blob: 5857211faa55bbe38f515f8aca2f2f6933278f98 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Incremental decoding test function.
#include "./helpers_incr.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include "./helpers.h"
#include "src/dec/wp2_dec_i.h"
#include "src/utils/orientation.h"
#include "src/wp2/base.h"
#include "src/wp2/decode.h"
#include "src/wp2/format_constants.h"
namespace WP2 {
namespace testutil {
namespace {
// Like assert() but is not silent if NDEBUG is defined (-c opt).
#define CHECK_OR_DIE(cond) \
do { \
if (!(cond)) std::abort(); \
} while (0)
class ExternalCustomDecoder : public CustomDecoder {
ExternalCustomDecoder(const DecoderConfig& config, ArgbBuffer* output_buffer)
: CustomDecoder(config, output_buffer) {}
void SetData(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
data_ = data;
size_ = size;
void Discard(size_t num_bytes) override { num_discarded_bytes_ += num_bytes; }
void Reset() override {
data_ = nullptr;
size_ = 0;
num_discarded_bytes_ = 0;
const uint8_t* data_ = nullptr;
size_t size_ = 0;
size_t num_discarded_bytes_ = 0;
// Invalidates the buffer between CustomDecoder::Read() calls.
class UnstableCustomDecoder : public ExternalCustomDecoder {
UnstableCustomDecoder(const DecoderConfig& config, ArgbBuffer* output_buffer)
: ExternalCustomDecoder(config, output_buffer) {}
void MakePreviousDataDisappear() {
if (disappearing_input_.IsEmpty()) return;
memset(disappearing_input_.bytes, 0, disappearing_input_.size);
void Fetch(size_t num_requested_bytes, const uint8_t** available_bytes,
size_t* num_available_bytes) override {
if (num_discarded_bytes_ <= size_) {
data_ + num_discarded_bytes_, size_ - num_discarded_bytes_));
} else {
// All bytes were discarded (or more if chunks with corrupted sizes were
// skipped).
*available_bytes = disappearing_input_.bytes;
*num_available_bytes = disappearing_input_.size;
Data disappearing_input_;
// Changes the buffer between DataSource::Fetch() calls. Since it only returns
// at most 'num_requested_bytes', the buffer should change between most of the
// calls to TryGetNext() too.
class SwappingCustomDecoder : public ExternalCustomDecoder {
SwappingCustomDecoder(const DecoderConfig& config, ArgbBuffer* output_buffer)
: ExternalCustomDecoder(config, output_buffer) {}
void Fetch(size_t num_requested_bytes, const uint8_t** available_bytes,
size_t* num_available_bytes) override {
swap(current_input_, previous_input_);
if (!previous_input_.IsEmpty()) {
// Make sure previous input is garbage but is not deleted yet.
memset(previous_input_.bytes, 0, previous_input_.size);
if (num_discarded_bytes_ <= size_) {
// Input from two Fetch() calls ago is freed and replaced.
data_ + num_discarded_bytes_,
std::min(size_ - num_discarded_bytes_, num_requested_bytes)));
} else {
// All bytes were discarded (or more if chunks with corrupted sizes were
// skipped).
*available_bytes = current_input_.bytes;
*num_available_bytes = current_input_.size;
Data current_input_;
Data previous_input_;
// Returns true if the decoding can be checked for not too many rows at a time.
bool HasTrueIncrementalOutput(DataView input) {
ExternalDataSource data_source(input.bytes, input.size);
BitstreamFeatures features;
if (DecodeHeader(&data_source, &features) != WP2_STATUS_OK ||
SkipPreview(&data_source, features) != WP2_STATUS_OK ||
SkipICC(&data_source, features) != WP2_STATUS_OK) {
return false;
AnimationFrame frame;
uint32_t frame_index = 0;
do {
if (DecodeANMF(DecoderConfig::kDefault, &data_source, features, frame_index,
&frame) != WP2_STATUS_OK) {
return false;
GlobalParams gparams;
if (DecodeGLBL(&data_source, DecoderConfig::kDefault, features, &gparams) !=
return false;
// It would be more accurate to check each tile for GP_BOTH but false
// positives are not an issue in this file and it would be way longer.
