blob: efb52d8972d88c95e812851a48d54ace86bc0291 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env vpython3
# Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
This script runs `gnrt update`, `gnrt vendor`, and `gnrt gen`, and then uploads
zero, one, or more resulting CLs to Gerrit. For more details please see
import argparse
import datetime
import os
import re
import shlex
import subprocess
import sys
import textwrap
import toml
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List, Set, Dict
# Throughout the script, the following naming conventions are used (illustrated
# with a crate named `syn` and published as version `2.0.50`):
# * `crate_name` : "syn" string
# * `crate_version`: "2.0.50" string
# * `crate_id` : "syn@2.0.50" string (syntax used by `cargo`)
# * `crate_epoch` : "v2" string (syntax used in dir names under
# //third_party/rust/<crate name>/<crate epoch>)
# Note that `crate_name` may not be unique (e.g. if there is both `syn@1.0.109`
# and `syn@2.0.50`). Also note that f`{crate_name}@{crate_epoch}` doesn't
# change during a minor version update (such as the one that this script
# produces in `auto` and `single` modes).
THIS_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)
CHROMIUM_DIR = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(THIS_DIR, '..', '..'))
THIRD_PARTY_RUST = os.path.join(CHROMIUM_DIR, "third_party", "rust")
CRATES_DIR = os.path.join(THIRD_PARTY_RUST, "chromium_crates_io")
VENDOR_DIR = os.path.join(CRATES_DIR, "vendor")
CARGO_LOCK = os.path.join(CRATES_DIR, "Cargo.lock")
VET_CONFIG = os.path.join(CRATES_DIR, "supply-chain", "config.toml")
CHROMIUM_DIR, "infra", "")
CHROMIUM_DIR, "infra", "inclusive_language_presubmit_exempt_dirs.txt")
RUN_GNRT = os.path.join(THIS_DIR, "")
UPDATE_RUST_SCRIPT = os.path.join(CHROMIUM_DIR, "tools", "rust",
g_is_verbose = False
timestamp =
BRANCH_BASENAME = "rust-crates-update"
BRANCH_BASENAME += f"--{timestamp.year}{timestamp.month:02}{}"
BRANCH_BASENAME += f"-{timestamp.hour:02}{timestamp.minute:02}"
def RunCommandAndCheckForErrors(args, check_stdout: bool):
"""Runs a command and returns its output."""
args = list(args)
assert args
if g_is_verbose:
escaped = [shlex.quote(arg) for arg in args]
msg = " ".join(escaped)
print(f" Running: {msg}")
# Needs shell=True on Windows due to git.bat in depot_tools.
is_win = sys.platform.startswith('win32')
result =,
success = result.returncode == 0
if check_stdout:
success &='\bwarning\b', result.stdout.lower()) is None
success &='\berror\b', result.stdout.lower()) is None
if not success:
print(f"ERROR: Failure when running: {' '.join(args)}")
raise RuntimeError(f"Failure when running {args[0]}")
return result.stdout
def Git(*args) -> str:
"""Runs a git command."""
return RunCommandAndCheckForErrors(['git'] + list(args), False)
def Gnrt(*args) -> str:
"""Runs a gnrt command."""
return RunCommandAndCheckForErrors([RUN_GNRT] + list(args), True)
def GetCurrentCrateIds() -> Set[str]:
"""Parses Cargo.lock and returns a set of crate ids
(e.g. "serde@1.0.197", "syn@2.0.50", ...)."""
t = toml.load(open(CARGO_LOCK))
result = set()
for p in t["package"]:
name = p["name"]
version = p["version"]
crate_id = f"{name}@{version}"
assert crate_id not in result
return result
def GetVetExemptedCrateIds() -> Set[str]:
"""Parses supply-chain/config.toml and returns a set of crate ids
that have `exemptions` entries."""
