blob: 57f3255240c4202b52b29ec27cd13112e16ccca0 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Settings-specific strings (included from generated_resources.grd). -->
<if expr="chromeos_ash">
<!-- Shared across multiple pages -->
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_TURN_ON" desc="Label for turn on buttons.">
Turn on
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DEVICE_OFF" desc="In Settings pages, the label when a bluetooth, wifi, or mobile device is off (disabled)." meaning="Device is disabled.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DEVICE_ON" desc="In Settings pages, the label when a bluetooth, wifi, or mobile device is on (enabled)." meaning="Device is enabled.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DISMISS" desc="Label to dismiss a shortcut reminder.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SHORTCUT_BANNER_DISMISSED" desc="The message spoken aloud by screen readers when the user dismisses a banner showing keyboard shortcuts.">
Keyboard shortcut notice dismissed
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_LEARN_MORE" desc="The label in the settings UI if users can obtain more information.">
Learn more
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_OPENS_IN_NEW_TAB_A11Y_LABEL" desc="ARIA (accessibility) label describing an external link which opens in a new tab.">
Opens in new tab
<!-- IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LIST_SEPARATOR should include a space after the comma. This is achieved by adding ''' after the space. -->
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LIST_SEPARATOR" desc="Text/punctuation that separates items in a list. For example, this is used in a list of words, e.g. 'Keyboard, mouse, print'.">
, '''
<!--Main Page-->
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SECONDARY_USER_BANNER" desc="Banner displayed in settings page when the user is secondary in a multi-profile session.">
Some settings belonging to <ph name="PRIMARY_EMAIL">$1<ex></ex></ph> are being shared with you. These settings only affect your account when using multiple sign-in.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_UPDATE_REQUIRED_EOL_BANNER_DAYS" desc="Banner displayed in OS settings page in case update is required by policy, but the device has reached end-of-life and the number of days remaining to return the device back to the manager is less than seven. MANAGER can be a domain or an email address.">
{NUM_DAYS, plural,
=1 {<ph name="MANAGER">{1}<ex></ex></ph> requires you to back up your data and return this <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">{2}<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> today. <ph name="LINK_BEGIN">&lt;a target="_blank" href="{3}<ex></ex>"&gt;</ph>See details<ph name="LINK_END">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>}
other {<ph name="MANAGER">{1}<ex></ex></ph> requires you to back up your data and return this <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">{2}<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> within {NUM_DAYS} days. <ph name="LINK_BEGIN">&lt;a target="_blank" href="{3}<ex></ex>"&gt;</ph>See details<ph name="LINK_END">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>}}
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_UPDATE_REQUIRED_EOL_BANNER_ONE_WEEK" desc="Banner displayed in OS settings page in case update is required by policy, but the device has reached end-of-life and the number of days remaining to return the device back to the manager is equal to seven. MANAGER can be a domain or an email address.">
<ph name="MANAGER">$1<ex></ex></ph> requires you to back up your data and return this <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$2<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> within 1 week. <ph name="LINK_BEGIN">&lt;a target="_blank" href="$3<ex></ex>"&gt;</ph>See details<ph name="LINK_END">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<!-- Settings Search Box -->
<message name="IDS_OS_SEARCH_RESULT_ROW_A11Y_RESULT_SELECTED" desc="ChromeVox alert to indicate the position number of a selected result in a list of search results and the selected result text itself, and that the user can press enter to navigate to section described by the search result.">
Search result <ph name="LIST_POSITION">$1<ex>1</ex></ph> of <ph name="LIST_SIZE">$2<ex>2</ex></ph>: <ph name="SEARCH_RESULT_TEXT">$3<ex>Network Settings</ex></ph>. Press Enter to navigate to section.
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_SEARCH_FEEDBACK_BUTTON" desc="Text description of feedback button in search.">
Report this search result
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_SEARCH_FEEDBACK_DESCRIPTION_TEMPLATE" desc="Template description of pre-populated search feedback description.">
<ph name="HASHTAG_SETTINGS">#Settings</ph> No search results returned for <ph name="SEARCH_QUERY">'$1'<ex>query</ex></ph>
<!-- About (OS Settings) -->
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_CHROMEOS_MENU_ITEM_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description for the About ChromeOS menu item in the left menu.">
Updates, help, developer options
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_BUILD_DETAILS" desc="Label of the row button that clicks into Build details">
Build details
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_BUILD_DETAILS_COPY_TOOLTIP_LABEL" desc="Tooltip label that describes the build details copy button.">
Copy build details to clipboard
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_BUILD_DETAILS_COPIED_TO_CLIPBOARD_A11Y_LABEL" desc="A11y label that describes the ChromeOS build details were copied to the clipboard.">
Copied build details
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_ENTERPRISE_ENNROLLED_TITLE" desc="The title label for whether a device is enterprise enrolled.">
Enterprise Enrolled
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_ARC_STATUS_TITLE" desc="The title label for Arc status (if enabled).">
ARC Enabled
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_DEVELOPER_MODE" desc="The title label for developer mode.">
Developer Mode
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_RELAUNCH" desc="The label for the relaunch button that relaunches the browser once update is complete">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_RELAUNCH_AND_POWERWASH" desc="The label for the button that relaunches and powerwashes the browser once update is complete">
Restart and reset
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_RELAUNCH_AND_AUTO_UPDATE" desc="The label for the button that relaunches and enables automatic updates">
Restart and get automatic updates
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_UPGRADE_SUCCESSFUL_RELAUNCH" desc="Status label: Successfully updated ChromiumOS/ChromeOS">
Nearly up to date! Restart your device to finish updating.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_UPGRADE_UPDATING" desc="Status label: Updating ChromiumOS or ChromeOS">
Updating your device
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_UPGRADE_UPDATING_PERCENT" desc="Status label: Updating ChromiumOS or ChromeOS (90%)">
Updating your device (<ph name="PROGRESS_PERCENT">$1<ex>90%</ex></ph>)
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_UPGRADE_UPDATING_CHANNEL_SWITCH" desc="Status label: Updating ChromiumOS/ChromeOS to a specified channel">
Updating your device to <ph name="CHANNEL_NAME">$1<ex>stable</ex></ph> channel (<ph name="PROGRESS_PERCENT">$2<ex>90%</ex></ph>)
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_END_OF_LIFE_TITLE" desc="Title used for End of Life section on the About Page.">
Update schedule
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_DEVICE_NAME" desc="Title of the line item on the about page that allows the user to edit the device hostname.">
Device name
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_UPGRADE_ROLLBACK_IN_PROGRESS" desc="Status label: Rolling back ChromiumOS or ChromeOS.">
<ph name="MANAGER">$1<ex></ex></ph> is putting this device on a previous version (<ph name="PROGRESS_PERCENT">$2<ex>90%</ex></ph>)
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_UPGRADE_ROLLBACK_SUCCESS" desc="Status label: Successfully rolled back ChromeOS. All data on the device will be deleted during the next reboot.">
<ph name="MANAGER">$1<ex></ex></ph> has put this device on a previous version. Please save important files, then restart. All data on the device will be deleted.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_UPGRADE_SUCCESSFUL_CHANNEL_SWITCH" desc="Status label: Channel was successfully switched on ChromiumOS/ChromeOS">
Channel changed. Restart your device to apply changes.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_TPM_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_TITLE" desc="Title for the line item on the about page that allows the user to trigger a device hardware reset and request installation of a TPM firmware update.">
Powerwash for added security
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_TPM_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_DESCRIPTION" desc="Descriptive text shown alongside the line item on the about page that allows the user to trigger a device hardware reset and request installation of a TPM firmware update.">
This upgrade resets your Chromebook and removes current user data.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_CHANGE_CHANNEL" desc="Button label for channel switch.">
Change channel
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_CHANGE_CHANNEL_AND_POWERWASH" desc="Button label for channel switch and powerwash.">
Change channel and Powerwash
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_DELAYED_WARNING_MESSAGE" desc="Message that notifies user that channel change will be applied later.">
You are changing to a channel with an older version of <ph name="PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>ChromeOS</ex></ph>. The channel change will be applied when the channel version matches the version currently installed on your device.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_DELAYED_WARNING_TITLE" desc="Title for the message that the channel change will be applied later.">
Channel change will be applied later
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_POWERWASH_WARNING_MESSAGE" desc="Message that warns user about powerwash.">
This will remove all local users, files, data, and other settings after your next restart. All users will need to sign in again.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_POWERWASH_WARNING_TITLE" desc="The title for the message that warns user about powerwash.">
Powerwash required on next reboot
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_UNSTABLE_WARNING_MESSAGE" desc="Warning about switching to developer (unstable) channel.">
You are updating to an unstable version of <ph name="PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>ChromeOS</ex></ph> which contains features that are in progress. Crashes and unexpected bugs will occur. Please proceed with caution.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_UNSTABLE_WARNING_TITLE" desc="The title of the warning about switching to developer (unstable) channel.">
Warning: you are switching to developer channel
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_DIALOG_CHANNEL_BETA" desc="The beta option in the channel select.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_DIALOG_CHANNEL_DEV" desc="The development option in the channel select.">
Developer - unstable
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_DIALOG_CHANNEL_STABLE" desc="The stable option in the channel select.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_UPDATE_WARNING_MESSAGE" desc="Warning about update over mobile data, specifying the size in megabytes.">
Update will be downloaded using <ph name="UPDATE_SIZE_MB">$1<ex>0</ex></ph> MB of mobile data. Would you like to continue?
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_UPDATE_WARNING_TITLE" desc="The title of the warning about update over mobile data.">
Download update using mobile data
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_CURRENT_CHANNEL_BETA" desc="The beta label in the message about current channel.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_CURRENT_CHANNEL_CANARY" desc="The canary label in the message about current channel.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_CURRENT_CHANNEL_DEV" desc="The dev label in the message about current channel.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_CHANNEL" desc="The channel label under Detailed build info.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_CURRENT_CHANNEL_STABLE" desc="The stable label in the message about current channel.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_CURRENT_CHANNEL_LTC" desc="The LTC (long-term support candidate) label in the message about current channel.">
long-term support candidate
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_CURRENT_CHANNEL_LTS" desc="The LTS (long-term support) label in the message about current channel.">
long-term support
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_CHECK_FOR_UPDATES" desc="The button label to check for updates and apply (download and install) if found">
Check for updates
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_CURRENT_CHANNEL_INFO" desc="The message about current channel.">
Currently on <ph name="CHANNEL_NAME">$1<ex>stable</ex></ph> channel
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_DETAILED_BUILD_INFO" desc="Label describing the section that shows detailed information about the current Chrome build.">
Additional details
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_RELEASE_NOTES" desc="Warning that internet connection is required to display ChromeOS release notes.">
Internet connection required
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_SHOW_RELEASE_NOTES" desc="Text of the button which shows user the release notes.">
See what's new
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_REVAMP_ABOUT_PAGE_SHOW_RELEASE_NOTES_DESCRIPTION" desc="Sublabel description shown for See What's New button.">
Automatic updates provide you with the latest features. Explore highlights from recent updates.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_EDIT_DEVICE_NAME" desc="The title of the dialog that allows the user to edit the device hostname.">
Edit device name
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_DEVICE_NAME_INFO" desc="Label describing which areas of the ChromeOS system broadcast the device hostname to external networks.">
This name is visible to other devices for Bluetooth and network connections
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_DEVICE_NAME_CONSTRAINTS" desc="Label describing the requirements for the text of the device hostname.">
Name can use letters, numbers, and hyphens (-)
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_DEVICE_NAME_CONSTRAINTS_A11Y_DESCRIPTION" desc="Label describing the requirements for the text of the device hostname.">
Name can use letters, numbers, and hyphens (-), and must be between 1 and 15 characters inclusive.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_DEVICE_NAME_INPUT_COUNT" desc="Label for the dialog input for the device name, informing the user the number of characters they have inputted compared to the maximum number of characters allowed.">
<ph name="CURRENT_CHARACTER_COUNT">$1<ex>10</ex></ph>/<ph name="MAX_CHARACTER_COUNT">$2<ex>15</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_DEVICE_NAME_INPUT_A11Y_LABEL" desc="The a11y label for the edit device name dialog input, informing the user that they are currently naming the device">
Name device
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_DEVICE_NAME_DONE_BTN_A11Y_LABEL" desc="The a11y label for the done button in the edit device name dialog">
Name device to <ph name="DEVICE_NAME">$1<ex>MyChromebook</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_DEVICE_NAME_EDIT_BTN_A11Y_LABEL" desc="The a11y label for the edit button for device name on the detailed build into page">
Change device name
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_DEVICE_NAME_EDIT_BTN_A11Y_DESCRIPTION" desc="The a11y description for the edit button for device name on the detailed build into page">
Current device name is <ph name="DEVICE_NAME">$1<ex>MyChromebook</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_UPGRADE_TRY_AGAIN" desc="Status label: Update check error (ChromiumOS/ChromeOS)">
Couldn't update your Chromebook. Please try again later.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_UPGRADE_DOWNLOAD_ERROR" desc="Status label: Update check download error(ChromiumOS/ChromeOS)">
Couldn't download the update. Please try again later.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_UPGRADE_ADMINISTRATOR_ERROR" desc="Status label: Update blocked by policy (ChromiumOS/ChromeOS)">
Updates are blocked by your administrator
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_UPGRADE_UP_TO_DATE" desc="Status label: Already up to date (ChromiumOS/ChromeOS)">
Your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> is up to date
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_UPGRADE_NOT_UP_TO_DATE" desc="Status label: Not up to date (ChromiumOS/ChromeOS)">
Your device is not up to date
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_DEFERRED_UPDATE_DESCRIPTION" desc="Text of the deferred update description.">
Your device may no longer work properly and may experience security and performance issues.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_MANAGED_END_OF_LIFE_SUBTITLE" desc="Subtitle used for End of Life section on the Additional details subpage of the ABout page for managed users.">
Updates are managed by your administrator
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_END_OF_LIFE_MESSAGE_FUTURE" desc="Message used when end of life has not yet past current date in End of Life section on the About Page.">
This device will get automatic software and security updates until <ph name="MONTH_AND_YEAR">$1<ex>September 2020</ex></ph>. <ph name="LINK_BEGIN">&lt;a target="_blank" href="$2<ex></ex>"&gt;</ph>Learn more<ph name="LINK_END">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_END_OF_LIFE_MESSAGE_PAST" desc="Message used when End of Life is past current date in END OF LIFE section on the About Page.">
This device stopped getting automatic software and security updates in <ph name="MONTH_AND_YEAR">$1<ex>September 2020</ex></ph>. <ph name="LINK_BEGIN">&lt;a target="_blank" href="$2<ex></ex>"&gt;</ph>Learn more<ph name="LINK_END">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_LAST_UPDATE_MESSAGE" desc="Message shown on the top level about page to inform the user that this device will no longer receive latest software updates.">
This is the last automatic software and security update for this <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph>. To get future updates, upgrade to a newer model. <ph name="LINK_BEGIN">&lt;a target="_blank" href="$2<ex></ex>"&gt;</ph>Learn more<ph name="LINK_END">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_DIAGNOSTICS" desc="Text of the button which allows the user to diagnose their device.">
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_REVAMP_DIAGNOSTICS_DESCRIPTION" desc="Sublabel description shown for Diagnostics button.">
Test your battery, CPU, memory, connectivity, and more
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_FIRMWARE_UPDATES" desc="Text of the button for the surface which allows users to update all their peripheral firmwares in one place.">
Firmware updates
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_REVAMP_FIRMWARE_UP_TO_DATE_DESCRIPTION" desc="Sublabel shown when no firmware updates are available.">
Firmware is up to date
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_REVAMP_FIRMWARE_UPDATE_AVAILABLE_DESCRIPTION" desc="Sublabel shown when firmware updates are available.">
Update available
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_REVAMP_SEND_FEEDBACK_DESCRIPTION" desc="Sublabel description shown for Send Feedback button.">
Share feedback or report an issue
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_REVAMP_GET_HELP_USING_CHROME_OS" desc="Text of the button which takes the user to the Chrome help page.">
Get help
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_REVAMP_GET_HELP_USING_CHROME_OS_DESCRIPTION" desc="Sublabel description shown for Get Help button.">
View help articles or find device support
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_CONSUMER_AUTO_UPDATE_TOGGLE_TITLE" desc="Text of the auto update toggle feature.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_CONSUMER_AUTO_UPDATE_TOGGLE_DESCRIPTION" desc="Text of the auto update toggle feature description.">
Get the latest features and security improvements.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_CONSUMER_AUTO_UPDATE_TOGGLE_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="Text of the auto update toggle feature dialog.">
Turn off automatic updates?
