blob: 8bb5c38d1a84b3926dad51bf8a4c89c2fcc21c2a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/test/scoped_path_override.h"
#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
#include "chrome/browser/error_reporting/chrome_js_error_report_processor.h"
class MockCrashEndpoint;
namespace variations {
struct ExperimentListInfo;
class MockChromeJsErrorReportProcessor : public ChromeJsErrorReportProcessor {
// JsErrorReportProcessor:
void SendErrorReport(JavaScriptErrorReport error_report,
base::OnceClosure completion_callback,
content::BrowserContext* browser_context) override;
int send_count() const { return send_count_; }
// Controls what is returned from GetCrashEndpoint() override.
void SetCrashEndpoint(std::string crash_endpoint);
// Controls what is returned from GetCrashEndpointStaging() override.
void SetCrashEndpointStaging(std::string crash_endpoint);
// The "list of experiments" string that will appear in the query string
// (under the "variations" key). Can be overridden by calling
// set_use_real_experiment_list().
static const char kDefaultExperimentListString[];
// If called, the query string will contain the real list of experiments,
// instead of a hardcoded list (in the "variations" and "num-experiments"
// keys.)
void set_use_real_experiment_list() { use_real_experiment_list_ = true; }
// Allow tests to manipulate the result of JsErrorReportProcessor::Get().
// Calling this will cause JsErrorReportProcessor::Get() to return this
// object....
void SetAsDefault();
// ...and calling SetDefaultTo() will cause JsErrorReportProcessor::Get() to
// return the given (other) JsErrorReportProcessor.
static void SetDefaultTo(scoped_refptr<JsErrorReportProcessor> new_default);
// By default, a MockChromeJsErrorReportProcessor will suppress the updating
// of the crash database (a.k.a. uploads.log) to avoid contaminating the real
// database with test uploads. Set |update_report_database| to true to have
// ChromeJsErrorReportProcessor::UpdateReportDatabase called like it normally
// would be.
void set_update_report_database(bool update_report_database) {
update_report_database_ = update_report_database;
variations::ExperimentListInfo GetExperimentListInfo() const override;
std::vector<std::string> GetCrashReporterArgvStart() override;
// Always returns "7.20.1" (arbitrary).
std::string GetOsVersion() override;
std::string GetCrashEndpoint() override;
std::string GetCrashEndpointStaging() override;
void UpdateReportDatabase(std::string remote_report_id,
base::Time report_time) override;
~MockChromeJsErrorReportProcessor() override;
// The experiments listed in kDefaultExperimentListString before they are
// URL-escaped.
static const char kDefaultExperimentListStringPreEscaping[];
// Number of times SendErrorReport has been called.
int send_count_ = 0;
std::string crash_endpoint_;
std::string crash_endpoint_staging_;
bool use_real_experiment_list_ = false;
bool update_report_database_ = false;
// Wrapper for MockChromeJsErrorReportProcessor. Will automatically create, set
// up, and register a MockChromeJsErrorReportProcessor in the constructor and
// then unregister it in the destructor.
class ScopedMockChromeJsErrorReportProcessor {
// Creates a MockChromeJsErrorReportProcessor, sets its crash endpoint to
// the provided MockCrashEndpoint, and then registers the
// MockChromeJsErrorReportProcessor as the processor returned from
// JsErrorReportProcessor::Get().
explicit ScopedMockChromeJsErrorReportProcessor(
const MockCrashEndpoint& endpoint);
// Removes the MockChromeJsErrorReportProcessor created in the constructor
// from JsErrorReportProcessor::Get(). After this,
// JsErrorReportProcessor::Get() will return nullptr.
MockChromeJsErrorReportProcessor& processor() const { return *processor_; }
scoped_refptr<MockChromeJsErrorReportProcessor> processor_;
scoped_refptr<JsErrorReportProcessor> previous_;