blob: e91690e1b1930e1832104faaf74009ffef7ff95b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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// implementation of the 1990 CCITT Group4 spec encoder.
// Author: Vincent Rabaud (
#include "src/common/lossless/color_cache.h"
#include "src/enc/lossless/losslessi_enc.h"
#include "src/enc/symbols_enc.h"
#include "src/utils/utils.h"
namespace WP2L {
static uint16_t GetColor(const int16_t* const argb, int x,
uint16_t fallback = 0) {
if (x < 0) return fallback;
// Get the color from the green channel.
const int16_t res = argb[x * 4 + 2];
assert(res >= 0);
return res;
static void WriteColor(uint16_t current_color, uint16_t expected_new_color,
uint16_t actual_new_color, MoveToFrontCache* const mtf,
WP2::ANSEncBase* const enc,
WP2::SymbolManager* const sm) {
assert(actual_new_color != current_color);
assert(expected_new_color != current_color);
const bool color_change = (actual_new_color != expected_new_color);
sm->Process(kSymbolG4ColorChange, /*cluster=*/0, color_change, "color_change",
const uint32_t current_color_idx = mtf->GetIndex(current_color);
const uint32_t expected_new_color_idx = mtf->GetIndex(expected_new_color);
const uint32_t actual_new_color_idx = mtf->GetIndex(actual_new_color);
if (!color_change) return;
uint16_t coded_color = actual_new_color_idx;
if (actual_new_color_idx > current_color_idx) --coded_color;
if (actual_new_color_idx > expected_new_color_idx) --coded_color;
// TODO(maryla): optionally use a color cache? or a 'move-to-front' queue for
// most used colors.
sm->Process(kSymbolG4NewColor, /*cluster=*/0, coded_color, "color_change",
// Implementation taken from
// See the above for diagrams showing the meaning of a0/a1/b1/b2.
static WP2Status Impl(const int16_t* const argb, uint32_t width,
uint32_t height, const WP2::ProgressRange& progress,
MoveToFrontCache* const mtf, WP2::ANSEncBase* const enc,
WP2::SymbolManager* const sm,
EncodeInfo* const encode_info) {
WP2::ANSDebugPrefix prefix(enc, "group4");
const uint32_t num_colors = mtf->num_colors();
const uint16_t first_color = GetColor(argb, /*x=*/0);
const WP2::ProgressScale row_progress(progress, 1. / height);
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
const int16_t* prev = (y > 0) ? &argb[(y - 1) * width * 4] : nullptr;
const int16_t* cur = &argb[y * width * 4];
// Start from the virtual pixel before the first column.
int a0_prev = 0;
for (int a0 = -1; a0 < (int)width - 1;) {
// All rows are assumed to start with first_color. We could also use the
// first color of the row above, but it's not actually better.
const uint16_t a0_color = GetColor(cur, a0, first_color);
// Find a1: next pixel changing color on the current line.
int a1 = a0 + 1;
while (a1 < (int)width && GetColor(cur, a1) == a0_color) ++a1;
const uint16_t a1_color = a1 < (int)width ? GetColor(cur, a1) : 0;
// Find b1: next changing pixel of color different from a0_color
// on the previous line.
int b1 = a0 + 1;
if (y == 0) {
b1 = width;
} else {
while (b1 < (int)width &&
!(GetColor(prev, b1) != GetColor(prev, b1 - 1, first_color) &&
GetColor(prev, b1) != a0_color)) {
const uint64_t b1_color =
(b1 < (int)width) ? GetColor(prev, b1, !a0_color) : !a0_color;
// Find b2: next changing pixel after b1 on the previous line.
int b2 = b1 + 1;
if (y == 0) {
b2 = width;
} else {
while (b2 < (int)width && GetColor(prev, b2) == GetColor(prev, b1)) {
const uint16_t b2_color =
(b2 < (int)width) ? GetColor(prev, b2, a0_color) : a0_color;
// Recent colors on the row above are likely to be reused.
const uint32_t a0b1_dist = b1 - a0;
const uint32_t a0a1_max = b2 - a0;
const bool horizontal_mode_allowed =
(a0b1_dist > kGroup4Window + 1) ||
(a0b1_dist + kGroup4Window < a0a1_max);
const bool pass_mode_allowed = (b2 + 1) <= (int)width;
const uint32_t max_mode = horizontal_mode_allowed + pass_mode_allowed;
if (b2 < a1) {
// Pass mode.
sm->Process(kSymbolG4Type, /*cluster=*/0,
std::min((uint32_t)Group4Mode::kPass, max_mode), max_mode,
"mode", enc);
a0 = b2;
} else {
int dist = a1 - b1;
if ((uint32_t)std::abs(dist) <= kGroup4Window) {
// Vertical mode.
