blob: 565e8e4a9d1c9fa6993be27e4065c8ba2ffdcec2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "cc/tiles/software_image_decode_controller.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <functional>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/discardable_memory.h"
#include "cc/debug/devtools_instrumentation.h"
#include "cc/raster/tile_task_runner.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkCanvas.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkImage.h"
#include "ui/gfx/skia_util.h"
namespace cc {
namespace {
// The amount of memory we can lock ahead of time (128MB). This limit is only
// used to inform the caller of the amount of space available in the cache. The
// caller can still request tasks which can cause this limit to be breached.
const size_t kLockedMemoryLimitBytes = 128 * 1024 * 1024;
// The largest single high quality image to try and process. Images above this
// size will drop down to medium quality.
const size_t kMaxHighQualityImageSizeBytes = 64 * 1024 * 1024;
// The number of entries to keep around in the cache. This limit can be breached
// if more items are locked. That is, locked items ignore this limit.
const size_t kMaxItemsInCache = 100;
class ImageDecodeTaskImpl : public ImageDecodeTask {
ImageDecodeTaskImpl(SoftwareImageDecodeController* controller,
const SoftwareImageDecodeController::ImageKey& image_key,
const DrawImage& image,
uint64_t source_prepare_tiles_id)
: controller_(controller),
source_prepare_tiles_id_(source_prepare_tiles_id) {}
// Overridden from Task:
void RunOnWorkerThread() override {
TRACE_EVENT2("cc", "ImageDecodeTaskImpl::RunOnWorkerThread", "mode",
"software", "source_prepare_tiles_id",
devtools_instrumentation::ScopedImageDecodeTask image_decode_task(
controller_->DecodeImage(image_key_, image_);
// Overridden from TileTask:
void ScheduleOnOriginThread(TileTaskClient* client) override {}
void CompleteOnOriginThread(TileTaskClient* client) override {
~ImageDecodeTaskImpl() override {}
SoftwareImageDecodeController* controller_;
SoftwareImageDecodeController::ImageKey image_key_;
DrawImage image_;
skia::RefPtr<const SkImage> image_ref_;
uint64_t source_prepare_tiles_id_;
SkSize GetScaleAdjustment(const ImageDecodeControllerKey& key) {
// If the requested filter quality did not require scale, then the adjustment
// is identity.
if (key.can_use_original_decode())
return SkSize::Make(1.f, 1.f);
float x_scale =
key.target_size().width() / static_cast<float>(key.src_rect().width());
float y_scale =
key.target_size().height() / static_cast<float>(key.src_rect().height());
return SkSize::Make(x_scale, y_scale);
SkFilterQuality GetDecodedFilterQuality(const ImageDecodeControllerKey& key) {
return std::min(key.filter_quality(), kLow_SkFilterQuality);
} // namespace
: decoded_images_(ImageMRUCache::NO_AUTO_EVICT),
locked_images_budget_(kLockedMemoryLimitBytes) {}
SoftwareImageDecodeController::~SoftwareImageDecodeController() {
DCHECK_EQ(0u, decoded_images_ref_counts_.size());
DCHECK_EQ(0u, at_raster_decoded_images_ref_counts_.size());
bool SoftwareImageDecodeController::GetTaskForImageAndRef(
const DrawImage& image,
uint64_t prepare_tiles_id,
scoped_refptr<ImageDecodeTask>* task) {
// If the image already exists or if we're going to create a task for it, then
// we'll likely need to ref this image (the exception is if we're prerolling
// the image only). That means the image is or will be in the cache. When the
// ref goes to 0, it will be unpinned but will remain in the cache. If the
// image does not fit into the budget, then we don't ref this image, since it
// will be decoded at raster time which is when it will be temporarily put in
// the cache.
ImageKey key = ImageKey::FromDrawImage(image);
"SoftwareImageDecodeController::GetTaskForImageAndRef", "key",
// If the target size is empty, we can skip this image during draw (and thus
// we don't need to decode it or ref it).
if (key.target_size().IsEmpty()) {
*task = nullptr;
return false;
// If we're not going to do a scale, we will just create a task to preroll the
// image the first time we see it. This doesn't need to account for memory.
