blob: 48976bcf02e17f05d90745efa43bb1fdfa522e8d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include "base/containers/circular_deque.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/event_with_latency_info.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/input/fling_controller.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/common/input_event_ack_source.h"
#include "content/public/common/input_event_ack_state.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_input_event.h"
namespace content {
class GestureEventQueueTest;
class MockRenderWidgetHost;
// Interface with which the GestureEventQueue can forward gesture events, and
// dispatch gesture event responses.
class CONTENT_EXPORT GestureEventQueueClient {
virtual ~GestureEventQueueClient() {}
virtual void SendGestureEventImmediately(
const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo& event) = 0;
virtual void OnGestureEventAck(const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo& event,
InputEventAckSource ack_source,
InputEventAckState ack_result) = 0;
// Despite its name, this class isn't so much one queue as it is a collection
// of queues and filters. This class applies logic to determine if an event
// should be queued, filtered altogether, or sent immediately; it tracks sent
// events and ACKs them to the clilent in the order they were dispatched. This
// class applies a series of filters and queues for various scenarios:
// 1. The sequence is filtered for bounces. A bounce is when the finger lifts
// from the screen briefly during an in-progress scroll. If this happens,
// non-GestureScrollUpdate events are queued until the de-bounce interval
// passes or another GestureScrollUpdate event occurs.
// 2. Unnecessary GestureFlingCancel events are filtered by fling controller.
// These are GestureFlingCancels that have no corresponding GestureFlingStart
// in the queue. GestureFlingStarts are also filtered and translated to
// scroll gestures by the fling controller.
// 3. Taps immediately after a GestureFlingCancel (caused by the same tap) are
// filtered by fling controller.
// 4. Gesture events are queued while we're waiting to determine the allowed
// touch actions.
// Sent events are kept in a queue until a response from the renderer is
// received for that event. The client is notified of ACKs in the order the
// events were sent, not ACK'd. This means an ACK'd event that was sent after
// an event still awaiting an ACK won't notify the client until the earlier
// event is ACK'd.
class CONTENT_EXPORT GestureEventQueue {
using GestureQueue = base::circular_deque<GestureEventWithLatencyInfo>;
struct CONTENT_EXPORT Config {
FlingController::Config fling_config;
// Determines whether non-scroll gesture events are "debounced" during an
// active scroll sequence, suppressing brief scroll interruptions.
// Zero by default (disabled).
base::TimeDelta debounce_interval;
// Both |client| and |touchpad_client| must outlive the GestureEventQueue.
GestureEventQueue(GestureEventQueueClient* client,
FlingControllerEventSenderClient* fling_event_sender_client,
FlingControllerSchedulerClient* fling_scheduler_client,
const Config& config);
// Allow the fling controller to observe the gesture event. Returns true if
// the event was filtered by the fling controller and shouldn't be further
// forwarded.
bool PassToFlingController(const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo&);
// Filter the event for debouncing or forward it to the renderer. Returns
// true if the event was forwarded, false if was filtered for debouncing.
bool DebounceOrForwardEvent(const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo&);
// Adds a gesture to the queue of events that needs to be deferred until the
// touch action is known.
void QueueDeferredEvents(const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo&);
// Returns events in the |deferred_gesture_queue_| and empty the queue.
GestureQueue TakeDeferredEvents();
// Indicates that the caller has received an acknowledgement from the renderer
// with state |ack_result| and event |type|.
void ProcessGestureAck(InputEventAckSource ack_source,
InputEventAckState ack_result,
blink::WebInputEvent::Type type,
const ui::LatencyInfo& latency);
// Returns the |TouchpadTapSuppressionController| instance.
TouchpadTapSuppressionController* GetTouchpadTapSuppressionController();
// Sends the gesture event to the renderer. Stores the sent event for when
// the renderer replies with an ACK.
void ForwardGestureEvent(const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo& gesture_event);
bool empty() const {
return sent_events_awaiting_ack_.empty() &&
// Calls |fling_controller_.StopFling| to halt an active fling if such exists.
void StopFling();
bool FlingCancellationIsDeferred() const;
gfx::Vector2dF CurrentFlingVelocity() const;
void set_debounce_interval_time_ms_for_testing(int interval_ms) {
debounce_interval_ = base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(interval_ms);
friend class GestureEventQueueTest;
friend class MockRenderWidgetHost;
class GestureEventWithLatencyInfoAndAckState
: public GestureEventWithLatencyInfo {
GestureEventWithLatencyInfoAndAckState(const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo&);
InputEventAckState ack_state() const { return ack_state_; }
void set_ack_info(InputEventAckSource source, InputEventAckState state) {
ack_source_ = source;
ack_state_ = state;
InputEventAckSource ack_source() const { return ack_source_; }
InputEventAckSource ack_source_ = InputEventAckSource::UNKNOWN;
InputEventAckState ack_state_ = INPUT_EVENT_ACK_STATE_UNKNOWN;
// Inovked on the expiration of the debounce interval to release
// deferred events.
void SendScrollEndingEventsNow();
// Sub-filter for removing bounces from in-progress scrolls.
bool ShouldForwardForBounceReduction(
const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo& gesture_event);
// ACK completed events in order until we have reached an incomplete event.
// Will preserve the FIFO order as events originally arrived.
void AckCompletedEvents();
void AckGestureEventToClient(const GestureEventWithLatencyInfo&,
bool FlingInProgressForTest() const;
// The receiver of all forwarded gesture events.
GestureEventQueueClient* client_;
// True if a GestureScrollUpdate sequence is in progress.
bool scrolling_in_progress_;
bool processing_acks_ = false;
using GestureQueueWithAckState =
// Stores outstanding events that have been sent to the renderer but not yet
// been ACK'd. These are kept in the order they were sent in so that they can
// be ACK'd back in order. Note, the renderer can reply to these out-of-order.
// This class makes a note of the ACK state but doesn't actually let the
// client know about the ACK until all events earlier in the queue have been
// ACK'd so that the client sees the ACKs in order.
GestureQueueWithAckState sent_events_awaiting_ack_;
// Timer to release a previously deferred gesture event.
base::OneShotTimer debounce_deferring_timer_;
// Queue of events that have been deferred for debounce.
GestureQueue debouncing_deferral_queue_;
// Queue of gesture events that have been deferred until the main thread touch
// action is known.
GestureQueue deferred_gesture_queue_;
// Time window in which to debounce scroll/fling ends. Note that an interval
// of zero effectively disables debouncing.
base::TimeDelta debounce_interval_;
// An object for filtering unnecessary GFC events, as well as gestureTap/mouse
// events that happen immediately after touchscreen/touchpad fling canceling
// taps.
FlingController fling_controller_;
// True when the last GSE event is either in the debouncing_deferral_queue_ or
// pushed to the queue and dropped from it later on.
bool scroll_end_filtered_by_deboucing_deferral_queue_ = false;
} // namespace content