_t)n_top, (int32_t)n_bottom,
tmp, kTmpStep);
CdefFiltering(tmp, kTmpStep, blocks_.bit_depth_.num_bits, width, height,
AdjustPriStr(c, shifted_pri_str, variance),
shifted_sec_str, GetDamping(c, precision_shift),
direction, &pixels_plane->At(x, y),
#if !defined(WP2_REDUCE_BINARY_SIZE)
if (VDMatch(config_, "directional-filter")) {
RegisterPixelsForVDebug(x, x + width - 1u, y, y + height - 1u,
min_bpp, res_den[0], kMaxPriStr),
min_bpp, res_den[0], kMaxSecStr),
direction, variance);
// One's right column is another one's left taps.
if (backup_right) {
using std::swap;
swap(left_taps_, right_backup_);
if (backup_bottom) {
using std::swap;
swap(top_taps_, bottom_backup_);
y += height;
num_filtered_rows_ = y;
#if !defined(WP2_REDUCE_BINARY_SIZE)
if (VDMatch(config_, "directional-filter")) ApplyVDebug(num_rows);
return num_filtered_rows_;
} // namespace WP2