blob: afa8d29e3d6974e2cd0a079c051ffdd5f446ef1e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <list>
#include "base/time/time.h"
class Profile;
namespace user_prefs {
class PrefRegistrySyncable;
// This file contains functionality used to track interesting session restore
// events. This is primarily aimed at helping understand whether session
// restore is failing.
// The appropriate code calls to the various log functions. This data is
// tracked in prefs, and only a limited amount of data is kept around.
// WARNING: these values are persisted to disk, do not change.
enum class SessionServiceEventLogType {
// The profile was started.
kStart = 0,
// A restore was triggered. Restore may be triggered more than once after
// a start.
kRestore = 1,
// The profile was shut down. It's still possible for a crash to happen
// after this. This is not logged if a crash happens before exit is attempted.
kExit = 2,
// An error in writing the file occurred. Multiple calls to AddEvent()
// when the last event is a error result in combining the event (this is
// done to ensure lots of write error don't spam the event log).
kWriteError = 3,
kMinValue = kStart,
kMaxValue = kWriteError,
struct StartData {
// Whether the last run of chrome crashed.
bool did_last_session_crash;
struct RestoreData {
// The number of windows restored.
int window_count;
// The number of tabs restored.
int tab_count;
// Whether there was an error in reading the file contents.
bool encountered_error_reading;
struct ExitData {
// The number of windows open at the time of exit.
int window_count;
// The total number of tabs open at the time of exit.
int tab_count;
struct WriteErrorData {
// Number of write errors that occurred.
int error_count;
// Number of write errors that were unrecoverable. See SessionService for
// details on this.
int unrecoverable_error_count;
union EventData {
StartData start;
RestoreData restore;
ExitData exit;
WriteErrorData write_error;
struct SessionServiceEvent {
SessionServiceEventLogType type;
base::Time time;
EventData data;
// Returns the most recent events, ordered with oldest event first. In general
// the times shouldn't be compared, as it's possible for bad clocks and/or
// timezone changse to cause an earlier event to have a later time.
std::list<SessionServiceEvent> GetSessionServiceEvents(Profile* profile);
void LogSessionServiceStartEvent(Profile* profile, bool after_crash);
void LogSessionServiceExitEvent(Profile* profile,
int window_count,
int tab_count);
void LogSessionServiceRestoreEvent(Profile* profile,
int window_count,
int tab_count,
bool encountered_error_reading);
void LogSessionServiceWriteErrorEvent(Profile* profile,
bool unrecoverable_write_error);
void RemoveLastSessionServiceEventOfType(Profile* profile,
SessionServiceEventLogType type);
void RegisterSessionServiceLogProfilePrefs(
user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable* registry);
// This function is used internally, and is generally only exposed for testing.
void LogSessionServiceEvent(Profile* profile, const SessionServiceEvent& event);