blob: b91cc925f41c1220eaf771de3984c48af262a7b7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/metrics/field_trial_params.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/net_buildflags.h"
namespace net {
namespace features {
// Toggles the `Accept-Language` HTTP request header, which
// proposes that we deprecate.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kAcceptLanguageHeader;
// Enables ALPS extension of TLS 1.3 for HTTP/2, see
// and
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kAlpsForHttp2;
// When kCapReferrerToOriginOnCrossOrigin is enabled, HTTP referrers on cross-
// origin requests are restricted to contain at most the source origin.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kCapReferrerToOriginOnCrossOrigin;
// Enables TLS 1.3 early data.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kEnableTLS13EarlyData;
// Support for altering the parameters used for DNS transaction timeout. See
// ResolveContext::SecureTransactionTimeout().
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kDnsTransactionDynamicTimeouts;
// Multiplier applied to current fallback periods in determining a transaction
// timeout.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::FeatureParam<double>
NET_EXPORT extern const base::FeatureParam<base::TimeDelta>
// Enables DNS queries for HTTPSSVC or INTEGRITY records, depending on feature
// parameters. These queries will only be made over DoH. HTTPSSVC responses may
// cause us to upgrade the URL to HTTPS and/or to attempt QUIC.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kDnsHttpssvc;
// Disable H2 reprioritization, in order to measure its impact.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kAvoidH2Reprioritization;
// Determine which kind of record should be queried: HTTPSSVC or INTEGRITY. No
// more than one of these feature parameters should be enabled at once. In the
// event that both are enabled, |kDnsHttpssvcUseIntegrity| takes priority, and
// |kDnsHttpssvcUseHttpssvc| will be ignored.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::FeatureParam<bool> kDnsHttpssvcUseHttpssvc;
NET_EXPORT extern const base::FeatureParam<bool> kDnsHttpssvcUseIntegrity;
// Enable HTTPSSVC or INTEGRITY to be queried over insecure DNS.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::FeatureParam<bool>
// If we are still waiting for an HTTPSSVC or INTEGRITY query after all the
// other queries in a DnsTask have completed, we will compute a timeout for the
// remaining query. The timeout will be the min of:
// (a) |kDnsHttpssvcExtraTimeMs.Get()|
// (b) |kDnsHttpssvcExtraTimePercent.Get() / 100 * t|, where |t| is the
// number of milliseconds since the first query began.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kDnsHttpssvcExtraTimeMs;
NET_EXPORT extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kDnsHttpssvcExtraTimePercent;
// These parameters, respectively, are the list of experimental and control
// domains for which we will query HTTPSSVC or INTEGRITY records. We expect
// valid INTEGRITY results for experiment domains. We expect no INTEGRITY
// results for control domains.
// The format of both parameters is a comma-separated list of domains.
// Whitespace around domain names is permitted. Trailing comma is optional.
// See helper functions:
// |dns_httpssvc_experiment::GetDnsHttpssvcExperimentDomains| and
// |dns_httpssvc_experiment::GetDnsHttpssvcControlDomains|.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::FeatureParam<std::string>
NET_EXPORT extern const base::FeatureParam<std::string>
// This param controls how we determine whether a domain is an experimental or
// control domain. When false, domains must be in |kDnsHttpssvcControlDomains|
// to be considered a control. When true, we ignore |kDnsHttpssvcControlDomains|
// and any non-experiment domain (not in |kDnsHttpssvcExperimentDomains|) is
// considered a control domain.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::FeatureParam<bool>
namespace dns_httpssvc_experiment {
// Get the value of |kDnsHttpssvcExtraTimeMs|.
NET_EXPORT base::TimeDelta GetExtraTimeAbsolute();
} // namespace dns_httpssvc_experiment
// Enables optimizing the network quality estimation algorithms in network
// quality estimator (NQE).
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kNetworkQualityEstimator;
// Splits cache entries by the request's NetworkIsolationKey if one is
// available.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kSplitCacheByNetworkIsolationKey;
// Splits host cache entries by the DNS request's NetworkIsolationKey if one is
// available. Also prevents merging live DNS lookups when there is a NIK
// mismatch.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kSplitHostCacheByNetworkIsolationKey;
// Partitions connections based on the NetworkIsolationKey associated with a
// request.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature
// Partitions HttpServerProperties based on the NetworkIsolationKey associated
// with a request.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature
// Partitions TLS sessions and QUIC server configs based on the
// NetworkIsolationKey associated with a request.
// This feature requires kPartitionConnectionsByNetworkIsolationKey to be
// enabled to work.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature
// Partitions Expect-CT data by NetworkIsolationKey. This only affects the
// Expect-CT data itself. Regardless of this value, reports will be uploaded
// using the associated NetworkIsolationKey, when one's available.