vet_config = toml.load(open(VET_CONFIG))
result = set()
if "exemptions" not in vet_config:
return result
for crate_name, exemptions in vet_config["exemptions"].items():
for exemption in exemptions:
# Ignoring which criteria are covered by the exemption
# (it is not needed if we just want to emit a warning).
crate_version = exemption["version"]
crate_id = f"{crate_name}@{crate_version}"
return result
@dataclass(eq=True, order=True)
class UpdatedCrate:
old_crate_id: str
new_crate_id: str
def __str__(self):
name = ConvertCrateIdToCrateName(self.old_crate_id)
assert name == ConvertCrateIdToCrateName(self.new_crate_id)
old_version = ConvertCrateIdToCrateVersion(self.old_crate_id)
new_version = ConvertCrateIdToCrateVersion(self.new_crate_id)
return f"{name}: {old_version} => {new_version}"
class CratesDiff:
updates: List[UpdatedCrate]
removed_crate_ids: List[str]
added_crate_ids: List[str]
def size(self):
return len(self.updates) + len(self.added_crate_ids) + len(
def DiffCrateIds(old_crate_ids: Set[str],
new_crate_ids: Set[str],
only_minor_updates=True) -> CratesDiff:
"""Compares two results of `GetCurrentCrateIds` and returns what changed.
When `only_minor_updates` is True, then `foo@1.0` => `foo@2.0` will be
treated as a removal of `foo@1.0` and an addition of `foo@2.0`. Otherwise,
it will be treated as an update.
def CrateIdsToDict(crate_ids: Set[str],
only_minor_updates) -> Dict[str, str]:
"""Transforms `crate_ids` into a dictionary that maps either 1) a crate
name (when `only_minor_updates=False`) or 2) a crate epoch (when
`only_minor_updates=True`) into 3) a crate version. The caller should
treat the key format as an opaque implementation detail and just assume
that it will be stable for tracking a crate version across updates."""
result = dict()
for crate_id in crate_ids:
name = ConvertCrateIdToCrateName(crate_id)
version = ConvertCrateIdToCrateVersion(crate_id)
if only_minor_updates:
epoch = GetEpoch(version)
key = f'{name}@{epoch}'
key = name
if key in result:
# No conflicts expected in `auto` or `single` mode.
assert not only_minor_updates
old_crate_id = result[key]
new_crate_id = crate_id
raise RuntimeError(f"Error calculating a `Cargo.lock` diff:" + \
f" conflict between {old_crate_id} and " + \
result[key] = crate_id
return result
# Ignoring `unchanged_ids` limits the situations when the key of `syn@1.x.x`
# may conflict with the key of `syn@2.x.x`.
unchanged_ids = new_crate_ids & old_crate_ids
old_dict = CrateIdsToDict(old_crate_ids - unchanged_ids, only_minor_updates)
new_dict = CrateIdsToDict(new_crate_ids - unchanged_ids, only_minor_updates)
updates = list()
removed_crate_ids = list()
for key, old_crate_id in old_dict.items():
new_crate_id = new_dict.get(key)
if new_crate_id:
assert old_crate_id != new_crate_id
updates.append(UpdatedCrate(old_crate_id, new_crate_id))
added_crate_ids = list()
for key, new_crate_id in new_dict.items():
if key not in old_dict:
return CratesDiff(sorted(updates), sorted(removed_crate_ids),
def GetEpoch(crate_version: str) -> str:
v = crate_version.split('.')
if v[0] == '0':
return f'v0_{v[1]}'
return f'v{v[0]}'
def ConvertCrateIdToCrateName(crate_id: str) -> str:
""" Converts a `crate_id` into a `crate_name`."""
return crate_id[:crate_id.find("@")]
def ConvertCrateIdToCrateVersion(crate_id: str) -> str:
""" Converts a `crate_id` into a `crate_version`."""
crate_version = crate_id[crate_id.find("@") + 1:]
return crate_version
def _ConvertCrateIdToEpochDirRelativeToChromiumRoot(crate_id: str) -> str:
""" Converts a `crate_id` (e.g. "foo@1.2.3") into an epoch dir
(e.g. "third_party/rust/foo/v_1"). The returned dir is relative
to Chromium root. """
crate_name = ConvertCrateIdToCrateName(crate_id)
crate_name = crate_name.replace("-", "_")
epoch = GetEpoch(ConvertCrateIdToCrateVersion(crate_id))
target = os.path.join("third_party", "rust", crate_name, epoch)
return target
def ConvertCrateIdToEpochDir(crate_id: str) -> str:
""" Converts a `crate_id` (e.g. "foo@1.2.3") into a path to an epoch dir
(e.g. on Windows: "<path to chromium root>\\third_party\\rust\\foo\\v_1").