// TODO(vmpstr): We can also lock the original sized image, in which case it
// does require memory bookkeeping.
if (!CanHandleImage(key)) {
base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
if (prerolled_images_.count(key.image_id()) == 0) {
scoped_refptr<ImageDecodeTask>& existing_task = pending_image_tasks_[key];
if (!existing_task) {
existing_task = make_scoped_refptr(
new ImageDecodeTaskImpl(this, key, image, prepare_tiles_id));
*task = existing_task;
} else {
*task = nullptr;
return false;
base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
// If we already have the image in cache, then we can return it.
auto decoded_it = decoded_images_.Get(key);
bool new_image_fits_in_memory =
locked_images_budget_.AvailableMemoryBytes() >= key.locked_bytes();
if (decoded_it != decoded_images_.end()) {
if (decoded_it->second->is_locked() ||
(new_image_fits_in_memory && decoded_it->second->Lock())) {
*task = nullptr;
SanityCheckState(__LINE__, true);
return true;
// If the image fits in memory, then we at least tried to lock it and
// failed. This means that it's not valid anymore.
if (new_image_fits_in_memory)
// If the task exists, return it.
scoped_refptr<ImageDecodeTask>& existing_task = pending_image_tasks_[key];
if (existing_task) {
*task = existing_task;
SanityCheckState(__LINE__, true);
return true;
// At this point, we have to create a new image/task, so we need to abort if
// it doesn't fit into memory and there are currently no raster tasks that
// would have already accounted for memory. The latter part is possible if
// there's a running raster task that could not be canceled, and still has a
// ref to the image that is now being reffed for the new schedule.
if (!new_image_fits_in_memory && (decoded_images_ref_counts_.find(key) ==
decoded_images_ref_counts_.end())) {
*task = nullptr;
SanityCheckState(__LINE__, true);
return false;
// Actually create the task. RefImage will account for memory on the first
// ref.
existing_task = make_scoped_refptr(
new ImageDecodeTaskImpl(this, key, image, prepare_tiles_id));
*task = existing_task;
SanityCheckState(__LINE__, true);
return true;
void SoftwareImageDecodeController::RefImage(const ImageKey& key) {
"SoftwareImageDecodeController::RefImage", "key",
int ref = ++decoded_images_ref_counts_[key];
if (ref == 1) {
DCHECK_GE(locked_images_budget_.AvailableMemoryBytes(), key.locked_bytes());
void SoftwareImageDecodeController::UnrefImage(const DrawImage& image) {
// When we unref the image, there are several situations we need to consider:
// 1. The ref did not reach 0, which means we have to keep the image locked.
// 2. The ref reached 0, we should unlock it.
// 2a. The image isn't in the locked cache because we didn't get to decode
// it yet (or failed to decode it).
// 2b. Unlock the image but keep it in list.
const ImageKey& key = ImageKey::FromDrawImage(image);
"SoftwareImageDecodeController::UnrefImage", "key",
base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
auto ref_count_it = decoded_images_ref_counts_.find(key);
DCHECK(ref_count_it != decoded_images_ref_counts_.end());
if (ref_count_it->second == 0) {
auto decoded_image_it = decoded_images_.Peek(key);
// If we've never decoded the image before ref reached 0, then we wouldn't
// have it in our cache. This would happen if we canceled tasks.
if (decoded_image_it == decoded_images_.end()) {
SanityCheckState(__LINE__, true);
SanityCheckState(__LINE__, true);
void SoftwareImageDecodeController::DecodeImage(const ImageKey& key,
const DrawImage& image) {
TRACE_EVENT1("cc", "SoftwareImageDecodeController::DecodeImage", "key",
if (!CanHandleImage(key)) {
base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
// Erase the pending task from the queue, since the task won't be doing
// anything useful after this function terminates. Since we don't preroll
// images twice, this is actually not necessary but it behaves similar to
// the other code path: when this function finishes, the task isn't in the
// pending_image_tasks_ list.
base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
auto image_it = decoded_images_.Peek(key);
if (image_it != decoded_images_.end()) {
if (image_it->second->is_locked() || image_it->second->Lock()) {
scoped_refptr<DecodedImage> decoded_image;
base::AutoUnlock unlock(lock_);
decoded_image = DecodeImageInternal(key, image);
// Erase the pending task from the queue, since the task won't be doing
// anything useful after this function terminates. That is, if this image
// needs to be decoded again, we have to create a new task.
// Abort if we failed to decode the image.
if (!decoded_image)
// At this point, it could have been the case that this image was decoded in
// place by an already running raster task from a previous schedule. If that's
// the case, then it would have already been placed into the cache (possibly
// locked). Remove it if that was the case.
image_it = decoded_images_.Peek(key);
if (image_it != decoded_images_.end()) {
if (image_it->second->is_locked() || image_it->second->Lock()) {
// Make sure to unlock the decode we did in this function.