// This feature requires kPartitionConnectionsByNetworkIsolationKey,
// kPartitionHttpServerPropertiesByNetworkIsolationKey, and
// kPartitionConnectionsByNetworkIsolationKey to all be enabled to work.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature
// Partitions Network Error Logging and Reporting API data by
// NetworkIsolationKey. Also partitions all reports generated by other consumers
// of the reporting API. Applies the NetworkIsolationKey to reports uploads as
// well.
// When disabled, the main entry points of the reporting and NEL services ignore
// NetworkIsolationKey parameters, and they're cleared while loading from the
// cache, but internal objects can be created with them (e.g., endpoints), for
// testing.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature
// Enables limiting the size of Expect-CT table.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kExpectCTPruning;
// FeatureParams associated with kExpectCTPruning.
// Expect-CT pruning runs when this many entries are hit.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kExpectCTPruneMax;
// The Expect-CT pruning logic attempts to reduce entries to at most this many.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kExpectCTPruneMin;
// Non-transient entries with |enforce| set are safe from being pruned if
// they're less than this many days old, unless the number of entries exceeds
// |kExpectCTMaxEntriesPerNik|.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kExpectCTSafeFromPruneDays;
// If, after pruning transient, non-enforced, old Expect-CT entries,
// kExpectCTPruneMin is still exceeded, then all NetworkIsolationKeys will be
// capped to this many entries, based on last observation date.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kExpectCTMaxEntriesPerNik;
// Minimum delay between successive prunings of Expect-CT entries, in seconds.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kExpectCTPruneDelaySecs;
// Enables sending TLS 1.3 Key Update messages on TLS 1.3 connections in order
// to ensure that this corner of the spec is exercised. This is currently
// disabled by default because we discovered incompatibilities with some
// servers.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kTLS13KeyUpdate;
// Enables CECPQ2, a post-quantum key-agreement, in TLS 1.3 connections.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kPostQuantumCECPQ2;
// Enables CECPQ2, a post-quantum key-agreement, in TLS 1.3 connections for a
// subset of domains. (This is intended as Finch kill-switch. For testing
// compatibility with large ClientHello messages, use |kPostQuantumCECPQ2|.)
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kPostQuantumCECPQ2SomeDomains;
NET_EXPORT extern const base::FeatureParam<std::string>
// Changes the timeout after which unused sockets idle sockets are cleaned up.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kNetUnusedIdleSocketTimeout;
// When enabled, makes cookies without a SameSite attribute behave like
// SameSite=Lax cookies by default, and requires SameSite=None to be specified
// in order to make cookies available in a third-party context. When disabled,
// the default behavior for cookies without a SameSite attribute specified is no
// restriction, i.e., available in a third-party context.
// The "Lax-allow-unsafe" mitigation allows these cookies to be sent on
// top-level cross-site requests with an unsafe (e.g. POST) HTTP method, if the
// cookie is no more than 2 minutes old.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kSameSiteByDefaultCookies;
// When enabled, cookies without SameSite restrictions that don't specify the
// Secure attribute will be rejected if set from an insecure context, or treated
// as secure if set from a secure context. This ONLY has an effect if
// SameSiteByDefaultCookies is also enabled.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kCookiesWithoutSameSiteMustBeSecure;
// When enabled, the time threshold for Lax-allow-unsafe cookies will be lowered
// from 2 minutes to 10 seconds. This time threshold refers to the age cutoff
// for which cookies that default into SameSite=Lax, which are newer than the
// threshold, will be sent with any top-level cross-site navigation regardless
// of HTTP method (i.e. allowing unsafe methods). This is a convenience for
// integration tests which may want to test behavior of cookies older than the
// threshold, but which would not be practical to run for 2 minutes.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kShortLaxAllowUnsafeThreshold;
// When enabled, the SameSite by default feature does not add the
// "Lax-allow-unsafe" behavior. Any cookies that do not specify a SameSite
// attribute will be treated as Lax only, i.e. POST and other unsafe HTTP
// methods will not be allowed at all for top-level cross-site navigations.