// TODO(yguyon): Av1 tiles are not incremental yet.
if (gparams.type_ == GlobalParams::GP_LOSSLESS ||
gparams.type_ == GlobalParams::GP_BOTH ||
gparams.type_ == GlobalParams::GP_AV1) {
return false;
if (SkipTiles(gparams, &data_source, features, frame.window) !=
return false;
} while (!frame.is_last);
return true;
class IncrementalDecodingTester {
IncrementalDecodingTester(const DecoderConfig& config, DataView input,
const IncrementalDecodingTestSetup& setup)
: config_(config),
incr_size_step_(std::max((size_t)1, setup.incr_size_step)),
array_idec_(config, &output_),
stream_idec_(config, &output_),
unstable_custom_idec_(config, &output_),
swapping_custom_idec_(config, &output_),
has_true_incremental_output_(HasTrueIncrementalOutput(input)) {}
WP2Status Decode(std::vector<ArgbBuffer>* const decoded_frames,
std::vector<uint32_t>* const decoded_durations_ms) {
Decoder& idec = GetDecoder();
size_t available_input_size = 0;
uint32_t current_action_index = 0;
bool decoded_a_full_frame = false;
// Start, continue, rewind decoding as long as there is something to do.
while (available_input_size < input_.size ||
idec.GetStatus() == WP2_STATUS_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA ||
current_action_index < setup_.actions.size()) {
WP2_CHECK_OK(!idec.Failed(), idec.GetStatus());
size_t previous_input_size = available_input_size;
available_input_size =
std::min(available_input_size + incr_size_step_, input_.size);
// Rewind or skip frames as planned.
ApplyActions(decoded_a_full_frame, &available_input_size,
&previous_input_size, &current_action_index, decoded_frames,
// Update the input.
if (setup_.decoder_type == DecoderType::kArray) {
array_idec_.SetInput(input_.bytes, available_input_size);
} else if (setup_.decoder_type == DecoderType::kStream) {
stream_idec_.AppendInput(input_.bytes + previous_input_size,
available_input_size - previous_input_size,
} else if (setup_.decoder_type == DecoderType::kUnstableCustom) {
unstable_custom_idec_.SetData(input_.bytes, available_input_size);
} else {
swapping_custom_idec_.SetData(input_.bytes, available_input_size);
// Decode all available bytes until a non-skipped frame is ready.
uint32_t duration_ms = 0;
decoded_a_full_frame = idec.ReadFrame(&duration_ms);
WP2_CHECK_OK(!idec.Failed(), idec.GetStatus());
if (setup_.decoder_type == DecoderType::kUnstableCustom) {
// Exercise with an invalid buffer until Fetch() is called (during the
// next ReadFrame() call).
// Check the state of the decoder and the output.
if (idec.TryGetDecodedFeatures() != nullptr) {
if (!idec.TryGetDecodedFeatures()->is_animation && !rewinded_) {
CHECK_OR_DIE(idec.GetNumFrameDecodedFeatures() <= 1u);
CheckDecodedArea(available_input_size, previous_input_size);
if (idec.GetDecodedArea().GetArea() > 0) {
// Only check new pixels to avoid timeouts when parsing a large image at
// every byte.
Rectangle top, bottom, left, right;
GetDecoder().GetDecodedArea().Exclude(previous_decoded_area_, &top,
&bottom, &left, &right);
CheckIncrementalOutput(top, bottom, left, right);
SaveIncrementalOutput(top, bottom, left, right);
previous_frame_index_ = frame_index_;
if (setup_.compare_with_single_chunk) {
CheckSameOutputAsSingleChunk(available_input_size, decoded_a_full_frame,
if (decoded_a_full_frame) {
previous_input_size, duration_ms));
SaveFullFrame(duration_ms, decoded_frames, decoded_durations_ms);
if (!idec.TryGetFrameDecodedFeatures(frame_index_)->is_last) {
previous_frame_index_ = kMaxNumFrames;
previous_decoded_area_ = Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);
if (current_action_index >= setup_.actions.size() &&
previous_input_size >= input_.size && !decoded_a_full_frame) {
// Nothing will happen further so avoid an infinite loop.
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
// Rewind and/or skip frames according to the test 'setup_'.