// We could have finished all of the raster tasks (cancelled) while this image
// decode task was running, which means that we now have a locked image but no
// ref counts. Unlock it immediately in this case.
if (decoded_images_ref_counts_.find(key) ==
decoded_images_ref_counts_.end()) {
decoded_images_.Put(key, std::move(decoded_image));
SanityCheckState(__LINE__, true);
const ImageKey& key,
const DrawImage& draw_image) {
"SoftwareImageDecodeController::DecodeImageInternal", "key",
const SkImage* image = draw_image.image();
// If we can use the original decode, then we don't need to do scaling. We can
// just read pixels into the final memory.
if (key.can_use_original_decode()) {
SkImageInfo decoded_info =
SkImageInfo::MakeN32Premul(image->width(), image->height());
scoped_ptr<base::DiscardableMemory> decoded_pixels;
"SoftwareImageDecodeController::DecodeImageInternal - allocate "
"decoded pixels");
decoded_pixels =
->AllocateLockedDiscardableMemory(decoded_info.minRowBytes() *
"SoftwareImageDecodeController::DecodeImageInternal - read pixels");
bool result = image->readPixels(decoded_info, decoded_pixels->data(),
decoded_info.minRowBytes(), 0, 0,
if (!result) {
return nullptr;
return make_scoped_refptr(new DecodedImage(
decoded_info, std::move(decoded_pixels), SkSize::Make(0, 0)));
// If we get here, that means we couldn't use the original sized decode for
// whatever reason. However, in all cases we do need an original decode to
// either do a scale or to extract a subrect from the image. So, what we can
// do is construct a key that would require a full sized decode, then get that
// decode via GetDecodedImageForDrawInternal(), use it, and unref it. This
// ensures that if the original sized decode is already available in any of
// the caches, we reuse that. We also ensure that all the proper locking takes
// place. If, on the other hand, the decode was not available,
// GetDecodedImageForDrawInternal() would decode the image, and unreffing it
// later ensures that we will store the discardable memory unlocked in the
// cache to be used by future requests.
SkSize identity_scale = SkSize::Make(1.f, 1.f);
bool matrix_has_perspective = false;
bool matrix_is_decomposable = true;
gfx::Rect full_image_rect(image->width(), image->height());
DrawImage original_size_draw_image(
image, gfx::RectToSkIRect(full_image_rect), identity_scale,
kNone_SkFilterQuality, matrix_has_perspective, matrix_is_decomposable);
ImageKey original_size_key =
// Sanity checks.
DCHECK(full_image_rect.size() == original_size_key.target_size());
auto decoded_draw_image = GetDecodedImageForDrawInternal(
original_size_key, original_size_draw_image);
if (!decoded_draw_image.image()) {
DrawWithImageFinished(original_size_draw_image, decoded_draw_image);
return nullptr;
SkPixmap decoded_pixmap;
bool result = decoded_draw_image.image()->peekPixels(&decoded_pixmap);
if (key.src_rect() != full_image_rect) {
result = decoded_pixmap.extractSubset(&decoded_pixmap,
// Now we have a decoded_pixmap which represents the src_rect at the
// original scale. All we need to do is scale it.
SkImageInfo scaled_info = SkImageInfo::MakeN32Premul(
key.target_size().width(), key.target_size().height());
scoped_ptr<base::DiscardableMemory> scaled_pixels;
"SoftwareImageDecodeController::DecodeImageInternal - allocate "
"scaled pixels");
scaled_pixels = base::DiscardableMemoryAllocator::GetInstance()
scaled_info.minRowBytes() * scaled_info.height());
SkPixmap scaled_pixmap(scaled_info, scaled_pixels->data(),
// TODO(vmpstr): Start handling more than just high filter quality.
DCHECK_EQ(kHigh_SkFilterQuality, key.filter_quality());
"SoftwareImageDecodeController::DecodeImageInternal - scale pixels");
bool result =
decoded_pixmap.scalePixels(scaled_pixmap, key.filter_quality());
// Release the original sized decode. Any other intermediate result to release
// would be the subrect memory. However, that's in a scoped_ptr and will be
// deleted automatically when we return.