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_CONSUMER_AUTO_UPDATE_TOGGLE_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION" desc="Text of the auto update toggle feature dialog description.">
Your device may no longer work properly, and you may experience security and performance issues. Turning off updates may also impact your right to make legal claims if you experience any issues.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_CONSUMER_AUTO_UPDATE_TOGGLE_TURN_OFF_BUTTON" desc="Text of the auto update toggle feature dialog turn off button.">
Turn off
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_CONSUMER_AUTO_UPDATE_TOGGLE_KEEP_UPDATES_BUTTON" desc="Text of the auto update toggle feature dialog keep update button.">
Keep updates
<!-- TODO(b/324297162): Finalize and enable translation -->
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_EXTENDED_UPDATES_BUTTON" desc="Text of the extended updates button." translateable="false">
Set up
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_EXTENDED_UPDATES_MAIN_MESSAGE" desc="Text of the main extended updates message." translateable="false">
Opt into extended updates to keep your device up to date
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ABOUT_PAGE_EXTENDED_UPDATES_SECONDARY_MESSAGE" desc="Text of the supplemental explanation about extended updates." translateable="false">
Automatic security and software updates have been paused. You can extend updates for 2 more years, but some functionality will be limited. <ph name="LINK_BEGIN">&lt;a target="_blank" href="$1<ex></ex>"&gt;</ph>Learn more<ph name="LINK_END">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<!-- ChromeOS End Of Life Incentive -->
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_END_OF_LIFE_INCENTIVE_OFFER_TITLE" desc="The title of the end of life incentive which informs the user of an offer with a dollar amount they can get save when upgrading to a new Chromebook.">
Save &#36;50 or more on a new Chromebook, when you upgrade today
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_END_OF_LIFE_INCENTIVE_NO_OFFER_TITLE" desc="The title of the end of life incentive which informs the user that they should upgrade their device to continue getting software updates.">
Upgrade to a new Chromebook for the latest security and software
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_END_OF_LIFE_INCENTIVE_OFFER_MESSAGE" desc="The message of the end of life incentive which informs the user that their device will no longer get updates, and to upgrade the device for the latest features, using an offer.">
Your Chromebook is no longer receiving security and software updates. Upgrade your device for the latest security and new features. Offer terms apply.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_END_OF_LIFE_INCENTIVE_NO_OFFER_MESSAGE" desc="The message of the end of life incentive which informs the user that their device will no longer get updates, and they should get a new Chromebook.">
Your Chromebook is no longer receiving security and software updates. Get a new Chromebook for the best experience.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_END_OF_LIFE_INCENTIVE_OFFER_BUTTON" desc="The button label for the end of life incentive offer which will take the user to a URL to shop for a new device.">
Shop Now
<!-- People (OS settings) -->
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_PROFILE_NAME" desc="Label with device account first name, showing which user is currently signed in.">
Currently signed in as <ph name="NAME">$1<ex>John</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_PROFILE_LABEL_V2" desc="Label underneath the profile's real name, listing the number of accounts">
{COUNT, plural,
=1 {1 Google Account}
other {<ph name="EXTRA_ACCOUNTS">$2<ex>2</ex></ph> Google Accounts}}
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNTS_MENU_ITEM_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description text showing number of accounts. This string shows only when there is more than 1 account. Displayed in the menu item for the Accounts page.">
<ph name="NUM_ACCOUNTS">$1<ex>2</ex></ph> accounts
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_SYNC_TURN_ON" desc="Button label for turning on synchronization of settings across ChromeOS devices.">
Turn on
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_SYNC_TURN_OFF" desc="Button label for turning off synchronization of settings across ChromeOS devices.">
Turn off
<if expr="reven">
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_SYNC_FEATURE_LABEL" desc="Label describing the OS sync feature.">
Your apps and settings will sync across all ChromeOS Flex devices where you are signed in with your Google account. For browser sync options, go to <ph name="LINK_BEGIN">&lt;a href='#'&gt;</ph>Chrome settings<ph name="LINK_END">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>.
<if expr="not reven">
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_SYNC_FEATURE_LABEL" desc="Label describing the OS sync feature.">
Your apps and settings will sync across all ChromeOS devices where you are signed in with your Google account. For browser sync options, go to <ph name="LINK_BEGIN">&lt;a href='#'&gt;</ph>Chrome settings<ph name="LINK_END">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>.
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_SYNC_APPS_CHECKBOX_LABEL" desc="Label for the checkbox which enables syncing of apps across devices.">
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_SYNC_APPS_CHECKBOX_SUBLABEL" desc="Disclaimer shown under label for the checkbox which enables syncing of apps across devices.">
Apps installed from the Play Store and web apps from Chrome browser
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_SYNC_SETTINGS_CHECKBOX_SUBLABEL" desc="Disclaimer shown under label for the checkbox which enables syncing of settings across devices.">
Keyboard and mouse behavior, language preferences, and more
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_SYNC_WIFI_CHECKBOX_SUBLABEL" desc="Disclaimer shown under label for the checkbox which enables syncing of Wi-Fi networks across devices.">
Saved networks and passwords so you can connect instantly
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_SYNC_WALLPAPER_CHECKBOX_SUBLABEL" desc="Disclaimer shown under label for the checkbox which enables syncing of wallpaper across devices.">
Desktop backgrounds match across devices
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_SYNC_APPS_TOOLTIP" desc="Tooltip shown next to the apps toggle in OS sync settings.">
Once turned on, your apps will be available on any ChromeOS devices after you sign in with your Google Account. Web apps installed from Chrome browser will be synced even if browser sync is turned off.
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_SYNC_PRINTERS_CHECKBOX_LABEL" desc="Label for the checkbox which enables syncing of printers across devices.">
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_SYNC_SETTINGS_CHECKBOX_LABEL" desc="Label for the checkbox which enables syncing of OS settings across devices.">
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_WALLPAPER_CHECKBOX_LABEL" desc="Label for the checkbox which enables syncing of wallpaper across devices.">
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_WIFI_CONFIGURATIONS_CHECKBOX_LABEL" desc="Label for the checkbox which enables syncing of Wi-Fi networks across devices.">
Wi-Fi networks
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_SUBMENU_LABEL" desc="Label of Account Manager submenu in Settings page.">
Google Accounts
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_PAGE_TITLE" desc="Title of Account Manager Settings page.">
My accounts
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_PAGE_TITLE_V2" desc="Title of Account Manager Settings page.">
<ph name="NAME">$1<ex>John</ex></ph>'s accounts
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PEOPLE_LOCK_SCREEN_FINGERPRINT_SUBPAGE_TITLE" desc="Title of the fingerprint subpage.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PEOPLE_MANAGE_OTHER_PEOPLE" desc="Label for the button that opens the multi-profile user manager.">
Manage other people
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_EDUCATION_ACCOUNT" desc="Status label which indicates that specified account is a school/EDU account.">
School account
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ADD_FINGERPRINT_DIALOG_INSTRUCTION_LOCATE_SCANNER_POWER_BUTTON" desc="Text in the add fingerprint dialog telling users to place finger on the power button which is the sensor.">
Touch the power button with your finger
<!-- Languages and Inputs (OS settings) -->
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_AND_INPUT_PAGE_TITLE" desc="Name of the OS settings page which displays language and input method preferences.">
Languages and inputs
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_LANGUAGES_PAGE_TITLE" desc="A page under “Languages and inputs” section in the OS settings page that users can set system display language, web content language fallback and translation preference.">
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_INPUT_PAGE_TITLE" desc="A page under “Languages and inputs” section in the OS settings page that users can add, remove and manage input methods.">
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_INPUT_PAGE_TITLE_V2" desc="A page under “Languages and inputs” section in the OS settings page that users can add, remove and manage input methods.">
Inputs and keyboards
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_DEVICE_LANGUAGE_TITLE" desc="The label for the section where users can see their device language. This language will be used for system surfaces (launcher, shelf, and notifications etc.).">
Device language
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHANGE_DEVICE_LANGUAGE_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="The label for the button where users can change their device language. This language will be used for system surfaces (launcher, shelf, and notifications etc.).">
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHANGE_DEVICE_LANGUAGE_BUTTON_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description read by screenreader for the button where users can change their device language. This language will be used for system surfaces (launcher, shelf, and notifications etc.).">
Change device language. Current language is <ph name="LANGUAGE">$1<ex>English</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHANGE_DEVICE_LANGUAGE_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="Title for the dialog to change device language.">
Change device language
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHANGE_DEVICE_LANGUAGE_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description for the dialog to change device language.">
You need to restart your Chromebook to change the device language. <ph name="BEGIN_LINK_LEARN_MORE">&lt;a target="_blank" href="$1"&gt;</ph>Learn more<ph name="END_LINK_LEARN_MORE">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_SELECTED_DEVICE_LANGUAGE_INSTRUCTION" desc="Instruction read by screen reader when users can unselect a language.">
<ph name="LANGUAGE">$1<ex>English</ex></ph> selected. Press Search plus Space to unselect.
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_NOT_SELECTED_DEVICE_LANGUAGE_INSTRUCTION" desc="Instruction read by screen reader when users can select a language.">
<ph name="LANGUAGE">$1<ex>English</ex></ph> not selected. Press Search plus Space to select.
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_CHANGE_DEVICE_LANGUAGE_CONFIRM_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for the button where users can confirm the selected language and restart the device.">
Confirm and restart
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_LANGUAGES_PREFERENCE_TITLE" desc="Title of section that lets users choose the language for web content. The web content languages will be served in the order of the list.">
Web content languages
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_LANGUAGES_PREFERENCE_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description for section that lets users choose the language for web content. The web content languages will be served in the order of the list.">
Web content available in multiple languages will use the first supported language from this list. These preferences are synced with your browser settings. <ph name="BEGIN_LINK_LEARN_MORE">&lt;a target="_blank" href="$1"&gt;</ph>Learn more<ph name="END_LINK_LEARN_MORE">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_WEBSITE_LANGUAGES_TITLE" desc="Title of section that lets users choose a list of languages for websites. The website languages will be given to websites in the order given by the list.">
Website languages
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_WEBSITE_LANGUAGES_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description for section that lets users choose a list of languages for websites. The website languages will be given to websites in the order given by the list.">
Add and rank your preferred languages. Websites will show in your preferred languages, when possible. These preferences are synced with your browser settings. <ph name="BEGIN_LINK_LEARN_MORE">&lt;a target="_blank" href="$1"&gt;</ph>Learn more<ph name="END_LINK_LEARN_MORE">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_TRANSLATE_TARGET_LABEL" desc="The label of the toggle that enables the prompt to translate a page to users.">
Language used when translating pages
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_TRANSLATE_TARGET_LABEL_WITH_QUICK_ANSWERS" desc="The label of the section that indicates the target language used for translation and quick answers.">
Language used for translating pages and Quick answers
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_OFFER_TO_TRANSLATE_THIS_LANGUAGE" desc="The label of the checkbox that enables the prompt to translate a page in the given language to users.">
Offer to translate pages in this language
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_LANGUAGE_TITLE" desc="Title for the section that informs users about the languages associated with their Google Account and what they affect.">
Google Account language
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_LANGUAGE_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description for the section that informs users about the languages associated with their Google Account and what they affect.">
Google sites like Gmail, Drive, and YouTube use your Google Account language unless you’ve changed the individual product language
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_MANAGE_GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_LANGUAGE_LABEL" desc="Label for the button which links to the Google Account language page, allowing users to modify their Google Account languages.">
Manage Google Account language
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_OFFER_TRANSLATION_LABEL" desc="Title for setting that allows the system to offer to translate websites that appear in other languages.">
Translation suggestion
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_OFFER_TRANSLATION_SUBLABEL" desc="Description for setting that allows the system to offer to translate websites that appear in other languages.">
Offer to translate websites in other languages
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_OFFER_GOOGLE_TRANSLATE_LABEL" desc="Title for setting that allows the system to offer to translate websites that appear in other languages using Google Translate.">
Offer Google Translate for websites in other languages
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_INPUT_METHOD_LIST_TITLE" desc="Title for the list of enabled input methods (keyboard layouts and input method editors).">
Input methods
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_SHORTCUT_REMINDER_TITLE" desc="Title for the reminder to the user that some shortcuts are available for this feature.">
Keyboard shortcut available
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_SHORTCUT_REMINDER_LAST_USED_IME_DESCRIPTION" desc="The body of the shortcut reminder for switching to the last used input method. Note that 'Ctrl' shouldn't be translated in almost all languages.">
To switch to the last used input method, press <ph name="BEGIN_SHORTCUT">&lt;kbd&gt;</ph><ph name="BEGIN_CTRL">&lt;kbd&gt;</ph>Ctrl<ph name="END_CTRL">&lt;/kbd&gt;</ph><ph name="SEPARATOR">+</ph><ph name="BEGIN_SPACE">&lt;kbd&gt;</ph>Space<ph name="END_SPACE">&lt;/kbd&gt;</ph><ph name="END_SHORTCUT">&lt;/kbd&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_SHORTCUT_REMINDER_NEXT_IME_DESCRIPTION" desc="The body of the shortcut reminder for switching to the next input method. Note that 'Ctrl' shouldn't be translated in almost all languages, and 'Shift' shouldn't be translated in most languages.">
To switch to the next input method, press <ph name="BEGIN_SHORTCUT">&lt;kbd&gt;</ph><ph name="BEGIN_CTRL">&lt;kbd&gt;</ph>Ctrl<ph name="END_CTRL">&lt;/kbd&gt;</ph><ph name="SEPARATOR1">+</ph><ph name="BEGIN_SHIFT">&lt;kbd&gt;</ph>Shift<ph name="END_SHIFT">&lt;/kbd&gt;</ph><ph name="SEPARATOR2">+</ph><ph name="BEGIN_SPACE">&lt;kbd&gt;</ph>Space<ph name="END_SPACE">&lt;/kbd&gt;</ph><ph name="END_SHORTCUT">&lt;/kbd&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_OPEN_OPTIONS_PAGE_LABEL" desc="Description read by screenreader for the button to open the settings page for a input method (keyboard layout and input method editor).">
Open settings page for <ph name="INPUT_METHOD_NAME">$1<ex>US keyboard</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_ADD_INPUT_METHOD_LABEL" desc="Button under the list of input methods which opens a dialog that lets the user add keyboard layouts and input method editors.">
Add input methods
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_REMOVE_INPUT_METHOD_TOOLTIP" desc="Tooltip of the button that lets the user remove a given keyboard layout or input method editor.">
Remove <ph name="INPUT_METHOD_NAME">$1<ex>US keyboard</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_SUGGESTED_INPUT_METHODS_LABEL" desc="Title of the list of keyboard layouts or input method editors suggested to users.">
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_ALL_INPUT_METHODS_LABEL" desc="Title of the list of all keyboard layouts or input method editors.">
All input methods
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_SEARCH_INPUT_METHODS_LABEL" desc="Placeholder in the input field to search keyboard layouts or input method editors, users can search by language or input method name.">
Search by language or input name
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_INPUT_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED" desc="Tooltip for policy icon when an keyboard layout or input method editor is not allowed.">
Your administrator doesn't allow this input method
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_LANGUAGE_PACKS_GENERAL_ERROR" desc="Generic error message when a component of an input method could not be downloaded." translateable="false">
Couldn't add input method
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_LANGUAGE_PACKS_NEEDS_REBOOT_ERROR" desc="Error message when a component of an input method could not be downloaded because the device needs to restart to update." translateable="false">
Please restart your device to finish installation
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_SPELL_CHECK_TITLE" desc="Title for the section containing all the options for spell check settings. The options include picking between using the system's spell check or using Google's web service and a list of the enabled languages which support spell checking.">
Spell check
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_SPELL_AND_GRAMMAR_CHECK_TITLE" desc="Title for the section containing all the options for spell and grammar check settings. The options include a list of the enabled languages which support spell checking.">
Spelling and grammar check
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_SPELL_AND_GRAMMAR_CHECK_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description for the spell and grammar check section.">
Grammar check currently available for English only
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_SPELL_CHECK_ENHANCED_LABEL" desc="Label for enhanced spell check toggle, the type of spell check that sends the text the user types to Google spelling service. It is important that it is communicated that the text the user types will be sent to Google.">
Enhanced spell check in Chrome browser (text is sent to Google for spelling suggestions)
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_SPELL_CHECK_LANGUAGES_LIST_TITLE" desc="Title for the list of languages that support spell check, from which users can enable or disable spell check for.">
Spell check languages
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_SPELL_CHECK_LANGUAGES_LIST_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description for the list of languages that support spell check, from which users can enable or disable spell check for.">
Languages for spell check are based on your language preference
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_ADD_SPELL_CHECK_LANGUAGES_TITLE" desc="Title for the dialog that allows users to select new languages to add to their list of spell check languages.">
Add spell check languages
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_SEARCH_SPELL_CHECK_LANGUAGES_LABEL" desc="Placeholder in the input field to search spell check languages.">
Search languages
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_SUGGESTED_SPELL_CHECK_LANGUAGES_LABEL" desc="Title of the list of spell check languages suggested to users.">
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_ALL_SPELL_CHECK_LANGUAGES_LABEL" desc="Title of the list of all spell check languages.">
All languages
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_SPELL_CHECK_LANGUAGE_NOT_ALLOWED" desc="Tooltip for policy icon when a spell check language is not allowed.">
Your administrator doesn't allow this language
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_REMOVE_SPELL_CHECK_LANGUAGE_TOOLTIP" desc="Tooltip of the button that lets the user remove a given spell check language.">
Remove <ph name="LANGUAGE_NAME">$1<ex>English (United States)</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_DICTIONARY_DOWNLOAD_FAILED" desc="Error message when spell check dictionary download fails.">
Couldn’t download spell check dictionary
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_DICTIONARY_DOWNLOAD_RETRY_LABEL" desc="Label for the button to retry spell check dictionary download.">
Try again
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_DICTIONARY_DOWNLOAD_RETRY_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description read by screenreader for the button to retry spell check dictionary download.">
Couldn’t download spell check dictionary for <ph name="LANGUAGE">$1<ex>English</ex></ph>. Try again.
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_EDIT_DICTIONARY_LABEL" desc="Label for the section for users to add words that they don’t want get flagged by the spell check.">
Customize spell check
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_JAPANESE_MANAGE_USER_DICTIONARY_LABEL" desc="Label for the section of the Japanese user settings which allows them to manage their custom dictionaries for Japaneses input. This is the string which appears at the top of the User dictionaries subpage.">
User dictionaries
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_EDIT_DICTIONARY_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description for the section for users to add words that they don’t want get flagged by the spell check.">
Add words you want spell check to skip
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_ADD_DICTIONARY_WORD_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Label for button to add a new word.">
Add word
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_ADD_DICTIONARY_WORD_DUPLICATE_ERROR" desc="Error message displayed to the user when the word is duplicated in the text input used to add a new word to the custom spell check dictionary.">
Word already added
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_ADD_DICTIONARY_WORD_LENGTH_ERROR" desc="Error message displayed to the user when the word is too long in the text input used to add a new word to the custom spell check dictionary.">
Use 99 letters or fewer for new words
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_DELETE_DICTIONARY_WORD_TOOLTIP" desc="Message shown over the button to delete a custom word.">
Delete word
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_NO_DICTIONARY_WORDS_LABEL" desc="Placeholder that is shown when there are no custom words in the list of saved custom words dictionary.">
Saved custom words will appear here
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_INPUT_METHOD_ENABLED" desc="Label underneath the currently active input method in the list of enabled input methods.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_INPUT_METHODS_MANAGED_BY_POLICY" desc="Label which is shown on the manage input methods page if input methods are managed by policy.">
Your administrator has limited the available input methods.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_TITLE" translateable="false" desc="Name of the settings sub-page which allows changing input method options.">
Input method options
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_SHOW_IME_MENU" desc="The label for the toggle button controlling showing the IME menu in the shelf.">
Show input options in the shelf
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_LANGUAGE_PACKS_NOTICE" desc="Privacy notice on the language and input settings page that informs users that language files are visible to all users on the device. See go/language-pack-ux slide 4 for more details.">
Choose which languages to install on this device. Language files are shared among users to save disk space. <ph name="BEGIN_LINK_LEARN_MORE">&lt;a target="_blank" href="$1"&gt;</ph>Learn more<ph name="END_LINK_LEARN_MORE">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_APP_LANGUAGES_TITLE" desc="The label for the section where users can customize display language for supported apps.">
App languages
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_APP_LANGUAGES_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description for section under app languages title, where clicking this will bring user to app languages settings subpage.">
Customize display language for supported apps
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_APP_LANGUAGES_SUPPORTED_APPS_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description inside app languages subpage informing that only apps supporting per-app language selection are shown in this subpage.">
Only apps that support language selection are shown here
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_APP_LANGUAGES_NO_APPS_SUPPORTED_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description for section under app languages title, when there's no apps supporting app language selection.">
No apps support app language selection
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_APP_LANGUAGES_EDIT_SELECTION_LABEL" desc="The label inside app languages subpage when clicking 'three-dots more info' (kebab) button to edit app language.">
Edit language selection
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_APP_LANGUAGES_RESET_SELECTION_LABEL" desc="The label inside app languages subpage when clicking 'three-dots more info' (kebab) button to reset app language back to device language.">
Reset to device language
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_LANGUAGES_APP_LANGUAGES_CHANGE_LANGUAGE_BUTTON_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description read by screenreader for the button where users can change the app language, either to another one, or reset to device language.">
Change <ph name="APP">$1<ex>Google TV</ex></ph> language. Current language is <ph name="LANGUAGE">$2<ex>English (United States)</ex></ph>.