void ApplyActions(bool decoded_a_full_frame,
size_t* const available_input_size,
size_t* const previous_input_size,
uint32_t* const current_action_index,
std::vector<ArgbBuffer>* const decoded_frames,
std::vector<uint32_t>* const decoded_durations_ms) {
while (*current_action_index < setup_.actions.size() &&
(setup_.actions[*current_action_index].bistream_position <=
*available_input_size ||
*previous_input_size >= input_.size)) {
const DecoderAction& action = setup_.actions[*current_action_index];
if (action.type == DecoderAction::Type::kRewind ||
action.type == DecoderAction::Type::kRewindKeepBytes) {
const bool output_buffer_changed = (action.value > 0);
if (output_buffer_changed) output_.Deallocate();
output_.metadata_.Clear(); // For CheckSameOutputAsSingleChunk()
*previous_input_size = 0;
if (action.type != DecoderAction::Type::kRewindKeepBytes) {
*available_input_size = 0;
frame_index_ = 0;
previous_frame_index_ = kMaxNumFrames;
previous_decoded_area_ = Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);
if (decoded_frames != nullptr) decoded_frames->clear();
if (decoded_durations_ms != nullptr) decoded_durations_ms->clear();
rewinded_ = true;
num_skipped_frames_ = 0;
decoded_a_full_frame = false;
} else if (action.type == DecoderAction::Type::kSkip) {
const uint32_t num_frames_to_skip = action.value;
if (num_frames_to_skip >= 1) {
// The first skipped frame just after a decoded frame is that same
// frame so it does not count.
if (!decoded_a_full_frame || num_frames_to_skip >= 2) {
frame_index_ = std::min(frame_index_ + action.value, kMaxNumFrames);
previous_frame_index_ = kMaxNumFrames;
previous_decoded_area_ = Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);
num_skipped_frames_ += num_frames_to_skip;
decoded_a_full_frame = false;
// Contains the checks done on the features of each frame.
static void CheckFrameFeatures(const FrameFeatures* const frame_features,
uint32_t frame_index,
const ArgbBuffer& output) {
CHECK_OR_DIE(frame_features != nullptr);
CHECK_OR_DIE(frame_features->last_dispose_frame_index <= frame_index);
if (frame_index == 0 ||
frame_features->last_dispose_frame_index == frame_index) {
// Disposed frame or not an animation.
CHECK_OR_DIE(frame_features->window.x == 0u);
CHECK_OR_DIE(frame_features->window.y == 0u);
if (!output.IsEmpty()) {
CHECK_OR_DIE(frame_features->window.width == output.width());
CHECK_OR_DIE(frame_features->window.height == output.height());
} else {
CHECK_OR_DIE(frame_features->window.GetArea() > 0u);
if (!output.IsEmpty()) {
CHECK_OR_DIE(frame_features->window.x + frame_features->window.width <=
CHECK_OR_DIE(frame_features->window.y + frame_features->window.height <=
// Contains the checks related to animated images.
WP2Status CheckAnimation(bool decoded_a_full_frame) const {
const Decoder& idec = GetDecoder();
const uint32_t num_known_frames = idec.GetNumFrameDecodedFeatures();
if (num_skipped_frames_ == 0 || decoded_a_full_frame) {
CHECK_OR_DIE(idec.GetCurrentFrameIndex() == frame_index_);
if (!rewinded_) {
CHECK_OR_DIE(frame_index_ <
num_known_frames + (decoded_a_full_frame ? 0 : 1));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_known_frames; ++i) {
CheckFrameFeatures(idec.TryGetFrameDecodedFeatures(i), i, output_);
size_t offset; // Offset should be known if features are.
CHECK_OR_DIE(idec.TryGetFrameLocation(i, &offset));
if (i < num_known_frames - 1) {
size_t length; // Length should be known for previous frames.
CHECK_OR_DIE(idec.TryGetFrameLocation(i, nullptr, &length));
if (i > 0) {
size_t previous_offset, previous_length;
CHECK_OR_DIE(idec.TryGetFrameLocation(i - 1, &previous_offset,
CHECK_OR_DIE(offset == previous_offset + previous_length);
if (idec.GetStatus() == WP2_STATUS_OK) {
// Everything is decoded without error.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_known_frames; ++i) {
const bool is_last = idec.TryGetFrameDecodedFeatures(i)->is_last;
CHECK_OR_DIE(is_last == (i == num_known_frames - 1u));
size_t offset, length;
CHECK_OR_DIE(idec.TryGetFrameLocation(i, &offset, &length));
(idec.TryGetDecodedFeatures()->has_trailing_data || !is_last)
? (offset + length < input_.size)
: (offset + length == input_.size),
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
// Verifies that the currently decoded area makes sense (only increasing etc.)
void CheckDecodedArea(size_t available_input_size,
size_t previous_input_size) const {
const Rectangle decoded_area = GetDecoder().GetDecodedArea();
const BitstreamFeatures* const features =
if (features != nullptr) {
if (!output_.IsEmpty()) {
CHECK_OR_DIE(features->width == output_.width());
CHECK_OR_DIE(features->height == output_.height());
const Rectangle unoriented =
features->width, features->height, decoded_area);
CHECK_OR_DIE(unoriented.x == 0u);
CHECK_OR_DIE(unoriented.y == 0u);
CHECK_OR_DIE(decoded_area.width >= previous_decoded_area_.width);
CHECK_OR_DIE(decoded_area.width <= output_.width());
CHECK_OR_DIE(decoded_area.height >= previous_decoded_area_.height);
CHECK_OR_DIE(decoded_area.height <= output_.height());
// Check that incremental decoding is not outputting all pixels at once.