DrawWithImageFinished(original_size_draw_image, decoded_draw_image);
return make_scoped_refptr(
new DecodedImage(scaled_info, std::move(scaled_pixels),
SkSize::Make(-key.src_rect().x(), -key.src_rect().y())));
DecodedDrawImage SoftwareImageDecodeController::GetDecodedImageForDraw(
const DrawImage& draw_image) {
ImageKey key = ImageKey::FromDrawImage(draw_image);
"SoftwareImageDecodeController::GetDecodedImageForDraw", "key",
// If the target size is empty, we can skip this image draw.
if (key.target_size().IsEmpty())
return DecodedDrawImage(nullptr, kNone_SkFilterQuality);
if (!CanHandleImage(key))
return DecodedDrawImage(draw_image.image(), draw_image.filter_quality());
return GetDecodedImageForDrawInternal(key, draw_image);
DecodedDrawImage SoftwareImageDecodeController::GetDecodedImageForDrawInternal(
const ImageKey& key,
const DrawImage& draw_image) {
"key", key.ToString());
base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
auto decoded_images_it = decoded_images_.Get(key);
// If we found the image and it's locked, then return it. If it's not locked,
// erase it from the cache since it might be put into the at-raster cache.
scoped_refptr<DecodedImage> decoded_image;
if (decoded_images_it != decoded_images_.end()) {
decoded_image = decoded_images_it->second;
if (decoded_image->is_locked()) {
SanityCheckState(__LINE__, true);
return DecodedDrawImage(
decoded_image->image(), decoded_image->src_rect_offset(),
GetScaleAdjustment(key), GetDecodedFilterQuality(key));
} else {
// See if another thread already decoded this image at raster time. If so, we
// can just use that result directly.
auto at_raster_images_it = at_raster_decoded_images_.Get(key);
if (at_raster_images_it != at_raster_decoded_images_.end()) {
SanityCheckState(__LINE__, true);
const scoped_refptr<DecodedImage>& at_raster_decoded_image =
auto decoded_draw_image =
GetScaleAdjustment(key), GetDecodedFilterQuality(key));
return decoded_draw_image;
// Now we know that we don't have a locked image, and we seem to be the first
// thread encountering this image (that might not be true, since other threads
// might be decoding it already). This means that we need to decode the image
// assuming we can't lock the one we found in the cache.
bool check_at_raster_cache = false;
if (!decoded_image || !decoded_image->Lock()) {
// Note that we have to release the lock, since this lock is also accessed
// on the compositor thread. This means holding on to the lock might stall
// the compositor thread for the duration of the decode!
base::AutoUnlock unlock(lock_);
decoded_image = DecodeImageInternal(key, draw_image);
// Skip the image if we couldn't decode it.
if (!decoded_image)
return DecodedDrawImage(nullptr, kNone_SkFilterQuality);
check_at_raster_cache = true;
// While we unlocked the lock, it could be the case that another thread
// already decoded this already and put it in the at-raster cache. Look it up
// first.
bool need_to_add_image_to_cache = true;
if (check_at_raster_cache) {
at_raster_images_it = at_raster_decoded_images_.Get(key);
if (at_raster_images_it != at_raster_decoded_images_.end()) {
// We have to drop our decode, since the one in the cache is being used by
// another thread.
decoded_image = at_raster_images_it->second;
need_to_add_image_to_cache = false;
// If we really are the first ones, or if the other thread already unlocked
// the image, then put our work into at-raster time cache.
if (need_to_add_image_to_cache)
at_raster_decoded_images_.Put(key, decoded_image);
SanityCheckState(__LINE__, true);
auto decoded_draw_image =
DecodedDrawImage(decoded_image->image(), decoded_image->src_rect_offset(),
GetScaleAdjustment(key), GetDecodedFilterQuality(key));
return decoded_draw_image;
void SoftwareImageDecodeController::DrawWithImageFinished(
const DrawImage& image,
const DecodedDrawImage& decoded_image) {
"SoftwareImageDecodeController::DrawWithImageFinished", "key",
ImageKey key = ImageKey::FromDrawImage(image);
if (!decoded_image.image() || !CanHandleImage(key))
if (decoded_image.is_at_raster_decode())
SanityCheckState(__LINE__, false);
void SoftwareImageDecodeController::RefAtRasterImage(const ImageKey& key) {
"SoftwareImageDecodeController::RefAtRasterImage", "key",
DCHECK(at_raster_decoded_images_.Peek(key) !=
void SoftwareImageDecodeController::UnrefAtRasterImage(const ImageKey& key) {
"SoftwareImageDecodeController::UnrefAtRasterImage", "key",
base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
auto ref_it = at_raster_decoded_images_ref_counts_.find(key);
DCHECK(ref_it != at_raster_decoded_images_ref_counts_.end());
if (ref_it->second == 0) {
auto at_raster_image_it = at_raster_decoded_images_.Peek(key);
DCHECK(at_raster_image_it != at_raster_decoded_images_.end());
// The ref for our image reached 0 and it's still locked. We need to figure
// out what the best thing to do with the image. There are several
// situations:
// 1. The image is not in the main cache and...