<!-- Suggestions Section -->
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SUGGESTIONS_TITLE" desc="The label for the suggestions section, which contains features to help users type faster or more expressively such as suggesting personal information or suggesting emoji to use.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SUGGESTIONS_PERSONAL_INFO_TITLE" desc="The label for personal information suggestion section. The feature shows inline suggestions for the users’s name, address, and phone number.">
Personal information suggestions
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SUGGESTIONS_PERSONAL_INFO_HELP_TOOLTIP" desc="The help icon's tooltip for personal information suggestion section to inform users of the privacy of the suggestions.">
Personal suggestions are only shown on your account
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SUGGESTIONS_PERSONAL_INFO_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description for personal information suggestion section.">
Write faster with inline suggestions for your name, address, or phone number
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SUGGESTIONS_MANAGE_PERSONAL_INFO" desc="The label for opening Chrome's browser settings page for managing personal addresses">
Manage personal information
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_SUGGESTIONS_ORCA_TITLE" desc="The label for orca" translateable="false">
Help me write
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_SUGGESTIONS_ORCA_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description for orca" translateable="false">
Create a draft or refine existing work, powered by Google AI.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SUGGESTIONS_EMOJI_SUGGESTION_TITLE" desc="The label for emoji suggestion (when an user types a word, some emojis might be suggested for the user to insert after) section.">
Emoji suggestions
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SUGGESTIONS_EMOJI_SUGGESTION_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description for emoji suggestion (when an user types a word, some emojis might be suggested for the user to insert after) section.">
Get emoji suggestions based on what you're typing
<!-- Input Method Options Section -->
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_BASIC" desc="The label for the section in input method options page containing basic options.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_ADVANCED" desc="The label for the section in input method options page containing advanced options.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_PHYSICAL_KEYBOARD" desc="The label for the section in input method options page containing physical keyboard options.">
Physical keyboard
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD" desc="The label for the section in input method options page containing the virtual keyboard options.">
On-screen keyboard
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_SUGGESTIONS" desc="The label for the section in input method options page containing suggestion options.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_INPUT_ASSISTANCE" desc="The label for the Input Assistance section in the ChromeOS language settings options page.">
Input Assistance
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_USER_DICTIONARIES" desc="The label for the section in input method options page containing user dictionary settings.">
User Dictionaries
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_PRIVACY" desc="The label for the section in input method options page containing privacy settings.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_SECTION_TITLE" desc="The label for the section in input method options page section title.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_JAPANESE_AUTOMATICALLY_SWITCH_TO_HALFWIDTH" desc="The label for the input method option to enable double-space to type period (when an user types two consecutive space, it outputs a period).">
Automatically switch to halfwidth
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_JAPANESE_SHIFT_KEY_MODE_STYLE" desc="The label for the setting to set the shift key mode style.">
Shift Key Mode Style
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_JAPANESE_SHIFT_KEY_MODE_STYLE_OFF" desc="The label for the option to disable the shift key mode style.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_JAPANESE_SHIFT_KEY_MODE_STYLE_ALPHANUMERIC" desc="The label for the option to set the Shift key mode style to Alphanumeric.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_JAPANESE_SHIFT_KEY_MODE_STYLE_KATAKANA" desc="The label for the option to set the Shift key mode style to Katakana.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_JAPANESE_USE_INPUT_HISTORY" desc="The label for the toggled settings to determine if the input history should be used or not.">
Use Input History
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_JAPANESE_USE_SYSTEM_DICTIONARY" desc="The label for the toggled settings to determine if the system dictionary should be used or not.">
Use system dictionary
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_JAPANESE_NUMBER_OF_SUGGESTIONS" desc="The label for the setting to set the number of suggestions the Japanese input method should show.">
Number of suggestions
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_JAPANESE_DISABLE_PERSONALIZED_SUGGESTIONS" desc="The label for the setting toggle to enable or disable the personalized conversions and custom user dictionaries for Japanese. The original string in Japanese is '学習機能、入力履歴からのサジェスト機能、ユーザ辞書機能を無効にする'.">
Disable personalized conversions and suggestions as well as user dictionary
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_JAPANESE_SEND_STATISTICS_TO_GOOGLE" desc="The label for the setting toggle to enable or disable sending all usage statistics and crash reports to Google. The original string in Japanese is '使用統計データや障害レポートを Google に自動送信する'.">
Automatically send usage statistics and crash reports to Google
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_ENABLE_DOUBLE_SPACE_PERIOD" desc="The label for the input method option to enable double-space to type period (when an user types two consecutive space, it outputs a period).">
Double-space to type period
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_ENABLE_GESTURE_TYPING" desc="The label for the input method option to enable gesture typing.">
Enable glide typing
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_ENABLE_PREDICTION" desc="The label for the input method option to enable next-word prediction.">
Enable next-word prediction
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_ENABLE_SOUND_ON_KEYPRESS" desc="The label for the input method option to enable sound on keypress.">
Sound on keypress
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_ENABLE_CAPITALIZATION" desc="The label for the input method option to enable auto-capitalization.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_AUTO_CORRECTION" desc="The label for the input method option to enable auto correction.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_PREDICTIVE_WRITING" desc="The label for the input method option to enable predictive writing.">
Predictive writing
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_DIACRITICS_ON_PHYSICAL_KEYBOARD_LONGPRESS" desc="The label for the input method option to enable showing diacritics and other character variants of a key when the key is held down.">
Show accent marks and special characters
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_DIACRITICS_ON_PHYSICAL_KEYBOARD_LONGPRESS_SUBTITLE" desc="The subtitle for the input method option to enable showing diacritics and other character variants of a key when the key is held down.">
Press &amp; hold keyboard keys to see accent marks and special characters
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_XKB_LAYOUT" desc="The label for the input method option to let the users choose their keyboard layout.">
Keyboard layout
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_EDIT_USER_DICT" desc="The label for the input method option to let the users edit their personal dictionary.">
Edit dictionary entries
Physical keyboard layout
Selection keys
Number of candidates to display per page
Korean keyboard layout
Input a syllable at a time
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_JAPANESE_INPUT_MODE" desc="The label for the Input Mode section of the Japanese keyboad settings. As an example, it could be set to have a value of Romaji or Kana. In Japanese, this string should be 'ローマ字入力・かな入力'.">
Input mode
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_JAPANESE_INPUT_MODE_ROMAJI" desc="The label for the input method option used to set the input mode to Romaji. In Japanese, this string should be 'ローマ字入力'.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_JAPANESE_INPUT_MODE_KANA" desc="The label for the input mode option used to set the input mode to Kana. In Japanese, this string should be 'かな入力'.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_JAPANESE_PUNCTUATION_STYLE" desc="The label for the setting used to set the Punctuation style for Japanese within the Japanese virtual and physical keyboard input settings. In Japanese, this string should be '句読点'.">
Punctuation Style
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_JAPANESE_SYMBOL_STYLE" desc="The label for the option to set the Symbol style for Japanese. This can be written as '記号' in Japanese.">
Symbol Style
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_JAPANESE_SPACE_INPUT_STYLE" desc="The label for the Space input option within the Japanese settings page. It allows users of Japanese input settings to choose between fullwidth and halfwidth input modes. . In Japanese, this string should be 'スペースの入力'.">
Space Input Style
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_JAPANESE_SPACE_INPUT_STYLE_INPUT_MODE" desc="The label for option to set the space input style for the Japanese keyboard to Follow input mode. In Japanese, this string should be '入力モードに従う'.">
Follow input mode
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_JAPANESE_SPACE_INPUT_STYLE_FULLWIDTH" desc="The label for input modes option to set the space input style for the Japanese keyboard to Fullwidth mode. in Japanese, this string should be '全角'.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_JAPANESE_SPACE_INPUT_STYLE_HALFWIDTH" desc="The label for input modes option to set the space input style for the Japanese keyboard to Halfwidth mode. In Japanese, this string should be '半角'.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_JAPANESE_SECTION_SHORTCUT" desc="The label for the Japanese keyboard settings option to set the shortcut selection hotkeys for Japanese candidate selection. In Japanese, this string should be '候補選択ショートカット'.">
Selection Shortcut
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_JAPANESE_SECTION_SHORTCUT_NO_SHORTCUT" desc="The label for the Japanese keyboard settings option to set that there is no shortcut set for the Japanese keyboard candidate selection. In Japanese, this string should be 'なし'.">
No shortcut
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_JAPANESE_SECTION_SHORTCUT_123456789" translateable="false">
1 -- 9
A -- L
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_JAPANESE_KEYMAP_STYLE" desc="The label for Japanese keyboard settings option within the settings page to set the keymap style for the Japanese keyboard. In Japaneses, this string should be 'キー設定の選択'.">
Keymap Style
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_JAPANESE_KEYMAP_STYLE_CUSTOM" desc="The label for Japanese settings page to set the keymap style to use a Custom keymap. This is 'Custom Keymap' in Japanese. In Japanese, this string should be 'カスタム'.">
Custom keymap
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_JAPANESE_KEYMAP_STYLE_KOTOERI" desc="The label for Japanese settings page to set the keymap style to Kotoeri. In Japanese, this string can be written as 'ことえり'.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_JAPANESE_MANAGE_USER_DICTIONARY" desc="Label on the settings page which if the user clicks on, will bring up the Japaneses dictionary management page. There are multiple dictionary which the user can modify.">
Manage user dictionaries
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_JAPANESE_DELETE_PERSONALIZATION_DATA" desc="The label for the button leading to the page within japanese input settings which can be used to delete personalization data for Japanese input. In Japanese, this should be '入力履歴の消去...'.">
Delete personalization data...
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_JAPANESE_MANAGE_USER_DICTIONARY_SUBTITLE" desc="Subheading for the label on the settings page which if the user clicks on, will bring up the Japaneses dictionary management page. There are multiple dictionary which the user can modify.">
Add your own words to the user dictionaries in order to customize the conversion candidates.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_PINYIN_CHINESE_PUNCTUATION" desc="The label for the pinyin input method option for whether to output full-width or half-with punctuation.">
Initial punctuation width is Full
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_PINYIN_DEFAULT_CHINESE" desc="The label for the pinyin input method option for whether to use Chinese or English as the default input language.">
Initial input language is Chinese
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_PINYIN_ENABLE_FUZZY" desc="The label for the pinyin input method option to enable fuzzy-pinyin.">
Enable Fuzzy-Pinyin mode
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_PINYIN_ENABLE_LOWER_PAGING" desc="The label for the pinyin input method option for whether to use , and . for paging candidates.">
Use <ph name="COMMA">,</ph> and <ph name="PERIOD">.</ph> keys to page a candidate list
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_PINYIN_ENABLE_UPPER_PAGING" desc="The label for the pinyin input method option for whether to use - and = for paging candidates.">
Use <ph name="MINUS">-</ph> and <ph name="EQUAL">=</ph> keys to page a candidate list
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_PINYIN_FULL_WIDTH_CHARACTER" desc="The label for the pinyin input method option for whether to output latin letters and numbers as full-width or half-width character.">
Initial character width is Full
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_AUTO_CORRECTION_OFF" desc="The label for the choice to disable auto correction.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_AUTO_CORRECTION_MODEST" desc="The label for the choice to use modest auto correction.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_AUTO_CORRECTION_AGGRESSIVE" desc="The label for the choice to use aggressive auto correction.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_KEYBOARD_US" desc="The label for the choice to use US keyboard.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_ZHUYIN_LAYOUT_DEFAULT" desc="The label for the choice to use for Zhuyin keyboard.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_ZHUYIN_LAYOUT_IBM" desc="The label for the choice to use for Zhuyin keyboard.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_ZHUYIN_LAYOUT_ETEN" desc="The label for the choice to use for Zhuyin keyboard.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_KEYBOARD_DVORAK" desc="The label for the choice to use Dvorak keyboard.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_KEYBOARD_COLEMAK" desc="The label for the choice to use Colemak keyboard.">
<!-- Vietnamese Input Method (VNI/Telex) setting strings -->
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_HEADING_SHORTHAND_TYPING" desc="This is a heading for the settings option for shorthand typing features. These features allow the user to type certain diacritics via shortcut methods.">
Shorthand typing
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_VIETNAMESE_MODERN_TONE_MARK_PLACEMENT" desc="This is a label for the settings option to use the modern (as opposed to classic) set of rules in which vowel letter to place tone marks on a Vietnamese syllable (when there are multiple vowel letters) in flexible typing mode (where tone marks don’t need to be typed immediately after the vowel). The Vietnamese writing system has tone marks that can be placed on vowel letters.">
Use modern tone mark placement
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_DESCRIPTION_VIETNAMESE_MODERN_TONE_MARK_PLACEMENT" desc="This is a description for the settings option to use the modern (as opposed to classic) set of rules in which vowel letter to place tone marks on a Vietnamese syllable (when there are multiple vowel letters) in flexible typing mode (where tone marks don’t need to be typed immediately after the vowel). The Vietnamese writing system has tone marks that can be placed on vowel letters. The description shows the cases where the modern tone mark placement would differ from classic placement.">
For example, use oà, oè, uỳ instead of òa, òe, ùy
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_VIETNAMESE_FLEXIBLE_TYPING" desc="This is a label for the settings option to enable flexible typing mode in a Vietnamese input method. In flexible typing mode, users don’t need to assign diacritics immediately after the target letters, but can do so later e.g. towards or at the end of the syllable.">
Flexible typing
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_VIETNAMESE_TELEX_FLEXIBLE_TYPING_DESCRIPTION" desc="This is a description for the settings option to enable flexible typing mode in the Vietnamese Telex input method. In flexible typing mode, users don’t need to assign diacritics immediately after the target letters, but can do so later e.g. towards or at the end of the syllable. In the example, the 'S' key is used to add the acute diacritic on the 'a' character.">
Allow flexible diacritic assignment. For example, you can type “anhs” or “asnh” to get “ánh”.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_VIETNAMESE_VNI_FLEXIBLE_TYPING_DESCRIPTION" desc="This is a description for the settings option to enable flexible typing mode in the Vietnamese VNI input method. In flexible typing mode, users don’t need to assign diacritics immediately after the target letters, but can do so later e.g. towards or at the end of the syllable. In the example, the '1' key is used to add the acute diacritic on the 'a' character.">
Allow flexible diacritic assignment. For example, you can type “anh1” or “a1nh” to get “ánh”.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_VIETNAMESE_SHOW_UNDERLINE" desc="This is a label for the settings option to allow the Vietnamese input method to show underline when typing.">
Show underline for composition text
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_DESCRIPTION_VIETNAMESE_SHOW_UNDERLINE" desc="This is a description for the settings option to allow the Vietnamese input method to show underline when typing. The description clarifies that the underline setting may not be supported by some applications.">
Not supported by some apps
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_VIETNAMESE_VNI_UO_HOOK_SHORTCUT" desc="This is a label for the settings option to enable a shortcut way of typing in the Vietnamese VNI input method whereby typing keys U-O-7 gives characters ƯƠ directly, without having to type the canonical U-7-O-7. Note that the characters are U-with-horn and O-with-horn.">
Type "uo7" to get "ươ"
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_VIETNAMESE_TELEX_UO_HOOK_SHORTCUT" desc="This is a label for the settings option to enable a shortcut way of typing in the Vietnamese Telex input method whereby typing keys U-O-W gives characters ƯƠ directly, without having to type the canonical U-W-O-W. Note that the characters are U-with-horn and O-with-horn.">
Type "uow" to get "ươ"
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_INPUT_METHOD_OPTIONS_VIETNAMESE_TELEX_W_SHORTCUT" desc="This is a label for the settings option to enable a shortcut way of typing in the Vietnamese Telex input method whereby typing the key W gives the character Ư directly, without having to type the canonical U-W. Note that the character is U-with-horn.">
Type "w" to get "ư"
<!-- Device Page (OS Settings) -->
Enable reverse scrolling. <ph name="LINK_BEGIN">&lt;a&gt;</ph>Learn more<ph name="LINK_END">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
Reverse scrolling <ph name="LINK_BEGIN">&lt;a&gt;</ph>Learn more<ph name="LINK_END">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_REVAMP_TOUCHPAD_REVERSE_SCROLL_DESCRIPTION" desc="In Device Settings, the description for the label to set reverse scrolling.">
Swipe up to move the page down
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DEVICE_TITLE" desc="Name of the settings page which displays device and peripheral settings.">
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_DEVICE_MENU_ITEM_DESCRIPTION_KEYBOARD" desc="Description for keyboard settings in the Device menu item description in the left menu.">
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_DEVICE_MENU_ITEM_DESCRIPTION_MOUSE" desc="Description for mouse settings in the Device menu item description in the left menu.">
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_DEVICE_MENU_ITEM_DESCRIPTION_TOUCHPAD" desc="Description for touchpad settings in the Device menu item description in the left menu.">
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_DEVICE_MENU_ITEM_DESCRIPTION_PRINT" desc="Description for print settings in the Device menu item description in the left menu.">
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_DEVICE_MENU_ITEM_DESCRIPTION_DISPLAY" desc="Description for display settings in the Device menu item description in the left menu.">
<!-- Personalization Page (OS settings) -->
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_PERSONALIZATION" desc="Name of the OS settings page which displays personalization preferences.">
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_REVAMP_PERSONALIZATION" desc="Name of the OS settings page which displays personalization preferences.">
Wallpaper and style
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_PERSONALIZATION_MENU_ITEM_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description for the Personalization menu item in the left menu.">
Dark theme, screen saver
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_OPEN_PERSONALIZATION_HUB" desc="Title for the link to open personalization hub.">
Set your wallpaper &amp; style
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_OPEN_PERSONALIZATION_HUB_SUBTITLE" desc="Description for the link to open personalization hub.">
Personalize wallpaper, screen saver, accent colors, and more
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_REVAMP_OPEN_PERSONALIZATION_HUB_SUBTITLE" desc="Description for the link to open personalization hub.">
Personalize wallpaper, screen saver, dark theme, and more
<!-- Search and Assistant section. -->
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_SEARCH_ENGINE_LABEL" desc="Label in OS settings describing search engine behavior.">
Preferred search engine
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_REVAMP_SEARCH_ENGINE_LABEL" desc="Label in OS settings describing search engine behavior.">
Set search engine in Chrome browser settings
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_SEARCH_ENGINE_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description in the search engine dialog in OS settings explaining that search engine is used in both the Chrome browser and the ChromeOS app launcher.">
Set your default search engine for Chrome browser and <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> Launcher
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SEARCH_GOOGLE_ASSISTANT" desc="Label for the Google Assistant button.">
Google Assistant
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SEARCH_GOOGLE_ASSISTANT_ENABLED" desc="Sub label for the Google Assistant button when Assistant is enabled.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SEARCH_GOOGLE_ASSISTANT_DISABLED" desc="Sub label for the Google Assistant button when Assistant is disabled.">
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_SEARCH_GOOGLE_ASSISTANT_ON" desc="Row label in Google Assistant settings." meaning="Google Assistant is on.">
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_SEARCH_GOOGLE_ASSISTANT_OFF" desc="Row label in Google Assistant settings." meaning="Google Assistant is off.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SEARCH_AND_ASSISTANT" desc="Name of the settings page which displays search engine and assistant preferences on ChromeOS.">
Search and Assistant
<!-- Search subpage (OS settings) -->
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SEARCH_SUBPAGE_TITLE" desc="Name of the settings subpage for Search.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_QUICK_ANSWERS_ENABLE" desc="Title for a toggle that controls the Quick Answers feature.">
Quick answers
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_QUICK_ANSWERS_ENABLE_DESCRIPTION" desc="Sub label for the Quick Answers toggle.">
With a right-click or long press, show related info for your text selection
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_QUICK_ANSWERS_ENABLE_DESCRIPTION_WITH_LINK" desc="Sub label for the Quick Answers toggle with link to the website languages.">
Get definitions, translations, or unit conversions when you right-click or touch &amp; hold text. Customize translation languages in <ph name="LINK_BEGIN">&lt;a target="_blank" href="#"&gt;</ph>Website languages<ph name="LINK_END">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_QUICK_ANSWERS_DEFINITION_ENABLE" desc="Title for a toggle that controls the Quick Answers definiton feature.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_QUICK_ANSWERS_TRANSLATION_ENABLE" desc="Title for a toggle that controls the Quick Answers translation feature.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_QUICK_ANSWERS_TRANSLATION_ENABLE_DESCRIPTION" desc="Sub label for the Quick Answers translation toggle.">
Add your preferred <ph name="LINK_BEGIN">&lt;a target="_blank" href="#"&gt;</ph>website languages<ph name="LINK_END">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>. The top language from the list will be used for translations.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_QUICK_ANSWERS_UNIT_CONVERSION_ENABLE" desc="Title for a toggle that controls the Quick Answers unit conversion feature.">
Unit Conversion
<!-- Files Page (OS settings) -->
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_FILES" desc="Name of the settings page which displays file preferences.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DISCONNECT_GOOGLE_DRIVE" desc="Label for the checkbox which enables disconnecting from Google Drive account.">
Disconnect Google Drive account
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_CLEAN_UP_STORAGE_ACTION" desc="Button for the Offline Storage row where users can clean their offline storage in Settings: Files: Google Drive.">
Clean up storage
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_OFFLINE_CLEAN_UP_STORAGE_TITLE" desc="Title text for the Offline Storage confirmation dialog where users can clean up their offline storage in Settings: Files: Google Drive.">
Clean up offline storage?