// This only has an effect if the cookie defaults to SameSite=Lax.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kSameSiteDefaultChecksMethodRigorously;
// When enabled, use the builtin cert verifier instead of the platform verifier.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kCertVerifierBuiltinFeature;
#if defined(OS_MAC)
NET_EXPORT extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kCertVerifierBuiltinImpl;
NET_EXPORT extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kCertVerifierBuiltinCacheSize;
#endif /* defined(OS_MAC) */
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kCertDualVerificationTrialFeature;
#if defined(OS_MAC)
NET_EXPORT extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kCertDualVerificationTrialImpl;
NET_EXPORT extern const base::FeatureParam<int>
#endif /* defined(OS_MAC) */
// Turns off streaming media caching to disk when on battery power.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kTurnOffStreamingMediaCachingOnBattery;
// Turns off streaming media caching to disk always.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kTurnOffStreamingMediaCachingAlways;
// When enabled, sites that use TLS versions below the |version_min_warn|
// threshold are marked with the LEGACY_TLS CertStatus and return an
// ERR_SSL_OBSOLETE_VERSION error. This is used to trigger an interstitial
// warning for these pages.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kLegacyTLSEnforced;
// When enabled this feature will cause same-site calculations to take into
// account the scheme of the site-for-cookies and the request/response url.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kSchemefulSameSite;
// When enabled, TLS connections will initially not offer 3DES and SHA-1 but
// enable them on fallback. This is used to improve metrics around usage of
// those algorithms. If disabled, the algorithms will always be offered.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kTLSLegacyCryptoFallbackForMetrics;
// When enabled, DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error pages may show
// locally-generated suggestions to visit similar domains.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kUseLookalikesForNavigationSuggestions;
// When enabled, the Network Quality Estimator (NQE) will notify the operating
// system whenever it detects that the current default network may have
// significantly degraded connectivity. Currently only effective on Android.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kReportPoorConnectivity;
// When enabled, the NQE may preemptively request that the OS activate a mobile
// network when requests on the active Wi-Fi connection are stalled. This can be
// used to warm the radio for a faster transition if/when the OS chooses to drop
// the Wi-Fi connection.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kPreemptiveMobileNetworkActivation;
// Enables a process-wide limit on "open" UDP sockets. See
// udp_socket_global_limits.h for details on what constitutes an "open" socket.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kLimitOpenUDPSockets;
// FeatureParams associated with kLimitOpenUDPSockets.
// Sets the maximum allowed open UDP sockets. Provisioning more sockets than
// this will result in a failure (ERR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES).
NET_EXPORT extern const base::FeatureParam<int> kLimitOpenUDPSocketsMax;
// Enables a timeout on individual TCP connect attempts, based on
// the parameter values.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kTimeoutTcpConnectAttempt;
// FeatureParams associated with kTimeoutTcpConnectAttempt.
// When there is an estimated RTT available, the experimental TCP connect
// attempt timeout is calculated as:
// clamp(kTimeoutTcpConnectAttemptMin,
// kTimeoutTcpConnectAttemptMax,
// <Estimated RTT> * kTimeoutTcpConnectAttemptRTTMultiplier);
// Otherwise the TCP connect attempt timeout is set to
// kTimeoutTcpConnectAttemptMax.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::FeatureParam<double>
NET_EXPORT extern const base::FeatureParam<base::TimeDelta>
NET_EXPORT extern const base::FeatureParam<base::TimeDelta>
// Enables usage of First Party Sets to determine cookie availability.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kFirstPartySets;
// Controls whether the client is considered a dogfooder for the FirstPartySets
// feature.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::FeatureParam<bool> kFirstPartySetsIsDogfooder;
// Controls whether the fix for is enabled. When this is
// enabled, SameSite=Lax cookies may only be accessed for cross-site requests if
// they are top-level navigations. When it is disabled, the (incorrect) previous
// behavior that allows SameSite=Lax cookies on cross-site, non-top-level
// requests if all frame ancestors are same-site with the request URL is used
// instead. This fix is implemented behind a flag (kill switch) due to potential
// compatibility risk.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kSameSiteCookiesBugfix1166211;
// When this feature is enabled, no CookieChangeDispatcher notifications will be
// sent when loading cookies from the persistent store. All other change
// notifications are still dispatched as usual.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kNoCookieChangeNotificationOnLoad;
// When enabled this feature will allow a new Reporting-Endpoints header to
// configure reporting endpoints for report delivery. This is used to support
// the new Document Reporting spec.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kDocumentReporting;
#if defined(OS_POSIX) || defined(OS_FUCHSIA)
// When enabled, UDPSocketPosix increments the global counter of bytes received
// every time bytes are received, instead of using a timer to batch updates.
// This should reduce the number of wake ups and improve battery consumption.
// TODO( Cleanup the feature after verifying that it
// doesn't negatively affect performance.
NET_EXPORT extern const base::Feature kUdpSocketPosixAlwaysUpdateBytesReceived;
#endif // defined(OS_POSIX) || defined(OS_FUCHSIA)
} // namespace features
} // namespace net