return os.path.join(
CHROMIUM_DIR, _ConvertCrateIdToEpochDirRelativeToChromiumRoot(crate_id))
def ConvertCrateIdToVendorDir(crate_id: str) -> str:
""" Converts a `crate_id` (e.g. "foo@1.2.3") into a path to a target dir
(e.g. on Windows: "<path to chromium root>\\third_party\\rust\\foo\\v_1").
crate_name = ConvertCrateIdToCrateName(crate_id)
crate_version = ConvertCrateIdToCrateVersion(crate_id)
crate_vendor_dir = os.path.join(VENDOR_DIR, f"{crate_name}-{crate_version}")
return crate_vendor_dir
def ConvertCrateIdToGnLabel(crate_id: str) -> str:
""" Converts a `crate_id` (e.g. "foo@1.2.3") into
[a GN label](
(e.g. "//third_party/rust/foo/v_1:lib"). """
dir_name = _ConvertCrateIdToEpochDirRelativeToChromiumRoot(crate_id)
dir_name = dir_name.replace(os.sep, "/") # GN uses `/` as a path separator.
return f"//{dir_name}:lib"
def FindUpdateableCrates() -> List[str]:
"""Runs `gnrt update` and returns a `list` of old crate ids (e.g.
"syn@2.0.50") that can be updated to a new version. (Idempotent -
afterwards it runs `git reset --hard` to undo any changes.)"""
print("Checking which crates can be updated...")
assert not Git("status", "--porcelain") # No local changes expected here.
old_crate_ids = GetCurrentCrateIds()
new_crate_ids = GetCurrentCrateIds()
Git("reset", "--hard")
diff = DiffCrateIds(old_crate_ids, new_crate_ids)
crate_ids = [update.old_crate_id for update in diff.updates]
if crate_ids:
names = sorted([ConvertCrateIdToCrateName(id) for id in crate_ids])
text = f"Found updates for {len(crate_ids)} crates: {', '.join(names)}"
print(textwrap.shorten(text, 80))
return sorted(crate_ids)
def FindSizeOfCrateUpdate(crate_id: str) -> int:
"""Runs `gnrt update <crate_id>` and returns how many crates this would
update. (`crate_id` typically looks like "syn@2.0.50". This function is
idempotent - at the end it runs `git reset --hard` to undo any changes.)"""
print(f"Measuring the delta of updating {crate_id} to a newer version...")
assert not Git("status", "--porcelain") # No local changes expected here.
old_crate_ids = GetCurrentCrateIds()
Gnrt("update", crate_id)
new_crate_ids = GetCurrentCrateIds()
Git("reset", "--hard")
diff = DiffCrateIds(old_crate_ids, new_crate_ids)
return diff.size()
def FormatMarkdownItem(item: str) -> str:
return textwrap.fill(f"* {item}",
subsequent_indent=' ',
def SortedMarkdownList(input_list: List[str]) -> str:
input_list = [FormatMarkdownItem(item) for item in sorted(input_list)]
return "\n".join(input_list)
def CreateVetPolicyDescription(crate_ids: List[str]) -> str:
"""Returns a textual description of the required `cargo vet`'s
crate_ids: List of crate ids - e.g. `["clap@1.2.3","clap_derive@1.2.3"]`
String suitable for including in the CL description.
