blob: bcb5aec2a72eba3d249ba54e749a432d2f976818 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/input/touchpad_tap_suppression_controller.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/input/touchscreen_tap_suppression_controller.h"
#include "content/public/common/input_event_ack_state.h"
namespace blink {
class WebGestureCurve;
namespace ui {
class FlingBooster;
namespace content {
class FlingController;
// Interface with which the FlingController can forward generated fling progress
// events.
class CONTENT_EXPORT FlingControllerEventSenderClient {
virtual ~FlingControllerEventSenderClient() {}
virtual void SendGeneratedWheelEvent(
const MouseWheelEventWithLatencyInfo& wheel_event) = 0;
virtual void SendGeneratedGestureScrollEvents(
const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo& gesture_event) = 0;
// Interface with which the fling progress gets scheduled.
class CONTENT_EXPORT FlingControllerSchedulerClient {
virtual ~FlingControllerSchedulerClient() {}
virtual void ScheduleFlingProgress(
base::WeakPtr<FlingController> fling_controller) = 0;
virtual void DidStopFlingingOnBrowser(
base::WeakPtr<FlingController> fling_controller) = 0;
virtual bool NeedsBeginFrameForFlingProgress() = 0;
class CONTENT_EXPORT FlingController {
struct CONTENT_EXPORT Config {
// Controls touchpad-related tap suppression, disabled by default.
TapSuppressionController::Config touchpad_tap_suppression_config;
// Controls touchscreen-related tap suppression, disabled by default.
TapSuppressionController::Config touchscreen_tap_suppression_config;
struct ActiveFlingParameters {
gfx::Vector2dF velocity;
gfx::PointF point;
gfx::PointF global_point;
int modifiers;
blink::WebGestureDevice source_device;
base::TimeTicks start_time;
ActiveFlingParameters() : modifiers(0) {}
FlingController(FlingControllerEventSenderClient* event_sender_client,
FlingControllerSchedulerClient* scheduler_client,
const Config& config);
// Used to progress an active fling on every begin frame.
void ProgressFling(base::TimeTicks current_time);
// Used to halt an active fling progress whenever needed.
void StopFling();
// The fling controller needs to observe all gesture events. It may consume
// or filter some events. It will return true if the event was consumed or
// filtered and should not be propagated further.
bool ObserveAndMaybeConsumeGestureEvent(
const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo& gesture_event);
void ProcessGestureFlingStart(
const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo& gesture_event);
void ProcessGestureFlingCancel(
const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo& gesture_event);
bool fling_in_progress() const { return fling_in_progress_; }
bool FlingCancellationIsDeferred() const;
gfx::Vector2dF CurrentFlingVelocity() const;
// Returns the |TouchpadTapSuppressionController| instance.
TouchpadTapSuppressionController* GetTouchpadTapSuppressionController();
void set_clock_for_testing(const base::TickClock* clock) { clock_ = clock; }
std::unique_ptr<ui::FlingBooster> fling_booster_;
// Sub-filter for removing unnecessary GestureFlingCancels.
bool ShouldForwardForGFCFiltering(
const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo& gesture_event) const;
// Sub-filter for suppressing taps immediately after a GestureFlingCancel.
bool ShouldForwardForTapSuppression(
const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo& gesture_event);
// Sub-filter for suppressing gesture events to boost an active fling whenever
// possible.
bool FilterGestureEventForFlingBoosting(
const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo& gesture_event);
void ScheduleFlingProgress();
// Used to generate synthetic wheel events from touchpad fling and send them.
void GenerateAndSendWheelEvents(const gfx::Vector2dF& delta,
blink::WebMouseWheelEvent::Phase phase);
// Used to generate synthetic gesture scroll events from touchscreen fling and
// send them.
void GenerateAndSendGestureScrollEvents(
blink::WebInputEvent::Type type,
const gfx::Vector2dF& delta = gfx::Vector2dF());
// Calls one of the GenerateAndSendWheelEvents or
// GenerateAndSendGestureScrollEvents functions depending on the source
// device of the current_fling_parameters_. We send GSU and wheel events
// to progress flings with touchscreen and touchpad source respectively.
// The reason for this difference is that during the touchpad fling we still
// send wheel events to JS and generating GSU events directly is not enough.
void GenerateAndSendFlingProgressEvents(const gfx::Vector2dF& delta);
void GenerateAndSendFlingEndEvents();
void CancelCurrentFling();
bool UpdateCurrentFlingState(const blink::WebGestureEvent& fling_start_event,
const gfx::Vector2dF& velocity);
FlingControllerEventSenderClient* event_sender_client_;
FlingControllerSchedulerClient* scheduler_client_;
// An object tracking the state of touchpad on the delivery of mouse events to
// the renderer to filter mouse immediately after a touchpad fling canceling
// tap.
TouchpadTapSuppressionController touchpad_tap_suppression_controller_;
// An object tracking the state of touchscreen on the delivery of gesture tap
// events to the renderer to filter taps immediately after a touchscreen fling
// canceling tap.
TouchscreenTapSuppressionController touchscreen_tap_suppression_controller_;
// Gesture curve of the current active fling.
std::unique_ptr<blink::WebGestureCurve> fling_curve_;
ActiveFlingParameters current_fling_parameters_;
// True when a fling is active.
bool fling_in_progress_;
// Whether an active fling has seen a |ProgressFling()| call. This is useful
// for determining if the fling start time should be re-initialized.
bool has_fling_animation_started_;
// The last time fling progress events were sent.
base::TimeTicks last_progress_time_;
// The clock used; overridable for tests.
const base::TickClock* clock_;
// Time of the last seen scroll update that wasn't filtered. Used to know the
// starting time for a possible fling gesture curve.
base::TimeTicks last_seen_scroll_update_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<FlingController> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace content