blob: 6d797b94668381d6ffcce66cc648a653dec66bb6 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>IDB test that origins over quota aren't trapped Part 1 / 2</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="common.js"></script>
function test() {
indexedDBTest(prepareDatabase, startNewTransaction);
function prepareDatabase()
db =;
objectStore = db.createObjectStore("test123");
var len = 1024;
data = Array(1+len).join("X");
numTransactions = 0;
function startNewTransaction() {
debug("Starting new transaction.");
var trans = db.transaction(['test123'], 'readwrite');
trans.onabort = unexpectedAbortCallback;
trans.oncomplete = getQuotaAndUsage;
var store = trans.objectStore('test123');
request = store.put({x: data}, numTransactions);
request.onerror = unexpectedErrorCallback;
function getQuotaAndUsage() {
usageCallback, unexpectedErrorCallback);
function usageCallback(usage, quota) {
debug("Transaction finished.");
returnedUsage = usage;
returnedQuota = quota;
debug("Allotted quota is " + displaySize(returnedQuota));
debug("LevelDB usage is " + displaySize(returnedUsage));
if (returnedUsage < 5 * 1024)
done("Filled up " + returnedUsage);
function displaySize(bytes) {
var k = bytes / 1024;
var m = k / 1024;
return bytes + " (" + k + "k) (" + m + "m)";
<body onLoad="test()">
<div id="status">Starting...</div>