vet_config = toml.load(open(VET_CONFIG))
crate_id_to_criteria = dict()
for crate_id in crate_ids:
crate_name = ConvertCrateIdToCrateName(crate_id)
crate_version = ConvertCrateIdToCrateVersion(crate_id)
policy = vet_config["policy"][f"{crate_name}:{crate_version}"][
crate_id_to_criteria[crate_id] = policy
criteria_to_crate_ids = dict()
for crate_id, criteria in crate_id_to_criteria.items():
criteria = ', '.join(criteria)
if criteria not in criteria_to_crate_ids:
criteria_to_crate_ids[criteria] = []
items = []
for criteria, crate_ids in criteria_to_crate_ids.items():
crate_ids = ', '.join(crate_ids)
if not criteria:
criteria = "No audit criteria found. Crates with no audit " \
"criteria can be submitted without an update to " \
items.append(f"{crate_ids}: {criteria}")
description = \
"""Chromium `supply-chain/config.toml` policy requires that the following
audit criteria are met (note that these are the *minimum* required
criteria and `supply-chain/audits.toml` can and should record a stricter
certification if possible; see also //docs/
description += SortedMarkdownList(items)
return description
def CreateCommitTitle(old_crate_id: str, diff: CratesDiff) -> str:
crate_name = ConvertCrateIdToCrateName(old_crate_id)
old_version = ConvertCrateIdToCrateVersion(old_crate_id)
update = [u for u in diff.updates if u.old_crate_id == old_crate_id][0]
update = next(filter(lambda u: u.old_crate_id == old_crate_id,
new_version = ConvertCrateIdToCrateVersion(update.new_crate_id)
roll_summary = f"{crate_name}: " + \
f"{old_version} => {new_version}"
title = f"Roll {roll_summary} in //third_party/rust."
return title
def CreateCommitDescription(title: str, diff: CratesDiff,
include_vet_criteria: bool) -> str:
description = f"""{title}
This CL has been created semi-automatically. The expected review
process and other details can be found at
update_descriptions = SortedMarkdownList(
[str(update) for update in diff.updates])
new_crate_descriptions = SortedMarkdownList(diff.added_crate_ids)
removed_crate_descriptions = SortedMarkdownList(diff.removed_crate_ids)
assert (update_descriptions)
description += f"\nUpdated crates:\n\n{update_descriptions}\n"
if new_crate_descriptions:
description += f"\nNew crates:\n\n{new_crate_descriptions}\n"
if removed_crate_descriptions:
description += f"\nRemoved crates:\n\n{removed_crate_descriptions}\n"
new_or_updated_crate_ids = diff.added_crate_ids + \
[update.new_crate_id for update in diff.updates]
if include_vet_criteria:
vet_policies = CreateVetPolicyDescription(new_or_updated_crate_ids)
description += f"\n{vet_policies}"
description += """
Bug: None
Cq-Include-Trybots: chromium/try:android-rust-arm32-rel
Cq-Include-Trybots: chromium/try:android-rust-arm64-dbg
Cq-Include-Trybots: chromium/try:android-rust-arm64-rel
Cq-Include-Trybots: chromium/try:linux-rust-x64-dbg
Cq-Include-Trybots: chromium/try:linux-rust-x64-rel
Cq-Include-Trybots: chromium/try:win-rust-x64-dbg
Cq-Include-Trybots: chromium/try:win-rust-x64-rel
Disable-Rts: True
return description
def UpdateCrate(args, crate_id: str, upstream_branch: str):
"""Runs `gnrt update <crate_id>` and other follow-up commands to actually
update the crate."""
print(f"Updating {crate_id} to a newer version...")
assert not Git("status", "--porcelain") # No local changes expected here.
Git("checkout", upstream_branch)
assert not Git("status", "--porcelain") # No local changes expected here.
# gnrt update
old_crate_ids = GetCurrentCrateIds()
print(f" Running `gnrt update {crate_id}` ...")
Gnrt("update", crate_id)
new_crate_ids = GetCurrentCrateIds()
if old_crate_ids == new_crate_ids:
print(" `gnrt update` resulted in no changes - "\
"maybe other steps will handle this crate...")
return upstream_branch
diff = DiffCrateIds(old_crate_ids, new_crate_ids)
title = CreateCommitTitle(crate_id, diff)
description = CreateCommitDescription(title, diff, False)
# Checkout a new git branch + `git cl upload`
new_branch = f"{BRANCH_BASENAME}--{crate_id.replace('@', '-')}"
Git("checkout", upstream_branch, "-b", new_branch)
Git("branch", "--set-upstream-to", upstream_branch)
Git("add", "-f", f"{THIRD_PARTY_RUST}")
Git("commit", "-m", description)
if args.upload:
print(f" Running `git cl upload ...` ...")