// 1a. ... its ref count is 0: unlock our image and put it in the main
// cache.
// 1b. ... ref count is not 0: keep the image locked and put it in the
// main cache.
// 2. The image is in the main cache...
// 2a. ... and is locked: unlock our image and discard it
// 2b. ... and is unlocked and...
// 2b1. ... its ref count is 0: unlock our image and replace the
// existing one with ours.
// 2b2. ... its ref count is not 0: this shouldn't be possible.
auto image_it = decoded_images_.Peek(key);
if (image_it == decoded_images_.end()) {
if (decoded_images_ref_counts_.find(key) ==
decoded_images_ref_counts_.end()) {
decoded_images_.Put(key, at_raster_image_it->second);
} else if (image_it->second->is_locked()) {
} else {
DCHECK(decoded_images_ref_counts_.find(key) ==
decoded_images_.Put(key, at_raster_image_it->second);
bool SoftwareImageDecodeController::CanHandleImage(const ImageKey& key) {
// TODO(vmpstr): Start handling medium filter quality as well.
return key.filter_quality() != kMedium_SkFilterQuality;
void SoftwareImageDecodeController::ReduceCacheUsage() {
TRACE_EVENT0("cc", "SoftwareImageDecodeController::ReduceCacheUsage");
base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
size_t num_to_remove = (decoded_images_.size() > kMaxItemsInCache)
? (decoded_images_.size() - kMaxItemsInCache)
: 0;
for (auto it = decoded_images_.rbegin();
num_to_remove != 0 && it != decoded_images_.rend();) {
if (it->second->is_locked()) {
it = decoded_images_.Erase(it);
void SoftwareImageDecodeController::RemovePendingTask(const ImageKey& key) {
base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
void SoftwareImageDecodeController::SanityCheckState(int line,
bool lock_acquired) {
if (!lock_acquired) {
base::AutoLock lock(lock_);
SanityCheckState(line, true);
MemoryBudget budget(kLockedMemoryLimitBytes);
for (const auto& image_pair : decoded_images_) {
const auto& key = image_pair.first;
const auto& image = image_pair.second;
auto ref_it = decoded_images_ref_counts_.find(key);
if (image->is_locked()) {
DCHECK(ref_it != decoded_images_ref_counts_.end()) << line;
} else {
DCHECK(ref_it == decoded_images_ref_counts_.end() ||
pending_image_tasks_.find(key) != pending_image_tasks_.end())
<< line;
<< line;
#endif // DCHECK_IS_ON()
// SoftwareImageDecodeControllerKey
ImageDecodeControllerKey ImageDecodeControllerKey::FromDrawImage(
const DrawImage& image) {
const SkSize& scale = image.scale();
// If the src_rect falls outside of the image, we need to clip it since
// otherwise we might end up with uninitialized memory in the decode process.
// Note that the scale is still unchanged and the target size is now a
// function of the new src_rect.
gfx::Rect src_rect = gfx::IntersectRects(
gfx::Rect(image.image()->width(), image.image()->height()));
gfx::Size target_size(
SkScalarRoundToInt(std::abs(src_rect.width() * scale.width())),
SkScalarRoundToInt(std::abs(src_rect.height() * scale.height())));
// Start with the quality that was requested.
