blob: 7819793ded6c24840bb8de976ff8c19dbdf44c5f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebCryptoAlgorithm.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebCryptoKey.h"
#define EXPECT_BYTES_EQ(expected, actual) \
EXPECT_EQ(CryptoData(expected), CryptoData(actual))
#define EXPECT_BYTES_EQ_HEX(expected_hex, actual_bytes) \
EXPECT_BYTES_EQ(HexStringToBytes(expected_hex), actual_bytes)
namespace base {
class DictionaryValue;
class ListValue;
class Value;
namespace blink {
class WebCryptoAlgorithm;
namespace webcrypto {
// Base class for WebCrypto tests. All WebCrypto tests must derive from this
// to ensure that Blink has been properly initialized. In particular,
// the WebCrypto tests use blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm, which in turn relies on
// PartitionAlloc.
class WebCryptoTestBase : public testing::Test {
static void SetUpTestCase();
class Status;
class CryptoData;
// These functions are used by GTEST to support EXPECT_EQ() for
// webcrypto::Status and webcrypto::CryptoData
void PrintTo(const Status& status, ::std::ostream* os);
bool operator==(const Status& a, const Status& b);
bool operator!=(const Status& a, const Status& b);
void PrintTo(const CryptoData& data, ::std::ostream* os);
bool operator==(const CryptoData& a, const CryptoData& b);
bool operator!=(const CryptoData& a, const CryptoData& b);
// Gives a human-readable description of |status| and any error it represents.
std::string StatusToString(const Status& status);
blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm CreateRsaHashedKeyGenAlgorithm(
blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmId algorithm_id,
const blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmId hash_id,
unsigned int modulus_length,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& public_exponent);
// Returns a slightly modified version of the input vector.
// - For non-empty inputs a single bit is inverted.
// - For empty inputs, a byte is added.
std::vector<uint8_t> Corrupted(const std::vector<uint8_t>& input);
std::vector<uint8_t> HexStringToBytes(const std::string& hex);
std::vector<uint8_t> MakeJsonVector(const std::string& json_string);
std::vector<uint8_t> MakeJsonVector(const base::DictionaryValue& dict);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Helpers for working with JSON data files for test expectations.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Reads a file in "src/content/test/data/webcrypto" to a base::Value.
// The file must be JSON, however it can also include C++ style comments.
::testing::AssertionResult ReadJsonTestFile(const char* test_file_name,
scoped_ptr<base::Value>* value);
// Same as ReadJsonTestFile(), but returns the value as a List.
::testing::AssertionResult ReadJsonTestFileToList(
const char* test_file_name,
scoped_ptr<base::ListValue>* list);
// Same as ReadJsonTestFile(), but returns the value as a Dictionary.
::testing::AssertionResult ReadJsonTestFileToDictionary(
const char* test_file_name,
scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue>* dict);
// Reads a string property from the dictionary with path |property_name|
// (which can include periods for nested dictionaries). Interprets the
// string as a hex encoded string and converts it to a bytes list.
// Returns empty vector on failure.
std::vector<uint8_t> GetBytesFromHexString(const base::DictionaryValue* dict,
const std::string& property_name);
// Reads a string property with path "property_name" and converts it to a
// WebCryptoAlgorith. Returns null algorithm on failure.
blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm GetDigestAlgorithm(const base::DictionaryValue* dict,
const char* property_name);
// Returns true if any of the vectors in the input list have identical content.