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_OFFLINE_CLEAN_UP_STORAGE_BODY" desc="Title text for the Offline Storage confirmation dialog where users can clear their offline storage in Settings: Files: Google Drive.">
This will remove up to <ph name="OFFLINE_STORAGE_SIZE">$1<ex>5.0 GB</ex></ph> of space used by your offline files. Some files will still be available offline. <ph name="LINK_BEGIN">&lt;a target="_blank" href="$2<ex></ex>"&gt;</ph>Learn more<ph name="LINK_END">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_OFFLINE_CLEAN_UP_STORAGE_DISABLED_FILE_SYNC_TOOLTIP" desc="Tooltip text that shows when hovering over the clear offline storage button and it is disabled due to file sync being enabled in the Settings: Files: Google Drive.">
Can’t clean up storage while file sync is on
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_OFFLINE_CLEAN_UP_STORAGE_DISABLED_TOOLTIP" desc="Tooltip text that shows when hovering over the clear offline storage button and it is disabled due to 0 B of space in the Settings: Files: Google Drive.">
No offline storage to clean up
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_OFFLINE_CLEAN_UP_STORAGE_DISABLED_UNKNOWN_STORAGE_TOOLTIP" desc="Tooltip text that shows when hovering over the clear offline storage button that is disabled due to an unknown storage size in the Settings: Files: Google Drive.">
Can’t clean up storage until offline storage size is known.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_SIGNED_IN_AS" desc="Label indicating account signed in with Google Drive in Settings: Files: Google Drive.">
Signed in as <ph name="SPAN_START">&lt;span id="driveAccountEmail"&gt;</ph><ph name="DRIVE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL">$1<ex></ex></ph><ph name="SPAN_END">&lt;/span&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_FILE_SYNC_TITLE" desc="Title for the everything offline feature in Settings: Files: Google Drive.">
File sync
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_FILE_SYNC_SUBTITLE_WITHOUT_STORAGE" desc="Subtitle for the everything offline feature in Settings: Files: Google Drive.">
Your files in My Drive sync to your Chromebook automatically so you can access them without an internet connection.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_FILE_SYNC_SUBTITLE_WITH_STORAGE" desc="Subtitle for the everything offline feature in Settings: Files: Google Drive.">
Your files in My Drive sync to your Chromebook automatically so you can access them without an internet connection. This will use about <ph name="REQUIRED_SPACE">$1<ex>12.2 GB</ex></ph>. You currently have <ph name="FREE_SPACE_AVAILABLE">$2<ex>96.7 GB</ex></ph> available.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_OFFLINE_STORAGE_TITLE" desc="Title for the Offline Storage row where users can clear their offline storage in Settings: Files: Google Drive.">
Offline storage
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_OFFLINE_STORAGE_SPACE_TAKEN" desc="The storage used by files that are pinned in Settings: Files: Google Drive">
Using <ph name="USED_SPACE">$1<ex>10 GB</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_TURN_OFF_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Button for the confirmation dialog that spawns when attempting to turn off bulk pinning in Settings: Files: Google Drive.">
Turn off
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_FILE_SYNC_TURN_OFF_TITLE_TEXT" desc="Title text for the confirmation dialog that spawns when attempting to turn off bulk pinning in Settings: Files: Google Drive.">
Turn off file sync?
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_FILE_SYNC_TURN_OFF_BODY_TEXT" desc="Body text for the confirmation dialog that spawns when attempting to turn off bulk pinning in Settings: Files: Google Drive.">
New files in My Drive will stop syncing automatically to this Chromebook
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_FILE_SYNC_LISTING_FILES_TITLE_TEXT" desc="Title text for the dialog that spawns when a user tries to turn on bulk pinning whilst we're still listing files in Settings: Files: Google Drive.">
Scanning is taking longer than expected
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_FILE_SYNC_LISTING_FILES_ITEMS_FOUND_BODY_TEXT" desc="Body text for the dialog that spawns when a user tries to turn on bulk pinning whilst we're still listing files and we have a known count of listed files in Settings: Files: Google Drive.">
File sync has found <ph name="ITEMS_FOUND">$1<ex>1,072</ex></ph> files so far and is still checking storage space. Try turning on File sync again in a few minutes.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_REMOVE_ACCESS_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Button label indicates that, when pressed, will disconnect the users Google Drive access in Settings: Files: Google Drive">
Remove Drive access
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_REMOVE_ACCESS_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="Title of the dialog that appears when the Remove Drive access button is pressed in Settings: Files: Google Drive">
Remove Google Drive access?
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_REMOVE_ACCESS_DIALOG_BODY" desc="Body text of the dialog that appears when the Remove Drive access button is pressed in Settings: Files: Google Drive">
This will remove access to Google Drive on this Chromebook, including access to any files that have been made available offline
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_REMOVE_BUTTON_TEXT" desc="Action button text of the dialog that appears when the Remove Drive access button is pressed in Settings: Files: Google Drive">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_FILE_SYNC_UNEXPECTED_ERROR_TITLE_TEXT" desc="Title text for the confirmation dialog that spawns when attempting to turn on bulk pinning but an unexpected error occurred in Settings: Files: Google Drive.">
Something went wrong
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_FILE_SYNC_UNEXPECTED_ERROR_BODY_TEXT" desc="Body text for the confirmation dialog that spawns when attempting to turn on bulk pinning but an unexpected error occurred in Settings: Files: Google Drive.">
Try again later
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_FILE_SYNC_OFFLINE_ERROR_TITLE_TEXT" desc="Title text for the confirmation dialog that spawns when attempting to turn on bulk pinning but the device is offline in Settings: Files: Google Drive.">
You are currently offline
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_FILE_SYNC_OFFLINE_ERROR_BODY_TEXT" desc="Body text for the confirmation dialog that spawns when attempting to turn on bulk pinning but the device is offline in Settings: Files: Google Drive.">
For initial setup, you need to connect to the internet so files can sync to your Chromebook
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_BULK_PINNING_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_TITLE_TEXT" desc="Title text for the confirmation dialog that spawns when attempting to turn on bulk pinning but the user doesn't have enough free space in Settings: Files: Google Drive.">
Not enough storage space
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_BULK_PINNING_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE_BODY_TEXT" desc="Body text for the confirmation dialog that spawns when attempting to turn on bulk pinning but the user doesn't have enough free space in Settings: Files: Google Drive.">
There isn’t enough storage to sync your files. Try freeing up space.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_DISMISS_BUTTON_TEXT" desc="Button text for dialogs in Settings: Files: Google Drive to dismiss the dialog">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_OK_BUTTON_TEXT" desc="Button text for dialogs in Settings: Files: Google Drive to dismiss the dialog">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_NOT_SIGNED_IN_SUBLABEL" desc="Label indicating that Google Drive is not signed in (i.e. disabled) for the current user in Settings: Files">
Not signed in
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_ENABLED_ON_METERED_NETWORK_LABEL" desc="Label that shows for the settings to enable using metered network for syncing operations in Settings: Files: Google Drive">
Allow syncing on metered networks
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_FILE_SYNC_ON_SUBLABEL" desc="Sub label for the row indicating that Google Drive is enabled and file sync is on in Settings: Files">
File sync on
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_RECONNECT_AS" desc="Label indicating account that Google Drive would sign in as in Settings: Files: Google Drive.">
Connect <ph name="SPAN_START">&lt;span id="driveAccountEmail"&gt;</ph><ph name="DRIVE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL">$1<ex></ex></ph><ph name="SPAN_END">&lt;/span&gt;</ph> to access your Drive files in the Files app
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_CONNECT" desc="Action to connect Google Drive in Settings: Files: Google Drive.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_OFFLINE_CLEAR_CALCULATING_SUBTITLE" desc="Subtitle for the Offline Storage row where users can clear their offline storage in Settings: Files: Google Drive.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE_OFFLINE_CLEAR_ERROR_SUBTITLE" desc="Subtitle for the Offline Storage row where users can clear their offline storage in Settings: Files: Google Drive.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GOOGLE_DRIVE" translateable="false" desc="Label for the settings link that takes the user to the page where they can manage their Google Drive settings.">
Google Drive
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DOWNLOADS_SMB_SHARES" desc="In Downloads Settings, the title of the SMB shares setting section.">
Network file shares
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_REVAMP_DOWNLOADS_SMB_SHARES_DESCRIPTION" desc="In Files Settings, the description of the SMB shares setting section.">
Access shared files, folders, or drives on a local network. <ph name="LINK_BEGIN">&lt;a&gt;</ph>Learn more<ph name="LINK_END">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DOWNLOADS_SMB_SHARES_LEARN_MORE_LABEL" desc="Label for the link that teaches users how to setup SMB shares.">
Set up or manage network file shares. <ph name="LINK_BEGIN">&lt;a&gt;</ph>Learn more<ph name="LINK_END">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DOWNLOADS_SMB_SHARES_ADD_SHARE" desc="In SMB shares settings subpage, text for the link to add a new SMB share.">
Add file share
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DOWNLOADS_SHARE_ADDED_ERROR_MESSAGE" desc="The message shown when mounting a new SMB share fails.">
Error mounting share. Check the file share URL and try again.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DOWNLOADS_SHARE_ADDED_AUTH_FAILED_MESSAGE" desc="The message shown when mounting a new SMB share fails due to an authentication failure.">
Error mounting share. Please check your credentials and try again.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DOWNLOADS_SHARE_ADDED_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE" desc="The message shown when mounting a new SMB share fails because the share cannot be found.">
Error mounting share. The specified share was not found on the network.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DOWNLOADS_SHARE_ADDED_UNSUPPORTED_DEVICE_MESSAGE" desc="The message shown when mounting a new SMB share fails because the specified device is not supported.">
Error mounting share. Please check that the file server you are connecting to supports SMBv2 or later.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DOWNLOADS_SHARE_ADDED_MOUNT_EXISTS_MESSAGE" desc="The message shown when mounting a new SMB share fails because the share is already mounted.">
Error mounting share. The specified share is already mounted.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DOWNLOADS_SHARE_ADDED_TOO_MANY_MOUNTS_MESSAGE" desc="The message shown when mounting a new SMB share fails because too many SMB shares are already mounted.">
Error mounting share. Too many SMB shares are already mounted.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DOWNLOADS_SHARE_ADDED_MOUNT_INVALID_URL_MESSAGE" desc="The message shown when mounting a new SMB share fails because the URL is an invalid format.">
Invalid URL format. Supported formats are \\server\share and smb://server/share.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DOWNLOADS_SHARE_ADDED_MOUNT_INVALID_SSO_URL_MESSAGE" desc="The message shown when mounting a new SMB share fails because the URL is an invalid format when SSO authentication is used.">
Invalid URL format. Server must be specified as a host name when SSO authentication is used.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DOWNLOADS_SHARE_ADDED_MOUNT_INVALID_USERNAME_MESSAGE" desc="The message shown when mounting a new SMB share fails because the username is invalid.">
Invalid username
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DOWNLOADS_SHARE_ADDED_SUCCESS_MESSAGE" desc="The message shown when a new SMB share is successfully mounted.">
Share mounted successfully.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ONE_DRIVE_LABEL" desc="Label for the Settings link that takes the user to the OneDrive account settings.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ONE_DRIVE_SIGNED_IN_AS" desc="Label indicating, in the Files Settings subpage, the email address with which the user is currently signed in in OneDrive">
Signed in as <ph name="BEGIN_BOLD">&lt;strong&gt;</ph><ph name="DRIVE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL">$1<ex></ex></ph><ph name="END_BOLD">&lt;/strong&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ONE_DRIVE_DISCONNECTED" desc="Label prompting, in the Files Settings subpage, the user to add a new account for OneDrive">
Add your Microsoft account
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_ONE_DRIVE_LOADING" desc="Label indicating that the user's connection status is still being queried.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ONE_DRIVE_CONNECT" desc="Action to connect OneDrive in Settings: Files: OneDrive.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ONE_DRIVE_DISCONNECT" desc="Action to disconnect from OneDrive in Settings: Files: OneDrive.">
Remove access
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_OPEN_ONE_DRIVE_FOLDER" desc="Label for the Settings link in the OneDrive subpage to open the OneDrive folder">
Open OneDrive folder
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_OFFICE_LABEL" desc="Label for the Settings link that takes the user to the Microsoft 365 files settings.">
Microsoft 365
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_OFFICE_SUBLABEL" desc="Sub-label that describes that users can open Microsoft 365 files.">
Open Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_OFFICE_SUBPAGE_TITLE" desc="Title of the Microsoft 365 subpage.">
Microsoft 365 files
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ALWAYS_MOVE_OFFICE_TO_DRIVE_PREFERENCE_LABEL" desc="Label for the preference that allows users to always copy/move files to Drive without asking for confirmation.">
Ask before copying or moving Microsoft files to Google Drive
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ALWAYS_MOVE_OFFICE_TO_ONEDRIVE_PREFERENCE_LABEL" desc="Label for the preference that allows users to always copy/move files to OneDrive without asking for confirmation.">
Ask before copying or moving Microsoft files to Microsoft OneDrive
<!-- Accessibility -->
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_A11Y_TABLET_MODE_SHELF_BUTTONS_LABEL" desc="The name of a setting within accessibility settings that controls whether ChromeOS system shelf navigation buttons (for going back, home, or to overview) should be shown when the device is in tablet mode.">
Show navigation buttons in tablet mode
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_A11Y_TABLET_MODE_SHELF_BUTTONS_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description for the setting within accessibility settings that controls whether ChromeOS system shelf navigation buttons should be shown when the device is in tablet mode. The buttons whose visibility the setting controls are the button to go home (to launcher), the button to go back, and the button to go to overview.">
Use on-screen buttons to navigate home, back, and switch apps. Turns on automatically if ChromeVox or automatic clicks is turned on.