SkFilterQuality quality = image.filter_quality();
// If we're not going to do a scale, we can use low filter quality. Note that
// checking if the sizes are the same is better than checking if scale is 1.f,
// because even non-1 scale can result in the same (rounded) width/height.
if (target_size.width() == src_rect.width() &&
target_size.height() == src_rect.height()) {
quality = std::min(quality, kLow_SkFilterQuality);
// Drop from high to medium if the image has perspective applied, the matrix
// we applied wasn't decomposable, or if the scaled image will be too large.
if (quality == kHigh_SkFilterQuality) {
if (image.matrix_has_perspective() || !image.matrix_is_decomposable()) {
quality = kMedium_SkFilterQuality;
} else {
base::CheckedNumeric<size_t> size = 4u;
size *= target_size.width();
size *= target_size.height();
if (size.ValueOrDefault(std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) >
kMaxHighQualityImageSizeBytes) {
quality = kMedium_SkFilterQuality;
// Drop from medium to low if the matrix we applied wasn't decomposable or if
// we're enlarging the image in both dimensions.
if (quality == kMedium_SkFilterQuality) {
if (!image.matrix_is_decomposable() ||
(scale.width() >= 1.f && scale.height() >= 1.f)) {
quality = kLow_SkFilterQuality;
bool can_use_original_decode =
quality == kLow_SkFilterQuality || quality == kNone_SkFilterQuality;
// If we're going to use the original decode, then the target size should be
// the full image size, since that will allow for proper memory accounting.
// Note we skip the decode if the target size is empty altogether, so don't
// update the target size in that case.
if (can_use_original_decode && !target_size.IsEmpty())
target_size = gfx::Size(image.image()->width(), image.image()->height());
return ImageDecodeControllerKey(image.image()->uniqueID(), src_rect,
target_size, quality,
uint32_t image_id,
const gfx::Rect& src_rect,
const gfx::Size& target_size,
SkFilterQuality filter_quality,
bool can_use_original_decode)
: image_id_(image_id),
can_use_original_decode_(can_use_original_decode) {
if (can_use_original_decode_) {
hash_ = std::hash<uint32_t>()(image_id_);
} else {
// TODO(vmpstr): This is a mess. Maybe it's faster to just search the vector
// always (forwards or backwards to account for LRU).
uint64_t src_rect_hash = base::HashInts(
static_cast<uint64_t>(base::HashInts(src_rect_.x(), src_rect_.y())),
base::HashInts(src_rect_.width(), src_rect_.height())));
uint64_t target_size_hash =
base::HashInts(target_size_.width(), target_size_.height());
hash_ = base::HashInts(base::HashInts(src_rect_hash, target_size_hash),
base::HashInts(image_id_, filter_quality_));
std::string ImageDecodeControllerKey::ToString() const {
std::ostringstream str;
str << "id[" << image_id_ << "] src_rect[" << src_rect_.x() << ","
<< src_rect_.y() << " " << src_rect_.width() << "x" << src_rect_.height()
<< "] target_size[" << target_size_.width() << "x"
<< target_size_.height() << "] filter_quality[" << filter_quality_
<< "] can_use_original_decode [" << can_use_original_decode_ << "] hash ["
<< hash_ << "]";
return str.str();
// DecodedImage
const SkImageInfo& info,
scoped_ptr<base::DiscardableMemory> memory,
const SkSize& src_rect_offset)
: locked_(true),
src_rect_offset_(src_rect_offset) {
image_ = skia::AdoptRef(SkImage::NewFromRaster(
image_info_, memory_->data(), image_info_.minRowBytes(),
[](const void* pixels, void* context) {}, nullptr));
SoftwareImageDecodeController::DecodedImage::~DecodedImage() {
bool SoftwareImageDecodeController::DecodedImage::Lock() {
bool success = memory_->Lock();
if (!success)
return false;
locked_ = true;
return true;
void SoftwareImageDecodeController::DecodedImage::Unlock() {
locked_ = false;
// MemoryBudget
SoftwareImageDecodeController::MemoryBudget::MemoryBudget(size_t limit_bytes)
: limit_bytes_(limit_bytes), current_usage_bytes_(0u) {}
size_t SoftwareImageDecodeController::MemoryBudget::AvailableMemoryBytes()
const {
size_t usage = GetCurrentUsageSafe();
return usage >= limit_bytes_ ? 0u : (limit_bytes_ - usage);
void SoftwareImageDecodeController::MemoryBudget::AddUsage(size_t usage) {
current_usage_bytes_ += usage;
void SoftwareImageDecodeController::MemoryBudget::SubtractUsage(size_t usage) {
DCHECK_GE(current_usage_bytes_.ValueOrDefault(0u), usage);
current_usage_bytes_ -= usage;
void SoftwareImageDecodeController::MemoryBudget::ResetUsage() {
current_usage_bytes_ = 0;
size_t SoftwareImageDecodeController::MemoryBudget::GetCurrentUsageSafe()
const {
return current_usage_bytes_.ValueOrDie();
} // namespace cc