blob: a34461987813477d9c82f83a320f908df574555f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper functions used by examples
// Author: Skal (
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdarg>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "examples/stopwatch.h"
#include "src/common/lossy/block_size.h"
#include "src/common/lossy/block_size_io.h"
#include "src/utils/ans.h"
#include "src/utils/ans_utils.h"
#include "src/utils/thread_utils.h"
#include "src/wp2/base.h"
#include "src/wp2/decode.h"
namespace WP2 {
// Contains the hash of HEAD git version, or '0' if not available.
extern const char* const GitVersion;
// Parse numerical values (and update *error in case of error).
int ExUtilGetInt(const char* const v, bool* const error, int base = 0);
uint32_t ExUtilGetUInt(const char* const v, bool* const error, int base = 0);
bool ExUtilTryGetInt(const char* const v, int* const n, int base = 0);
bool ExUtilTryGetUInt(const char* const v, uint32_t* const n, int base = 0);
float ExUtilGetFloat(const char* v, bool* const error);
// Parse several float values into values[] (at most 'num_values_max') from a
// list. Return true in case of error ('parse_error').
uint32_t ExUtilGetFloats(const char* v, float values[], uint32_t num_values_max,
bool* const error, char separator = ',');
// ExUtilDisableSIMD() will disable any CPU acceleration
#if !defined(WP2_DLL)
#if !defined(WP2_CPUINFO_IS_DEFINED)
#include "src/dsp/dsp.h" // for WP2GetCPUInfo definition
static inline void ExUtilDisableSIMD() { WP2GetCPUInfo = nullptr; }
static inline void ExUtilDisableSIMD() {}
#endif // WP2_DLL
// Custom memory allocators
// This custom memory hook will trace alloc/free.
// An interesting alternative is valgrind's 'massif' tool:
// Here is an example command line:
/* valgrind --tool=massif --massif-out-file=massif.out \
--stacks=yes --alloc-fn=WP2Malloc --alloc-fn=WP2Calloc && \
ms_print massif.out
// TODO(skal): doesn't need to be exposed in .h. Move to
extern struct MemoryTrace : public WP2MemoryHook {
~MemoryTrace() override; // will print information to stderr
// diverted calls to record/control traffic:
bool Register(void* ptr, size_t size) override;
void Unregister(void* ptr) override;
bool print_info = false; // print summary at destruction (if not implied)
bool show_traffic = false; // prints all the malloc/free calls
int countdown_to_fail = 0; // fails after n mallocs calls. 0 = off.
uint32_t top_stacktrace_num = 0; // number of top stacks
bool top_alloc_size = false; // if true, gather top allocation stacktraces
size_t memory_limit = 0; // limit to total memory allocated. 0 = off.
// For a given stack trace, stores how many times it has been registered.
std::unordered_map<std::string, uint32_t> counts_per_trace;
} kMemoryTrace; // singleton
// Called when malloc is forced to fail.
// Declared visible here, so one can put a break point in the debugger.
extern bool WP2MemoryFailNow(size_t size);
// Distortion
static const char* const kMetricNames[] = {"PSNR", "PSNRHVS", "PSNR_YUV",
// Computes and prints the distortion of the compressed image stored in 'data'
// compared to 'refs' (single image or several frames if it's an animation).
WP2Status PrintDistortion(const std::vector<WP2::ArgbBuffer>& refs,
const uint8_t* const data, size_t data_size,
WP2::MetricType metric, bool short_output);
// One-liner for still images because ArgbBuffer doesn't provide a copy ctor.
WP2Status PrintDistortion(const WP2::ArgbBuffer& ref, const uint8_t* const data,
size_t data_size, WP2::MetricType metric,
bool short_output);
// Buffer utils
// Convert an argb picture to luminance.
void ConvertToGray(ArgbBuffer* const pic);
// Bit trace
#if defined(WP2_BITTRACE)
// Report bit traces
typedef std::pair<std::string, BitCounts::mapped_type> TraceType;
static inline void PrintBitTraceCluster(const std::vector<TraceType>& values,
bool sort_values, bool use_bytes,
bool show_histograms,
uint32_t level = 0,
uint32_t level_max = 0) {
if (level > level_max) return;
// Cluster the data. Keep track of each cluster and its summary.
std::map<std::string, std::vector<TraceType>> clusters;
std::vector<TraceType> cluster_totals;
double data_size = 0.;
for (const auto& v : values) {
const size_t i = v.first.find("/");
if (i == std::string::npos) {
data_size += v.second.bits;
} else {
// Store any non-root element in the matching cluster.
clusters[v.first.substr(0, i)].emplace_back(v.first.substr(i + 1),
// Process the biggest clusters first.
