blob: 86b648e9c81996367dec79ce5153815b2f250e34 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "components/arc/common/arc_bridge.mojom.h"
#include "components/arc/instance_holder.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/binding.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/interface_ptr.h"
namespace arc {
// Implementation of the ArcBridgeHost.
// The lifetime of ArcBridgeHost and ArcBridgeInstance mojo channels are tied
// to this instance. Also, any ARC related Mojo channel will be closed if
// either ArcBridgeHost or ArcBridgeInstance Mojo channels is closed on error.
// When ARC Instance (not Host) Mojo channel gets ready (= passed via
// OnFooInstanceReady(), and the QueryVersion() gets completed), then this sets
// the raw pointer to the ArcBridgeService so that other services can access
// to the pointer, and resets it on channel closing.
// Note that ArcBridgeService must be alive while ArcBridgeHostImpl is alive.
class ArcBridgeHostImpl : public mojom::ArcBridgeHost {
// Interface to keep the Mojo channel InterfacePtr.
class MojoChannel;
explicit ArcBridgeHostImpl(mojom::ArcBridgeInstancePtr instance);
~ArcBridgeHostImpl() override;
// ArcBridgeHost overrides.
void OnAppInstanceReady(mojom::AppInstancePtr app_ptr) override;
void OnAudioInstanceReady(mojom::AudioInstancePtr audio_ptr) override;
void OnAuthInstanceReady(mojom::AuthInstancePtr auth_ptr) override;
void OnBluetoothInstanceReady(
mojom::BluetoothInstancePtr bluetooth_ptr) override;
void OnClipboardInstanceReady(
mojom::ClipboardInstancePtr clipboard_ptr) override;
void OnCrashCollectorInstanceReady(
mojom::CrashCollectorInstancePtr crash_collector_ptr) override;
void OnEnterpriseReportingInstanceReady(
mojom::EnterpriseReportingInstancePtr enterprise_reporting_ptr) override;
void OnFileSystemInstanceReady(
mojom::FileSystemInstancePtr file_system_ptr) override;
void OnImeInstanceReady(mojom::ImeInstancePtr ime_ptr) override;
void OnIntentHelperInstanceReady(
mojom::IntentHelperInstancePtr intent_helper_ptr) override;
void OnMetricsInstanceReady(mojom::MetricsInstancePtr metrics_ptr) override;
void OnNetInstanceReady(mojom::NetInstancePtr net_ptr) override;
void OnNotificationsInstanceReady(
mojom::NotificationsInstancePtr notifications_ptr) override;
void OnObbMounterInstanceReady(
mojom::ObbMounterInstancePtr obb_mounter_ptr) override;
void OnPolicyInstanceReady(mojom::PolicyInstancePtr policy_ptr) override;
void OnPowerInstanceReady(mojom::PowerInstancePtr power_ptr) override;
void OnPrintInstanceReady(mojom::PrintInstancePtr print_ptr) override;
void OnProcessInstanceReady(mojom::ProcessInstancePtr process_ptr) override;
void OnStorageManagerInstanceReady(
mojom::StorageManagerInstancePtr storage_manager_ptr) override;
void OnTtsInstanceReady(mojom::TtsInstancePtr tts_ptr) override;
void OnVideoInstanceReady(mojom::VideoInstancePtr video_ptr) override;
// Called when the bridge channel is closed. This typically only happens when
// the ARC instance crashes.
void OnClosed();
// The common implementation to handle ArcBridgeHost overrides.
// |T| is a ARC Mojo Instance type.
template <typename T>
void OnInstanceReady(InstanceHolder<T>* holder, mojo::InterfacePtr<T> ptr);
// Called if one of the established channels is closed.
void OnChannelClosed(MojoChannel* channel);
base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
mojo::Binding<mojom::ArcBridgeHost> binding_;
mojom::ArcBridgeInstancePtr instance_;
// Put as a last member to ensure that any callback tied to the elements
// is not invoked.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<MojoChannel>> mojo_channels_;
} // namespace arc