// Unfortunately this is hard to check for animations (border, preframes).
if (frame_index_ == previous_frame_index_ &&
available_input_size >= previous_input_size &&
available_input_size - previous_input_size <= 2 &&
features != nullptr && !features->is_animation &&
config_.incremental_mode ==
DecoderConfig::IncrementalMode::PARTIAL_TILE_CONTEXT) {
const uint32_t num_lines =
(features->raw_width != features->width)
? decoded_area.width - previous_decoded_area_.width
: decoded_area.height - previous_decoded_area_.height;
// Incremental decoding should not be able to finish more than three rows
// of blocks in 2 bytes or fewer for lossy and a tile for lossless.
const uint32_t max_num_lines =
std::min(features->raw_height, has_true_incremental_output_
? kMaxBlockSizePix * 3
: features->tile_height);
if (num_lines > max_num_lines) {
DumpImage(output_, "/tmp/dump.png", decoded_area);
DumpData(input_.bytes, input_.size, "/tmp/dump.wp2");
CHECK_OR_DIE(num_lines <= max_num_lines);
// Contains the checks related to partial frame decoding.
void CheckIncrementalOutput(Rectangle top, Rectangle bottom, Rectangle left,
Rectangle right) const {
CHECK_OR_DIE(GetDecoder().TryGetDecodedFeatures() != nullptr);
// Make sure there is no transparent pixel in the incremental output if the
// bitstream is declared as opaque.
if (GetDecoder().TryGetDecodedFeatures()->is_opaque) {
for (Rectangle rect : {top, bottom, left, right}) {
if (rect.GetArea() == 0) continue;
ArgbBuffer view(output_.format());
CHECK_OR_DIE(view.SetView(output_, rect) == WP2_STATUS_OK);
// Stores the newly decoded pixels at each incremental decoding step for later
// verification.
void SaveIncrementalOutput(Rectangle top, Rectangle bottom, Rectangle left,
Rectangle right) {
if (incremental_output_.IsEmpty()) {
CHECK_OR_DIE(GetDecoder().TryGetDecodedFeatures() != nullptr);
GetDecoder().TryGetDecodedFeatures()->height) ==
// Copy newly decoded pixels.
for (Rectangle rect : {top, bottom, left, right}) {
if (rect.GetArea() == 0) continue;
ArgbBuffer from_view(output_.format());
ArgbBuffer to_view(incremental_output_.format());
CHECK_OR_DIE(from_view.SetView(output_, rect) == WP2_STATUS_OK);
CHECK_OR_DIE(to_view.SetView(incremental_output_, rect) == WP2_STATUS_OK);
CHECK_OR_DIE(to_view.CopyFrom(from_view) == WP2_STATUS_OK);
previous_decoded_area_ = GetDecoder().GetDecodedArea();
// Verifies that the output image and features are the same whether the
// bitstream is decoded as a single whole chunk or incrementally.
void CheckSameOutputAsSingleChunk(size_t available_input_size,
bool decoded_a_full_frame,
uint32_t duration_ms) const {
ArgbBuffer cmp_output(output_.format());
ArrayDecoder cmp_idec(config_, &cmp_output);
cmp_idec.SetInput(input_.bytes, available_input_size);
// To correctly compare the bool output of ReadFrame(), the next expected
// frame must be the same, so skip what is needed.
uint32_t cmp_duration_ms = 0;
bool cmp_decoded_a_full_frame = cmp_idec.ReadFrame(&cmp_duration_ms);
if (cmp_decoded_a_full_frame && !decoded_a_full_frame &&
GetDecoder().TryGetFrameDecodedFeatures(frame_index_) != nullptr &&
GetDecoder().TryGetFrameDecodedFeatures(frame_index_)->is_last) {
// The current frame was previously decoded and it is the last one:
// nothing is expected.
cmp_decoded_a_full_frame = cmp_idec.ReadFrame(); // Should be false.