sort(cluster_totals.begin(), cluster_totals.end(),
[=](const TraceType& a, const TraceType& b) {
return sort_values ? (a.second.bits > b.second.bits)
: (a.first > b.first);
const char * const byte_str = use_bytes ? "bytes" : "bits";
const float byte_factor = use_bytes ? 8.f : 1.f;
for (const auto& v : cluster_totals) {
// Print cluster_type _alignment_: cluster_size bit/bytes.
const int len = fprintf(stderr, "%*s%s%*s %5.2f %% : %9.1f %s ",
2 * level, "",
std::max(30 - (int)v.first.size(), 0), "",
100. * v.second.bits / data_size,
v.second.bits / byte_factor,
// Print _alignment_(% total).
fprintf(stderr, "%*savg: %6.2f %s/call (%6d calls)",
std::max(60 - len, 0), "",
v.second.bits / byte_factor /
(v.second.num_occurrences == 0 ? 1 : v.second.num_occurrences),
// Display the histogram
if (show_histograms && !v.second.histo.empty()) {
// Build the histogram.
std::vector<uint32_t> counts(v.second.histo.rbegin()->first + 1, 0u);
for (const auto& p : v.second.histo) counts[p.first] = p.second;
// Display the type and entropy.
const float entropy =
WP2::ANSCountsCost(, counts.size()) / byte_factor;
constexpr const char* types[] = {"Bit", "ABit", "RValue",
"UValue", "ASymbol", "Symbol"};
fprintf(stderr, "%*s %s, entr: %.1f %s [",
5, "",
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < counts.size(); ++i) {
if (counts[i] == 0) {
// Count how many zeros we have.
uint32_t j = i + 1;
while (j < counts.size() && counts[j] == 0) ++j;
// Shrink the number of written 0s if 8 or more are found.
if (j - i > 7) {
fprintf(stderr, "%d zeros", j - i);
i = j - 1;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "0");
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "%d", counts[i]);
fprintf(stderr, "%s", (i == counts.size() - 1) ? "" : ", ");
fprintf(stderr, "]");
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
PrintBitTraceCluster(clusters[v.first], sort_values, use_bytes,
show_histograms, level + 1, level_max);
static inline void PrintBitTraces(const WP2::DecoderInfo& info,
size_t data_size, bool sort_values = true,
bool use_bytes = false,
bool show_histograms = false,
bool short_version = false,
uint32_t bit_trace_level = 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "bit traces:\n");
std::map<std::string, BitCounts::mapped_type> acc;
for (const auto& p : info.bit_traces) {
int level = bit_trace_level;
if (p.first.find(ANSDec::kPrefixStr) == 0) {
const std::string str = p.first.substr(strlen(WP2::ANSDec::kPrefixStr));
// The number of calls for a cluster is roughly the number of times a
// prefix was added.
acc[str].num_occurrences += p.second.num_occurrences;
size_t i = 0;
while (level >= 0 && i != std::string::npos) {
i = p.first.find("/", (i == 0) ? 0 : i + 1);
acc[p.first.substr(0, i)].bits += p.second.bits;
// For the leaf, we know the number of calls.
if (i == std::string::npos) acc[p.first.substr(0, i)] = p.second;
if (!short_version) {
std::vector<TraceType> values;
for (const auto& p : acc) values.push_back(p);
// Print the first level cluster, each cluster printing the sub-ones
// recursively.
PrintBitTraceCluster(values, sort_values, use_bytes, show_histograms,
/*level=*/0, bit_trace_level);
double total = 0.;
for (const auto& p : info.bit_traces) total += p.second.bits;
fprintf(stderr, "---- ANS bytes estimated: %u, real: %u ---------------\n",
(uint32_t)std::ceil(total / 8.), (uint32_t)data_size);
// For the short summary, only focus on the first level.
for (const auto& v : acc) {
if (v.first.find("/") != std::string::npos) continue;
fprintf(stderr, "%s : %.1f %s\n", v.first.c_str(),
v.second.bits / (use_bytes ? 8. : 1.),
use_bytes ? "bytes" : "bits");
#endif // WP2_BITTRACE
WP2Status CollectBitTraces(const uint8_t* const data, size_t data_size,
int bit_trace, uint32_t bit_trace_level,
bool short_output, bool show_histograms);
// Print to an std::string like sprintf() would
[[gnu::format (printf, 1, 0)]]
static inline std::string SPrintf(const char* format, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, format);
std::string result;
const size_t max_len = 512;
char buffer[max_len];
const size_t len = (size_t)vsnprintf(buffer, max_len, format, args);
result.append(buffer, len);
return result;
// verify the status of a 'call' and print some error message to stderr
#define CHECK_STATUS(call, error_format, ...) \
do { \
const WP2Status local_status = (call); \
if (local_status != WP2_STATUS_OK) { \
if (strcmp((error_format), "")) { \
fprintf(stderr, (error_format), ##__VA_ARGS__); \
fprintf(stderr, "\nStatus: %s\n", WP2GetStatusMessage(local_status)); \
} \
return local_status; \
} \
} while (0)
#define CHECK_TRUE(call, error_format, ...) \
do { \
if (!(call)) { \
if (strcmp((error_format), "")) { \
fprintf(stderr, (error_format), ##__VA_ARGS__); \
fprintf(stderr, "\n"); \
} \
} \
} while (0)
// Returns a string with info about the bitstream in 'input_data_bytes'.