<!-- A11y (OS Settings) -->
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_MENU_ITEM_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description for the Accessibility menu item in the left menu.">
Screen reader, magnification
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_OPTIONS_IN_MENU_LABEL" desc="Label for checkbox which enables showing accessibility options in the system menu.">
Show accessibility options in Quick Settings
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_OPTIONS_IN_MENU_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description for checkbox which enables showing accessibility options in the system menu.">
Accessibility features make your device easier to use. To access Quick Settings, select the time on the bottom of your screen.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_LARGE_MOUSE_CURSOR_LABEL" desc="Label for checkbox which enables showing a larger mouse cursor than normal.">
Show large mouse cursor
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_FACEGAZE_LABEL" desc="Label for checkbox which enables controlling the mouse cursor and keyboard with face movements." translateable="false">
Face control
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_FACEGAZE_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description for the checkbox that enables controlling the mouse cursor and keyboard with face movements." translateable="false">
Use face and gaze movement to control cursor and keyboard
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_FACEGAZE_CURSOR_SETTINGS_LABEL" desc="Label for the option to configure the feature that enables controlling the mouse cursor and keyboard with face movements." translateable="false">
Cursor control
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_FACEGAZE_CURSOR_SETTINGS_DESCRIPTION" desc="Label description for the option to configure the feature that enables controlling the mouse cursor and keyboard with face movements." translateable="false">
Cursor calibration and movement settings
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_FACEGAZE_GESTURE_SETTINGS_LABEL" desc="Label for the option to configure facial expressions for Face Gaze." translateable="false">
Facial expressions
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_FACEGAZE_GESTURE_SETTINGS_DESCRIPTION" desc="Label description for the option to configure facial expressions for Face Gaze." translateable="false">
Use facial expressions to click and trigger key presses
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_FACEGAZE_CURSOR_SPEED_UP_LABEL" desc="Label description for a slider that adjusts the cursor speed up for Face Gaze. This makes the cursor move faster or slower as the head moves up." translateable="false">
Move up
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_FACEGAZE_CURSOR_SPEED_DOWN_LABEL" desc="Label description for a slider that adjusts the cursor speed down for Face Gaze. This makes the cursor move faster or slower as the head moves down." translateable="false">
Move down
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_FACEGAZE_CURSOR_SPEED_LEFT_LABEL" desc="Label description for a slider that adjusts the cursor speed to the left for Face Gaze. This makes the cursor move faster or slower as the head moves to the left." translateable="false">
Move left
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_FACEGAZE_CURSOR_SPEED_RIGHT_LABEL" desc="Label description for a slider that adjusts the cursor speed to the right for Face Gaze. This makes the cursor move faster or slower as the head moves to the right." translateable="false">
Move right
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_FACEGAZE_CURSOR_SMOOTHING_LABEL" desc="Label description for a slider that adjusts the cursor smoothing rate for Face Gaze. Smoothing makes the cursor movement less jumpy at the expense of being reactive" translateable="false">
(Advanced) Smooth pointer
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_FACEGAZE_CURSOR_ACCELERATION_LABEL" desc="Label description for a toggle button that turns on mouse acceleration for Face Gaze. Mouse acceleration makes the cursor move faster when the head moves quickly." translateable="false">
(Advanced) Use mouse acceleration
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_SLIDER_LABEL_100" desc="Label for the side of a slider that goes from or to 100.">
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_SLIDER_LABEL_1" desc="Label for the side of a slider that goes from or to 1.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_LARGE_MOUSE_CURSOR_SIZE_LABEL" desc="Label for a slider which changes the size of large mouse cursor.">
Cursor size
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_LARGE_MOUSE_CURSOR_SIZE_DEFAULT_LABEL" desc="Label in the slider which indicates that this side makes the cursor to its default size.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_LARGE_MOUSE_CURSOR_SIZE_LARGE_LABEL" desc="Label in the slider which indicates that this side makes the cursor large.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CURSOR_COLOR_OPTIONS_LABEL" desc="Label for a drop-down menu of cursor color options for custom cursor colors.">
Cursor color
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CURSOR_COLOR_BLACK" desc="Label for a cursor color option which colors the cursor black (default).">
Black (default)
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CURSOR_COLOR_RED" desc="Label for a cursor color option which colors the cursor red.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CURSOR_COLOR_YELLOW" desc="Label for a cursor color option which colors the cursor dark yellow.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CURSOR_COLOR_GREEN" desc="Label for a cursor color option which colors the cursor green.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CURSOR_COLOR_CYAN" desc="Label for a cursor color option which colors the cursor cyan.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CURSOR_COLOR_BLUE" desc="Label for a cursor color option which colors the cursor blue.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CURSOR_COLOR_MAGENTA" desc="Label for a cursor color option which colors the cursor magenta.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CURSOR_COLOR_PINK" desc="Label for a cursor color option which colors the cursor pink.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_HIGH_CONTRAST_LABEL" desc="Label for checkbox which enables high-contrast UI.">
Color inversion
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_HIGH_CONTRAST_DESCRIPTION" desc="Label for checkbox which enables high-contrast UI.">
Turn light screens dark, and dark screens light. Press Search + Ctrl + H to turn color inversion on and off.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_COLOR_FILTERING_LABEL" desc="Label for a checkbox which enables color correction settings.">
Color correction
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_COLOR_FILTERING_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description for a checkbox which enables color correction settings.">
Adjust how colors display on your screen
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GREYSCALE_LABEL" desc="Label for slider which controls grayscale UI filter.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PROTANOMALY_FILTER" desc="Label for a setting drop-down menu option for a color filter that helps people with protanomaly.">
Red-green, red weak (Protanomaly)
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_TRITANOMALY_FILTER" desc="Label for a setting drop-down menu option for a color filter that helps people with tritanomaly.">
Blue-yellow (Tritanomaly)
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DEUTERANOMALY_FILTER" desc="Label for a setting drop-down menu option for a color filter that helps people with deuteranomaly.">
Red-green, green weak (Deuteranomaly)
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_COLOR_VISION_DEFICIENCY_TYPE_LABEL" desc="Label for a drop-down menu option that provides color vision correction filters">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_COLOR_VISION_FILTER_INTENSITY_LABEL" desc="Label for a slider that allows people to control the intensity of the color vision correction filter">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_COLOR_FILTER_MINIMUM_LABEL" desc="Label for the side of the color filter slider control that causes the least visual change.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_COLOR_FILTER_MAXIMUM_LABEL" desc="Label for the side of the color filter slider control that causes the most visual change.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_COLOR_FILTERING_PREVIEW_INSTRUCTIONS" desc="The insructions for users to preview the effects of color correction by looking at how some color swatches change as the filter settings change">
Adjust the color correction settings to make sure colors are distinct
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_COLOR_FILTERING_PREVIEW_COLOR_RED" desc="The label for a swatch of red color which is shown for users to preview the effects of color correction.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_COLOR_FILTERING_PREVIEW_COLOR_ORANGE" desc="The label for a swatch of orange color which is shown for users to preview the effects of color correction.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_COLOR_FILTERING_PREVIEW_COLOR_YELLOW" desc="The label for a swatch of yellow color which is shown for users to preview the effects of color correction.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_COLOR_FILTERING_PREVIEW_COLOR_GREEN" desc="The label for a swatch of green color which is shown for users to preview the effects of color correction.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_COLOR_FILTERING_PREVIEW_COLOR_CYAN" desc="The label for a swatch of cyan color which is shown for users to preview the effects of color correction.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_COLOR_FILTERING_PREVIEW_COLOR_BLUE" desc="The label for a swatch of blue color which is shown for users to preview the effects of color correction.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_COLOR_FILTERING_PREVIEW_COLOR_PURPLE" desc="The label for a swatch of purple color which is shown for users to preview the effects of color correction.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_COLOR_FILTERING_PREVIEW_COLOR_GRAY" desc="The label for a swatch of gray color which is shown for users to preview the effects of color correction.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_REDUCED_ANIMATIONS_LABEL" desc="Label for a checkbox which enables reduced animations.">
Reduced animations
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_REDUCED_ANIMATIONS_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description for a checkbox which enables reduced animations.">
Limit movement on the screen
<!-- TODO(b:259374492): Mark these strings translatable before launch. -->
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CARET_BLINK_INTERVAL_LABEL" desc="The label for a drop-down menu that allows users to pick the blink rate of their text insertion caret." translateable="false">
Text caret blink rate
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CARET_BLINK_INTERVAL_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description for a drop-down menu that allows users to pick the blink rate of their text insertion caret." translateable="false">
Change the blink rate of the text caret in most text fields.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CARET_BLINK_INTERVAL_OFF" desc="The name of a drop-down menu item that turns off the caret blink rate (so the caret is always steady on)." translateable="false">
Do not blink
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CARET_BLINK_INTERVAL_NORMAL" desc="The name of a drop-down menu item that makes the caret blink at the normal rate." translateable="false">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CARET_BLINK_INTERVAL_SLOW" desc="The name of a drop-down menu item that makes the caret blink rate slower than normal." translateable="false">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CARET_BLINK_INTERVAL_FAST" desc="The name of a drop-down menu item that makes the caret blink rate faster than normal." translateable="false">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_STICKY_KEYS_LABEL" desc="Label for checkbox which enables sticky keys, with an explanation of the term 'sticky keys'.">
Sticky keys
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_STICKY_KEYS_DESCRIPTION" desc="Label for checkbox which enables sticky keys, with an explanation of the term 'sticky keys'.">
Press one key at a time for keyboard shortcuts instead of holding keys down at the same time
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_STICKY_KEYS_DISABLED_BY_CHROMEVOX_TOOLTIP" desc="Tooltip text which explains that the Sticky keys feature cannot be enabled when ChromeVox is on. Shown next to the disabled Sticky keys toggle when ChromeVox has been enabled.">
Sticky keys is not available when ChromeVox is on
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_LABEL" desc="Label for checkbox which enables ChromeVox, with a description of what ChromeVox is.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_DESCRIPTION_OFF" desc="Description for checkbox which enables ChromeVox, with a description of what ChromeVox is, when ChromeVox is turned off.">
Hear spoken feedback so you can use your device without looking at the screen. Braille feedback is available with a connected device.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_DESCRIPTION_ON" desc="Description for checkbox which enables ChromeVox, with a description of what ChromeVox is, when ChromeVox is turned on.">
Hear spoken feedback so you can use your device without looking at the screen. Braille feedback is available with a connected device. Use Ctrl + Alt + Z to turn ChromeVox on and off. Use Search + Left arrow or Right arrow to navigate. Use Search + Space to select (activate).
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_OPTIONS_LABEL" desc="Label for button to open ChromeVox options.">
ChromeVox settings
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_TUTORIAL_LABEL" desc="Label for button to open ChromeVox tutorial.">
ChromeVox tutorial
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_GENERAL_LABEL" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for the General section header.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_VOICES_LABEL" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for the Voices section header.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_BRAILLE_LABEL" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for the Braille section header.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_DEVELOPER_OPTIONS_LABEL" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for the Developer Options section header.">
Developer Options
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_USE_VERBOSE_MODE" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for the toggle to enable verbose descriptions (An option for ChromeVox to speak more verbosely when giving descriptions to the user).">
Enable verbose descriptions
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_AUTO_READ" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for the toggle to automatically read page after it finishes loading." >
Automatically read page after it finishes loading
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_SPEAK_TEXT_UNDER_MOUSE" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for the toggle to enable a setting which speaks text under the mouse cursor." >
Speak text under the mouse
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_USE_PITCH_CHANGES" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for the toggle to change pitch when speaking element types and formatted text." >
Change pitch when speaking element types and formatted text
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_ANNOUNCE_RICH_TEXT_ATTRIBUTES" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for the toggle to automatically announce rich text styles." >
Announce text styling
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_CAPITAL_STRATEGY" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for the multi select option for how to verbalize capital letters.">
When reading capitals
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_ANNOUNCE_CAPITALS" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for the option that sets capital description strategy to announce presence of capital letters">
Speak "cap" before letter
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_INCREASE_PITCH" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for the option that sets capital description strategy to increase pitch">
Increase pitch
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_NUMBER_READING_STYLE" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for choosing how ChromeVox reads numbers.">
Read numbers as
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_NUMBER_READING_STYLE_WORDS" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for an option to read numbers as words.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_NUMBER_READING_STYLE_DIGITS" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for an option to read numbers as digits.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_PUNCTUATION_ECHO" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for choosing how ChromeVox reads punctuation.">
Punctuation echo
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_PUNCTUATION_ECHO_NONE" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for an option to echo (speak) no punctuation.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_PUNCTUATION_ECHO_SOME" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for an option to echo (speak) some punctuation.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_PUNCTUATION_ECHO_ALL" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for an option to echo (speak) all punctuation.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_ANNOUNCE_DOWNLOAD_NOTIFICATIONS" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for an option to announce download notifications.">
Announce download notifications
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_SMART_STICKY_MODE" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for the toggle that enables or disables Smart Sticky Mode. The label explains how the feature works.">
Turn off sticky mode when editing text (Smart Sticky Mode)
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_AUDIO_STRATEGY" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for the multiselect dropdown for how to play audio when ChromeVox speaks using text to speech.">
When playing audio...
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_AUDIO_NORMAL" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for an option to allow audio playback to be at a normal volume even if ChromeVox is speaking.">
Play at normal volume even if ChromeVox is speaking
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_AUDIO_DUCK" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for an option to allow audio playback to play at lower volume when ChromeVox is speaking (use audio ducking).">
Play at lower volume when ChromeVox is speaking
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_AUDIO_SUSPEND" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for an option to pause audio playback when ChromeVox is speaking (use audio suspension).">
Pause playback when ChromeVox is speaking
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_VOICE" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for the dropdown to select ChromeVox's text-to-speech voice.">
Select current voice:
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_SYSTEM_VOICE" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for the default system text-to-speech voice.">
System Text-to-Speech voice
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_TTS_SETTINGS_LINK" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for the link to the Text-to-Speech settings page.">
Open text-to-speech settings
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_TTS_SETTINGS_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the description sub-label for the link to the Text-to-Speech settings page, used to illustrate the keyboard shortcut for the Text-to-Speech settings page, and a description telling users that they can use the Text-to-speech settings page to Install, Manage, and Customize their text-to-speech voices.">
Search + O, then S. Use to install, manage, and customize voices.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_EVENT_LOG_LINK" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for the link to show the ChromeVox Event Log page.">
Show Log
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_EVENT_LOG_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the description sub-label for the link to show the ChromeVox Event Log page, used to illustrate the keyboard shortcut to open the ChromeVox Event Log page: Search + O, then W.">
Search + O, then W
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_LANGUAGE_SWITCHING" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for the toggle to enable ChromeVox language switching.">
Automatically switch ChromeVox voice based on language
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_MENU_ENABLE_SPEECH_LOGGING" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, under developer options the label for the toggle that enables speech logging.">
Enable speech logging
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_MENU_ENABLE_EARCON_LOGGING" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, under developer options the label for the toggle that enables earcon logging.">
Enable earcon logging
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_MENU_ENABLE_BRAILLE_LOGGING" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, under developer options the label for the toggle that enables braille logging.">
Enable braille logging
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_MENU_ENABLE_EVENT_STREAM_LOGGING" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, under developer options the label for the toggle that enables event stream logging.">
Enable event stream logging
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_BRAILLE_TABLE_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for the braille table type list box and braille table selection list box. A braille table describes how text gets converted from a unicode encoding into a pattern of dots. This varies based on locale and contraction. See for more.">
Select a braille table
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_BRAILLE_TABLE_6_DOT" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for the braille table type list item for 6-dot braille. A braille table describes how text gets converted from a unicode encoding into a pattern of dots. This varies based on locale and contraction. See for more.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_BRAILLE_TABLE_8_DOT" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for the braille table type list item for 8-dot braille. A braille table describes how text gets converted from a unicode encoding into a pattern of dots. This varies based on locale and contraction. See for more.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_BRAILLE_TABLE_NAME_WITH_GRADE" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, how to present the name of a braille table to the user. For example, a locale could be 'English (United States)' and a grade could be '2'. Together they would be 'English (United States), Grade 2'. A braille table describes how text gets converted from Unicode text into a pattern of braille dots. This varies based on locale and contraction. See for a more in-depth discussion.">
<ph name="locale">$1</ph>, Grade <ph name="grade">$2</ph>
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_BRAILLE_TABLE_NAME_WITH_VARIANT" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, how to present the name of a braille table to the user. For example, a locale could be 'English' and a variant could be 'UEB' (for 'Unified English Braille'). Together they would be 'English (UEB)'. A braille table describes how text gets converted from Unicode text into a pattern of braille dots. See for a more in-depth discussion.">
<ph name="locale">$1</ph> (<ph name="variant">$2</ph>)
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_BRAILLE_TABLE_NAME_WITH_VARIANT_AND_GRADE" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, how to present the name of a braille table to the user. For example, a locale could be 'English', variant could be 'UEB' (for 'Unified English Braille') and a grade could be '2'. Together they would be 'English (UEB), Grade 2'. A braille table describes how text gets converted from Unicode text into a pattern of braille dots. See for a more in-depth discussion.">
<ph name="locale">$1</ph> (<ph name="variant">$2</ph>), Grade <ph name="grade">$3</ph>
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_BRAILLE_WORD_WRAP" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for the toggle that enables wrapping of words if a whole line doesn't fit on a braille display. When this option is enabled, an effort is made to keep the characters of words together on the display. Otherwise, as many characters as possible are put on each braille display line, possible splitting words between lines.">
Enable word wrap
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_MENU_BRAILLE_COMMANDS" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for the toggle that enables displaying Perkins Brailler commands in the ChromeVox menus.">
Show braille commands in the ChromeVox menus
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_BLUETOOTH_BRAILLE_DISPLAY_CONNECT" desc="Labels a button which when pressed, connects to a selected bluetooth braille display.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_BLUETOOTH_BRAILLE_DISPLAY_DISCONNECT" desc="Labels a button which when pressed, disconnects from a selected bluetooth braille display.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_BLUETOOTH_BRAILLE_DISPLAY_CONNECTING" desc="Labels a button which is disabled and indicates the system is connecting to a bluetooth braille display.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_BLUETOOTH_BRAILLE_DISPLAY_FORGET" desc="Labels a button which when pressed, forgets the selected bluetooth braille display.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_BLUETOOTH_BRAILLE_DISPLAY_PINCODE_LABEL" desc="Labels a text field which prompts the user for a pincode when pairing a bluetooth braille display.">
Please enter a pin
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_BLUETOOTH_BRAILLE_DISPLAY_SELECT_LABEL" desc="Labels a select control which lists all bluetooth braille displays.">
Select a bluetooth braille display
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_VIRTUAL_BRAILLE_DISPLAY" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, a section header for options about the ChromeVox virtual braille display. This section lets users change the rows, columns, and display style of the virtual braille display.">
Virtual Braille Display
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_VIRTUAL_BRAILLE_DISPLAY_DETAILS" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, an explanatory section description for options about the ChromeVox virtual braille display. Explains that the section on virtual braille display allows the user to control a simulation of a refreshable braille display (a physical hardware device) in the panel at the top of the screen.">
Simulates the output of a refreshable braille display
in the ChromeVox panel at the top of the screen
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_VIRTUAL_BRAILLE_DISPLAY_ROWS" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for a numberic input field where the user can choose the number of lines of text in a grid (virtual braille display) that allows the user to control a simulation of a refreshable braille display (a physical hardware device) in the panel at the top of the screen.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_VIRTUAL_BRAILLE_DISPLAY_COLUMNS" desc="In the ChromeVox settings subpage, the label for a numberic input field where the user can choose the number of cells in each line of a grid (virtual braille display) that allows the user to control a simulation of a refreshable braille display (a physical hardware device) in the panel at the top of the screen.">
Cells in each line:
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_VIRTUAL_BRAILLE_DISPLAY_STYLE_LABEL" desc="A label for the dropdown that lets the user select the display style of the virtual display - interleaving braille and regular text (one on top of the other), or side by side where regular text is on the left and braille is on the right">
Display style
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_VIRTUAL_BRAILLE_DISPLAY_STYLE_INTERLEAVE" desc="A dropdown item that lets the user enable the display style of the virtual display that interleaves braille and regular text, one on top of the other.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CHROMEVOX_VIRTUAL_BRAILLE_DISPLAY_STYLE_SIDE_BY_SIDE" desc="A dropdown item that lets the user enable the display style of the virtual display that is side by side, where regular text is on the left and braille is on the right.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SCREEN_MAGNIFIER_LABEL" desc="Label for checkbox which enables the fullscreen magnifier">
Full-screen magnifier
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SCREEN_MAGNIFIER_DESCRIPTION_OFF" desc="Description for checkbox which enables the fullscreen magnifier, when fullscreen magnifier is turned off.">
Zoom in to make items on the screen bigger. Use Search + Ctrl + M to turn magnifier on and off.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SCREEN_MAGNIFIER_DESCRIPTION_ON" desc="Description for checkbox which enables the fullscreen magnifier, when fullscreen magnifier is turned on.">
Zoom in to make items on the screen bigger. Use Search + Ctrl + M to turn magnifier on and off. Use Ctrl + Alt + Arrow keys to move around when zoomed in.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SCREEN_MANIFIER_MOUSE_FOLLOWING_MODE_CONTINUOUS" desc="Label for the radio button that allows the user to choose the 'continuous' mouse following mode for the full screen magnifier, which moves the zoomed-in screen continuously (underneath the cursor in the opposite direction) as the mouse moves towards the edges of the screen. This feature allows the user of full screen magnifier to choose how the zoomed-in screen moves as their mouse moves within the screen. The options are 'Move screen continuously as mouse moves', 'Move screen keeping mouse at center of screen', and 'Move screen when mouse touches edges of screen'.">
Move screen continuously as mouse moves
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SCREEN_MANIFIER_MOUSE_FOLLOWING_MODE_CENTERED" desc="Label for the radio button that allows the user to choose the 'centered' mouse following mode for the full screen magnifier, which moves the zoomed-in screen while keeping the mouse at center of the screen. This feature allows the user of full screen magnifier to choose how the zoomed-in screen moves as their mouse moves within the screen. The options are 'Move screen continuously as mouse moves', 'Move screen keeping mouse at center of screen', and 'Move screen when mouse touches edges of screen'.">
Move screen keeping mouse at center of screen
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SCREEN_MANIFIER_MOUSE_FOLLOWING_MODE_EDGE" desc="Label for the radio button that allows the user to choose the 'edge' mouse following mode for the full screen magnifier, which moves the zoomed-in screen when the mouse touches the edges of the screen. This feature allows the user of full screen magnifier to choose how the zoomed-in screen moves as their mouse moves within the screen. The options are 'Move screen continuously as mouse moves', 'Move screen keeping mouse at center of screen', and 'Move screen when mouse touches edges of screen'.">
Move screen when mouse touches edges of screen
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SCREEN_MAGNIFIER_FOCUS_FOLLOWING_LABEL" desc="Label for toggle which enables keyboard focus following in the fullscreen magnifier">
Zoomed in screen follows keyboard focus
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SCREEN_MAGNIFIER_ZOOM_LABEL" desc="Label for dropdown menu which contains zoom levels for the fullscreen magnifier">
Zoom level
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SCREEN_MAGNIFIER_ZOOM_HINT_LABEL" desc="Label for keyboard shortcut for adjusting the zoom levels for the fullscreen magnifier">
Use Ctrl + Alt + Brightness up to zoom in.