HasSameData(cmp_output.metadata_.iccp, output_.metadata_.iccp) &&
HasSameData(cmp_output.metadata_.xmp, output_.metadata_.xmp) &&
HasSameData(cmp_output.metadata_.exif, output_.metadata_.exif));
CHECK_OR_DIE(cmp_decoded_a_full_frame == decoded_a_full_frame);
if (decoded_a_full_frame) {
CHECK_OR_DIE(cmp_duration_ms == duration_ms);
const Rectangle decoded_area = GetDecoder().GetDecodedArea();
CHECK_OR_DIE(cmp_idec.GetDecodedArea() == decoded_area);
if (decoded_area.GetArea() > 0) {
ArgbBuffer cmp_view(cmp_output.format()), view(output_.format());
CHECK_OR_DIE(cmp_view.SetView(cmp_output, decoded_area) == WP2_STATUS_OK);
CHECK_OR_DIE(view.SetView(output_, decoded_area) == WP2_STATUS_OK);
CHECK_OR_DIE(Compare(cmp_view, view, "single_chunk_compare"));
// Contains the checks done when a frame is completely decoded.
WP2Status CheckFullFrame(size_t available_input_size,
size_t previous_input_size,
uint32_t duration_ms) const {
const Rectangle decoded_area = GetDecoder().GetDecodedArea();
CHECK_OR_DIE(decoded_area.width == output_.width());
CHECK_OR_DIE(decoded_area.height == output_.height());
// Compare incremental data and the current canvas.
Compare(incremental_output_, output_, "incrementally decoded"));
if (GetDecoder().TryGetDecodedFeatures()->is_animation) {
GetDecoder().TryGetFrameDecodedFeatures(frame_index_)->duration_ms ==
} else if (!GetDecoder().TryGetDecodedFeatures()->has_trailing_data &&
!rewinded_) {
// If a still image without trailing metadata is decoded without
// rewinding, the remaining bytes imply an invalid bitstream.
WP2_CHECK_OK(available_input_size == input_.size,
size_t offset, length;
GetDecoder().TryGetFrameLocation(frame_index_, &offset, &length));
if (previous_input_size + 1 == available_input_size &&
incr_size_step_ == 1) {
// A frame was just decoded during a byte-by-byte incremental decoding.
CHECK_OR_DIE(available_input_size == offset + length);
} else {
CHECK_OR_DIE(available_input_size >= offset + length);
return WP2_STATUS_OK;
// Stores each completely decoded frame for later comparison.
void SaveFullFrame(uint32_t duration_ms,
std::vector<ArgbBuffer>* const decoded_frames,
std::vector<uint32_t>* const decoded_durations_ms) const {
if (decoded_frames != nullptr) {
CHECK_OR_DIE(decoded_frames->back().ConvertFrom(output_) ==
if (GetDecoder().TryGetDecodedFeatures()->is_animation &&
decoded_durations_ms != nullptr) {
// Convenient accessors
const Decoder& GetDecoder() const {
if (setup_.decoder_type == DecoderType::kArray) return array_idec_;
if (setup_.decoder_type == DecoderType::kStream) return stream_idec_;
if (setup_.decoder_type == DecoderType::kUnstableCustom) {
return unstable_custom_idec_;
return swapping_custom_idec_;
Decoder& GetDecoder() {
if (setup_.decoder_type == DecoderType::kArray) return array_idec_;
if (setup_.decoder_type == DecoderType::kStream) return stream_idec_;
if (setup_.decoder_type == DecoderType::kUnstableCustom) {
return unstable_custom_idec_;
return swapping_custom_idec_;
const DecoderConfig& config_;
const DataView input_;
const size_t incr_size_step_;
const IncrementalDecodingTestSetup& setup_;
ArgbBuffer output_, incremental_output_;
ArrayDecoder array_idec_;
StreamDecoder stream_idec_;
UnstableCustomDecoder unstable_custom_idec_;
SwappingCustomDecoder swapping_custom_idec_;
uint32_t frame_index_ = 0;
uint32_t previous_frame_index_ = kMaxNumFrames;
Rectangle previous_decoded_area_ = {0, 0, 0, 0};
bool rewinded_ = false;
uint32_t num_skipped_frames_ = 0;
const bool has_true_incremental_output_;
} // namespace
WP2Status DecodeIncremental(const DecoderConfig& config, DataView input,
const IncrementalDecodingTestSetup& setup,
std::vector<ArgbBuffer>* const decoded_frames,
std::vector<uint32_t>* const decoded_durations_ms) {
IncrementalDecodingTester tester(config, input, setup);
return tester.Decode(decoded_frames, decoded_durations_ms);
} // namespace testutil
} // namespace WP2