std::string PrintSummary(const uint8_t input_data_bytes[],
size_t input_data_size, bool short_output = false);
// Tools for working with directories.
typedef std::vector<std::string> FileList; // handy shortcut
// Join 'prefix' and 'suffix' with the OS' path separator, if not already there.
std::string JoinPath(const std::string& prefix, const std::string& suffix);
// Get everything after the last path separator.
std::string GetFileName(const std::string& path);
// Remove everything after and the last dot, if there is no separator after it.
std::string RemoveFileExtension(const std::string& path);
// Returns everything after the last dot, if there is no separator after it.
std::string GetFileExtension(const std::string& path);
// Returns true if 'path' is a directory that can be opened.
bool IsDirectory(const std::string& path);
// Append the paths of all files in 'dir_path' to 'files'.
bool GetFilesIn(const std::string& dir_path,
FileList* const files, bool recursive);
// Combine input file name and output directory path to form an output file path
// with the given 'extension'.
std::string InputFileToOutputDir(const std::string& input_file_path,
const std::string& output_dir_path,
const std::string& extension);
// Reading / Writing partition files
// Read the 'partition' from the file located at 'file_path'. Returns true in
// case of success (or if the file can not be opened and 'read_only' is true).
bool ReadPartition(const char file_path[], bool read_only,
std::vector<WP2::Rectangle>* const partition);
// Adapts the 'partition' by either ignoring blocks that are not part of the
// 'partition_set' or by splitting them until they do.
void ConvertPartition(uint32_t pic_width, uint32_t pic_height,
WP2::PartitionSet partition_set, bool ignore_invalid,
std::vector<WP2::Rectangle>* const partition);
// Writes the 'partition' to the file located at 'file_path'.
bool WritePartition(const std::vector<WP2::Rectangle>& partition,
const char file_path[]);
static const char* const kPartitionSetString[] = {
"Small squares", "Small rects", "All rects", "Thick rects",
"Medium squares", "All squares", "Some rects"};
// Program options.
// Class helping the formatting of program options:
// - end of lines are automatically added
// - text is wrapped at 80 columns
// - options are displayed as: "arg ...... arg description"
class ProgramOptions {
// Adds generic text to the options.
void Add(const std::string& desc);
// Adds an arguments and its description.
void Add(const char arg[], const std::string& desc);
// Adds system options -noasm, -version, -h.
void AddSystemOptionSection();
// Add some memory-debugging options (in debug mode)
void AddMemoryOptionSection();
// Adds metric options: -ssim, -msssim, -psnr, -lsim, -psnrhvs.
void AddMetricOptions();
// Prints the compiled options with the formatting described above.
void Print() const;
// Parses a "main" argument for a system options. Returns true if one was
// found.
static bool ParseSystemOptions(const char* const arg, bool* const must_stop);
// Parses the "main" argument for a metric option.
// Leaves type untouched if nothing was found. Returns true if one was found.
static bool ParseMetricOptions(const char* const arg, WP2::MetricType* type);
// Parses the 'main' argument for memory-related option.
// Returns true if some memory-related options were parsed, false otherwise.
static bool ParseMemoryOptions(char* arg[], int argc, int& skip);
// Contains pairs of argument and description. If it is just a
// description, argument/first is "".
std::vector<std::pair<const char*, const std::string>> content_;
// Prints the overall advancement progression percentage of all jobs.
class MultiProgressPrinter {
static constexpr double kNumSecondsBetweenPrints = 5.;
void Init(uint32_t num_jobs);
WP2::ProgressHook* GetJob(uint32_t index) { return &jobs_[index]; }
class Job : public WP2::ProgressHook {
Job(MultiProgressPrinter* const parent, uint32_t index)
: parent_(parent), index_(index) {}
bool OnUpdate(double progress) override;
MultiProgressPrinter* const parent_;
const uint32_t index_;
double progress_ = 0.;
bool finished_ = false;
void OnUpdate(bool job_just_finished);
std::vector<Job> jobs_;
WP2::ThreadLock lock_;
bool started_;
double last_timestamp_;
uint32_t num_finished_jobs_;
} // namespace WP2