Use Ctrl + Alt + Brightness down to zoom out.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DOCKED_MAGNIFIER_LABEL" desc="Label for checkbox which enables the docked magnifier">
Docked magnifier
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DOCKED_MAGNIFIER_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description for checkbox which enables the docked magnifier">
Use a split-screen view to see the magnified area of your screen. Use Search + Ctrl + D to turn docked magnifier on and off.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DOCKED_MAGNIFIER_ZOOM_LABEL" desc="Label for dropdown menu which contains zoom levels for the docked magnifier">
Docked zoom level:
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SCREEN_MAGNIFIER_ZOOM_2_X" desc="Desription of a 2x zoom level">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SCREEN_MAGNIFIER_ZOOM_4_X" desc="Desription of a 4x zoom level">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SCREEN_MAGNIFIER_ZOOM_6_X" desc="Desription of a 6x zoom level">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SCREEN_MAGNIFIER_ZOOM_8_X" desc="Desription of a 8x zoom level">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SCREEN_MAGNIFIER_ZOOM_10_X" desc="Desription of a 10x zoom level">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SCREEN_MAGNIFIER_ZOOM_12_X" desc="Desription of a 12x zoom level">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SCREEN_MAGNIFIER_ZOOM_14_X" desc="Desription of a 14x zoom level">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SCREEN_MAGNIFIER_ZOOM_16_X" desc="Desription of a 16x zoom level">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SCREEN_MAGNIFIER_ZOOM_18_X" desc="Desription of a 18x zoom level">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SCREEN_MAGNIFIER_ZOOM_20_X" desc="Desription of a 20x zoom level">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_TAP_DRAGGING_LABEL" desc="Label for checkbox which enables tap dragging.">
Enable tap dragging
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_REVAMP_TAP_DRAGGING_LABEL" desc="Label for checkbox which enables tap dragging.">
Tap and drag to move items
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_REVAMP_TAP_DRAGGING_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description for checkbox which enables tap dragging.">
Double-tap an item, hold down on the second tap, and then drag the item to move it
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CLICK_ON_STOP_LABEL" desc="Label for checkbox which enables automatically do a mouse action when the mouse cursor stops.">
Automatic clicks
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_CLICK_ON_STOP_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description for checkbox which enables automatically do a mouse action when the mouse cursor stops.">
Automatically click when the cursor stops
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DELAY_BEFORE_CLICK_LABEL" desc="Label for dropdown menu which contains various time delays for mouse action.">
Delay before click
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DELAY_BEFORE_CLICK_EXTREMELY_SHORT" desc="Description of an extremely short delay before mouse action, at .6 seconds.">
0.6 seconds
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DELAY_BEFORE_CLICK_VERY_SHORT" desc="Description of a very short delay before mouse action, at .8 seconds.">
0.8 seconds
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DELAY_BEFORE_CLICK_SHORT" desc="Description of a short delay before mouse action, at 1 second.">
1 second
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DELAY_BEFORE_CLICK_LONG" desc="Description of a long delay before mouse action, at 2 seconds.">
2 seconds
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DELAY_BEFORE_CLICK_VERY_LONG" desc="Description of a very long delay before mouse action, at 4 seconds.">
4 seconds
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_AUTOCLICK_REVERT_TO_LEFT_CLICK" desc="Description of a checkbox that gives the option to return to the default left click action after taking another action.">
Revert to left click after action
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_AUTOCLICK_STABILIZE_CURSOR_POSITION" desc="Description of a checkbox that gives the option to turn on cursor movement stablization.">
Ignore minor cursor movement
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_AUTOCLICK_MOVEMENT_THRESHOLD_LABEL" desc="Label for a dropdown menu which that has options for how much mouse movement can occur before a new autoclick is initiated.">
Cursor area size
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_AUTOCLICK_MOVEMENT_THRESHOLD_EXTRA_SMALL" desc="Description of an extra small mouse movement threshold for autoclick mouse movements.">
Extra small
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_AUTOCLICK_MOVEMENT_THRESHOLD_SMALL" desc="Description of a small mouse movement threshold for autoclick mouse movements">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_AUTOCLICK_MOVEMENT_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT" desc="Description of the default mouse movement threshold for autoclick mouse movements">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_AUTOCLICK_MOVEMENT_THRESHOLD_LARGE" desc="Description of a large mouse movement threshold for autoclick mouse movements">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_AUTOCLICK_MOVEMENT_THRESHOLD_EXTRA_LARGE" desc="Description of an extra large mouse movement threshold for autoclick mouse movements">
Extra large
<!-- TODO(b/259372916): Finalize and translate these strings before Mouse Keys launches-->
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_MOUSE_KEYS_LABEL" desc="Label for the mouse keys setting toggle." translateable="false">
Mouse Keys
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_MOUSE_KEYS_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description of the mouse keys setting toggle." translateable="false">
Use your Chromebook keyboard or a numeric keypad to control the cursor
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_MOUSE_KEYS_SHORTCUT_TO_PAUSE" desc="Description of the setting to disable mouse keys with a keyboard shortcut." translateable="false">
Press ctrl key 5 times to pause mouse keys
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_MOUSE_KEYS_DISABLE_IN_TEXT_FIELDS" desc="Description of the setting to disable mouse keys in text fields." translateable="false">
Temporarily disable mouse keys when you are in a text field. Press esc to resume.
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_MOUSE_KEYS_ACCELERATION" desc="Label for the mouse keys acceleration slider." translateable="false">
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_MOUSE_KEYS_ACCELERATION_MIN_LABEL" desc="Label for the mouse keys acceleration slider's minimum value." translateable="false">
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_MOUSE_KEYS_ACCELERATION_MAX_LABEL" desc="Label for the mouse keys acceleration slider's maximum value." translateable="false">
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_MOUSE_KEYS_MAX_SPEED" desc="Label for the mouse keys maximum speed slider." translateable="false">
Maximum speed
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_MOUSE_KEYS_MAX_SPEED_MIN_LABEL" desc="Label for the mouse keys maximum speed slider's minimum value." translateable="false">
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_MOUSE_KEYS_MAX_SPEED_MAX_LABEL" desc="Label for the mouse keys maximum speed slider's maximum value." translateable="false">
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_MOUSE_KEYS_DOMINANT_HAND" desc="Label for the drop down to select your dominant hand for mouse keys." translateable="false">
Dominant hand
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_MOUSE_KEYS_RIGHT_HAND" desc="Drop down entries for mouse keys specifying your right hand as your dominant hand." translateable="false">
Right hand
<message name="IDS_OS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_MOUSE_KEYS_LEFT_HAND" desc="Drop down entries for mouse keys specifying your left hand as your dominant hand." translateable="false">
Left hand
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_DICTATION_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description explaining that Dictation sends audio data to Google for transcription">
Send your voice to Google to allow dictation into any text field.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_DICTATION_LABEL" desc="Label for checkbox which enables the ability to speak into text fields">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_DICTATION_NEW_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description explaining what Dictation does and how to use it. Is only user-visible if the kEnableExperimentalAccessibilityDictationOffline flag is enabled.">
Type with your voice. Use Search + D, then start speaking.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_DICTATION_SUBTITLE_SODA_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS" desc="Description explaining the progress for the speech recognition library download.">
Downloading speech recognition files... <ph name="PERCENT">$1<ex>17</ex></ph>%
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_DICTATION_SUBTITLE_SODA_DOWNLOAD_ERROR" desc="Description explaining that there was an error with the speech recognition library download.">
Couldn’t download <ph name="language">$1<ex>English</ex></ph> speech files. Download will be attempted later. Speech is sent to Google for processing until download is completed.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_DICTATION_LOCALE_MENU_LABEL" desc="Description of a drop-down menu to select the language to use for Dictation's speech recognition.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_DICTATION_LOCALE_SUB_LABEL_OFFLINE" desc="Sub-label for a drop-down menu to select the language to use for Dictation. Describes how that language can be processed offline with no network connection.">
<ph name="language">$1<ex>English</ex></ph> is processed locally and works offline
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_DICTATION_LOCALE_SUB_LABEL_NETWORK" desc="Sub-label for a drop-down menu to select the language to use for Dictation. Describes how speech will be sent over the network to Google for processing to create text.">
<ph name="language">$1<ex>English</ex></ph> speech is sent to Google for processing
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_DICTATION_CHANGE_LANGUAGE_BUTTON" desc="Text on a button to open a dialog to change the Dictation language.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_DICTATION_CHANGE_LANGUAGE_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="Title of a dialog allowing the user to change their Dictation language.">
Change Dictation language
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_DICTATION_LANGUAGE_DIALOG_SEARCH_HINT" desc="Hint in a language search box in the dialog allowing users to change their Dictation language.">
Search languages
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_DICTATION_LANGUAGE_DIALOG_SEARCH_CLEAR" desc="Hint to clear search in a language search box in the dialog allowing users to change their Dictation language.">
Clear search
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_DICTATION_LANGUAGE_DIALOG_RECOMMENDED" desc="Heading for suggested languages list in the Dictation change language dialog.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_DICTATION_LANGUAGE_DIALOG_ALL" desc="Heading for the list of all Dictation languages in the Dictation change language dialog.">
All languages
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_DICTATION_LANGUAGE_DIALOG_NO_RESULTS" desc="Message shown when there are no Dictation languages matching the search query the user has typed.">
No search results
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_DICTATION_LANGUAGE_DIALOG_UPDATE_BUTTON" desc="Text on a button to update the Dictation language in the change language dialog.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_DICTATION_LANGUAGE_DIALOG_CANCEL_BUTTON" desc="Text on a button to cancel the Dictation language dialog without updating the language.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_DICTATION_LANGUAGE_DIALOG_OFFLINE_SUBTITLE" desc="Subtitle of a language in the Dictation language settings dialog which indicates that the language is availble offline.">
Works offline
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_DICTATION_LANGUAGE_DIALOG_OFFLINE_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description of a language that works offline in the Dictation language settings dialog." is_accessibility_with_no_ui="true">
<ph name="LANGUAGE">$1<ex>English</ex></ph> (works offline)
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_DICTATION_LANGUAGE_DIALOG_SELECTED_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description of a language that is selected in the Dictation language settings dialog." is_accessibility_with_no_ui="true">
<ph name="LANGUAGE">$1<ex>English</ex></ph> (selected)
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_DICTATION_LANGUAGE_DIALOG_NOT_SELECTED_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description of a language that is not selected in the Dictation language settings dialog." is_accessibility_with_no_ui="true">
<ph name="LANGUAGE">$1<ex>English</ex></ph> (not selected)
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ON_SCREEN_KEYBOARD_LABEL" desc="Label for checkbox which enables an on-screen keyboard.">
On-screen keyboard
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ON_SCREEN_KEYBOARD_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description for checkbox which enables an on-screen keyboard.">
Select a text field to open the keyboard. You can also select the Keyboard icon on the bottom of your screen.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_MONO_AUDIO_LABEL" desc="Label for checkbox which enables mono audio output.">
Mono audio
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_MONO_AUDIO_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description for checkbox which enables mono audio output.">
Play the same audio through all speakers
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_STARTUP_SOUND_LABEL" desc="Label for checkbox which enables startup sound.">
Play sound on device startup
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_DISPLAY_HEADING" desc="In the settings tab, the heading for accessibility features related to the computer's display.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_EXPLANATION" desc="Informational message at the top of the accessibility section of the settings page about enabling additional accessibility-related features.">
Enable accessibility features to make your device easier to use. <ph name="LINK_BEGIN">&lt;a&gt;</ph>Learn more<ph name="LINK_END">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_CARET_HIGHLIGHT_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the text next to the checkbox to highlight the caret (the text insertion point) to make it easier to see.">
Highlight text cursor
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_CARET_HIGHLIGHT_DESCRIPTION_SUBTEXT" desc="In the settings tab, the sub-text next to the checkbox to highlight the caret (the text insertion point) to make it easier to see.">
Cursor is highlighted when it appears or moves
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_CARET_BROWSING_DESCRIPTION" desc="Name of the setting to enable Caret Browsing, which allows you to move around any web page using a text caret.">
Navigate with text cursor (caret browsing)
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_CARET_BROWSING_DESCRIPTION_SUBTEXT" desc="Subtext of the setting to enable Caret Browsing, which allows you to move around any web page using a text caret.">
Use the arrow keys to move through items letter by letter
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_CURSOR_HIGHLIGHT_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the text next to the checkbox to highlight the mouse cursor when it's moving to make it easier to see.">
Highlight the mouse cursor when it's moving
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS_HIGHLIGHT_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the text next to the checkbox to highlight the focused object to make it easier to see.">
Highlight item with keyboard focus
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS_HIGHLIGHT_DESCRIPTION_SUBTEXT" desc="In the settings tab, the subtext next to the checkbox to highlight the focused object to make it easier to see.">
Item is highlighted when you move focus. Press tab or select an item to change focus.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_FOCUS_HIGHLIGHT_DISABLED_BY_CHROMEVOX_TOOLTIP" desc="Tooltip text which explains that the 'Highlight the item with keyboard focus' feature cannot be enabled when ChromeVox is on. Shown next to the disabled 'Highlight the item with keyboard focus' toggle when ChromeVox has been enabled.">
Highlight the item with keyboard focus is not available when ChromeVox is on
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_TITLE" desc="In the settings tab, the text next to the checkbox to enable an option to hold a key and click to speak any on-screen text out loud.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_DISABLED_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the description of a feature that will read on-screen text out loud. This text is shown when that feature is disabled.">
Hear specific text read aloud. First, select the Select-to-speak icon on the bottom of your screen, then highlight text.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_SPEECH" desc="In the Select-to-speak settings subpage, the label for the group of options where the user can adjust synthesized speech properties.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_LANGUAGES_FILTER_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the Select-to-speak settings subpage, the label for the control where the user can choose a language from a list, to filter the list of voices below.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_DEVICE_LANGUAGE" desc="In the Select-to-speak settings subpage, the option in the language list where the default language of the device is used as the speech language.">
Device language
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_VOICE_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the Select-to-speak settings subpage, the label for the control where the user can choose a voice.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_TEXT_TO_SPEECH_SETTINGS_LINK" desc="In the Select-to-speak settings subpage, the label for the link to the Text-to-Speech settings page.">
System voice settings
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_SYSTEM_VOICE" desc="In the Select-to-speak settings subpage, the label for the menu option for the voice name for the system default Text-to-Speech voice">
System voice
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_VOICE_PREVIEW" desc="In the Select-to-speak settings subpage, the label for the control where the user can listen to a preview of the selected voice.">
Voice preview
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_DEFAULT_NETWORK_VOICE" desc="In the Select-to-speak settings subpage, the label for the natural voices option that uses a default, server-supplied Text-to-Speech voice">
Default natural voice
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_NATURAL_VOICE_PREVIEW" desc="In the Select-to-speak settings subpage, the label for the control where the user can listen to a preview of the selected high-quality voice.">
Natural voice preview
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_HIGHLIGHT" desc="In the Select-to-speak settings subpage, the label for the group of options controlling highlighting.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_HIGHLIGHT_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the Select-to-speak settings subpage, the label for option to highlight spoken words rather than spoken nodes.">
Highlight each word as it is spoken
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_VOICE_SWITCHING_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the Select-to-speak settings subpage, the label for option to toggle automatic voice switching.">
Automatically change language to match selected content
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_ENHANCED_NETWORK_VOICES_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the Select-to-speak settings subpage, the label for the control to enable support for high-quality voices streamed from the interent when the device is online.">
Use natural voice when device is online
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_ENHANCED_NETWORK_VOICES_SUBTITLE" desc="In the Select-to-speak settings subpage, informational text related to the Select-to-speak control that enables support for high-quality voices, mentioning that enabling these voices will send text to Google for processing and generating audio.">
Text will be sent to Google for processing.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_ENHANCED_NETWORK_VOICE" desc="In the Select-to-speak settings subpage, the label for the control to choose a high-quality, natural-sounding voice to be streamed from the internet from a list.">
Natural voice
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_NATURAL_VOICE_NAME" desc="In the Select-to-speak settings subpage, the label for a voice name of a natural voice, generated by combining a localized language name like English (US) with a serial number">
<ph name="DISPLAY_NAME">$1<ex>English (United States)</ex></ph> Voice <ph name="COUNT">$2<ex>2</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the Select-to-speak settings subpage, the label for option to pick word highlight color.">
Highlight color