Git("cl", "upload", "--bypass-hooks", "--force",
FinishUpdatingCrate(args, title, diff)
return new_branch
def FinishUpdatingCrate(args, title: str, diff: CratesDiff):
vet_exempted_crate_ids = GetVetExemptedCrateIds()
updated_old_crate_ids = set()
# git mv <vendor/old version> <vendor/new version>
print(f" Running `git mv <old dir> <new dir>` (for better diff)...")
for update in diff.updates:
old_dir = ConvertCrateIdToVendorDir(update.old_crate_id)
new_dir = ConvertCrateIdToVendorDir(update.new_crate_id)
Git("mv", "--force", f"{old_dir}", f"{new_dir}")
old_target_dir = ConvertCrateIdToEpochDir(update.old_crate_id)
new_target_dir = ConvertCrateIdToEpochDir(update.new_crate_id)
if old_target_dir != new_target_dir:
Git("mv", "--force", old_target_dir, new_target_dir)
Git("add", "-f", f"{THIRD_PARTY_RUST}")
GitCommit(args, "git mv <old dir> <new dir> (for better diff)")
Git("reset", "--hard", "HEAD^") # Undoing `git mv ...`
# gnrt vendor
print(f" Running `gnrt vendor`...")
Git("add", "-f", f"{THIRD_PARTY_RUST}")
# `INCLUSIVE_LANG_SCRIPT` below uses `git grep` and therefore depends on the
# earlier `Git("add"...)` above. Please don't reorder/coalesce the `add`.
new_content = RunCommandAndCheckForErrors([INCLUSIVE_LANG_SCRIPT], False)
with open(INCLUSIVE_LANG_CONFIG, "w") as f:
GitCommit(args, "gnrt vendor")
if args.upload:
print(f" Running `git cl description ...` ...")
description = CreateCommitDescription(title, diff, True)
Git("cl", "description", f"--new-description={description}")
# gnrt gen
print(f" Running `gnrt gen`...")
# Some crates (e.g. ones in the `remove_crates` list of `gnrt_config.toml`)
# may result in no changes - this is why we have an `if` below...
if Git("status", "--porcelain"):
Git("add", "-f", f"{THIRD_PARTY_RUST}")
GitCommit(args, "gnrt gen")
if args.upload:
issue = Git("cl", "issue")
print(f" {issue}")
for exempted_crate_id in (
exempted_crate_name = ConvertCrateIdToCrateName(exempted_crate_id)
print(f" WARNING: The `{exempted_crate_name}` crate "\
"is covered by an exemption rather than an audit. "\
"Please bump the exemption in `vet_config.toml.hbs` "\
"and run `tools/crates/ vendor` again.")
def RaiseErrorIfGitIsDirty():
if Git("status", "--porcelain"):
raise RuntimeError("Dirty `git status` - save you local changes "\
"before rerunning the script")
def CheckoutInitialBranch(branch):
print(f"Checking out the `{branch}` branch...")
Git("checkout", branch)
# Ensure the //third_party/rust-toolchain version matches the branch.
print("Running //tools/rust/ (hopefully a no-op)...")
RunCommandAndCheckForErrors([UPDATE_RUST_SCRIPT], False)
def GitCommit(args, title):
Git("commit", "-m", title)
if args.upload:
print(f" Running `git cl upload ...` ...")
Git("cl", "upload", "--bypass-hooks", "--force", "-m", title)
def ResolveCrateNameToCrateId(crate_name):
"""Parses `Cargo.toml` to resolve `crate_name` into "crate-name@1.2.3".
Throws if `crate_name` can't be resolved.
crate_name: Either "crate-name" or already "crate-name@1.2.3"
t = toml.load(open(CARGO_LOCK))
if '@' in crate_name:
resolved_crate_version = ConvertCrateIdToCrateVersion(crate_name)
resolved_crate_name = ConvertCrateIdToCrateName(crate_name)
same_name = [p for p in t["package"] if p["name"] == crate_name]
if len(same_name) == 0:
raise RuntimeError(
f"`Cargo.toml` has no crates matching `{crate_name}`")
elif len(same_name) > 1:
ver1 = same_name[0]["version"]
ver2 = same_name[1]["version"]
raise RuntimeError(
f"Ambiguous argument - specify which old version to update, "\
f"e.g. `{crate_name}@{ver1}` or `{crate_name}@{ver2}")
resolved_crate_name = crate_name
resolved_crate_version = same_name[0]["version"]
crate_id = f"{resolved_crate_name}@{resolved_crate_version}"
return crate_id
def AutoUpdate(args):
upstream_branch = args.upstream_branch
crate_ids = FindUpdateableCrates()
if not crate_ids:
print("There were no updates - exiting early...")