bool CopiesExist(const std::vector<std::vector<uint8_t>>& bufs);
blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm CreateAesKeyGenAlgorithm(
blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmId aes_alg_id,
unsigned short length);
// The following key pair is comprised of the SPKI (public key) and PKCS#8
// (private key) representations of the key pair provided in Example 1 of the
// NIST test vectors at
extern const unsigned int kModulusLengthBits;
extern const char* const kPublicKeySpkiDerHex;
extern const char* const kPrivateKeyPkcs8DerHex;
// The modulus and exponent (in hex) of kPublicKeySpkiDerHex
extern const char* const kPublicKeyModulusHex;
extern const char* const kPublicKeyExponentHex;
blink::WebCryptoKey ImportSecretKeyFromRaw(
const std::vector<uint8_t>& key_raw,
const blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm& algorithm,
blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask usage);
void ImportRsaKeyPair(const std::vector<uint8_t>& spki_der,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& pkcs8_der,
const blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm& algorithm,
bool extractable,
blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask public_key_usages,
blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask private_key_usages,
blink::WebCryptoKey* public_key,
blink::WebCryptoKey* private_key);
Status ImportKeyJwkFromDict(const base::DictionaryValue& dict,
const blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm& algorithm,
bool extractable,
blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask usages,
blink::WebCryptoKey* key);
// Parses a vector of JSON into a dictionary.
scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> GetJwkDictionary(
const std::vector<uint8_t>& json);
// Verifies the input dictionary contains the expected values. Exact matches are
// required on the fields examined.
::testing::AssertionResult VerifyJwk(
const scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue>& dict,
const std::string& kty_expected,
const std::string& alg_expected,
blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask use_mask_expected);
::testing::AssertionResult VerifySecretJwk(
const std::vector<uint8_t>& json,
const std::string& alg_expected,
const std::string& k_expected_hex,
blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask use_mask_expected);
// Verifies that the JSON in the input vector contains the provided
// expected values. Exact matches are required on the fields examined.
::testing::AssertionResult VerifyPublicJwk(
const std::vector<uint8_t>& json,
const std::string& alg_expected,
const std::string& n_expected_hex,
const std::string& e_expected_hex,
blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask use_mask_expected);
// Helper that tests importing ane exporting of symmetric keys as JWK.
void ImportExportJwkSymmetricKey(
int key_len_bits,
const blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm& import_algorithm,
blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask usages,
const std::string& jwk_alg);
// Wrappers around GenerateKey() which expect the result to be either a secret
// key or a public/private keypair. If the result does not match the
// expectation, then it fails with Status::ErrorUnexpected().
Status GenerateSecretKey(const blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm& algorithm,
bool extractable,
blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask usages,
blink::WebCryptoKey* key);
Status GenerateKeyPair(const blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm& algorithm,
bool extractable,
blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask usages,
blink::WebCryptoKey* public_key,
blink::WebCryptoKey* private_key);
// Reads a key format string as used in some JSON test files and converts it to
// a WebCryptoKeyFormat.
blink::WebCryptoKeyFormat GetKeyFormatFromJsonTestCase(
const base::DictionaryValue* test);
// Extracts the key data bytes from |test| as used insome JSON test files.
std::vector<uint8_t> GetKeyDataFromJsonTestCase(
const base::DictionaryValue* test,
blink::WebCryptoKeyFormat key_format);
// Reads the "crv" string from a JSON test case and returns it as a
// WebCryptoNamedCurve.
blink::WebCryptoNamedCurve GetCurveNameFromDictionary(
const base::DictionaryValue* dict);
// Creates an HMAC import algorithm whose inner hash algorithm is determined by
// the specified algorithm ID. It is an error to call this method with a hash
// algorithm that is not SHA*.
blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm CreateHmacImportAlgorithm(
blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmId hash_id,
unsigned int length_bits);
// Same as above but without specifying a length.
blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm CreateHmacImportAlgorithmNoLength(
blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmId hash_id);
// Creates a WebCryptoAlgorithm without any parameters.
blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm CreateAlgorithm(blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmId id);
// Creates an import algorithm for RSA algorithms that take a hash.
// It is an error to call this with a hash_id that is not a SHA*.
blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm CreateRsaHashedImportAlgorithm(
blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmId id,
blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmId hash_id);
// Creates an import algorithm for EC keys.
blink::WebCryptoAlgorithm CreateEcImportAlgorithm(
blink::WebCryptoAlgorithmId id,
blink::WebCryptoNamedCurve named_curve);
} // namespace webcrypto