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR_BLUE" desc="In the Select-to-speak settings subpage, the label for a blue highlight color.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR_ORANGE" desc="In the Select-to-speak settings subpage, the label for a orange highlight color.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR_YELLOW" desc="In the Select-to-speak settings subpage, the label for a yellow highlight color.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR_GREEN" desc="In the Select-to-speak settings subpage, the label for a green highlight color.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR_PINK" desc="In the Select-to-speak settings subpage, the label for a pink highlight color.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_HIGHLIGHT_DARK" desc="In the Select-to-speak settings subpage, an example of a word highlight on a dark background.">
Dark background
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_HIGHLIGHT_LIGHT" desc="In the Select-to-speak settings subpage, an example of a word highlight on a light background.">
Light background
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_BACKGROUND_SHADING_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the Select-to-speak settings subpage, the label for option to fade the background outside of the focus ring to improve focus on what is being spoken.">
Dim background content
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_SAMPLE_TEXT" desc="In the Select-to-speak settings subpage, the sample text around which will be drawn a Select to Speak visual preview. This should be less than one line long.">
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_NAVIGATION_CONTROLS_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the Select-to-speak settings subpage, the label for option to show navigation controls, such as going to the previous or next paragraph, when Select-to-speak is activated.">
Navigation controls
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_NAVIGATION_CONTROLS_SUBTITLE" desc="In the Select-to-speak settings subpage, the subtitle for option to show navigation controls, such as going to the previous or next paragraph, when Select-to-speak is activated.">
Provides controls to speed up, slow down, and pause the reading voice
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_DESCRIPTION" desc="For devices with a hardware keyboard. In the settings tab, the description of an option to hold a key and click or drag a box with the mouse to speak any on-screen text out loud.">
Hear specific text read aloud. First, select the Select-to-speak icon on the bottom of your screen, then highlight text. You can also use a keyboard shortcut: Highlight text, then press Search + S.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_DESCRIPTION_WITHOUT_KEYBOARD" desc="For devices that do not have a hardware keyboard. In the settings tab, the description of an option to highlight text to be read out loud.">
Tap the Select-to-Speak icon near your profile image, then select what you want to hear.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_OPTIONS_LABEL" desc="In the settings tab, the label for the button that opens the Options page for the Select-to-Speak feature.">
Open select-to-speak settings
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SWITCH_ACCESS_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the text next to the checkbox to enable Switch Access (for users with limited motor control).">
Switch Access
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SWITCH_ACCESS_DESCRIPTION_SUBTEXT" desc="In the settings tab, the description next to the checkbox to enable Switch Access (for users with limited motor control).">
Control your device with one or more switches. Switches can be keyboard keys, gamepad buttons, or dedicated devices.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SWITCH_ACCESS_OPTIONS_LABEL" desc="In the settings tab, the label for the button that opens the Options page for the Switch Access feature.">
Switch Access settings
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_MANAGE_SWITCH_ACCESS_SETTINGS" desc="Title of the page to manage Switch Access settings.">
Switch Access settings
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_SETUP_GUIDE_LABEL" desc="Label for the button that opens the setup guide dialog for Switch Access.">
Setup guide
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ASSIGNMENT_HEADING" desc="Heading for the settings section for Switch Access to assign switches to actions">
Switch action assignment
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ASSIGN_OPTION_PLACEHOLDER" desc="Placeholder for the options for switch assignment.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ASSIGN_OPTION_NONE" desc="Label for the option to have no switch assigned to an action.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ASSIGN_OPTION_SPACE" desc="Label for the option to assign the spacebar as a switch.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ASSIGN_SELECT_SWITCH_LABEL" desc="Label for the setting to assign a switch to the action 'Select', which selects the currently focused element and begins an interaction (which varies depending on the element/other settings).">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ASSIGN_NEXT_SWITCH_LABEL" desc="Label for the setting to assign a switch to the action 'Next', which moves focus to the next element.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ASSIGN_PREVIOUS_SWITCH_LABEL" desc="Label for the setting to assign a switch to the action 'Previous', which moves focus to the previous element.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_INTERNAL_DEVICE_TYPE_LABEL" desc="Label to apply to a switch key from the built-in keyboard. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
Built-in Keyboard
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_USB_DEVICE_TYPE_LABEL" desc="Label to apply to a switch key from a USB device. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_TYPE_LABEL" desc="Label to apply to a switch key from a Bluetooth device. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_UNKNOWN_DEVICE_TYPE_LABEL" desc="Label to apply to a switch key from an unknown device. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_AUTO_SCAN_HEADING" desc="Heading for the settings section containing preferences around Switch Access automatically scanning between elements.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_AUTO_SCAN_LABEL" desc="Label for the toggle which enables automatic scanning between elements in Switch Access.">
Enable auto-scan
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_AUTO_SCAN_SPEED_LABEL" desc="Label for slider which sets the time interval for Switch Access to automatically scan to the next element.">
Scanning speed
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_AUTO_SCAN_KEYBOARD_SPEED_LABEL" desc="Label for slider which sets the time interval for Switch Access to automatically scan to the next element while navigating in the keyboard. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
Keyboard scanning speed
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_POINT_SCAN_SPEED_LABEL" desc="Label for slider which sets the speed of point scanning cursors for Switch Access, which move across the screen, allowing the user to choose a precise point to click. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
Point scanning speed
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DURATION_IN_SECONDS" desc="A duration in seconds. Should be short.">
<ph name="DURATION">$1<ex>1.5</ex></ph>s
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_ACTION_ASSIGNMENT_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="A title for a dialog to assign a switch key to an action. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
Assign switch for “<ph name="action">$1<ex>Select</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_ACTION_ASSIGNMENT_WAIT_FOR_KEY_PROMPT_NO_SWITCHES" desc="A message shown to ask a user to press a new key to be assigned to an action. No switches are currently assigned to this action. The user can assign multiple switches to this action. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
Press a switch or keyboard key to assign it to “<ph name="action">$1<ex>Select</ex></ph>.”
You can assign multiple switches to this action.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_ACTION_ASSIGNMENT_WAIT_FOR_KEY_PROMPT_NO_SWITCHES_SETUP_GUIDE" desc="A message shown in the setup flow to ask a user to press a new key or external switch to be assigned to an action. No switches are currently assigned to this action. The user can assign multiple switches to this action. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
Press a switch or keyboard key to assign it to “<ph name="action">$1<ex>Select</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_ACTION_ASSIGNMENT_WAIT_FOR_KEY_PROMPT_AT_LEAST_ONE_SWITCH" desc="A message shown to ask a user to press a key to be assigned to an action, or press an assigned switch to remove assignment. One or more switches are currently assigned to this action. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
Press a new switch or keyboard key to start assignment.
Press an assigned switch or key to remove assignment.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_ACTION_ASSIGNMENT_WAIT_FOR_CONFIRMATION_PROMPT" desc="A message shown to ask a user to confirm by pressing a switch key to be assigned to an action. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
Press “<ph name="currentKey">$1<ex>backspace</ex></ph>” again to confirm assignment and <ph name="response">$2<ex>exit</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_ACTION_ASSIGNMENT_EXIT_RESPONSE" desc="A word describing that the dialog will exit after the user follows the preceding instructions.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_ACTION_ASSIGNMENT_CONTINUE_RESPONSE" desc="A word describing that the setup dialog will continue to the next step after the user follows the preceding instructions.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_ACTION_ASSIGNMENT_TRY_AGAIN_RESPONSE" desc="A word describing that the setup dialog needs the user to attempt the interaction again.">
try again
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_ACTION_ASSIGNMENT_WAIT_FOR_CONFIRMATION_REMOVAL_PROMPT" desc="A message to ask a user to confirm, by pressing a switch key, for removal of a switch key assignment. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
Press “<ph name="currentKey">$1<ex>backspace</ex></ph>” again to remove assignment and <ph name="response">$2<ex>exit</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_ACTION_ASSIGNMENT_WARN_NOT_CONFIRMED_PROMPT" desc="A message warning the user that the switch key pressed during confirmation did not match the initial switch key pressed. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
Keys don’t match. Press any key to <ph name="response">$1<ex>exit</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_ACTION_ASSIGNMENT_WARN_CANNOT_REMOVE_LAST_SELECT_SWITCH" desc="A message warning the user that they cannot remove the last switch for the Select action. The text for the 'Select' action should be the same as the text from IDS_SETTINGS_ASSIGN_SELECT_SWITCH_LABEL. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
Can’t remove the only switch assigned to “Select.” Press any key to <ph name="response">$1<ex>exit</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_AND_DEVICE_TYPE" desc="Label describing a switch key and the type of device where the switch key exists. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
<ph name="SWITCH">$1<ex>backspace</ex></ph> (<ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$2<ex>USB</ex></ph>)
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ASSIGN_SWITCH_SUB_LABEL_0_SWITCHES" desc="A sub-label for the link that brings up a dialog to assign a switch key to an action. Mentions zero switches assigned. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
0 switches assigned
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ASSIGN_SWITCH_SUB_LABEL_1_SWITCH" desc="A sub-label for the link that brings up a dialog to assign a switch key to an action. Includes currently assigned switch. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
<ph name="SWITCH">$1<ex>backspace</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ASSIGN_SWITCH_SUB_LABEL_2_SWITCHES" desc="A sub-label for the link that brings up a dialog to assign a switch key to an action. Includes listing of two currently assigned switches. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
<ph name="FIRST_SWITCH">$1<ex>backspace</ex></ph>, <ph name="SECOND_SWITCH">$2<ex>enter</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ASSIGN_SWITCH_SUB_LABEL_3_SWITCHES" desc="A sub-label for the link that brings up a dialog to assign a switch key to an action. Includes listing of three currently assigned switches. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
<ph name="FIRST_SWITCH">$1<ex>backspace</ex></ph>, <ph name="SECOND_SWITCH">$2<ex>enter</ex></ph>, <ph name="THIRD_SWITCH">$3<ex>escape</ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ASSIGN_SWITCH_SUB_LABEL_4_SWITCHES" desc="A sub-label for the link that brings up a dialog to assign a switch key to an action. Includes listing of three currently assigned switches, and mentions one other switch is assigned. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
<ph name="FIRST_SWITCH">$1<ex>backspace</ex></ph>, <ph name="SECOND_SWITCH">$2<ex>enter</ex></ph>, <ph name="THIRD_SWITCH">$3<ex>escape</ex></ph>, and 1 more switch
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ASSIGN_SWITCH_SUB_LABEL_5_OR_MORE_SWITCHES" desc="A sub-label for the link that brings up a dialog to assign a switch key to an action. Includes listing of three currently assigned switches, and mentions number of other switches assigned. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
<ph name="FIRST_SWITCH">$1<ex>backspace</ex></ph>, <ph name="SECOND_SWITCH">$2<ex>enter</ex></ph>, <ph name="THIRD_SWITCH">$3<ex>escape</ex></ph>, and <ph name="NUMBER_OF_OTHER_SWITCHES">$4<ex>2</ex></ph> more switches
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_ACTION_ASSIGNMENT_WARN_ALREADY_ASSIGNED_ACTION_PROMPT" desc="A message warning the user that the switch key pressed is assigned to another action. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
'<ph name="currentKey">$1<ex>enter</ex></ph>' is already assigned to the '<ph name="action">$2<ex>Select</ex></ph>' action. Press any key to <ph name="response">$3<ex>exit</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_ACTION_ASSIGNMENT_WARN_UNRECOGNIZED_KEY_PROMPT" desc="A message warning the user that the switch key pressed is not recognized. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
Unrecognized key. Press any key to <ph name="response">$1<ex>exit</ex></ph>.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_NO_SWITCHES_ASSIGNED" desc="A label indicating no switches are assigned to an action. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
No switch has been assigned yet
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_NO_SWITCHES_ASSIGNED_SETUP_GUIDE" desc="A label indicating no switches are assigned to an action, from within the setup guide. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
Switch hasn’t been assigned yet
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_DIALOG_EXIT" desc="The label of the button to exit one of the switch access dialogs without making any changes. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_SETUP_GUIDE_WARNING_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="The title for the dialog explaining that re-running the setup guide will clear all switch assignments. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
Start Switch Access setup?
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_SETUP_GUIDE_WARNING_DIALOG_MESSAGE" desc="The message explaining that re-running the setup guide will clear all switch assignments. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
Your current scanning setup will be reset, including any assigned switches and auto-scan speed preferences.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_SETUP_INTRO_TITLE" desc="The title for the first page of the Switch Access setup guide. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
Switch Access setup guide
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_SETUP_INTRO_BODY" desc="The message displayed on the first page of the Switch Access setup guide, instructing the user to confirm that their external switch is appropriately connected to the chromebook. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
To get started, please make sure your USB or Bluetooth switch is connected to your Chromebook. You can also use keyboard keys.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_SETUP_ASSIGN_SELECT_TITLE" desc="The title for the page of the Switch Access setup guide where the user assigns a switch to perform the action select, which selects the element onscreen currently surrounded by the focus ring. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
Assign switch for “Select”
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_SETUP_AUTO_SCAN_ENABLED_TITLE" desc="The title for the page of the Switch Access setup guide that informs the user that auto-scan has been enabled, meaning that the focused item will change periodically with no additional input. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
Move between items automatically
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_SETUP_AUTO_SCAN_ENABLED_EXPLANATION" desc="The message displayed in the Switch Access setup guide explaining how the auto-scan behavior works. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
Auto-scan lets you move through items on the screen automatically. When an item is highlighted, press “Select” to activate it.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_SETUP_AUTO_SCAN_ENABLED_DIRECTIONS" desc="The message displayed in the Switch Access setup guide after auto-scan has been enabled, informing them how to proceed. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
You can go back to change the assignment for “Select.” You can always turn off auto-scan in Settings.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_SETUP_CHOOSE_SWITCH_COUNT_TITLE" desc="The title for the page of the Switch Access setup guide where the user selects the number of switches they are going to use. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
Assign additional switches?
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_SETUP_CHOOSE_1_SWITCH" desc="The label for the option to use only one switch (already assigned), within the Switch Access setup guide. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
No, stay with 1 switch
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_SETUP_CHOOSE_2_SWITCHES" desc="The label for the option to use two switches (with one already assigned), within the Switch Access setup guide. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
Assign 1 more switch
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_SETUP_CHOOSE_2_SWITCHES_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description for the option to use two switches (with one already assigned), within the Switch Access setup guide. It details that the second switch will be 'next' and move focus to the next item onscreen. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
Use “Next” to move your focus forward on the screen
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_SETUP_CHOOSE_3_SWITCHES" desc="The label for the option to use three switches (with one already assigned), within the Switch Access setup guide. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
Assign 2 more switches
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_SETUP_CHOOSE_3_SWITCHES_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description for the option to use three switches (with one already assigned), within the Switch Access setup guide. It details that the switches will be 'next' and 'previous', and used for navigating the items onscreen. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
Use “Next” and “Previous” to move between items on the screen
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_SETUP_AUTO_SCAN_SPEED_TITLE" desc="The title for the page of the Switch Access setup guide where the user sets the speed of auto-scan, which automatically advances the focus between elements at a fixed interval. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
Auto-scan speed
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_SETUP_AUTO_SCAN_SPEED_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description on the page of the Switch Access setup guide adjusting the auto-scan speed. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
Choose how long the highlight should stay on each item
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_SETUP_ASSIGN_NEXT_TITLE" desc="The title for the page of the Switch Access setup guide where the user assigns a switch to perform the action next, which advances the focus ring to the next element onscreen. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
Assign switch for “Next”
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_SETUP_ASSIGN_PREVIOUS_TITLE" desc="The title for the page of the Switch Access setup guide where the user assigns a switch to perform the action previous, which moves the focus ring to the previous element onscreen. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
Assign switch for “Previous”
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_SETUP_CLOSING_TITLE" desc="The title for the final page of the Switch Access setup guide, which informs the user that setup is complete and provides some final information. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
You’re all set!