if (max_mode > 0) {
sm->Process(kSymbolG4Type, /*cluster=*/0,
(uint32_t)Group4Mode::kVertical, max_mode, "mode", enc);
// Restricting the range as below is actually worse.
const int min_dist = -(int)kGroup4Window;
const int max_dist = (int)std::min(b1 + kGroup4Window, width) - b1;
sm->Process(kSymbolG4VerticalDist, /*cluster=*/0, dist - min_dist,
max_dist - min_dist, "vdist", enc);
if (a1 < (int)width && num_colors > 2) {
WriteColor(a0_color, /*expected_new_color=*/b1_color,
/*actual_new_color=*/a1_color, mtf, enc, sm);
a0 = a1;
} else {
// Horizontal mode.
sm->Process(kSymbolG4Type, /*cluster=*/0,
std::min((uint32_t)Group4Mode::kHorizontal, max_mode),
max_mode, "mode", enc);
const char* const str[2] = {"hdist_bg_minus1", "hdist_fg_minus1"};
// Note1: some pixel locations are impossible since they would be
// coded in vertical mode, but removing those values by shifting all
// values above does not give better results.
// Note2: we use two clusters: one for the first_color, one for all
// the other colors. Having more clusters (e.g. 3 or 4 clusters for
// images with 3 or 4 colors) does not seem to help.
// TODO(maryla): around 14% of images do benefit from having only one
// cluster.
/*cluster=*/(uint32_t)(a0_color != first_color),
a1 - a0 - 1, a0a1_max - 1, str[a0_color != first_color],
const int a1a2_max = (int)width - a1;
int a2 = a1 + 1;
if (a1a2_max > 0) {
while (a2 < (int)width && GetColor(cur, a2) == a1_color) {
/*cluster=*/(uint32_t)(a0_color == first_color),
a2 - a1 - 1, a1a2_max - 1, str[a0_color == first_color],
if (num_colors > 2) {
WriteColor(a0_color, /*expected_new_color=*/b1_color,
/*actual_new_color=*/a1_color, mtf, enc, sm);
if (a2 < (int)width) {
const uint16_t expected_a2_color =
(b2_color != a1_color) ? b2_color : a0_color;
const uint16_t a2_color = GetColor(cur, a2);
WriteColor(a1_color, expected_a2_color,
/*actual_new_color=*/a2_color, mtf, enc, sm);
a0 = a2;
// Update the costs.
if (encode_info != nullptr && !encode_info->bits_per_pixel.empty()) {
for (uint32_t x = a0_prev; x < std::min((uint32_t)a0, width); ++x) {
// Set an arbitrary cost of 5.
encode_info->bits_per_pixel[y * width + x] = 5. / (a0 - a0_prev);
a0_prev = a0;
if (encode_info != nullptr && !encode_info->line_tokens.empty()) {
encode_info->line_tokens[y] = enc->NumTokens();
// Update the costs.
if (encode_info != nullptr && !encode_info->bits_per_pixel.empty() &&
a0_prev < (int)width) {
// All leftover pixels are deduced.
std::fill(&encode_info->bits_per_pixel[0] + y * width + a0_prev,
&encode_info->bits_per_pixel[0] + y * width + width, 0);
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
WP2Status Group4Encode(const Buffer_s16& buffer, uint32_t num_colors,
bool use_move_to_front, int effort,
const WP2::ProgressRange& progress,
WP2::ANSEncBase* const enc,
EncodeInfo* const encode_info) {
WP2::SymbolsInfo info;
const uint32_t width = buffer.width, height = buffer.height;
InitGroup4(width, num_colors, &info);
MoveToFrontCache mtf;
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(mtf.Init(use_move_to_front, num_colors));
// Impl() is called twice.
const WP2::ProgressRange first_impl_progress(progress, 0.5);
const WP2::ProgressRange second_impl_progress(progress, 0.5);
// Get symbol statistics.
WP2::SymbolRecorder sr;
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(sr.Allocate(info, /*num_records=*/0));
WP2::ANSEncNoop noop;
const int16_t* const argb =;
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(Impl(argb, width, height, first_impl_progress, &mtf, &noop,
&sr, /*encode_info=*/nullptr));
// Write the headers.
WP2::SymbolWriter sw;
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(sw.Init(info, effort));
WP2::ANSDictionaries dicts;
const uint32_t max_nnz = width * height;
WP2::ANSDebugPrefix prefix(enc, "group4");
for (uint32_t s = 0; s < (uint32_t)kSymbolG4Num; ++s) {
if (num_colors <= 2 &&
(s == kSymbolG4ColorChange || s == kSymbolG4NewColor)) {
sw.WriteHeader(s, max_nnz, sr, kSymbolGroup4Names[s], enc, &dicts));
// Write the data.
WP2_CHECK_STATUS(Impl(argb, width, height, second_impl_progress, &mtf, enc,
&sw, encode_info));
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
} // namespace WP2L