return 0
update_sizes = dict()
for crate_id in crate_ids:
update_sizes[crate_id] = FindSizeOfCrateUpdate(crate_id)
crate_ids = sorted(crate_ids, key=lambda crate_id: update_sizes[crate_id])
print(f"** Updating {len(crate_ids)} crates! "
f"Expect this to take about {len(crate_ids) * 2} minutes.")
for crate_id in crate_ids:
upstream_branch = UpdateCrate(args, crate_id, upstream_branch)
def SingleCrate(args):
upstream_branch = args.upstream_branch
crate_id = ResolveCrateNameToCrateId(args.crate[0])
UpdateCrate(args, crate_id, upstream_branch)
def ManualUpdate(args):
title = args.title
print(f"Post-processing a manual edit of `Cargo.toml`...")
print(f" Running `gnrt vendor` to detect `Cargo.lock` changes...")
old_crate_ids = GetCurrentCrateIds()
new_crate_ids = GetCurrentCrateIds()
Git("reset", "--hard")
Git("clean", "-d", "--force", "--", f"{THIRD_PARTY_RUST}")
diff = DiffCrateIds(old_crate_ids, new_crate_ids, only_minor_updates=False)
if diff.size() == 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"No changes in `Cargo.lock` after running `gnrt vendor`")
# This covers most update steps: git mv, gnrt vendor, gnrt gen
FinishUpdatingCrate(args, title, diff)
# Remove old `//third_party/rust/foo/v<old>` directories
print(f" Removing //third_party/rust/.../<old_epoch> ...")
for update in diff.updates:
old_target_dir = ConvertCrateIdToEpochDir(update.old_crate_id)
new_target_dir = ConvertCrateIdToEpochDir(update.new_crate_id)
if old_target_dir == new_target_dir:
continue # Skip minor crate updates
old_files_count = len(
Git("ls-files", "--", old_target_dir).splitlines())
new_files_count = len(
Git("ls-files", "--", new_target_dir).splitlines())
if old_files_count == new_files_count:
Git("rm", "-r", "--force", "--", old_target_dir)
elif old_files_count > new_files_count:
print(f"WARNING: not deleting {old_target_dir} "\
"because it contains extra files")
f"WARNING: {old_target_dir} unexpectedly has less files "\
f"than {new_target_dir}")
GitCommit(args, "Removing //third_party/rust/.../<old_epoch>")
# Fix up the target names
print(f" Updating the target name in files...")
for update in diff.updates:
old_target = ConvertCrateIdToGnLabel(update.old_crate_id)
new_target = ConvertCrateIdToGnLabel(update.new_crate_id)
if old_target == new_target: continue
grep = Git("grep", "-l", old_target, "--", "*/")
for path in grep.splitlines():
if not path: continue
if "third_party/rust" in path: continue
with open(path, 'r') as file:
file_contents =
file_contents = file_contents.replace(old_target, new_target)
with open(path, 'w') as file:
Git("add", "--", path)
GitCommit(args, "Updating the target name in files")
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Update Rust crates")
help="Avoids uploading CLs to Gerrit")
parser.add_argument("--verbose", action='store_true')
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(required=True)
parser_auto = subparsers.add_parser(
"auto", description="Automatically update minor version of all crates")
help="The upstream branch on which to base the series of CLs.")
parser_single = subparsers.add_parser(
description="Automatically update minor version of a single crate")
help="The name of the crate to update.")
help="The upstream branch on which to base the update CL.")
parser_manual = subparsers.add_parser(
description="Generate update CL after manual edit of `Cargo.toml`")
help="The first line of CL description.")
args = parser.parse_args()
global g_is_verbose
g_is_verbose = args.verbose
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':