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_SETUP_CLOSING_MANUAL_SCAN_INSTRUCTIONS" desc="Instructions for how to close the Switch Access setup guide using Switch Access with at least one switch assigned to navigation. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer. Auto-scan is a feature of Switch Access where focus moves from one element to the next at a set interval automatically, so the user only has to select the element when it is highlighted.">
Since you set up multiple switches, auto-scan has been turned off.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_SETUP_CLOSING_INFO" desc="Final advice on changing the settings for Switch Access after the Switch Access setup guide has been closed. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
You can always change your settings or open the setup guide again from Switch Access settings.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_SETUP_AUTO_SCAN_SLOWER" desc="The label on the button which slows the speed of Switch Access' auto-scan, which automatically advances the focus between elements at a fixed interval. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_SETUP_AUTO_SCAN_FASTER" desc="The label on the button which increases the speed of Switch Access' auto-scan, which automatically advances the focus between elements at a fixed interval. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_SETUP_PAIR_BLUETOOTH" desc="A button in the Switch Access setup guide that takes the user to a page where they can pair a bluetooth switch device. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
Pair Bluetooth switch
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_SETUP_NEXT" desc="A button in the Switch Access setup guide that takes the user to the next step in configuring the feature.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_SETUP_PREVIOUS" desc="A button in the Switch Access setup guide that takes the user to the previous step in the setup process.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_SETUP_START_OVER" desc="A button in the Switch Access setup guide to restart from the beginning, and reconfigure any/all of the settings. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
Redo setup
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_SETUP_DONE" desc="A button in the Switch Access setup guide to confirm that the user has finished configuring their settings and would like to close the dialog. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_ACTION_ASSIGNMENT_ASSIGNED_ICON_LABEL" desc="A label for an icon indicating a switch is assigned to an action. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_ACTION_ASSIGNMENT_ADD_ASSIGNMENT_ICON_LABEL" desc="A label for an icon indicating a switch is ready to add as an assignment to an action. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
Add assignment
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_ACTION_ASSIGNMENT_REMOVE_ASSIGNMENT_ICON_LABEL" desc="A label for an icon indicating a switch is ready to remove as an assignment from an action. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
Remove assignment
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_SWITCH_ACCESS_ACTION_ASSIGNMENT_ERROR_ICON_LABEL" desc="The label for an icon indicating that there was an error adding or removing a switch assignment. Switch Access is an alternative input method designed for users with limited mobility, where the user has as little as one switch (for example, a button) to control the computer.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_TEXT_TO_SPEECH_HEADING" desc="In the settings tab, the heading for accessibility features that enable the computer to speak text from the computer screen.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_DISPLAY_SETTINGS_TITLE" desc="In the settings tab, the title of a link to open display settings.">
Display settings
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_DISPLAY_SETTINGS_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, an explanation that the display settings have options to adjust the screen resolution.">
Change display size to make items on your screen smaller or larger
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_APPEARANCE_SETTINGS_TITLE" desc="In the settings tab, the title of a link to open appearance settings.">
Website text size and font
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_APPEARANCE_SETTINGS_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, an explanation that the appearance settings allows you to change the size of text on the screen.">
Customize text size and font for the web browser
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_KEYBOARD_AND_TEXT_INPUT_HEADING" desc="In the settings tab, the heading above settings related to the keyboard and other text input.">
Keyboard and text input
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_KEYBOARD_SETTINGS_TITLE" desc="In the settings tab, the title of a link to open keyboard settings.">
Keyboard settings
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_KEYBOARD_SETTINGS_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, an explanation that the keyboard settings let you adjust the rate at which keys automatically repeat when held down, automatic prediction of words, and more.">
Change keyboard key mapping, function keys, and more
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_MOUSE_AND_TOUCHPAD_HEADING" desc="In the settings tab, the heading for the section on mouse and touchpad settings.">
Mouse and touchpad
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_MOUSE_SETTINGS_TITLE" desc="In the settings tab, the title of a link to open mouse and touchpad settings.">
Mouse and touchpad settings
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_AUDIO_AND_CAPTIONS_HEADING" desc="In the settings tab, the heading for the section on audio / sound and caption settings.">
Audio and captions
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_ADDITIONAL_FEATURES_TITLE" desc="In the settings tab, the title of a link that adds additional accessibility features not found in the built-in settings.">
Find more accessibility tools in the Chrome Web Store
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_MANAGE_TTS_SETTINGS" desc="Link to manage text-to-speech settings">
Text-to-Speech voice settings
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_TTS_LINK_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description of link to manage text-to-speech settings">
Select and customize text-to-speech voices for ChromeVox and Select-to-speak
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_TEXT_TO_SPEECH_VOICES" desc="Heading describing a collection of listboxes on the text-to-speech settings page. Each listbox is associated with a language, and contains all possible voices for that language">
Preferred Voices
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_TEXT_TO_SPEECH_NO_VOICES_MESSAGE" desc="Message when no text-to-speech voices are found on the ChromeOS device.">
No voices found
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_TEXT_TO_SPEECH_MORE_LANGUAGES" desc="Label for a toggle button letting users know they can pick default voices for more languages which are not shown by default">
More languages
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_TEXT_TO_SPEECH_PROPERTIES" desc="Heading describing a collection of input controls for a section of text-to-speech settings on speech properties, including speech pitch and rate">
Speech Properties
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_TEXT_TO_SPEECH_RATE" desc="The rate (speed) of speech in text-to-speech settings.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_TEXT_TO_SPEECH_RATE_MINIMUM_LABEL" desc="A label for the minimum side of a slider allowing users to change their text-to-speech speech rate">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_TEXT_TO_SPEECH_RATE_MAXIMUM_LABEL" desc="A label for the maximum side of a slider allowing users to change their text-to-speech speech rate">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_TEXT_TO_SPEECH_PITCH" desc="The pitch of speech in text-to-speech settings.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_TEXT_TO_SPEECH_PITCH_MINIMUM_LABEL" desc="A label for the minimum side of a slider allowing users to change their text-to-speech speech pitch">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_TEXT_TO_SPEECH_PITCH_MAXIMUM_LABEL" desc="A label for the maximum side of a slider allowing users to change their text-to-speech speech pitch">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_TEXT_TO_SPEECH_VOLUME" desc="The volume of speech compared to system volume in text-to-speech settings.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_TEXT_TO_SPEECH_VOLUME_MINIMUM_LABEL" desc="A label for the minimum side of a slider allowing users to change their text-to-speech speech volume">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_TEXT_TO_SPEECH_VOLUME_MAXIMUM_LABEL" desc="A label for the maximum side of a slider allowing users to change their text-to-speech speech volume">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_PERCENTAGE" desc="A number displayed as a percentage">
<ph name="PERCENTAGE">$1<ex>120</ex></ph>%
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_DEFAULT_PERCENTAGE" desc="A number displayed as a percentage, which is the normal or default.">
<ph name="PERCENTAGE">$1<ex>120</ex></ph>% (default)
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_TEXT_TO_SPEECH_PREVIEW_HEADING" desc="The heading for a section of the text-to-speech settings page where a user can preview text to speech">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_TEXT_TO_SPEECH_PREVIEW_INPUT_LABEL" desc="The label for sample input for a section of the text-to-speech settings page where a user can preview text to speech.">
Text to preview
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_TEXT_TO_SPEECH_PREVIEW_INPUT" desc="The sample input for a section of the text-to-speech settings page where a user can preview text to speech. Users will hear this read aloud.">
Hi there! I'm your text-to-speech voice.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_TEXT_TO_SPEECH_PREVIEW_VOICE" desc="Label for a dropdown to select preview voice in the section of the text-to-speech settings page where a user can preview text to speech.">
Voice to preview
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_TEXT_TO_SPEECH_PREVIEW_PLAY" desc="A button on the text-to-speech settings page to start playing a preview of text to speech">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_TEXT_TO_SPEECH_ENGINES" desc="Heading for a section of text-to-speech settings to do per-engine settings">
Speech Engines
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_MANAGE_ACCESSIBILITY_FEATURES" desc="In the settings tab, the title of a link that opens a screen allowing the user to change accessibility features.">
Manage accessibility features
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_TEXT_TO_SPEECH_LINK_TITLE" desc="In the settings tab, the title of a link that opens a screen allowing the user to change text-to-speech accessibility features.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_TEXT_TO_SPEECH_LINK_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the description of a link that opens a screen allowing the user to change text-to-speech accessibility features.">
ChromeVox screen reader and select-to-speak
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_DISPLAY_AND_MAGNIFICATION_LINK_TITLE" desc="In the settings tab, the title of a link that opens a screen allowing the user to change display and magnification accessibility features.">
Display and magnification
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_DISPLAY_AND_MAGNIFICATION_LINK_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the description of a link that opens a screen allowing the user to change display and magnification accessibility features.">
Color inversion, magnifier, and display settings
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_DISPLAY_AND_MAGNIFICATION_LINK_NEW_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the description of a link that opens a screen allowing the user to change display and magnification accessibility features, including the new color correction feature.">
Color inversion, color correction, magnifier, and display settings
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_KEYBOARD_AND_TEXT_INPUT_LINK_TITLE" desc="In the settings tab, the title of a link that opens a screen allowing the user to change keyboard and text input accessibility features.">
Keyboard and text input
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_KEYBOARD_AND_TEXT_INPUT_LINK_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the description of a link that opens a screen allowing the user to change keyboard and text input accessibility features.">
On-screen keyboard, dictation, Switch Access, and more
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_CURSOR_AND_TOUCHPAD_LINK_TITLE" desc="In the settings tab, the title of a link that opens a screen allowing the user to change cursor and touchpad accessibility features.">
Cursor and touchpad
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_CURSOR_AND_TOUCHPAD_LINK_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the description of a link that opens a screen allowing the user to change cursor and touchpad accessibility features.">
Automatic clicks, cursor size, cursor color, and more
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_AUDIO_AND_CAPTIONS_LINK_TITLE" desc="In the settings tab, the title of a link that opens a screen allowing the user to change audio and captions accessibility features.">
Audio and captions
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_AUDIO_AND_CAPTIONS_LINK_DESCRIPTION" desc="In the settings tab, the description of a link that opens a screen allowing the user to change audio and captions accessibility features.">
Mono audio, startup, Live Caption, and more
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCESSIBILITY_SELECT_TO_SPEAK_LINK_TITLE" desc="In the Accessibility settings page, the title of a link that opens a screen allowing the user to change options for the Select-to-speak accessibility feature.">
Select-to-speak settings
<!-- Account Manager (OS settings) -->
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_CHILD_DESCRIPTION_V2" desc="Description of the Account Manager Settings page for child users. Shown just below the title of the page.">
This page allows you to manage your signed-in Google Accounts. <ph name="LINK_BEGIN">&lt;a&gt;</ph>Learn more<ph name="LINK_END">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_CHILD_FIRST_MESSAGE" desc="Description of the Account Manager Settings page for child users. Shown just below the link to learn more about account management.">
Bookmarks, passwords, and other browser data are synced with the primary account.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_CHILD_SECOND_MESSAGE" desc="Description of the Account Manager Settings page for child users. Shown just below the link to learn more about account management.">
Adding a school account enables easy sign-in to websites, extensions, and apps as a student while still operating under parental controls.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_LIST_HEADER" desc="List header for Account List in Account Manager Settings page.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_LIST_HEADER_V2" desc="List header for additional account List in Account Manager Settings page.">
Additional accounts
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_LIST_HEADER_CHILD" desc="List header for additional account List in Account Manager Settings page for Child user.">
School accounts
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_LIST_DESCRIPTION" desc="List description for additional account List in Account Manager Settings page.">
You can add your additional accounts to access websites and apps.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_LIST_DESCRIPTION_V2" desc="List description for additional account list in Account Manager Settings page.">
You can add additional accounts to your <ph name="DEVICE_TYPE">$1<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph> to use with websites and Android apps. You can also control which accounts are used with Android apps.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_LIST_CHILD_DESCRIPTION" desc="List description for additional account List in Account Manager Settings page for Child users.">
<ph name="USER_EMAIL">$1<ex></ex></ph> is supervised by Family Link. You can add school accounts to access school resources with parental supervision.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_NOT_USED_IN_ARC_LABEL" desc="Per-account label on OS Account Manager page that is shown only if the account is not available in ARC / Android apps. User can change this by clicking 'Use with Android apps button' for the account.">
Not used with Android apps
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_USE_IN_ARC_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Per-account button label on OS Account Manager page. Clicking this button makes account available in ARC / Android apps.">
Use with Android apps
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_STOP_USING_IN_ARC_BUTTON_LABEL" desc="Per-account button label on OS Account Manager page. Clicking this button makes account NOT available in ARC / Android apps.">
Stop using with Android apps
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_REMOVE_ACCOUNT_LABEL" desc="Label of the Remove account button in Account Manager.">
Remove this account
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_ADD_ACCOUNT_LABEL_V2" desc="Label of the Add account button in Account Manager.">
Add Google Account
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_ADD_SCHOOL_ACCOUNT_LABEL" desc="Label of the button to add a school/EDU account in Account Manager.">
Add school account
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_ADD_SCHOOL_ACCOUNT_LABEL_2" desc="Label of the button to add a school/EDU account in Account Manager.">
School Account
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_SECONDARY_ACCOUNTS_DISABLED_TEXT_V2" desc="Tooltip text for 'secondary accounts disabled' message in Settings page.">
Your administrator doesn’t allow additional Google Accounts.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_SECONDARY_ACCOUNTS_DISABLED_CHILD_TEXT" desc="Text for 'secondary accounts disabled' message for child accounts in Settings page.">
Addition of more Google Accounts is disabled
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_SIGNED_OUT_ACCOUNT_PLACEHOLDER" desc="Placeholder text for the full name of a signed out account in Account Manager.">
Sign in again
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_UNMIGRATED_ACCOUNT_PLACEHOLDER" desc="Placeholder text for the unmigrated account in Account Manager.">
Not updated yet
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_MIGRATION_LABEL" desc="Label of the migration button on Account Manager Settings page.">
Update account
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_REAUTHENTICATION_LABEL" desc="Label of the re-authentication button on Account Manager Settings page.">
Sign in
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_MIGRATION_TOOLTIP" desc="Tooltip text (shows on hover or for screenreaders) for the migration button on Account Manager Settings page.">
Update account, <ph name="EMAIL">$1<ex></ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_REAUTHENTICATION_TOOLTIP" desc="Tooltip text (shows on hover or for screenreaders) for the re-authentication button on Account Manager Settings page.">
Sign in, <ph name="EMAIL">$1<ex></ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_MORE_ACTIONS_TOOLTIP" desc="Tooltip text (shows on hover or for screenreaders) for a button that shows a menu with more actions when clicked or tapped.">
More actions, <ph name="EMAIL">$1<ex></ex></ph>
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_MANAGEMENT_STATUS" desc="Management status label for managed accounts.">
This account is managed by <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;a target="_blank"&gt;</ph><ph name="DOMAIN">$1<ex></ex></ph><ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/a&gt;</ph>
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_MANAGEMENT_STATUS_CHILD" desc="Management status label for child accounts.">
Managed by Family Link
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_MANAGEMENT_PRIMARY_ACCOUNT" desc="Indicates this account is the primary account, when the primary account is a child account.">
Primary Account
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_MANAGEMENT_SCHOOL_ACCOUNT" desc="Indicates this account is the school account, when the primary account is a child account.">
School Account
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_REMOVE_LACROS_ACCOUNT_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="When a user attempts to remove a secondary account, a dialog pops up asking them for confirmation. This is the title of that dialog.">
Remove this account?
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_REMOVE_LACROS_ACCOUNT_DIALOG_BODY" desc="When a user attempts to remove a secondary account, a dialog pops up asking them for confirmation. This is the main message of that dialog.">
Removing this account will also delete any Chrome profiles signed in with this account
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_REMOVE_LACROS_ACCOUNT_DIALOG_REMOVE" desc="When a user attempts to remove a secondary account, a dialog pops up asking them for confirmation. This is the title of the button that will remove the account.">
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_ACCOUNT_MANAGER_REMOVE_LACROS_ACCOUNT_DIALOG_CANCEL" desc="When a user attempts to remove a secondary account, a dialog pops up asking them for confirmation. This is the title of the button that will cancel the dialog.">
<!-- Used by Crostini, Plugin VM and Bruschetta -->
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GUEST_OS_SHARED_PATHS" desc="Label for managing shared folders for Parallels.">
Manage shared folders
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GUEST_OS_SHARED_PATHS_LIST_HEADING" desc="Label for list of shared folders.">
Shared folders
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GUEST_OS_SHARED_PATHS_INSTRUCTIONS_REMOVE" desc="Instructions for removing shared folders in Parallels.">
Removing folders will stop sharing but will not delete files.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GUEST_OS_SHARED_PATHS_STOP_SHARING" desc="Tooltip to show when hovering on the remove icon for a Parallels shared folder.">
Stop sharing
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GUEST_OS_SHARED_PATHS_REMOVE_FAILURE_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="Title of the error dialog shown to a user when unsharing a Parallels shared folder fails.">
Unshare failed
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GUEST_OS_SHARED_PATHS_REMOVE_FAILURE_TRY_AGAIN" desc="Button text in the dialog shown when unsharing a Parallels shared folder fails. Pressing this button will attempt to unshare the folder again.">
Try again
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GUEST_OS_SHARED_PATHS_LIST_EMPTY_MESSAGE" desc="Message shown when the user has not yet shared any folders in Parallels.">
Shared folders will appear here
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GUEST_OS_SHARED_USB_DEVICES_LABEL" desc="Label for managing shared USB devices.">
Manage USB devices
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GUEST_OS_SHARED_USB_DEVICES_DESCRIPTION" desc="Description for managing shared USB devices.">
Let Android apps access USB devices on this Chromebook
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GUEST_OS_SHARED_USB_DEVICES_EXTRA_DESCRIPTION" desc="Extra description for managing shared USB devices.">
Only supported devices are shown.
<message name="IDS_SETTINGS_GUEST_OS_SHARED_USB_DEVICES_LIST_EMPTY_MESSAGE" desc="Message shown when there are no available USB devices.">
Available USB devices will appear here.